So here it is, all the honesty I can muster



  • randysbombshellgirl
    randysbombshellgirl Posts: 338 Member
    You've taken that first really hard step and I totally commend your honesty. Get yourself a good plan of action and stick to it you will see results. Best of luck to you!!!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I suppose that this is by far one of the most difficult things I have ever written. This is honesty that I have never spoken (or typed) out loud.

    I am lazy. Lazy that makes me fat.

    My boyfriend (bless his generous heart) bought me a gym membership because that was the only thing on my list 3 years ago. I have gone 4-5 since getting the membership. The gym intimidates and enrages me. I have NEVER had to work at anything as hard as I have had to work at losing weight. When I am at the gym and see the size 2 girl RUNNING (or whatever you do on the elliptical) and laughing and talking with her BFF while I am WALKING on the treadmill with the angle cranked, huffing and puffing, and feeling like a sweaty disgusting mess and concerned that my shorts keep riding up because of chub rub; I kinda want to kill that girl. Maybe not kill so much as terribly maim or injure her.

    I know that sounded really harsh, but I promise I am not a sociopath. I really just resent people who can eat whatever they want, or exercise because they "think it's fun" and aren't afraid to tell you so (on either accounts).

    You've done the hard bit. You've acknowledged your issue and you're set to start working on it.

    I was you - lazy, I was once quoted saying "I don't like to sweat, so I can't exercise". Now I'm one of those people you'd want to at least maim, because I DO enjoy exercise. Do I enjoy it every time I set out for it? Hell no, but once you get the habit you're well on your way to establishing a good routine and once you've done that I promise you you'll start enjoying it. We're chemically programmed to enjoy exercise, we release hormones and other nice stuff after exercise - you just have to push past the starting bit where it makes you want to cry, choke, puke and die. Possibly all one after the other.

    You are going to do this. Because you're ready. Keep pushing :) Add me if you need a cheerleader :flowerforyou:
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Well first of all, you should be very proud of yourself. You stepped up, admitted your faults and insecurities and are ready to change them. That is a big step! I am happy or you!

    Secondly, don't let the gym or working out intimidate you! No one is judging you. At the gym, everyone is in their own zone, working on their fitness. They are all there for the same reason you are. And please don't be hostile(even if its just in your head) at the smaller girls next to you. They could have been heavier and lost the weight. You are avoiding the gym because of intimidation, yet you are judging others where you are there because they are smaller. I went from a 252 lbs and a size 22, to a 125 lbs and a size 4, I would be so saddened if I knew there was someone that was next to me on the machine, secretly hating me. To break through your gym insecurities, make up a wicked awesome playlist, grab a fitness magazine(they always keep me motivated while working out. My favourite is Shape) and get in your zone! :)

    You can totally do this girl! I have faith in you!
  • Soxgirl97
    Soxgirl97 Posts: 44 Member
    You've done a brave thing by being honest. I think a lot of us can relate. I know I can. I have been very lazy for the last 15 years. I just kept gaining and gaining and not doing anything about it.

    Six weeks ago a friend of mine told me about someone she knows who is 33 and had a heart attack. He ended up needing bypass surgery. It was because of his lifestyle. 33 is my age. It's not like I haven't known I'm ridiculously unhealthy but for some reason this story was what made me decide to do something about it.

    I started slowly. I highly recommend the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs or the Biggest Loser Power Walk. I'm too intimidated to go to the gym. I am much more comfortable working out at home. The first time I did the DVDs I couldn't get through it all. But eventually it got easier. I'm only 6 weeks in but I can tell a difference in how I look and feel.

    I started counting calories and that was a huge reality check when it came to my food choices. I quit eating fast food. It's like a drug to me.

    You can do this. Lean on us for support. Take it slow and be kind to yourself. I believe in you.
  • canyousaybikini
    I am humbled by your honesty, your acknowledging that changes need to be made is the first step. Think of it this way, what is your "why"? Why do you want to change your lifestyle? Once you have that deep seeded why, remember it everytime you are at a crossroads when making a choice. Your why will guide you. Next, find a place that you feel comfortable with. It may not be a big gym, I attend a small gym that concentrates on high intensive interval training and nutrition. The owners are wonderfully supportive and so are the clients, I have never felt out of place. I look forward to going to the gym and feel guilty if I miss a day. Lastly, make changes one at a time. If you try to change all your behaviors at once it will be overwhelming. Focus on one change each month, and at the end of the year you will have made 12 signigicant changes. Good luck with your journey!

    Please feel free to send me a friend request!
  • jmccurdy10
    Great post! Putting it down for all to see is taking the first step.

    Find something that you like to do thats active. I have always loved to dance... Solo dance parties when no one was home - Score! I then found Jazzercise. I heart Jazzercise SO MUCH. The instructors are normal people.. the classes have a range of people in their 20's to this lady who I think is about 80. They modify based on your ability... and its FUN. I thoroghly enjoy myself and look forward to my workout.

    I was going to do the whole gym thing... and bought a groupon for a free 2 month pass... and I went once. I was intimidated and lost and overwhelmed and just out of my element. It wasn't fun and I didnt make the time for it.

    I find myself making time for Jazzercise. Ohh.. I can stop by and do the express class on my way home... If I do this today - then I can go to jazzercise tomorrow.

    I think if you find something thats fun... you will make the time to do it.

    And I have found - the more you exercise - the better you end up eating. Because you know how hard you just worked to burn off that 600 calories - and do you really want to spoil it with a piece of pizza? At least thats my experience. :)
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
    You have made the first step by joining MFP and you are on you way!! I always felt the same way about gyms and for that reason I invested in purchasing my own treadmill and a HRM its the best combonation ever! I would look into purchasing your own treadmill so you can look how you please and focus on you without worrying about what others think!

    Mommy of 4........full time RRT
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Well hello beautiful you!!!
    Boy does your story hit home!

    My father has been in AA for 35 years and he likes to quote part of the big book (I'm not exactly quoting it) but it's something to the effect of ...very rarely has someone failed when they've been completely honest with themselves. (Something like that)

    It's sometimes a daily or minute by minute battle to continue to take an honest inventory of ourselves but your post is a beautiful step. Congratulations!!!

    Best of luck and love,
  • Angelfromokc
    Angelfromokc Posts: 57 Member
    I know this all to well. You have to be honest with yourself or your going to fail. I have learned the hard way. You can do this! Feel free to add me! Im always looking for new friends! :)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I have been like you all of my life, up until about a year or so ago. I've been heavy my whole life, since I was a kid. Seriously, that girl on the elliptical worked up to where she was, I'm sure, just like the other ladies said. Now, I'm that girl on that elliptical, so to speak! Lol. I don't eat perfectly, by any means, but I eat healthy about 80% of the time, sometimes more or less. I'm sure people are tired of hearing my say it, but zumba is totally what saved me. I love it. I've always loved to dance, and hated to exercise. Zumba is the one thing that I can do almost every day. Lately, I've been alternating between zumba, treadmill, and/or just playing with my kids, and trying to get off my butt as much as possible. You really do burn a lot of calories just being on your feet throughout the day. I try to find little things to do around the house on the days I don't work out. I believe you can read my profile, I put some helpful tips on there, as well as my "story." Also, you can view my before and after pics. You can add me, if you like for motivation. Good luck! And don't get down on yourself, even if you fall, pick yourself up and start again!!! This weight loss thing is not unachievable!!!! You CAN do it! All of you! Trust me, if I can, then you certainly can! :happy:
  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi and welcome!!! You already took the first step in joining so your heading in the right direction!!! your story is amazing and honest and you are not alone in how you feel.... there are many of us here who at some point been where you are today and maybe still feel like that at times...( myself )...Listen to what everyone is saying to you.....You can do this and remember you are not alone!!! you can add me if you like... we can all use support.. Best of luck to you on your JOURNEY!!!!!
  • gmms57
    gmms57 Posts: 23 Member
    You are not alone in re-vamping your life. Check out the FLY lady website, Dave Ramsey .com. and of course MFP....all have given me the motivation to get things in order. Good Luck!
  • rayboatwright1
    rayboatwright1 Posts: 7 Member
    Do you have a boxing gym near you? We have a Title Boxing and LA Boxing. I started at Title boxing so I can have a trainer pushing me. You see all shapes and sizes in the boxing gyms. The workouts are intense and you can go at your own level since there are no weights involved. It's a great motivational workout to have a trainer pushing you to keep going and work harder.
  • lindaking47
    :wink: One day at a time........ Dont give up. You can do it. It is going to take a while to make any progress, but keep trying. Even if you mess up and eat everything that you should not eat. At the next meal or snack make the healthy choice and move on. What is done is done. Im right there with you. All you can do is just go back to what you know you should eat. Dont say "whats the use"!! You know you are worth it! I will be here to help if you want to lean on each other. It is not going to be fun or easy. But worth it.
  • Syriene
    Syriene Posts: 238
    You will get there. Make small goals. They are easier to accomplish and help motivate.

    Also, PLEASE get yourself a kitty-proof cabinet for the basement so you aren't having to go all over the house! I was frustated for you by just reading that.