your too skinny



  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I dropped 23 pounds and have been told I'm too skinny but I don't think 125 pounds at 5'3" is too skinny. I am at my goal weight and plan to stay there as I'm happy at this size.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Some family members make those kind of comments out of concern. As we get closer to our goal people cannot see what it is that we are trying to lose. As for others, just smile and nod, The conversation ends if you do not engage them.

    I looked back thru last week, and I think if you avg out your daily net you might be closer to 1600 - 1800. If you are weightlifting and you are at 17% BF I think your protein levels are a little low.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    I think that with fewer "normal" weighted people out there, only being 10-20 lbs overweight looks thin. I was watching an '80's movie (When Harry met Sally) and noticed how thin everybody looked. Our standards have shifted in the wrong direction for health.

    Also, give you are losing almost 100 pounds, people will see you as skinny. Good for you at keeping the healthy lifestyle.
  • VoiceOfTrenton
    VoiceOfTrenton Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5' 11", I've been 168 before, and no one's ever called me 'too skinny'. My goal weight is 180 (and right now I'm 188), but when I hit that, it's my personal decision: doctors would rather see me at 175 or 170, but you tend to get a feel for what's a healthy weight, and that won't always match up to a chart or a doctor's expectations.

    While we're on the subject of charts--the ones in your doctor's office are artificially low: they're put there by outside companies (insurance, pharmaceuticals) that want you to perpetually believe yourself fat because in the long run it suits their interests. IGNORE THEM--again, go with what feels good.

    At 190 I've NEVER had anyone say I'm too skinny--and I've actually got a lot of muscle on my lower body that adds to my weight but doesn't make me look 'muscular' to where people would assume it's fat.

    Hope that helps--one last note though: it's extremely hard to build muscle bulk and lose weight at the same time. Do one, then do the other and as Brad805 suggests, look into adding protein because it helps both with muscle mass and with repair after workouts. I prefer GNC's Whey Isolate and I recommend against doing Creatine.
  • VoiceOfTrenton
    VoiceOfTrenton Posts: 17 Member
    On a side note, my daughter is extremely skinny, and my family comments on this all the time. The thing is, she's not hit puberty, and she does a LOT of sports and she eats healthy--she's the only kid I know who only likes sweets once in a while (and she was the only baby I'd ever seen where broccoli was the treat she'd get if she ate all her green beans).

    Her doctors have said NOTHING about her weight except that she's got the build of a future Olympic athlete. When I use that line, people tend to stop asking and they're happy. As long as your doctor's not worried about your weight, you shouldn't care about other people worrying about your weight. :)
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    Some family members make those kind of comments out of concern. As we get closer to our goal people cannot see what it is that we are trying to lose. As for others, just smile and nod, The conversation ends if you do not engage them.

    I looked back thru last week, and I think if you avg out your daily net you might be closer to 1600 - 1800. If you are weightlifting and you are at 17% BF I think your protein levels are a little low.

    thanks... I have been trying to up my calories in small ways getting ready to switch from losing weight to maintaining for a while... I am adding a protein drink to my daily workout... so hopefully that will help a little... I'm at that nervous stage right now...

    when you have something that has been working making changes (like adding 4-500 extra calories a day) seems like a big deal... time will tell...

    everyone else thanks for taking your time to respond...
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    I think that with fewer "normal" weighted people out there, only being 10-20 lbs overweight looks thin. I was watching an '80's movie (When Harry met Sally) and noticed how thin everybody looked. Our standards have shifted in the wrong direction for health.

    Also, give you are losing almost 100 pounds, people will see you as skinny. Good for you at keeping the healthy lifestyle.

    yeah I chalk alot of it up to the major difference... most people don't recognize me anymore... and many of the people who have made those comments are either overweight or obese... I'd never tell them that as its not my place...

    I did not lose the weight for anyone else... I did it for me... I was fine with my weight... I was always a big guy and that was who I was... but when I joined the fire department I had problems with the stamina aspects of it... also fitting in tight spaces (which is kind of a requirement)... looking back I am glad I had those problems otherwise I would not have done this...
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    I have just got told I was too skinny on the phone by someone who hasn't seen me for 8 months. That was just weird especially as I am far from skinny. I am not interested in BMI but if someone did use it, I am still 26.5 with the intention to lose just 3 or 4 more pounds to settle on 26. She said she was pleased that in the last week I had put weight back on as I had a week off as I was too thin ! I did go up 6 pounds very quickly and it stayed for 8 days and now I am a pound lighter again. It will come down around half a pound a day.

    It is more like that people have got used to seeing me overweight my whole life and now I look normal in just a couple of years and it looks strange to them. I am also lighter than several people who have let themselves go a bit.

    5' 7"
    SW 373 pounds !!
    GW 172 pounds but will like to be under 170 a little bit.
  • newlifeforlucas
    My friends have been telling me that I'm too skinny recently, and used it as an excuse to try to make me eat crisps, chocolate, biscuits etc- if they're really worried about my health why would they try to give me unhealthy foods?
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Agree with many previous posters. Your weight at this time is not underweight or too skinny. But you do not eat enough.
  • vavavavoom62
    Now I understand. It's because you're male. 6ft and 180 seems like a perfect weight for a man. For a women not so much! Hope you're staying on track and gaining more muscle.