Got 100 LBS + to loose want friends with SAME



  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    I've lost the first 100, also very frustrated right now with a plateau. Anyone can add me! We can all support each other!
  • EmmaJackson130
    EmmaJackson130 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi Robin I'm Emma I've got 150lb to lose in total, I've almost done my first 50 so just 106lbs left to go. I'm not going anywhere so feel free to add me if you would like too :)
  • Sarahland
    Sarahland Posts: 65 Member
    I've lost 34 out of my 135 pound goal. Anyone is qelcome to add me :)
  • Jodiekate
    Jodiekate Posts: 42 Member
    I'm in the same position, I have roughly 100 to lose and know how hard it is. Always nice to have friends in the same position.
  • I'm a seventeen year-old Junior in highschool.
    I have type two diabetes, and I'm very much over weight.
    I can't fit in all the name brand clothes, and everyone makes fun of me.
    I'm ready to loose this weight. And I am going to do it.
    It'd be great if you all could be my weightloss family.
    I'll help you if you help me.
    Feel free to add me, as well :)
  • EqualLove
    EqualLove Posts: 14 Member
    I have about 70 to lose!
  • AshleighTB
    AshleighTB Posts: 18 Member
    Hey! You can add me too, I have about just over 100 I'd like to lose too
  • ThisIsForMyLife
    ThisIsForMyLife Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Robyn, I'm Rae, I also have 100lbs to lose and am in for the long haul, too. Would like to be friends and support each other!

    I'm starting exactly today and am determined to keep track of what I eat (usually helps me be mindful of what I'm eating) and keep to what MFP has recommened for me.

    How about you?:smile:
  • Lunarbeanie
    Lunarbeanie Posts: 107 Member
    Hello, feel free to add me. I'm on month 2 of my journey. I still have another 100+ pounds to lose. I'm on here everyday
  • Hi I have about a 100 lbs to lose also and could use friends. Ill friend you.
  • itstime0214
    itstime0214 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me please, I would love the extra support. Especially from those in similar battles. I was at a doc that I had not seen in a long time. She said, oh, you weigh 100 pound more than the last time you were here... Yes, I know, thanks for pointing it out though. That was while I was on a low carb diet, pre birth control and low thiroid diagnosis. I hope I can get back there again, the smart, slow, healthy way!
  • Jedil
    Jedil Posts: 62
    You can add me if you like. I had a total of 170 pounds to lose and I have lost 90 pounds of it so far with 80 more to go. I am in it for the long haul and would be happy to be an encouraging MFP friend and be encouraged by you as well.
  • tubbytwilek
    tubbytwilek Posts: 9 Member
    I just signed up for MFP but I am in it to win it - anyone here feel free to add me
    This isn't the only app I am using to motivate myself plus I started to blog about my ups and downs last week to hold myself accountable - looking forward to making friends so we can motivate each other :P

    my blog if anyone is interested
  • I would be glad to add you! I have 100+ pounds to lose also. I have now been using MFP for 10 days, and I definitely do not plan on going anywhere. It has been extremely helpful to me so far, and now I'm basically hooked on it. I am looking for more friends to add on here. Anyone who is reading this, feel free to add me!!
  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    Hi guys and girls,

    I'm new here and I have a lot of weight to lose as well. I'd like to lose more than 100lbs, so please, fell free to add me, I need all the support I can get. Let's do it together! :)
  • ollilolli
    ollilolli Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! My name is Angie, and I'm looking down the long, long road at needing to lose 180 pounds. I have been messing around with "getting started" on this weight loss journey for way too long. Now, I'm playing for keeps. What helps me the most is just taking it one day at a time- the future will take care of itself. Good luck to everyone on this journey - it really does help to know I'm not alone!
  • got over 100 lbs to use and plan an being here for a while.
    feel free to add me
  • Add me to your list...I am just starting out and I need to stay focused!!!!
  • MaryE1961
    MaryE1961 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Robin, I have been with MFP for 5-6 months and have lost 30 and looking for another 70-100. I am just revamping my mission and looking for friends to help inspire me too!
  • crystalrenees27
    crystalrenees27 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Robyn,

    I have well over 100lbs to lose and I cant seem to stay on the downward slope. It really helps to have friends with simialr goals so that we can keep each other motivated. I like your "come hell or high water" comment, i have been feeling the same way... I will lose this weight no matter what! Keep positive and good luck, anything could happen. :)