What do you all do with canned salmon?



  • Lauramh31
    Lauramh31 Posts: 95 Member
    1. Nasty
    2. Feed it to the dogs. Seriously, I tried to make a salmon salad and it was inedible. The dogs appreciated it, however.

    haha that made me laugh out loud :laugh:

    My parents too used to make it like some of the others suggested - like a hamburger or "crab cake". It tastes good, not fishy and gross, but I'm not sure I could make a "tuna salad" out of it. I'm just not a huge fish person though...

    ETA: If you have kids, here is a tip: my dad would get clever and shape them to look like fish, as in the shape of those goldfish crackers.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I throw it in the trash.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I throw it in the trash.


    Or leave it right there on the shelf.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I like canned salmon (or you can buy it in the ready-to-eat pouches like tuna) in a spinach salad, or mixed with brown rice and veggies. But I really like tuna and salmon.

    They also sell various frozen salmon fillets (I think the brand is Gortons?) in various flavors including lemon pepper, that you can just bake or microwave. Pretty good for frozen fish ;)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    A few other ideas..
    * Salmon mornay (use in place of tuna)
    * Salmon dip - salmon, cottage cheese, little diced onion for a kick. Great on rice cakes with tomato etc
    * Salmon Rice Pie (recipe below - not sure the calorie count)

    3cup cooked rice (white or brown), 1 tbl butter, 1 beaten egg,

    Cook rice. While still hot, add butter& fold in beaten egg. Place rice in well greased 9" pie plate, press firmly against bottom & sides with bottom of spoon.

    1 cup grated tasty cheese, 1/2 cup chopped onion, 1 cup chopped celery, 8oz drained salmon, 3/4 cup milk (scalded), 2 eggs, salt & pepper, sliced tomato, extra cheese

    Sprinkle 1/2 cup cheese over rice. Fry onion & celery until tender, add to pie crust with flaked salmon. Combine milk, eggs, cheese & seasonings & pour over salmon. Bake mod oven 400 deg for 25 mins until set. During last 4 mins, top with sliced tomato and extra cheese.

    Best to start with smaller slices - can be a bit too much for people that don't have salmon often. Its nice while hot, or to have cold with a salad the next day.
    bumping for something new to try
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Mix some zero calorie seasonings into that joint and throw it on a tortilla.
  • I'll eat an occasional homemade tuna sandwich, but I absolutely loathe fish (smells like cat food to me), and this is the only cooked fish dish I'll eat. Healthy and it doesn't taste like hot cat food! Just sayin'.

    (I tried salmon patties, but can't flip 'em in the pan, so I make salmon hash instead.)

    Mrs. Gittagitta's Salmon Hash

    2 cans salmon, drained, spine and skin removed (yep, it's an icky job...I'm a wuss so I use latex gloves)
    1 red bell pepper diced...some goes into the kids as they snitch, some goes to the puppy who begs, so really 3/4 pepper
    2 green onions diced or a squirt of garlic paste...green onion is better
    juice of 1/2 lemon (if the fish smell is grossing me out, I add the juice of the whole thing. Makes it less smelly)
    old bay seasoning...I just shake the heck out of the can on the shaker setting, but probably a teaspoon
    1 egg
    a teaspoon of dijon or worcestershire, whichever i find in the fridge first...leave this out if you've gone hogwild on the lemon
    1/4 C brown rice "bread crumbs", or breadcrumbs, or cracker crumbs

    mix in the bowl like a mad scientist, heat a skillet on medium, drizzle in 1 T olive oil, a squirt of non-stick spray because the olive oil looks sad now that I'm using less, and plop in the fish mix.

    Sautee until hot through, so the egg is cooked, and then let it sit on in the pan on the burner for 3-4 minutes without touching it if your crazy husband loves crusty bits...if not, it's ready to serve with brown rice and grilled veggies.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    my cat SNICKERS likes it.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    I open the can and eat it. Both tuna and salmon are good. Sometimes i add mustard to tuna. Great protein and they hold me over.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Bumping for later!

    I LOVE salmon cakes, but I hate cleaning the canned salmon. Totally didnt know you could get it without the skin and bones....(bones never bothered me, I would mix that in, but the skin creeps me out really bad)

    Gotta get some more when I hit the store and try some of the recipes posted here!
  • FaithRunner29
    FaithRunner29 Posts: 11 Member
    Growing up my mom made awesome salmon patties and I love the stuff. Now I make salmon patties with a lemon caper sauce, and steamed spinach. Yum!!! My daughter love them too. We also like to eat the bones, they are a great source of calcium and add a bit of texture to them.


    Not the healthiest but a nice change to a regular salmon patty.
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 391 Member
    Add Canned salmon, sauted mushrooms and onions, garlic to light pasta alfredo sauce. Serve over pasta with fresh ground pepper.

    Hollowed out tomato filled with canned salmon, chopped celery, chopped green onions, chopped dill pickles and light mayo. Again with fresh ground pepper.

    Excellent as posted earlier in white chowder soups.

    Mix quinoa into salmon patties for added texture and protein.

    Can be added to already intense flavored/spiced foods like chili for added protein and negligible taste difference. Stir fry dishes
    Add smoked salmon to spicy pizza. Experiment with wraps, enchiladas and taco dishes. If you are sensitive to a "fishy" taste, disguise it in spicy dishes. Salmon is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids for your heart health. Fish bones are softened by canning process and are a great source of dietary calcium.
  • Tony_420
    Tony_420 Posts: 1
    I make salmon patties instead of crackers I use Italian bread crumbs. Since the price of canned salmon has gone up over the past year or so I now use canned mackerel instead.
  • lintino
    lintino Posts: 526 Member
    I like canned salmon a lot, bones and skin!!

    Try adding it to a cream sauce with a bit of onion, peas (canned, drained or frozen) When it is nice and hot serve it over split, fresh baked biscuits. Yummy!
  • Mmmmmm! Salmon patties! My mother made really good ones, but I've always had trouble keeping them from falling apart, so I make salmon loaf instead. Tastes about the same, but it's easier for me to make.


    1 egg
    1 c. milk
    1/4 c. melted butter
    3 slices soft bread, cubed
    1/2 tsp. salt
    2 (1-lb.) cans salmon, boned and skin removed

    In large mixing bowl beat egg slightly; mix with milk, butter, bread cubes, salt and salmon, blending well. Pack firmly in greased 9-inch pie plate. Cover with waxed paper. Microwave at high for 9 to 11 minutes, rotating dish 1/2 turn after 5 minutes (Not necessary in microwaves with turntables. This recipe dates from pre-turntable times.) Let stand 10 minutes before slicing. Makes 6 to 8 servings.

    I've been known to halve the recipe (except for the egg) and it still works just fine.
  • Costco's canned salmon is good. In fact, we just had it tonight. Just be sure to buy the boneless skinless kind. There is some you can buy with skin in it and it is super fishy (we couldn't even eat it). Our favorite recipe with it is Rachel Ray's salmon cakes. It calls for 3 cans but I made it with 2 and with only 1 egg and it was enough for 4 of us. Even the kids (9 and10) like it!
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    Salmon Patties it is!

    My wife LOVES em' but she has to cook them on a day I work because they make the house super smelly. I can tell from the driveway when she's made them. They don't taste near as bad as they smell.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    I adore salmon in all its myriad forms - raw, cooked, frozen, fresh, canned, smoked - you name it, I'll happily eat it. Personally, I prefer the canned salmon with the bones in: loaded with calcium, and I love the texture. Still, it's not to everyone's liking.

    These salmon patties are amazing, even with canned salmon: http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2011/02/recipe-for-asian-flavored-wild-salmon.html
  • MissB0949
    MissB0949 Posts: 142 Member
    Growing up my mom made awesome salmon patties and I love the stuff. Now I make salmon patties with a lemon caper sauce, and steamed spinach. Yum!!! My daughter love them too. We also like to eat the bones, they are a great source of calcium and add a bit of texture to them.


    Not the healthiest but a nice change to a regular salmon patty.

    I love salmon patties. This lemon caper sauce sounds delicious. It will be a nice change of pace from the ketchup I typically use.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Give to the cat.

    Dubious about fresh salmon? Really? Have you actually tried it?