


  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    I would love to do Insanity but I don't have access to a DVD player - I have a Macbook Pro Retina and it doesn't have a CD/DVD/BluRay drive! First world problems I know..

    Are there any online versions available?
  • Anyone whose experiencing weight gain, that's normal. It's muscle and when you're body is adjusting to a new workout it retains water, look more at your inches and the second month has been proven to melt the weight off by the end, don't get discouraged..push through it and make sure to make up for the calories burned! without it your body will go into starvation and eat off of your muscle (not good).
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Hi guys!
    I'm nearly finished with week 2 of insanity, i have today's workout and then a day off :)
    I really love the program, i can't wait to finish it to see the results! Right in time for summer too ;)
    Just got to remember to take it a day at a time and not get daunted by the whole process. Drink LOADS of water and make sure you're eating enough, especially protein!
    Feel free to add me for motivation and support :)
  • ElenakiFra
    ElenakiFra Posts: 62 Member
    Hello all! I started Insanity yesterday with my husband! I hope we will get nice results! Hard workout but i like it so much! I planning to do round 2 with my best friend too!
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    Hi all, I started Insanity with the Fit test on Sunday and did the first program last night. I can't do all the moves yet but I hear that will get better.
    I have a question for the seasoned Insanity Vets-do or did any of you get light headed going from the floor to the jumps? I am well hydrated, I drink about 10 glasses of water during the day and due to my schedule have to do the work outs in the evening, about an hour after and a half after dinner (which is my lightest meal). I was cleared by my doc (ya, I really went!) and normally have pretty low Blood Pressure. I can do JM's 30 day shred and keep up, I've done it a few times. Just wondering if this has happend to anyone else and if you have any suggestions. Thanks ahead of time!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i got a little dizzy from time to time. think its natural when you are working that hard and eating at a calorie defecit to experince it once in awhile.

    shouldn't be feeling it every workout or even every week.
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    Starting week 4 tomorrow!
  • BoltzNBrew
    BoltzNBrew Posts: 24 Member
    I get dizzy from time to time mostly during all the up and downs, globes, level 1 & 2 drills. Got to remember to breathe, I tend to hold my breath when exorting that much effort to keep moving. I stop, catch my breath and back into it.

    Woke up with a stuffy head today.Nothing a little Pure Cardio can't handle.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I am on month 2, week one :)
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I get dizzy from time to time mostly during all the up and downs, globes, level 1 & 2 drills. Got to remember to breathe, I tend to hold my breath when exorting that much effort to keep moving. I stop, catch my breath and back into it.

    Woke up with a stuffy head today.Nothing a little Pure Cardio can't handle.

    I used to get very dizzy during globe jumps, what helps me is find a spot you can focus on and keep your eyes there the whole time. Even if you have to place a penny somewhere, make it something like a dot on the wall/ floor or a small object, it really helps me!
  • BoltzNBrew
    BoltzNBrew Posts: 24 Member
    I used to get very dizzy during globe jumps, what helps me is find a spot you can focus on and keep your eyes there the whole time. Even if you have to place a penny somewhere, make it something like a dot on the wall/ floor or a small object, it really helps me!

    I will try that. Thank you!
  • xxowenscharxx
    xxowenscharxx Posts: 19 Member
    Started 3 days ago, did the Fit test, and today the DVD no. 1. For people that says that it's easy, 2 things comes to my mind, or they are not doing it to the full or they are mega fit. When I finish today I was dead

    So true - me too! I was meant to do day 6 today but missed it :( so will catch up tomorrow instead (just means the program will take a few days longer!) Im loving it so far; never thought I would get into something like this as I'm not overly fit but can already notice a difference (lost 3.75lbs this week too!)
  • xxowenscharxx
    xxowenscharxx Posts: 19 Member
    I start rest week on Monday! Then on to month 2! It's absolutely INSANE!!!! :)

    How are you finding your results? Are you happy with how your body is changing?
  • ElaineRN100
    ElaineRN100 Posts: 201 Member
    I had thought about doing the Insanity workout but then two of my co-workers suffered injuries that nearly caused them to miss work. One in his 40's - tear in obliques and a 20 yo female sprained ankle. I'm 57, so decided if the young one's couldn't do it, I was insane to even attempt it. Good luck everyone.
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    I am on my 3rd time through INSANITY and I'm doing a daily blog about it.

    Friend me and follow along. I'm only on Day 6 so you haven't missed much, and it's not difficult to catch up.

    I also have tips and tricks that I used to get me through exercises and some REALLY long weeks!
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I had thought about doing the Insanity workout but then two of my co-workers suffered injuries that nearly caused them to miss work. One in his 40's - tear in obliques and a 20 yo female sprained ankle. I'm 57, so decided if the young one's couldn't do it, I was insane to even attempt it. Good luck everyone.

    I'm 52 and decided I can do as much as I can within my limits, I'm old enough to know what they are, and just get better slowly. I have a male nurse friend here at work who's son was on Biggest Loser, my friend is in his 60's and HE's doing it the same way I am, at our own pace. I hadn't been getting results from anything else and have seen many friends really get fabulous results from Insanity, I don't want to be left out!
  • mjlong
    mjlong Posts: 73 Member
    I really want to do it, but I don't have time to workout everyday. I am having a hard time doing 3 days a week.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member If you want to lose weight leave your calories where they are or even go down to 1500. You need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight, and Insanity actually doesn't burn as many calories as many people think! Its the after burn where all the results are. I can say this with complete confidence because i went from 208 pounds to 174 doing turbo fire (beachbody programsimilar to insanity) and I ate 1200-1500 calories that whole time.

    Oh my. I've done Turbo Fire. It is in no way similar to insanity. TF is a walk in the park... You have to up your calories as you progress in the Insanity program. 1200 is enough for TF. 1200 is not nearly enough for Insanity
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member If you want to lose weight leave your calories where they are or even go down to 1500. You need to create a calorie deficit to lose weight, and Insanity actually doesn't burn as many calories as many people think! Its the after burn where all the results are. I can say this with complete confidence because i went from 208 pounds to 174 doing turbo fire (beachbody programsimilar to insanity) and I ate 1200-1500 calories that whole time.

    well even tho they are being burned post workout, thats still calories burned.

    I'm pleased for you that you lost weight in your experience, but it does not prove that it produces a better outcome then the calorie recommendations in the nutrition guide.

    To sort of counter point the above, if your far from your ideal weight then a huge calorie defecit can be beneficial, but as you get closer to a healthy weight it maybe counter productive and make it take that much longer or even impossible to get the body you want.
  • johnnygizmo
    johnnygizmo Posts: 59 Member
    Fit Test Yesterday (followed by a 5K treadmill run)
    Plyo Cardo Circuit today (followed by a 9.5 minute mile as a cool down)

    LOVE IT!!!!