Bigger Woman wanting to becoming a Zumba instructor



  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I did an at home Zumba video once, and although I was home alone I was still embarrassed for myself~lol. If you're good at it and love it, go for it girl!

    I've been doing Zumba for almost a year and a half now...I've gotten pretty good at it with a lot of practice, but initially, I SUCKED. For at least the first 5 months or so, but you learn and you get better with time.

    OP, I say go for it! It doesn't matter to me how big the instructor is, only how she moves!
  • PaperDahlia
    PaperDahlia Posts: 41 Member
    I'm sure this won't be a popular response and guess what? I don't care! Being an overweight fitness instructor is not a good look.

    No, it's a pretty pathetic response but yours to have.

    not to mention the person who wrote this comment has a profile photo that talks about striving for progress and NOT perfection.
    seems hypocritical! am I right?

    Do whatever you wish..anything you want badly enough, can be achieved.
    it just takes focus and commitment.:happy:
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I would be happiest with a Zumba instructor who was fit enough to do the whole hour of class.

    Whether she/he was carrying some extra weight really wouldn't come into it. But if they couldn't manage the whole thing, I think that would intimidate me more - it would suggest that the class was so hard, even the expert can't keep up.

    So, if you are able to do the class, then go for it!
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    I would be happiest with a Zumba instructor who was fit enough to do the whole hour of class.

    Whether she/he was carrying some extra weight really wouldn't come into it. But if they couldn't manage the whole thing, I think that would intimidate me more - it would suggest that the class was so hard, even the expert can't keep up.

    So, if you are able to do the class, then go for it!

    I have not had a Zumba instructor not finish a class lmao, that would be totally weird.
    I am able to keep up lol, we just went to a Zumba party and me and a friend did the whole 1.5 hrs of Zumba (running for water between) lol
    Was great! And still went to the class I goto the next day :-)
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I would be happiest with a Zumba instructor who was fit enough to do the whole hour of class.

    Whether she/he was carrying some extra weight really wouldn't come into it. But if they couldn't manage the whole thing, I think that would intimidate me more - it would suggest that the class was so hard, even the expert can't keep up.

    So, if you are able to do the class, then go for it!

    I have not had a Zumba instructor not finish a class lmao, that would be totally weird.
    I am able to keep up lol, we just went to a Zumba party and me and a friend did the whole 1.5 hrs of Zumba (running for water between) lol
    Was great! And still went to the class I goto the next day :-)

    I've been to a few classes for different things over the years and occasionally encountered somebody who has sounded as though they read about it in a book, but never done it themselves. A larger instructor isn't a problem, but when you're talking about doing things that affect my health and physical condition, I do want to know that the person teaching me is capable of doing it. Same when I was at school, the PE teacher would join in with the activities she told us to do, to show us that it wasn't impossible and leading by example, I guess.

    So I'm fully in favour of someone larger teaching - it challenges preconceptions as well as making the big, scary thing that exercise can be, more accessible to even the larger, more unfit participant.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    Ok, I did it, Signed up and am set to learn to become and instructor July 27th! I have been working with a personal trainer and doing bootcamp, he also has me blogging! check it out at I am Samantha :-)
    Lots of hard work and dedication going into this, I have lost about 33 lbs since I been really trying, still plenty more to go :-)
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Thatta girl!! I'm so happy for you and wish you the best of luck! I know you will do well and inspire many!
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    It's all in your head!! Do your research and go for it!!!

  • LadyElby
    LadyElby Posts: 151 Member
    My zumba instructor is a little big too. But it always astounds me how well she moves, and how fast!! She teaches 2, and often 3 zumba classes in a row a couple nights a week, at varying levels. I don't know how she does it since after one hour of her class I'm completely pooped! But I say, if you love it, and and you're good at it, go for it!! It probably takes some time and training to get certified anyway, so might as well get started. Good for you!
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    My zumba instructor is a little big too. But it always astounds me how well she moves, and how fast!! She teaches 2, and often 3 zumba classes in a row a couple nights a week, at varying levels. I don't know how she does it since after one hour of her class I'm completely pooped! But I say, if you love it, and and you're good at it, go for it!! It probably takes some time and training to get certified anyway, so might as well get started. Good for you!

    There are different levels so to speak of zumba, there is ones for kids, seniors, and the different kinds of dance, I am taking the first july 27th and will work my way from there. I do plan on taking the one for kids also as my neice loves Zumba.
    It's a day for the first one I am taking so, shall prove interesting.
  • Pearsokx
    Pearsokx Posts: 5 Member
    I so agree with you!!
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    Thatta girl!! I'm so happy for you and wish you the best of luck! I know you will do well and inspire many!

    Thanks, I am trying and it helps to have people who support what you wanna do. My trainer is totally happy I want to do this and is all for me doing it and thinks I will be good at it. He is amazed all the time on my ability to do things so lol. He has a goal himself to reach out to people to get healthy and fit, hence I am blogging as he asked :-)
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    How exciting that you're going for it! Don't let anyone discourage you!
    I just got hired to teach water aerobics at the pool where I've taken the class for years, and am training with the head instructor now. Since I still have 95 pounds to lose I know she was skeptical when she met me....that night she had me just participate in her class and observe some things. Afterward she said, "You totally kept up, I'm impressed!" Fitness level isn't visible on the outside! Being able to do the moves and lead the group is what matters.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Found it!
    Here is an article about just this,
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member


    ^^ Look at this guy.

    Quite possibly one of my favorite scenes.
  • hseipel12
    hseipel12 Posts: 26
    I think you should go for it as long as you aren't getting winded. It's important to be able to do everything easily if you are going to instruct people.
    Being totally honest, I once gave a work out video side eyes because the instructor was bigger. After 5 minutes all my doubts were gone and my butt was getting kicked. I'm ashamed of myself for being so jugdy.
  • Ibleedlipstick
    Ibleedlipstick Posts: 33 Member
    You can definitely do it! I'm an instructor and I love it.

    However, I will say that eventually, you don't burn as many calories as you think you do. Initially, you lose some weight and you feel awesome, but it is only an additional 300 calories or so per workout. I know some seriously fit personal trainers and fitness instructors that have actually gained weight from teaching. It is so easy to fall into the "I worked out twice today, I can eat X" that you really, really have to watch it.
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    If I took a fitness class and the instructor was overweight, I would think the class doesn't work. Yep, I said it.
  • BadOneEarMonkey
    If I took a fitness class and the instructor was overweight, I would think the class doesn't work. Yep, I said it.

    Perhaps you would need to ask the intructor where they started from? as oppose to judging before you even participated in the class.

    also, like some people have said, you be amazed on how some people who are heavier than yourself can move better and give you a better workout than someone "skinny".