Best/Worst Thing People Said on your Weight Loss Journey?



  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Best: Having a co-worker introducing himself after summer break because he did not recognize me

    Worst: Student flapped my loose arm skin telling me there was no way I ever lifted weights or ran and still be this fat and out of shape. In the middle of class. Loudly. I almost broke my own rule about no hitting other people's kids... :mad:

    ETA: This worst happened last week, only a few days before this profile picture was taken. (Please excuse the pitiful make-up job, I was ambushed!)
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member

    - "I respect the work you put in" - jock brother who made fun of me for years for being nonathletic
    - "You look amazing/great" - male friends


    - "I think you're too skinny", or, "you're teeny tiny" with a worried look - female friends
    - "Do you make yourself throw up?" - my doctor. Answer is NO. I eat 1800-2400 cals of food that's not cheap and sometimes a pain in the *kitten* to make, why would I throw it up? She also thought working out 4-5 times a week was excessive.

    No one can believe it's possible to lose weight in a healthy way.

    Ugh, I REAAAAALLY want to expect more out of a healthcare professional. I REAAAAAALLY want to. Sadly, I work in healthcare and really should know better than to expect such lofty things :(
  • yammzxo
    yammzxo Posts: 15
    Best- "I saw you the other day and thought damn, she looks good. You motivated me to go workout the next day." --I lovee when people say this to me, not because of the compliments, but because I love that I can motivate people in such a positive way!

    Worst- "Did you lose weight?....Good, you really needed to." :grumble: --these people just need to go away.
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    Best: You have inspired me to lose weight. How did you do it? (high school classmate from 10 yrs ago)
    Worse: "You look like one of those starving people in Africa" or "You don't need to lose more weight, you're already a toothpick."
  • jennagoogles13
    Best: I was at the pool when a woman with an amazing butt told me she was jealous of mine!:laugh:
    Worst: "Fruit is sooo bad for you. You should ONLY eat one a day, at the most..."
  • lilibetnix
    lilibetnix Posts: 7 Member
    BEST: Everybody, "Wow, you look really great"
    WORST: "When are you due?" (I wasn't pregnant)
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Worst: "You look so good now! Before you were fat, you looked pregnant." -co-worker
    Best: "Why is your butt so big, how do I do that?" - mom
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Best: is any comment by anyone who is inpsired to change thier own life by my actions

    Worst: for me it's when people ask how I did it and thier reactions to the answer: eat healtiher, move more.
  • MrGrobbel
    MrGrobbel Posts: 35
    Best: "You don't even need to lose weight"
    Worst: "You don't even need to lose weight"

    I hear this all the time. Yes it's great to hear, but it becomes a bit confusing when the people you're close to start convincing you against goals that can only be beneficial. It gives me an excuse to cheat and I mean hardcore cheat on my diet on days that I've been convinced I'm "perfect the way I am". I know I need to lose the weight so stop being so nice to me and let me lose it!! Lol. It's been a rough few days...
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member

    - "I respect the work you put in" - jock brother who made fun of me for years for being nonathletic
    - "You look amazing/great" - male friends


    - "I think you're too skinny", or, "you're teeny tiny" with a worried look - female friends
    - "Do you make yourself throw up?" - my doctor. Answer is NO. I eat 1800-2400 cals of food that's not cheap and sometimes a pain in the *kitten* to make, why would I throw it up? She also thought working out 4-5 times a week was excessive.

    No one can believe it's possible to lose weight in a healthy way.

    Ugh, I REAAAAALLY want to expect more out of a healthcare professional. I REAAAAAALLY want to. Sadly, I work in healthcare and really should know better than to expect such lofty things :(

    Lol! Aw, I appreciate your sympathy. It was kind of shocking to hear. She's otherwise not too bad as a person, to be fair, and really great for some things (but kind of unhelpful about others). I think maybe she's never personally tried doing the whole work out/count cals thing, and can't imagine it working, like everyone else..
  • JonnyR214
    JonnyR214 Posts: 228 Member
    Best: You were sexy before and smoking hot now

    Worst: You're gonna die don't lose anymore weight
    You look skeletal
    Eat more you're too skinny
    you look like you have aids
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    I love reading all the replies :D

    - I'm so proud of you for what you've achieved! ( - from my SO and a few good friends)
    - I'm definitely looking at less *kitten* now ;) ( - from someone I think is pretty damn hot, lol)

    - This dress looks good on you! Would be even better if you didn't have that tummy.
    - You should stay this size, it's good! Wait, what's your weight? Oh ok, lose more. (wtf?!)
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Best: "You look great! Your hard work is paying off."
    Worst: "You've lost a LOT of weight!"

    I don't like to be reminded of how heavy I used to be, and when someone says "You've lost a LOT of weight" it's like they're saying, "You used to be SO FAT!" It's true, of course, but not easy to hear.
  • sjeannot
    sjeannot Posts: 143
    I was told that I look pretty now as if weight means that you are ugly. I was beautiful before and after and am still sexy like I was before. Now, I'm just a slimmer version of the same person.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    The best/worst thing someone did or said to me while on my weight loss journey is . . .

    BEST - "I never saw you 'that' way" - When they see old pictures of me, because they always loved me for the person I was

    WORST - "Maybe he wouldn't have found someone else if you hadn't gotten so big" - Quoted from my EX father-in-law

    :noway: Chip off the ol jack@ss, eh?
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    WORST : You ve lost a lot of weight . Are you sick ?

    BEST : The feeling I get from a 32 " waist .
  • k_saenz
    k_saenz Posts: 126
    Worst: What happened to your boobs?

    Best: "I want to get to were I look like you"
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    Best: Your legs look skinny!

    Worst: You look like you're ill. -Mother
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    BEST #1: Coworker, when talking about her sister: yeah she's a medium, but she's not as tall or as lean as you.
    BEST #2: Dad: you've done what a lot of people can't, and have completely changed your habits.

    WORST: Dad, directed at my uncle at my grandmother's funeral which I flew back for after not seeing my family for 4 months: "God isn't she getting so skinny?" (This doesn't sound bad, but my father and family have always treated me differently depending on my weight, and it makes me feel subconsciously that he only loves me and is proud of me when I am thin. This poorly timed comment made me quite unhappy)
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    jeese sounds like a lot of moms need to be slapped.

    Worst :Mother in law : " Nice abs matt! (sarcastic rude comment on a public profile. I won't post the rest of her remarks)

    Best : Stop showing off, your making me work harder (said by a friend in my martial arts club)

    Sometimes the worst comments sink deeper than the compliments. I'm working hard to get back to where I want to be and sometimes I want to run away so I don't have to hear all the crap remarks.