July Wii EA Sports Active



  • ChristineMcGrae
    Exercise 3 completed! Taking my rest day tomorrow [Tuesday]. I have done some kind of exercise of another for 12 days straight and I need a day off. :ohwell: Hopfully with a day off I'll be fresh as a daisy and ready to get back to it on Wednesday. :flowerforyou:

    After I was done with the 30 minute workout I had not yet burned 150 calories and I don't like finishing anything under 150 so I created my own short workout program and did some cardio running and boxing to get myself up and over that number. :happy:

    Per my HRM:
    30 Day Challenge - EA Sports Active (Wii)
    Workout 3 / Medium
    Time: 44:22
    Calories Burned: 162
    Average Heart Rate: 112
    Maximum Heart Rate: 150
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great job! Enjoy your rest day, have some fun!!
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    Hey guys,
    I completed day 4 yesterday. I didn't get to it until late because I still had family at my house. Today is my rest day. Keep feeling the burn!
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great job KTbell, it's difficult with family around. I always wait until the hubby leaves at the weekend *L*

    I pushed my rest day to tomorrow so did a workout on day 6.
    21.39 mins. = 158.6 cals
    10.03 mins = 74.5 cals

    Are the mini goals on the programme helping you all feel more motivated? Keep up the good work!
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    My results so far are:-
    Day 2 - rest
    Day 3 - 59 mins on medium 516 cals burned
    Day 4 - 58 mins on medium 507 cals burned
    Day 5 - 25 mins on medium 217 cals burned

    Tomorrow is a rest day...mind you so was today but could not resist getting in 20 mins or so....
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great job and great motivation! Keep it up!
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Called into work sick today.. still not feeling well. :sick:

    Decided to do some light housework to see if it would make me feel better to get up and moving about. I wore my HRM during it... and burned 340 calories in an hour and 43 minutes of vacuuming, dusting, changing the bed sheets, folding clothes, changing the cat litter, doing the dishes and wiping down the shower.

    Was surprised with my effort but now I'm off to take a shower and back to bed. :yawn:

    I am using my 2nd rest day this week from Sports Active but will be back into Workout #4 tomorrow! :happy:
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Aw hun, hope you feel better after your rest today...well after the house work *L* Take care of yourself!!! We look forward to your updates! xx
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Workout #4 complete! I decided to do it on 'Easy' today and my heart rate stayed up almost the entire time! I burned almost as many calories in 28 minutes that I did the other day with something like 44 minutes. Major cardio day!

    I am working a 12-8 shift today so knew the only way to get it in was to do it before work. Glad I pushed myself to complete it! :happy:

    How is everybody else doing? :flowerforyou:

    Per my HRM:
    30 Day Challenge - EA Sports Active (Wii)
    Workout 4 / Easy
    Time: 28:29
    Calories Burned: 155
    Average Heart Rate: 145
    Maximum Heart Rate: 172
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great job and great motivation for an AM workout hun! Hope you're feeling better today.

    I had a rest day yesterday so went to Zumba, but I'll update my workout later today!

    Take care guys and keep up the good work!
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Phew another hot hot hot day in the midlands for me *L*
    Today I did the workout on medium again:

    22.55 minutes = 186.3 cals
    9.56 minutes = 73.8 cals

    I always like to get to at least the 30 minutes.

    Hope you're all getting on well with the challenge. Shall we have a check in next week to see who is still about?
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    My results so far are:-
    Day 2 - rest
    Day 3 - 59 mins on medium 516 cals burned
    Day 4 - 58 mins on medium 507 cals burned
    Day 5 - 25 mins on medium 217 cals burned
    Day 6 - rest
    Day 7 - 38 mins on medium 332 cals burned
  • MissMaz
    MissMaz Posts: 92
    Great job!! Keep it up!
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    My results so far are:-
    Day 2 - rest
    Day 3 - 59 mins on medium 516 cals burned
    Day 4 - 58 mins on medium 507 cals burned
    Day 5 - 25 mins on medium 217 cals burned
    Day 6 - rest
    Day 7 - 38 mins on medium 332 cals burned
    Day 8 - 40 mins on medium 350 cals burned

    Can't beleive that i have kept this up for 8 days straight!! I have usually given up by now I am really impressing myself.....just hope I can keep it up!!!
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Great job Aszolc!!
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Workout #5 complete! Did it right when I got home from work... unfortunately my shower after the workout was not too fun. The water kept going out and turning cold. UGH!!!! :grumble:

    Found today pretty easy actually... Was very much geared toward strength and not so much Cardio so made my own custom workout and did it after.

    Hope everybody has a great Friday night!!

    Per my HRM:
    30 Day Challenge - EA Sports Active (Wii)
    Workout 5 / Medium
    Time: 31:07
    Calories Burned: 106
    Average Heart Rate: 111
    Maximum Heart Rate: 158

    Custom Workout
    Time: 20:24
    Calories Burned: 101
    Average Heart Rate: 135
    Maximum Heart Rate: 168
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    My results so far are:-

    Day 7 - 38 mins on medium 332 cals burned
    Day 8 - 40 mins on medium 350 cals burned
    Day 9 - 39 mins on medium 341 cals burned
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Workout #6 complete! :happy: Again I think those fast kick up are going to be the death of me.. just can't seem to get a fast enough pace going for it to tell me I am doing it perfect.. it keeps saying too slow. Hopefully practice will make perfect.

    As of now I think tomorrow will be a rest day. Per the calendar on the game I am scheduled to complete the Challenge on July 31th so I am right on track. YAY! :smile:

    Have a good weekend everybody. :flowerforyou:

    Per my HRM:
    30 Day Challenge - EA Sports Active (Wii)
    Workout 6 / Medium
    Time: 33:32
    Calories Burned: 151
    Average Heart Rate: 129
    Maximum Heart Rate: 156
  • Mandie69
    Mandie69 Posts: 65 Member
    My results so far are:-

    Day 7 - 38 mins on medium 332 cals burned
    Day 8 - 40 mins on medium 350 cals burned
    Day 9 - 39 mins on medium 341 cals burned
    Day 10 - 42 mins on medium 368 cals burned

    and a pound lost today...would have thought it would have been more
    with all the additional exercise but hey... a pound is a pound
  • ChristineMcGrae
    Today was my day off, great job to those that completed a workout today! :happy:

    I have noticed that in the last two weeks the calories burned on my HRM have been much lower than that that is listed on the EA Sports Active itself. However in my first week with the HRM it used to be showing very similar numbers.

    Well today is my weigh in day and I went to update my HRM Watch as I do every Sunday with my new weight. Last week I was 230 this week 228. Well when I got into the settings I saw it had me listed as 130!! I have no idea how long it has had me listed in the 100's. I checked with my account with Polar and I had my starting weight correct so it has not been like this the entire time.

    I wonder if this error is why I have noticed a decline in calories burned over the last two weeks? I guess I'll only know after working out tomorrow. Glad I saw this though! lol :noway: