
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi

    :flowerforyou: Sorry can’t remember who mentioned finding the posts in ‘my topics’, here’s what someone on this thread told me.
    Under my topics it shows who posted last and how long ago, if you click on ‘view’ at the side of their name it takes you to the last topic posted on the thread. You can then work backwards to find out where you left off.

    :flowerforyou: Megblair I’m working around the colour scheme of the furniture and curtains :bigsmile: certainly can't afford to change them at the moment!

    :flowerforyou: Carol that is what I will do today, buy some little tester pots of paint. Unfortunately although hubby hasn’t got an eye for colours, neither have I :embarassed: Although I don't let this on to hubby :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Katia thanks for the boating advice. Hubby and Son will be given a quick training session on how to drive (steer) the boat. As hubby is the narcoleptic I’ve asked son to keep an eye on him. Mentioned to grandson that he keeps his life jacket on at all times!! (his mum had the sense to make sure he has learned to swim) I just hope the weather is good, then we can spend most of our time off the boat and on dry land :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm sure we'll have a good time (she says trying to convince herself) :noway: :noway: :huh:

    Welcome Shari good luck on your journey to better health :drinker: :drinker:

    :ohwell: Time has gotten away from me again, better get ready to go into town - now need to decide what colour tester pots to buy, they are so expensive I'll only be able to get 3 or 4 - will that be enough :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Happy Monday

    Viv UK
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    After a lovely sunny day yesterday, London is grey again today. I fell into the 'maybe I don't need to wear as many layers today' trap and am now extremely grateful that I left a warm cardigan at work.

    I have come to the conclusion that I really do need to up my intake of protein. It's a constant struggle for me as I'm a vegetarian and I really love my veggies. Normally it is a good thing to fill up on veg, but I'm finding that I have little room left for the serious protein. Must try harder - so that is my goal for April.

    I have another busy week at work - six days straight and I have to find time to do a huge stocktake before Friday. Hmm, great timing!

    Next Monday I have my next appointment at the hospital about my chronic IBS - bleurgh. Will be pleased if they can ease it in any way.

    Must get on with some work my friends

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm in a rush to get out the door so will have to go back later and read the newest posts. I just had to share one thing.... got on the scale this morning and I am officially down 25 pounds since I started in January! I have a few not-so-pleasant things that I am dealing with right now so seeing the results on the scale this morning were a BIG boost!

    To put things in perspective, I need to lose at least that much again but I am super happy with how much progress I've made in three months. And what makes me even happier is that I feel like I've made some real changes in my eating and exercising habits so maybe I won't hit this spot coming back the other way some day in the future.

    Gotta run; I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Hi, I'm just starting Fitness Pal. Lost 1 pound this week and hoping to lose at least 2 a week this month.
    My danger zone is when I have a LONG day at work, gone from 730-5 or 6 sometimes if I stop somewhere after work, and then I want to crash and veg. I deal with the public all day and it can be nice or be very draining.
    My goal is to exercise 3-4 days during the work week and on the weekends, whether it's just strength or cardio or both.

    I have 50 pounds to lose but I'm trying to break it up in my mind in 10lb increments.
  • teresa1121
    teresa1121 Posts: 113 Member
    Over 50 and this is so hard.. So the more support the better this is where i get it from.. Good luck to all on there journey looking forward to this thread!
  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Friends,
    I am trying a new pattern, getting on in the a.m. and starting off my day right.
    Debra good progress, and glad you are on now. I am relatively new here too. This is a wonderful group of women, I have been just reading for a month as I was trying to orient myself to so much, changing my life, signing in regularly and then taking part in this forum/topic.
    Visit with you all later. Off to help the Marines with their IT needs,

    Marcia, Northern Va
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Hi everyone, just wanted to tell you all that my lb has finally shifted! !
    So relieved and excited. - I have now lost 40 lbs.
    I did it by going up 100 on my exercise and being a bit more strict on the cals. - no cheating!
    Now I want to get down 2 more lbs to make it a nice round 3 stone, UK style.
    Then maybe another 8 lbs? I want to be within the normal bmi. - I am still officially overweight, but not by much.
    To the new lady with the health issues, hang on in there. Do the physio religiously. I have cured so many health issues through targeted exercise. Knees included, which were shot. Every little counts. Currently every morning, in bed, I do face, feet, arm and pelvic floor exercises, and arms, all sometimes at the same time! It takes less than 15 mins. I also do lymphatic drainage massage for my arm.
    All have had results, even the face ones, for those of you who were interested, and it's been just under two weeks. My nose to mouth lines which I hated as they made me look so sad and tired are definitely less obvious. Neck is still turkeyish, but that is loose skin. I will keep on with it and I must say I was not expecting results so early.
    Love to all. It's so good to have people to share these little gains with. My husband is great (he is super skinny), but most people who are bigger don't want to hear. I will have to keep quiet at a family lunch today. They can all eat for England!
    I love them so much, but my brother is type 2 diabetic with eye problems and my sister in law has endless health problems with breathing and chest infections. I will keep mum unless I am asked directly.
    You all have been such a help.
  • suziq2708
    suziq2708 Posts: 14
    So long as you stick within your daily/weekly calorie allowance, you will still lose weight (or maintain if that's the stage you're at). Apart from the health aspect's of exercise and the additional calories it gives you, then it really does not affect your weight loss, it's the eating/drinking that does that. Hope your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery :) --edit: didn't 'quote' sorry still learning! :flowerforyou:
  • suziq2708
    suziq2708 Posts: 14
    Having surgery in 10 days. Won't be able to exercise for 6 - 8 weeks after. How to keep my weight down while inactive is a big worry.
    Need help with a nutrition plan for recovery.

    So long as you stick within your daily/weekly calorie allowance, you will still lose weight (or maintain if that's the stage you're at). Apart from the health aspect's of exercise and the additional calories it gives you, then it really does not affect your weight loss, it's the eating/drinking that does that. Hope your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery :)
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    Regardless of DAILY 30 min elliptical workouts or 3 mile Leslie Sansone walking dvd, along with watching food intake and upping the daily fruit,..I lose like about 1 lb a month; ( Doc says Im doing great considering that Im smack in the middle of menopause plus a 20 plus years long battle with Hashiotos thyroid (which I have also been dealing with sonograms and biopsies on enlarging nodules which have inconclusive results so I need to have more testing grrr) very frustrated but still trying to be optomistic and hope that scale starts moving again!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Will not try to reply to everyone this morning, but know I`m thinking about you!

    Meg :smile: Sure hope you get to feeling better, I think we keep passing it to each other! Lol at your sinuses and uterus falling out:laugh: .

    Tari :smile: It`s very irritating to get the wallpaper off only to find you have to do repairs before you paint. We had that problem once and I swore I would never have wallpaper again, so much easier to be able to just repaint when you`re tired of the color!

    Glenda :smile: I too agree on behavior goals, my scale is down right being nasty to me:sad: ! It is amazing how tired I get playing the granddaughters, they seem to have a never ending supply of energy. My daughter told me they were exhausted though when they got home and both went to bed early. I`m going to tackle the hula hoop again today, I had to have a day of rest, my back was a bit sore, as well as my arms, I`m wondering what I was doing to make my arms so sore:noway: , glad we don`t have a video of it:laugh: !

    Ckish:smile: Welcome to the group!!! Donating things that no longer bring you joy, what a fabulous idea! Keep coming back and chatting with us!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Welcome! Congrats for being your lowest weight in 8 yrs!!!! Having no time frame is a wonderful thing, as losing weight sometimes takes much longer than we expect:grumble: ! Come in often and chat!

    Jen:smile: Hi! Good to see you again! It is all about sustainable habits, I need to remember that!!!

    Renny :smile: Congrats on your race!!! Are your legs feeling better today?

    Grandmaillie :smile: Don`t let the scale depress you, you will always weigh more in the afternoons or at night just because you`ve consumed food throughout the day! Never ever give up, don`t let the scale have such power over you!!!

    Katla :smile: The guys loved my mug!!! They told me they could never forget I`m the Queen because I keep reminding them all the time:smile: . My 6 yr. old granddaughter loved it too, I let her have milk in it on Saturday, she wanted to take it home and I told her no, she could drink out of when she’s here.

    Marcia :smile: Walking is good, take it easy until your knees are healed!

    Eileen :smile: I`m glad you got to see your parents! I miss mine everyday! Congrats on being slimmer than your sisters, great NSV!!!

    Margaretturk :smile: Good goals!!!

    Michele :smile: My hands tend to swell from too much sodium, along with my eyelids:huh: , I find that kind of strange. Glad you like Jessica’s boyfriend, sounds like he`s a good influence on her! It sounds like there is so much going on with Bryan, almost like he`s trying to hurt you for some reason. It make me sad, I so hope things will turn around for you! If you click on My Topics look to the right side and it will say view, click on that and it will take you to the last post, work back from there, it`s easier than having to go to the start each time!

    Foodie:smile: Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation! With all the hours you work, you certainly deserve a good vaca!!! Glad your mom is doing better!

    Liz :smile: Good for you speaking up for yourself! I like taking time out for quiet time each morning, gets your day started out good!

    Barbie :smile: Glad your roofers did such a good job cleaning up!!! I have a hard time imaging you eating pizza:noway: , at least you got some veggies in! I`m sure your babies will be so happy to see you! Glad Jake got a great report!

    Carol :smile: 85% completed, you`re doing great!

    Shari325 :smile: Welcome! Keep coming back, you`ll get loads of support here! Your goals sound very good!

    Viv :smile: Let us know about the colors, I love decorating and picking new colors out. You and Carol are inspiring me to maybe tackle some projects around my home. Last year Michele inspired me to replace my outdoor lighting and I love it!

    Amanda :smile: I try to keep a jacket in my car all the time, I tend to be cold natured and I don`t like being cold!!! Hope they can find a way to ease your IBS!!!

    Sandy :smile: Congrats on being 25 lbs down since Jan!!!

    Well, this is long and I`ve run totally out of time.
    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny and warm NC:glasses:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    morning ladies,
    well your body is funny isnt it? I lost a couple of ounces yesterday lol, after getting on the scale last night..
    love that meatball grinder (sub) recipe will have to try it...
    went to the gym, and did ok.. sorta hard to do everything without my DH here, but nice knowing that he is such a help..
    I am glad he is down in Florida and I hope he relaxes and enjoys himself.. He is the type to alway's be doing something. the only time I ever see him not do anything is when we are on a cruise :laugh
    The weather is gonna be awesome this week, but a bit rainy , like someone said, april showers bring may flowers.glad everyone that went visiting had a good time. and will check in later tonight..
    Happy Sprin Ya'll:flowerforyou:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Good Monday Morning! For those of you who pray, please keep my DH in your prayers. He had a heart attack on Friday night and got a stent in a blocked artery. Hopefully is coming home today. Will go back in in a few weeks for another dye test and perhaps another stent. The most difficult part is that he has smoked for the last 50 years and will just have to stop.
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Monday Motivation:

    I tried on a bunch of dresses I have not worn since '06 and save for 2 with a more fitted waist....they FIT!!!

    Happy Progress Everyone!!

    PeachesStateGal... best wished headed your way.
  • kim2walker
    kim2walker Posts: 52 Member
    Cityjane: I am interested doing the face and neck exercises. Areas for my focus would be similar to you; the lines from corner of mouth down, jawline and under the neck. i have looked on you tube and there are such a lot to choose from... have you got any recommendations?
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Katla – Soooo agree with you about behavior goals instead of/in addition to outcome goals. Last week my scale wasn’t reflecting “victories” but my pants were! As for your wallet artisan, that is why they are artists, no???

    Rosalin – Welcome and here’s hoping Spring allows you to get out there and prep your garden! :flowerforyou:

    Jodi from OR – Welcome, I believe if you utilize the tools on this site and log (all) your foods and exercise you’ll find that you will identify your habits and triggers which will give you the tools you need to lose the weight you feel you need to.

    Gonzamm – Hey, congratulations!!!!! One pound is something to celebrate :drinker:

    Liz in Idaho – Hope your family heard you and respond to your request for more fairness in the household! :angry:

    Kathyszoo – Yay for 2 pounds!!! Nice too that the store clerk noticed

    DeeDee – ‘Tis good to be Queen - - ‘Tis great be hula-hooping Queen! :wink:

    Mollybesweet – Welcome!

    Jodios – Wow, what a great class you taught – wish I could be one of your students :smile:

    Marcy from Canada – Welcome, this group will be a great addition of support to your MFP experience!

    Lin – thanks for the yummy-sounding recipe

    Gail – Wow, what a workout you had in your yard!! Great job, bet it felt good to “cross it off the list”.

    Meg – Hoping your medicated self feels much better soon and that you can get outside and take advantage of the weather at some point :tongue:

    Yanniejannie – Welcome and congratulations on your successful weigh loss so far! Join us often

    Jen from NY – Good for you for getting in your 20 minutes, enjoy the sunshine while you can!

    Eileen near SD – Glad you were able to see your family, and you’re right about the NSV of being “thinnest sister”! Good for you, too for walking stairs to offset your eating

    Barbie – Glad you’re home and Jake is doing so well, by the time you read this you’ll have reunited with your furkids! :happy: Good that your roof is complete and looks great.

    Shari325 – Wow, what a journey you’ve had! Glad you’re here, I think you’ll find the support and wisdom of this group to be a real blessing as you move toward health

    Ohiomomof2 – Yay for your 25 pounds gone!!! :drinker:

    Debraran1 – Welcome and good for you for setting up “mini-goals”, reward yourself along the way

    CityJaneLondon - “They can all eat for England!” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Peachstategal – Prayers to you and your husband. :flowerforyou: Hoping he does come home today. I quit smoking 4 years ago (after 30+ years) - - so know it CAN be done!

    LisaInUP – Awesome NSV, “new” clothes are so much fun – great way to start the week! :drinker:

    Brooke in Colorado
    (where it is to be in the 60's today with snow again tomorrow - sheesh!!!!!!!!!) :noway: :grumble: :noway:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Eileen: I’m glad you got to see your mom and dad. Congratulations on being the slimmest sister. NSV’s are the best.:bigsmile:

    Barbie: Glad you’re home and happy with the work that was done. It sounds like you had a good contractor. I’d love to hear what you and Jake put onto your pizza.:flowerforyou:

    Viv: I envy you. I hope you will have a great vacation and enjoy shore trips at destinations all along the way. I hope you’ll also learn to enjoy the “floaty feeling” that I love so much on the water.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I’ve always wondered what a vegetarian does to fill their protein needs. Do you eat eggs and cheese, or find ways to manage with exclusively plant proteins? :huh:

    DeeDee: My hands sometimes swell at night and when I check my sodium intake from the preceding day it is below my daily allowance. I wonder what else I’m consuming that might contribute to stiff or puffy fingers. When my fingers are puffy I sometimes have a wrong way scale day.:frown:

    peaschstategal: Your husband is in my prayers. I hope the stents do their job. Nicotine addiction is a tough one. I hope he is able to quit.:flowerforyou:

    Today is my dog’s day to go to the groomer. I’m going to have to get ready to take him in because he has an early appointment. Have a good day, everyone.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning, happy Monday! Some of you will be starting the week with all good intentions (like me) of getting in a good workout. I had planned to get to the track this morning but since I laid awake for a couple of hours during the night, I slept in. So, Plan B is in order. Yoga, strength, weights and aerobics. I will not be like Will this week!! :laugh:

    The Doctor has told Will that he should start a fitness programme......and Will, not wanting to harm his old, rather corpulent, body, has decided to put the following weekly regimen into practise:

    Day 1

    Beat around the bush several times
    Jump to conclusions all the time
    Climb the walls
    Wade through the daily paper from start to finish

    Day 2

    Drag my heels constantly
    Push my luck all the time
    Make mountains out of mole hills
    Hit the nail on the head regularly

    Day 3

    Bend over backwards
    Jump onto the latest bandwagon
    Run around in circles all day

    Day 4

    Advise the Prime Minister how to run the country
    Blow my own trumpet constantly
    Pull out all the stops for just today
    Add fuel to the fire

    Day 5

    Open a can of worms
    Put my foot in my mouth regularly
    Start the ball rolling often
    Go over the edge in the evening

    Day 6

    Pick up the pieces
    Raise the roof
    Lift a pint many times
    Skip the washing up

    Day 7

    Kneel in prayer
    Bow my head in thanksgiving
    Raise my hands in praise
    Hug and cuddle someone and encourage them
    What an amazing workout! :tongue:

    Have a great day everyone.

    :smile: jb in wet, drippy Portland
  • spirit05
    spirit05 Posts: 204 Member
    It's good to know this group is here. Have been struggling a long time, thought I was on the right track but once again, gained 6 lb. over the weekend... and this weekend I was more active than I have been in years outside of my daily workout. I am beginning to think that the quality of calories consumed is as important as the quantity!
  • wilka56
    wilka56 Posts: 1
    Just getting started, not so sure I can do this, but my family is trying to all work together, so here we goooooooooooooooo!