So here it is, all the honesty I can muster



  • Maribabewhich
    Maribabewhich Posts: 157 Member
    You are beautiful. You can do it!
  • Asterie
    Asterie Posts: 159 Member
    I also love your honesty (and wit)! Like others have said, you've definitely taken a step in the right direction. Gyms really aren't for everybody (I personally tried to love going to the gym--there was only a brief period of time when I did love it, when I was doing the C25K program, and after that I promptly didn't enjoy it again). I, personally, don't enjoy going there and being a spectacle or someone's competition when I'm there just for me.

    There are plenty of other ways to get fit, and the key is truly to find something you enjoy. We live on a mountain, so hikes have grown on us. Other than that, fitness videos are a great way to start--and they're in the comfort of your own home and give you much less excuses to skip one, though everyone does. (I've skipped two days in a row now, but I'm going to make up for it by doing two today.)

    If you want any motivation or support or conversations, feel free to add me! (:
  • backincontrol
    backincontrol Posts: 6 Member
    I just started the gym last Friday, after years of not going. Its a challenge to get up and go but as everyone says I feel so much better when I am leaving. I am breathing heavy on the treadmill at speeds others warm up at, I could never wear a fitted tank as a work out top. To be honest, that use to be an excuse not to go "I don't have anything to wear". I am still struggling to find a great t-shirt that is loose and long enough. I don't care any more, I put in my time and I sweat and as I leave I feel better. Please take every ones input and use it as a catalyst to feel better about yourself. You can do this!
  • devan44
    devan44 Posts: 130
    Hi! I'm 5"9' and am now 205 (I've lost 18lbs since starting MFP IN Jan). I was always real thin and had an amazing metabolism. Then I got on depo (birth control shot) and gained 30lbs. I got pregnant shortly after I stopped getting the shot and had 3 babies. My highest was like 260 - granted I was 9 mos pregnant but still that's ridiculous. I was 220ish for a while and have just recently found a succesful way to lose. MFP is awesome. I log everyday even if I've eaten terribly. It keeps me acccountable and aware - which is a big deal for me. Even when I'm "bad" I'm not as bad as I would have been just because I'm more aware of the calories in things. I started out just logging and sticking to my cal's. Then I started doing some "easy" 15 minutes videos I found on YouTube and worked up to doing Jillians 30 DS, which is awsome, btw. I walk - a lot. If you have a phone with apps runtastic will tell you how far and how many calories and sync to MFP which is really cool.

    Best thing I can say is take it one day at a time. Do not beat yourself up over a few bad choices because that's life. I've had a lot of "bad' days and "bad" meals since Jan and I probably could've lost more had I been more strict but I think this if I limit myself to much I'll quit. Good luck and feel free to add me. I"m on everyday and always willing to help someone else out. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • leonaedithlewis
    leonaedithlewis Posts: 75 Member
    My boyfriend (bless his generous heart) bought me a gym membership because that was the only thing on my list 3 years ago. I have gone 4-5 since getting the membership. The gym intimidates and enrages me. I have NEVER had to work at anything as hard as I have had to work at losing weight. When I am at the gym and see the size 2 girl RUNNING (or whatever you do on the elliptical) and laughing and talking with her BFF while I am WALKING on the treadmill with the angle cranked, huffing and puffing, and feeling like a sweaty disgusting mess and concerned that my shorts keep riding up because of chub rub; I kinda want to kill that girl. Maybe not kill so much as terribly maim or injure her.

    Although I can completely understand what you are saying, I agree with another poster that these girls have worked up to that. If you are uncomfortable at this gym, is there another option that may work for you? Maybe go at a different time or find a different gym. Where I live, there is only one near by, so I just have to deal with it. My guess is these girls are not even paying attention to you. And if they even notice you, they should be proud that you are getting yourself healthier! I wouldn't worry about it so much. Just get in there and do what you have to do!!!

    I am middle aged, and more chubby than I'd like. I am inherently lazy and my natural state is sitting in front of the TV. I now go to the gym 4 times a week (Zumba) and when cycling season starts, I may bike up to 100 miles per week. I love it because when I do it, I have fun and I like being fit, but it does not come naturally. Before almost every work out or bike ride I have that voice in that voice in the back of my head that would rather skip-it. I have trouble regularly taking the time to walk my dogs so I have to constantly clean up the back yard. I never "feel" like working out. I really don't take joy in the time and hassle it takes to work out. But I like the results, and it has become more fun as I get better at it. You may not want to "work out" at the gym, but some type of activity may be better, just keep trying different stuff. Using MFP to track what you are doing and achieving is a great way to take credit for the activity that you do. BTW - in Zumba there are people of all shapes and sizes (and ages) and really we are all just impressed with each other that we last through the class at all.
  • elenacy
    elenacy Posts: 7 Member
    Amazingly brave and a great way to start your journey. If you're looking to get a little exercise without the gym, walking is fantastic. I like to walk around different neighbourhoods because I'm nosey and checking out other people's front gardens is more interesting than staring at a treadmill. Stick with whatever you decide for at least three weeks and then it becomes a habit, you never know you might end up enjoying it. Good luck :)
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    I love your honesty, but I have to tell you, we all start from where we start. We ALL hate those b@#%es who can eat what they want and never gain an ounce; but I can tell you that most of us have to WORK at this -- it's not easy and it's not fast. Anybody who tells you otherwise is probably selling something.

    I suggest you pick up JJ Virgin's "Virgin Diet" book. You may have some food intolerances that are literally making it difficult for you to lose weight. You can probably find it at the library by now. Also, if you hate the gym, buy a $5 jump rope and work your way up with that. You can do body weighted exercises like planks, pushups, and triceps dips using your own weight.

    Best of luck to you -- and you may not be skinny, but you definitely have BALLS! :laugh:
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    It's incredibly brave of you to say what you just said. You can do it you just have to believe in yourself. You need people to help motivate you and make you feel good about your progress! You certainly have taken a step in the right direction! There are tons and tons of amazing workout dvds out there so you don't ever have to step foot in a gym if its not for you. I only go to the gym once a week maybe twice b/c it's just easier to workout at home in my own environment where I can sweat and huff and puff withtout worrying what the person next to me is thinking! Inbox me if you want the names of some great total body workouts...most of them show modifications of the exercises for people just starting out.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Congrats with your honesty with YOURSELF!
    That means the most.

    Be careful taking on too much at once, its easy to give up, but take small steps with it all and You Can Do it!!!!

    You found a perfect start to your exercise, all those stairs!!!!!

    One day at a time, sometimes its one hour at a time.

    Maybe those skinny girls at the gym USE to be big! You do not know their story, and they don't know yours. They are there for themselves, and you are there for yourself. The heck with anyone else!
    I do most of my workouts at home but some at the gym. I'll tell you that inside I am thinking "Way to GO!" with Everyone I see at the gym that is larger and Doing it!!! Of course I can't say anything, but seriously, if I saw you at the gym, I'd want to walk by and give you a bit old High Five!!!!!!!!

    Try and think of THAT the next time you think the skinny girl has it easy. She has her own issues too, and I know you know that, but inside she may be cheering you on and not judging What So Ever!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm one of those size two girls and always have been..but I work HARD for it. I wake up at 3:40 am Monday-Friday and work out at home and then go to the gym and lift and run a few days a week after work as well. You CAN do this, you just have to put your mind to it.
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    I think MANY people on these boards can relate to what you're saying. And there are lots of us that will tell you that losing weight isn't always easy, but it IS doable and it IS worth every second of suffering you put into it to get to that goal weight.

    Everyone's got to hit their own low. Mine was seeing a number I never thought I'd see on the scale at the doc's. I was pissed at myself, and I felt deeply hopeless and miserable. I had no clue what to do about it. So I got educated about how many calories my body really needs (not nearly as many as I thought and was consuming), how many calories are burned during exercise (shockingly few), and how many calories are in different foods (a lot more than I expected). I bought the Calorie King book and carried it with me everywhere. I didn't make a food choice without consulting it and knowing what I was putting in my body first. And I started losing weight.

    I hope you make the choice to care! I will absolutely guarantee that you CAN lose the weight if you're willing to commit to making good choices.

    And please don't hate on the size 2 girl on the treadmill. Not everyone that is a size 2 is "naturally thin". Most people have to work at it, like that girl on the treadmill is doing. I did, and now I'm a size 2. If you work at it, you'll get there, too.
  • beverk
    beverk Posts: 3 Member
    You have taken the first step, now just take another, and another - one at a time over and over - that is where success in any endeavour is found . you didn't get here in a day and you will not regain your health in a day - baby steps ...until you too can get up and down those darn steps as many times as needed , or feel good on the treadmill or any other thing that is needed. Remember that what you look like is not everything - health and relationships are what is important in life, that size 2 on the treadmill might very well like to maim you for your loving boyfriend !! LOL! Friend me if you like
  • Thank you for posting this. I love your honesty. You are not alone. I had a gym membership. I HATE HATE HATE the gym. I don't dislike exercise, but I HATE the gym. Did I mention I hate the gym? You have to find what works for you. I do workout DVDs in the morning at home. I power walk in the evenings. I also do activities I love (which never makes it seem like exercise). Hiking and kayaking are my favorites and I do those most every weekend. Just start out finding an activity you enjoy. It can be as simple as a 30 minute walk. You came to the right place for support. Feel free to friend me.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    believe it or not....THIS RIGHT HERE....hitting rock bottom is the best thing that could happen. It's the start of all things and should be the motivation that helps to light that fire. Now the hardest thing is going to be keeping your negativity regarding your shape and weight or current health status from dousing that fire! The best thing you could do is find a "fitness family"....a small bootcamp type program that TRULY TRULY cares and is a FAMILY. Now, of course, I understand that can be a lot harder than it sounds. But you should never feel antimidated by others that you work out with or the result will stay the'll quit. Find a group that truly wants to see you succeed and will help to hold you accountable and push you to your limits...not letting you give up on yourself! Set mini goals for yourself: walk around the block by the end of the week. Walk two laps around the track without feeling winded. Jog a lap. Jog two laps. Little by'll get there!!!!! Great job for taking that leap of faith! Now FLY!!!!!!!!!!
  • belleparis
    belleparis Posts: 111
    Thank you for sharing. Definitely you've made the 1st big step. Now it's time to get moving. Keep in mind this is a long process, it takes patience and perseverance. YOU CAN DO IT! Keep going and set small, achievable goals to keep you motivated. :smile:
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Being honest and typing/talking about it is your first step! YOU'VE MADE YOUR FIRST STEP! That is so many times the hardest. We can beat ourself up all day. I know I did it for years and will still do it again. You can do this. I'm on here everyday and love to incourage. Friend me it you'd like. I'm quite a bit older than you but still young at heart lol! You can do it. Just take one step at a time. Walk around the house, or to the end of your drive way. Little steps turn into big ones! Believe me I didn't ever think that I would come this far. But, logging in and logging everything helps me. Get on here when your having a rough day and check out the success stories. It lifts my spirits. I tell my friends when I'm having a really horrible day, (which is less and less now) and let them help me. If I think I can't do without something I'm thinking about putting in my mouth. I try to first drink a big glass of water. It's the little steps that help you make the big ones! Best of luck!! You can do it. Believe in yourself :happy:
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    ok, you know what scared me , one day, look at your patients, you work in home health right ? i assume elder care ...

    how many of your elderly patients 80+ are overweight?
    60+ ???
    not a lot of them make it past the 60s, that may seem like a lot of time for someone sitting at 26, but its not , it goes faster than you think it does

    change now,
    I AM LAZY ! not sometimes, all the time , all my favorite hobbys are sedentary or food related...
    its HARD AS HELL ...
    I set alarms on my phone, so what if someone seems me doing my leg lifts, they all know i need to lose weight, its not a secret...

    and then move some more
    exercise boring?
    fine get on the floor with your child or dog ... play, play hard ... nothing works out a parent like giving "horsy rides" for an hour ( yeah I know its not on the exercise list)
    go to the park
    go to the play place
    strap baby in a stroller and go for a walk ,
    look at the trees
    look at the melting snow .
    look at whatever , just move move move
    fine , did I stop in the middle of this email to do 20 arm stretches you bet your sweet butt
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first (and, IMHO) the hardest step. Your post was hearfelt and it sounds like you are on your way to making a permanent change in your life. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck!
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    Take it slow, but steady.
    Here is a confession, after being terribly sedentary for about 2 years I got a gym membership, and got on a treadmill. In 15 minutes I got dizzy, went to the bathroom and threw up from exertion. I was pissed at myself for being so out of shape. I sat in there for 10 minutes, and then went for another 15 minutes on the damn treadmill.
    The girl you see laughing on the elliptical worked her way up to that. So will you.
    And the best thing you can do is find something you like doing for exercise. I don’t love cardio, but I look forward to lifting weights every single time.
    Also, what you eat, and how much you eat matters even more than exercise when it comes to losing weight. Eat a balanced diet, maintaining a moderate deficit. Lose it slow, the healthy way.
    Good luck!

    This is pretty much what I was going to say. Also I love your honesty. To me that is a huge step in the right direction. Do a little at a time (that is what worked best for me) Have you tried going to the gym at a different time. I noticed the morning (earlier morning is when I go) has a way different crowd then the evening. If it makes you feel any better most like they look at you with admiration because you are doing something about your weight, the healthy way. They have all been exactly where you are. They didn't just start running miles at a time. They had to work there way up. When I was that girl just starting out at the gym, (actually not that long ago) that is what gave me the will power to keep going. Believe me you would be amazed how fast your endurance goes up. Please feel free to add me aswell. Use the girls at the gym, the stairs at your house for motivation. Set small goals for yourself and when you reach them, reward yourself. Don't give up. You got this!
  • RedneckMomma77
    RedneckMomma77 Posts: 85 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step to changing your life and health, admitting honestly what needs to be changed. If going to that gym bothers you so much, try another gym or go at a different time. As for the size 2 girls, if they were not concerned with gaining weight, they would not be there! Very few people can eat whatever they want and not exercise and be a size 2! I'm not saying that those people don't exist, but they are not as common as you might think. Most people that are slim and beautiful/handsome are that way because they work at it, not because they just happen to be that way.

    I also understand the BF who has trouble putting on weight. My husband is 6'1", 195 lbs with a BMI of 20.5, which is just disgusting because he eats whatever he wants to and stays slim. But he also walks an average of 10 miles a day at work, then comes home and walks some more. He has actually walked his butt off. All I can think is, dude I could walk 30 miles a day and still not manage that!

    But, like you I joined MFP and started tracking what I ate. I however did not come out with a brutally honest post to introduce myself, and I again commend you for doing so. Add me as a friend, please. It's always good to have friends with similar goals, even if it is as simple as moving more, or eating better.

    Good luck and God Bless you!