Clean vs. Junk - does it really matter?



  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.

    ... Who brought up pro athletes?? I cannot understand how your brain works.
    pepper your angus
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    In 50 years lets all meet back and then we can better determine who was the winner.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.

    ... Who brought up pro athletes?? I cannot understand how your brain works.

    haha i just thought that's where you were going.

    ok, if not athletes... then who are these people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    In 50 years lets all meet back and then we can better determine who was the winner.

    agreed! :drinker:
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.

    ... Who brought up pro athletes?? I cannot understand how your brain works.

    haha i just thought that's where you were going.

    ok, if not athletes... then who are these people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level?
    albert nunez
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    I can only give you my experience, which is this. When I eat 1500 calories in high fat foods (think fast food, fried foods, chips, carbs and salty foods) - I gain weight. When I eat 1500 calories in fresh fruits, fresh veggies and lean protein prepared cleanly (no frying... think grilled, steamed, baked), I lose weight, am less bloated and have more energy. All calories are NOT created equal in my humble opinion. It just makes sense. As much as I want to believe I can eat 1500 calories in nachos and not gain weight, it's not true. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey!

    this applies for me as well, I grew up on cleaner food and a lot of veggies-my body is happy when i give it this.lots of fried food/breads/pastries/creams make me gain weight for the same amount of calories.That said I do have my occasional treats.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.

    ... Who brought up pro athletes?? I cannot understand how your brain works.

    haha i just thought that's where you were going.

    ok, if not athletes... then who are these people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level?
    albert nunez

    I... what? Ok... same point as my athlete point... how many body builders make it past 80?
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    I went 6 months eating clean, no junk, and wasn't sick a day. Spent the last month eating a lot more junk and I've been sick most of the month.
    It does matter!

    God bless,
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.

    ... Who brought up pro athletes?? I cannot understand how your brain works.

    haha i just thought that's where you were going.

    ok, if not athletes... then who are these people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level?
    albert nunez

    I... what? Ok... same point as my athlete point... how many body builders make it past 80?

    doesnt make as much sense because bodybuilding didnt become popular until 50s.
    here are the oldest living olympians
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I answered it.

    Your statement that someone WILL feel and look better eating "clean" has no evidence at all to back it up. Period. Look at all the people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level.

    there is plenty of evidence. mountains of it. so much that i'm not going to waste my time finding it for you.

    as for people who don't eat "clean" in outstanding health... what like professional athletes? how many professional athletes make it past 80? I don't personally consider athletes to be a paragon of health. Fitness? Yeah... some... but health? Nah, not so much. It's really not healthy to train as hard as elite athletes do over a long period of time.

    ... Who brought up pro athletes?? I cannot understand how your brain works.

    haha i just thought that's where you were going.

    ok, if not athletes... then who are these people who do not eat "clean" who are in outstanding health and look and feel and perform at a high level?
    albert nunez

    He actually eats 'clean' most of the time - he just also has pop tarts :tongue:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    In 50 years lets all meet back and then we can better determine who was the winner.

    agreed! :drinker:

    If I meet here in 50 years I will be the winner by default as I will be 95! Deal?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    In 50 years lets all meet back and then we can better determine who was the winner.

    agreed! :drinker:

    If I meet here in 50 years I will be the winner by default as I will be 95! Deal?

    haha absolutely. :laugh:
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
  • thebr0kenwriter
    thebr0kenwriter Posts: 9 Member
    My experience with this is, I can eat say 2,000 calories of healthy foods and still lose great, but eating the same in junk, despite exercise I gain. If I want a little junk food, it only can be 20% of my daily calories, the other healthy.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    However, Sara, some DO advocate diets consisting primarily of "junk foods", and because you/magerum/etc align yourselves with them, it leads many to believe that you don't disagree with that.

    It really depends on the definition of junk food.

    After all, nowadays the diet hipsters define:
    Deli Meats
    Sausages and other processed meats
    Cereal (and all grain based things)

    as junk food.

    Its easy to strawman IIFYM as the pop tart diet. But nowadays those that are on the bacon diet (cough paleo) shift the goal posts, redifing junk as all things not meat and some vegetables.

    You can in fact eat an awesome super healthy diet consisting solely of what a bacon diet preacher terms junk food, without ever touching the sugary and fatty treats that were traditionally termed junk food.

    So yes, I would advocate a diet of junk food. Not necessarily actually junk food, but what the bacon preachers term junk food for sure.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    However, Sara, some DO advocate diets consisting primarily of "junk foods", and because you/magerum/etc align yourselves with them, it leads many to believe that you don't disagree with that.

    It really depends on the definition of junk food.

    After all, nowadays the diet hipsters define:
    Cereal (and all grain based things)

    as junk food.

    Its easy to strawman IIFYM as the pop tart diet. But when those that are on the bacon diet (cough paleo) shift the goal posts, redifing junk as all things not meat and some vegetables.

    You can in fact eat an awesome super healthy diet consisting solely of what a bacon diet preacher terms junk food, without ever touching the sugary and fatty treats that were traditionally termed junk food.

    i did iifym and clean eating before it was cool you poser
  • VeinsAndBones
    VeinsAndBones Posts: 550 Member
    @Coach reddy.... Three words, life's, too, short... Hit your macros! If you wanna eat burgers do it!! If you wanna eat super organic 100% raw flax seed meal, go for it! As for me, I'll eat chex mix and ice cream and take me a multivitamin ^_^
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    However, Sara, some DO advocate diets consisting primarily of "junk foods", and because you/magerum/etc align yourselves with them, it leads many to believe that you don't disagree with that.

    It really depends on the definition of junk food.

    After all, nowadays the diet hipsters define:
    Cereal (and all grain based things)

    as junk food.

    Its easy to strawman IIFYM as the pop tart diet. But when those that are on the bacon diet (cough paleo) shift the goal posts, redifing junk as all things not meat and some vegetables.

    You can in fact eat an awesome super healthy diet consisting solely of what a bacon diet preacher terms junk food, without ever touching the sugary and fatty treats that were traditionally termed junk food.

    totally agree. i don't consider any of the above junk food. i'm talking the pop tarts, ice cream, and fast foods of the world. not that you can't indulge occasionally, but you can't build a diet around those foods and expect to be as healthy as someone who eats primarily whole foods, whether paleo, vegan, or IIFYM (which in reality encompasses all "diets")
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    However, Sara, some DO advocate diets consisting primarily of "junk foods", and because you/magerum/etc align yourselves with them, it leads many to believe that you don't disagree with that.

    It really depends on the definition of junk food.

    After all, nowadays the diet hipsters define:
    Cereal (and all grain based things)

    as junk food.

    Its easy to strawman IIFYM as the pop tart diet. But when those that are on the bacon diet (cough paleo) shift the goal posts, redifing junk as all things not meat and some vegetables.

    You can in fact eat an awesome super healthy diet consisting solely of what a bacon diet preacher terms junk food, without ever touching the sugary and fatty treats that were traditionally termed junk food.

    totally agree. i don't consider any of the above junk food. i'm talking the pop tarts, ice cream, and fast foods of the world. not that you can't indulge occasionally, but you can't build a diet around those foods and expect to be as healthy as someone who eats primarily whole foods, whether paleo, vegan, or IIFYM (which in reality encompasses all "diets")

    Don't be starting on my ice cream after we just started to play nice.

    Ingredients list of one of my favorite ice creams:

    Salty Caramel Ice Cream
    Ingredients: Snowville Creamery Milk, Snowville Cream, Sugar, Light Brown Sugar, Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Extract (Water, Alcohol, Sugar, Vanilla Bean Extractives), Sea Salt, Tapioca Starch
    Contains: Milk
    **Gluten Free**

    Not junk.....:tongue:

    I am not saying to eat it all the time...but it is not 'junk' food at all.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Oh the day when an affordable, available in every grocery store, protein fortified ice cream hits the shelves.

    Its not a matter of if, but when. Ice cream is a natural carrier for extra protein.

    Much like that Special K Protein Cereal, that stuff is the bomb (not only is its nutritional profile awesome, but it tastes great too), and sold out half the time at the local grocer. The market for high protein "processed" fortified foods is there.

    Special K Protein is awesome stuff. With a 1:10 protein to calorie ratio and high vitamins/minerals, it is an IIFYM dream food. Being a highly processed super fortified grain based food with a terrifying label of unpronounceable things, it is as fearsome as any food on the market for a clean eater. Foods like that, high tech health foods, are a problem area for the clean eating theory.