So here it is, all the honesty I can muster



  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I love your honesty! It's definitely a major starting point to make the necessary changes in your life.

    I was just like you... lazy... I was 5'2, 252 pounds, and the only real activity I got during the day was walking to and from my car at work and occasionally walking places within my office building. I was 34 before I finally hit the point of, "it's now or never." I made a comittment to myself that I would stick with losing weight until I got to goal or died trying. Took me 6 years of losing/gaining/maintaining before I finally got there.

    And as several people have pointed out, don't resent those ladies at the gym unless you know there back story. I was same way... resented those that appeared to have it all together. But now that I'm on the other side of that, I have to tell... it's a constant struggle to keep the weight off. So even though people see me out running with my friends, talking and occasionally laughing, it wasn't too long ago, I couldn't do that. I had to work up to that point. Just remind yourself that you will be that skinny chic, running on the treadmill, laughing with your friends... and someone will resent you for that! :wink:
  • I'm a year older than you. While I might be slim, you have a boyfriend and house - which is something I don't!

    Being slim won't make you happy. Maybe marginally healthier, but that's it.
  • marysowter
    marysowter Posts: 121 Member
    HI i know we do not know each other, I am so proud of you, your message was from the heart and I know you meant every word of it and to put words on here for others to read takes a lot of guts and above all honesty and I respect you for that. You have taken the first big step and that is joining mfp,there is lots of support and tips to help you along .I wish you the very best of luck and I know you will do very well x If you wish to add me as a friend you may as I would love to support you on your healthy journey :flowerforyou:
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    You are a great writer...and we've all been there. I made a goal at Christmas of this year to get on the treadmill or walk at least 15 minutes a day, no matter what. Something I could do without sweating or having to wash my hair, or even change clothes, just a change toward more active.

    Now, I'm running a 5K once a week and usually a couple miles two other days, and a cross training set 3-times and one DVD. I'm down 9.7 % of my body weight. The good news does work, watching calories and getting more active. It's not a complex thing, but it does take a lot of planning to make sure you don't sabotage yourself.

    Tackle one area of your life hard at a time, stay motivated, get disciplined, then branch to other areas. Trying to do too many new things of order at one time may create overload. Just go with the grace you are given and keep building by grace. You can do it! Remember...your journey is yours, not that girl's. Your progress is yours. Your demons are yours. You fight! You will win! Close your eyes to everyone else for a while!
  • armychickmlg
    armychickmlg Posts: 8 Member
    I am right there with you! I gained 50+ pounds in just over a year. This is a great first step. Being a part of this community , logging your food and exercise (every meal, every snack) and being 100% honest is going to bring you the success you are wanting for.

    Also, take everything one day, one hour, one minute at a time if necessary. This is a marathon, not a sprint. The weight didn't magically appear over night and it will not magically disappear either.

    You can do this, I believe in you.
  • The first step to ANYTHING is making a choice... it sounds like you have done that part :) Step 2 is taking action. This is where it gets hard. I hung a pair of size 10 pants on my wall 2 years ago.... they are still hanging there, but I am so much closer to wearing them! I am now in a 14/16 (depending on pants) and THRILLED to be there. I started out where you are now... and the girls at the gym laughed at my obese *kitten* on the treadmill..... so, I looked at them, smiled, and continued huffing and puffing. Ignore them. Don't give someone else control over your choices... by letting them intimidate you, you are choosing to let them keep you out of the gym. Forget them!!! Focus on you :) YOU are worth this effort!
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    Reading your story put me back to my starting point. :( I, too, was the girl that couldn't walk 1 lap at the track without thinking I was going to DIE!!! Now, I can go 6 miles at a time and not even flinch at it. Work yourself up slowly. YouCANdoit!!!!!! I promise it is worth each and every struggle you may have!
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    It's lovely to see someone being so honest, and I think it's something most of us can identify with. I think we've all at one point thought "oh, I don't need to work out, my job is physical", I know I have! I've convinced myself so many times that it's ok to have takeout because I walked around shopping that day. And those girls at the gym annoy me to, I'm so jealous of them having those bodies and not seeming to put much effort in, but I try and use that as motivation, I secretly hope that one day I'll be that girl that someone is annoyed at because it looks so easy for her!

    Good luck, and feel free to add me if you want support :smile:
  • Hi,
    You are off to a good start by being so honest. I noticed you used the word "Lazy".I do not think it some much as laziness,I believe you just need the motivation to do it! Ihave not been motivated for years...But,I realize I want to be 'healthy'.I am twice the size I used to be ,I have a hard time breathing and tired of sweating :smile: .I know you can do whatever it is that you want to accomplish..Stop beating up on yourself and embrace who you are and set goals for youeself.It will be hard but if you take baby steps you will evolve into the Woman you want to be.Also,I don;t do the gym thing either.I feel uncomfortable going.but,I have invested in a stationary bike and I walk.I do not monitor the scales and I try to walk when I can.I have been at this for 35 days now,and i have saw some improvement.I don't know how much I have lost but,I do know I can fit into a pair of pants I could not wear two years ago!!! We all are in this to WIN so,stay at it and good luck to ya!! Hopefully you will add me as a friend and anyone else who offers.The moral support I have recieved from this site has been Wonderful!!!
    Take Care,
  • katieothompson
    katieothompson Posts: 4 Member
    Hello... I just joined MFP today because I, too, have hit my low. I am at the point where I cannot even stand to LOOK at myself in a full length mirror! And I, too, have no good excuse but that I am lazy (loving to eat doesn't help either!) As of today, I am 286 pounds (I am 5'10). I ache. I feel awful in my clothes, and my confidence is dwindling. I have had the gym membership for nearly 2 years and I have been there once.

    So, today is the start of the start of reinventing myself. My goal is to get active - I downloaded the C25K app, and I am determined to change for me and for my family.

    Your honest post gave me the courage open up myself, so thank you!
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I'm gonna sound so crazy saying this:

    THIS is what you need. You need to be upset and fed up with how you can't breathe after 2 flights of stairs. You NEED to want it to go away so badly that you will do quite literally anything you can so that you can lose the weight and keep it off. Charts and sheets are no good without the sheer stubbornness it takes to stand up to and for yourself. You have to want it more than you want ANYTHING else. You won't do it until you really feel like you can't go any lower.

    But the most important thing to remember here is this:

    You have everything you need already. You have the support at home (your BF), you have unlimited support here and other laces like MFP (though here is best :wink: ) you already have the gym membership. Use that size 2 girl to spur you on; there is no one stopping you from being her.... except you! Good luck honey! :flowerforyou:
  • I suggest if the gym bothers you start out with a video at home. Everyone gets frustrated when they first start out because they let themself go or just didn't realize how out of shape they are. I am a former 3 sport athlete who let herself go. I started with a Jillian Michaels video (30 day shred). Let me tell you I was disgusted with myself, however, as the weeks went by and I noticed the exercises getting easier what a boost that was. I used to not be able to get through level 1 without stopping. Now I can get through level 3. Yes I am out of breath, sweating like a pig, and feel like I'm going to die at that moment. But afterwards I feel great and am proud I can get through it! So just start small and get excited as you see improvement. Even if its doing what someone suggested like walking around the block. See how many times you can do it. Then as that increases take a minute to be proud of your accomplishments. We are cheering for you.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I don't think it's brave so much, as really necessary. Until you can be this honest with yourself you are only playing at weight loss. So this was something you had to do, and good on you for doing it publically. We've all been there and saying I'm a fat lazy mess is the first step. With your new attitude girl you're going to make it! Plenty of support around, use it as much as you can.
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    I am lazy. Lazy that makes me fat.

    This. Welcome to the club. Congrats on making a very hard step, acknowledging it.

    Now stop making excuses. "they can eat anything they want" ... no such thing. btw, this is an excuse because its just another way of saying "well <insert some other entity, example god>made me gain fat easy".

    Nobody cares about excuses, nobody buys them, they just nod cause they dont want to hurt your feelings. You are only fooling yourself. Good that you see it and will change it.

    Now make a decision. Do you want to live life as a fat slob, or not? Choose the latter.

    Get cracking, get it done. No excuses, no nothing.

    All of the above, are my personal experiences, I'd be honored if you'd make it your own. Be your own drill sergeant. Good luck :)
  • twiglips
    twiglips Posts: 136 Member
    I never thought I'd be someone who'd actually enjoy going to the gym - it was pure torture when I started. Now I do look forward to it. It's become my "me" time. I'm primarily doing zumba right now as opposed to the weights, elliptical, treadmill, etc. There is something rewarding about the sweaty grossness at the end of a good workout. Again, words I never thought I would say. Try to find someone who can go with you - safety in pairs even if the only one worrying about what you're doing is YOU. I was still fairly new to the gym one day and had a guy tap me on the shoulder while I was using a thigh machine. He was one of the weight lifting junkies from the "man side" of the gym. He asked me if he could tell me something and I said yes while I prepared for the ultimate humiliation. He actually just wanted to tell me that he'd seen me there several times and not to give up. He went on to say that he used to weigh 400lbs and knew how hard it was to keep going back at first. So just keep going - even if somebody doesn't have the courage to come an tell you personally, you might just motivate someone else while you're improving yourself!

    :flowerforyou: Good luck in your journey - you've already taken the hardest step!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    You sounds just like me 2.5 years ago. Except I was weighing in at 368lbs. And if you asked me I would have told you I had tried everything to lose weight....until I was honest with myself....I hadn't really tried. So I got the gym membership and made myself go. And I hated that size 2 girl with a passion. I didn't want to be a size 2, I just wanted to not be what I was. I wanted to not be huffing and puffing. So I hired a personal trainer who's job it was to make me huff and puff. And I began to realise I was working and the weight was falling off...and that size two girl, she wasn't really working when she was at the gym, she was going through the motions. And I realised I LOVED exercise!! I had to take a break when I became pregnant and have been off with my little girl but restarted this week.

    It is hard, I will not lie but you can do it. I'm really supportive and I completely understand what you are going through so if you want to send me a friend request you can!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Things are going to get a lot better for you from here on out as long as you're prepared for the work ahead.

    Enjoy your journey. :)

    ETA: (... doon't stop beelliiiiiivin'....)
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    I was in a similar place when I started my journey.

    It is possible to get where you want to get, but it takes discipline and effort. You HAVE to want it.

    My saying on my profile is:

    "If it's important to you, you'll find a way, if not, you'll find an excuse". -- Find a way.

    I started off at nearly 300 lbs, and couldn't do a single pull up or run a block without wheezing two years ago. Today, I'm 40 years old, around 200lbs, and I run with the 25 year old guys fresh out of training. I'm doing my Departments SWAT physical test...not because I have to, but because I WANT to. I have so much drive to succeed at this (fitness) that it is now a huge part of my life. In fact, I am just completing getting my certification to be a personal trainer, and I have a success story already - myself.

    Anyway, point being....make yourself and your fitness a priority, and it CAN happen.

    I suggest (if you can afford it) to go see a Personal Trainer. I have learned a lot taking the course, and I really feel you are in a good place to be helped by a professional, if only for ideas.
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    You have made a great first step to accomplishing this this time round, there are many people on here that will 100% understand your story as they would have lived similar so you are not alone.

    MFP is a great network of support and it is the only thing that has ever kept me on track to reach my target weight (I lost 56 since having my twins 20 months ago-ok some was preganancy weight but i still had 30 odd lbs to shift after) I never normally reach it as numerous times in the past i get bored/ hate how long it takes etc but this time i did. I am using the site now for ongoing support to stay healthy and now work on toning/ shaping my body and advice.

    I would say if there is a comfort factor you need to get past start with the food tracking/ walking simple changes before diving into the gym. When you feel ready for exercise start with home workouts. I completed Jilian Michaels 30 day shred at home in the early stages then ripped in 30 and gradually as I lost the weight spent more time at the gym. Its a new way of life and seems and big challenge but step by stepyou get there and surprise yourselve.

    Happy to offer ongoing support, good luck with your new way of life for a new you!!
  • kitcatsheart
    kitcatsheart Posts: 32 Member
    I love your honest and I actually loved reading your story. I'm trying to tighten up a lot of aspects of my life as well. Its hard and stressful to think about but I think it's important to remember how you feel now and use it. I'm not going to lie I get resentful of people who can eat what ever they want and look like they're starving my partner and I thoroughly enjoy food together and it's hard to have to change things up but luckily it seems like we both have very supportive people in our lives. I think we can do this :)