Top 5 Foods BANNED from my home ...



  • schellies
    schellies Posts: 88 Member
    I do the same with Doritos!
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Spicy doritos. I can limit myself but who wants to! :)
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    The following items have a life-time ban in my home:

    1. anything that says "low calorie/low-fat/fat-free"
    2. microwave popcorn
    3. white sugar*
    4. white flour*
    5. anything with artificial anything in it.

    *unless its Christmas season and I'm baking cookies, just because I don't eat it, doesn't mean I will deny others of my yummy baked goods.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    I have discovered I CANNOT have Reeses Peanut Butter Cups in the house.
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    Nature's Valley Peanut Butter Crunchy Granola Thins. OMG I love them. They are so tiny and have 90 calories each. One is not so bad. But the box has 10 and I could absolutely eat every single last morsel in one sitting. So I cannot buy them. That's 900 calories!
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    Chips of any kind
    Peanut butter cookies....

    All three of these I can't contain myself, it really is embarrassing how much of these items I can eat at once. ;)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    1. lettuce
    2. brown rice

    That's about it, I think.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    REALLY tricky to ban anything when I have 2 teenage sons who can eat for England, and regularly require copious amounts of anything yummy.
    However, I avoid looking in the cupboard where we store...
    1. Twiglets
    2. Chocolate (but only Cadbury presents a major problem)
    3. "proper"bread, eg bloomer, farmhouse, onion, tiger, cobber... Basically the ones that taste great and HAVE to be eaten before they go stale.
    4. Chocolate cake.
    5. Ben and Jerry phish food ice cream.

    PS What are "goldfish"? Other than the obvious?
  • futuremrsevers
    Snackage... mainly chips (potatoe or corn i don't care!), candy (my fiance is a skinny mini... so he likes having these thing around) Tortillas... I just want to fry them and salt them up.... yum.....

    These aren't bannded I just enjoy very small portions lol.
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    Cheeze its/Annies Cheese Bunnies
    Salsa and Tortilla chips
    Bakery bread
    Nacho Cheese doritos
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    chips of any kind
    bakery bread
    most cheese
    palm oil
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    REALLY tricky to ban anything when I have 2 teenage sons who can eat for England, and regularly require copious amounts of anything yummy.
    However, I avoid looking in the cupboard where we store...
    1. Twiglets
    2. Chocolate (but only Cadbury presents a major problem)
    3. "proper"bread, eg bloomer, farmhouse, onion, tiger, cobber... Basically the ones that taste great and HAVE to be eaten before they go stale.
    4. Chocolate cake.
    5. Ben and Jerry phish food ice cream.

    PS What are "goldfish"? Other than the obvious?

    They are cheese crackers in the shape of little goldfish. :)
  • laurenellenmarie
    laurenellenmarie Posts: 331 Member
    Pizza Rolls
    Cool Ranch Doritos
    French onion Dip
    Cream Cheese-I incorporate that stuff into everything!
  • taciturnity
    taciturnity Posts: 69 Member
    I don't completely remove anything from my diet, but there are things that I have much more of a tendency to overeat...

    1) Nutty Bars (or any pb and chocolate deliciousness)
    2) Better Cheddars or Cheez-Its (I have to buy individual packs.)
    3) Cheese Ravioli (I want to eat like a box at a time.)
    4) Pita bread (I eat this with hummus and feta and could probably go through a whole bag of it.)
    5) Dove chocolate promises (I like the chocolate and the little quotes, and then all of a sudden, there are lots of foils around me!)

    It's mostly carbs and cheese. Anything with both is awesome. Ravioli, cheese fries, mashed potatoes, cheese toast, nachos, all that kind of stuff.
  • mwooderson
    mwooderson Posts: 254 Member
    Peanut Butter... I'm not sure what it is about peanut butter but if it's in the house I will find away to eat it until it's gone.... So I'll be like ohhhh pb toast for breakfast pb and banana for a snack pb sandwich for lunch pb and apples for a snack pb on anything for dinner... I've eaten a whole jar in 2-3 days... so now I just don't buy it. I have no control when it comes to Peanut Butter!

    This plus nuts!!!
  • jdhoward_101
    jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
    Ooooh, now that IS a tough question!

    My top five answers are:

    Homemade chocolate tiffin, (i make a mean tiffin!)

    Chocolate covered raisins

    Toast, (although somewhat luckily i managed to blow up the toaster so i can't physically make any toast so it's OK to buy bread again. I will quite happily eat half a sandwich, but get me started on toast and that's half a loaf gone).

    Ice-cream, any kind

    Wine. I know it's not technically a food, but it is full of calories, and if there is an open bottle in the flat then a relaxing glass in the evenings becomes all too tempting.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    1. Chips of any kind. I don't care if they're baked, kettle chips, regular potato chips, ripples, or tortilla. I'm a sucker for them all.

    2. Crackers. Ritz, saltine, goldfish. (I mean, come on... who only eats FIVE saltines? Please)

    3. The Keebler cookies with three generic M&Ms on them. Rainbow chip, maybe? Paired with milk and I'm toast.

    4. Mini candy bars around the holidays.... mostly Twix.... youch

    5. Certain sugary cereals, like Captain Crunch and Apple Cinnamon Cheerios
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    1) Most bread (I eat Ezekiel bread sometimes)
    2) ALL candy
    3) ALL baked goods
    4) ALL ice cream
    5) Pasta

    There are days when I feel depressed because I cannot eat the things I love (the aforementioned list) due to the fact that I cannot control myself - once I start, I find it difficult/impossible to stop.
  • JessyBevy
    JessyBevy Posts: 30 Member
    2. Crackers. Ritz, saltine, goldfish. (I mean, come on... who only eats FIVE saltines? Please)

    Yes, oyster crackers for me - by the handful
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    I don't completely deprive myself of the things I like, but it it's on my list of "banned" items, I have to not be able to get more of whatever it is. Like sure, I'll have a cup of goldfish...but only if I can't get to the rest of the package, because I'll go get more and more until it's gone. I'll have a dove chocolate or two, but only if I don't have access to the bag because I won't stop at two. I have a serious inability to control myself around certain junk foods (and some healthy foods like roasted cauliflower), so until I learn self control better...I can't keep them in the house. Luckily, my daughter is too young to want any of that stuff yet, so I'm not tempted by having it in the house for her!