I am under eating by at least 1000 cals a day?



  • sk84l1fe4
    sk84l1fe4 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    If theres no problem dont post a thread asking for advice?
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    You've only been doing it for a few weeks. If you try to keep that up AND undereat, it will very likely catch up with you. You may later begin to experience fatigue and extreme hunger or cravings or other issues.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    The problem is that you are exercising too much and are unable or unwilling to take in the calories to keep yourself healthy and fuel your workouts. If you are drastically undereating you may not notice problems right away, but after a while you bet your butt you will.

    Long enough and at too low of a calorie amount you can say goodbye to your hair (unless you eat FAR too little, then you can also say hello to the hair that grows on your stomach and face) and your muscle. No chance of nice nails; they'll all break too easily to keep them long. Dry skin. Yay! And that's just the cosmetic stuff.

    It doesn't happen overnight, but if you continue to undereat for too long, it WILL happen. You're not a special snowflake and immune to problems that others get from undereating.

  • I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    You have nothing else to do during the day.. and yet you barely find time to eat lunch. Something seems off here.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Alright, so I go to the gym everyday and work out for 2 hours everyday. 1 hour strength, 1 hour cardio. On the days where I can't do the strength (because its bad to do it everyday) I just do 2 hours of cardio. Anyway, so I barely have time to eat lunch anymore because it takes me about 45 minutes to get to the gym and 45 minutes to get back home. I'm really trying to lose weight and get toned up. I am at the biggest I have ever been though because I weighed myself and I weigh 200 pounds! I have been doing this gym routine for like 2 weeks and half now. I was too scared to weigh myself when I first started so, I don't know if I was even bigger than 200 pounds! I have lost 3 inches off my waist though. I usually under eat by 1000 calories, is this bad? Could I be making myself gain weight? What about anorexics? How come they don't eat, and they don't gain weight? I don't get the whole, if you eat under 1200 calories a day, you are putting your body in starvation mode and that could affect weight loss because again how do anorexics do it then....
    I'm suppose to be eating 1400 calories a day but I know that most people should eat 2000 a day? Is this just a myth? When I exercise, MFP tells me that I should be eating like 2000 something calories! Usually, I end up eating around 1000-1300 a day.
    Any advice would be great thanks!
    Edit: That website tells me I should be eating like 2637 calories per day! Thats more than what MFP recommends, I think I'm going to stick with this website, thanks...

    First off, you don't need to do 2 hours of exercise to lose weight.... Look at the QUALITY of your workout, not QUANTITY.

    As you have a fair bit of weight to lose, you an afford a fairly large deficit, so NET 1400 should be fine. Ie eat your exercise calories.

    You shouldn't compare trying to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way (which is what you should be doing) to the behaviour of anorexic people.....

    This....completely unnecessary to train the way you are training and you obviously don't know how to fuel it. If you train like an athlete you need to know how to eat like one. 30-45 minutes of aerobic cardio 3x weekly with 30-45 minutes of recovery cardio (basically walking), combined with your 3x weekly of strength training is more than sufficient for good fitness, heart health, and strength.

    Exercise for fitness; use your diet for weight control. If you're going nuts at the gym, you have to fuel it...not doing so pretty much gives you a fraction of the benefit that your workout could give you if it was properly fueled.
  • SaffSaad
    SaffSaad Posts: 81
    I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    If theres no problem dont post a thread asking for advice?

    I agree with schnarfo. Everyone here is telling you that you need to eat more, they're telling you how to do it by eating dense foods, and they're telling you that you don't need to workout as much. Keep in mind those people are doing well in their weight loss journey so I'm sure they know what they're talking about.

    So I'm just a little confused, you say you can't meet you recommended calories and you're ok with working out so much so why post a thread asking for advice?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    That is BS if I ever saw it.

    I don't eat "Low fat" etc foods as I believe they contain a high amount of unhealthy chemicals. I eat alot of homemade soups, smoothies, breads, PB, cheese etc and I STILL can not get to 1400-1500 some days. Its only if I eat crap food I can reach my calorie goals (And even then it is my calorie goal with out exercise so about 1750 calories) But one of my smooties are about 400 calories but can keep me full for 4-5 hours. One of my soups is only 180-230 (Depending on how much I have) and keeps me full for 3-4 hours.
    I had half a sliced cucumber for morning tea the other day, and it kept me full for 2 hours, when I put it into the system it was a whole 8 calories.
    So no, some of us LITERALLY can not get to that much

    The point was....eat more FAT. Everyone goes on a diet and cuts fat because it's the '80s all over again and fat makes you fat. Cook your veggies in 1 Tbsp of Olive Oil...bam...you've just added 110 calories. Eat a measly ounce of nuts...bam...160 calories...250 calories of those nuts were roasted in another oil. Have an ounce of dark chocolate for desert...very nutritious and...bam...151 calories. Eat some avocado, etc....

    The point was there are nutrient dense foods that are also calorie dense...but they tend to get eliminated because of their fat content.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Yeah, this is really confusing for me as well now. I also eat filling meals that are actually healthy, I don't eat unhealthy. I physically cannot eat like 2500 calories a day. Not possible.
    Sure you can.

    Don't buy "diet / low-fat" versions of stuff. Eat cheese, peanut butter, milk... You'll be shocked.

    That is BS if I ever saw it.

    I don't eat "Low fat" etc foods as I believe they contain a high amount of unhealthy chemicals. I eat alot of homemade soups, smoothies, breads, PB, cheese etc and I STILL can not get to 1400-1500 some days. Its only if I eat crap food I can reach my calorie goals (And even then it is my calorie goal with out exercise so about 1750 calories) But one of my smooties are about 400 calories but can keep me full for 4-5 hours. One of my soups is only 180-230 (Depending on how much I have) and keeps me full for 3-4 hours.
    I had half a sliced cucumber for morning tea the other day, and it kept me full for 2 hours, when I put it into the system it was a whole 8 calories.
    So no, some of us LITERALLY can not get to that much
    Then you're doing it wrong. Seriously.

  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Regarding anorexics, they "get away" with it because they don't get help until they have been under eating for so long that it causes noticeable damage to their health, some of which is not reversable by achieving a healthy weight (luckily, most of it is).

    It is much better to avoid the damage before it becomes noticeable.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    To those who "just can't get to 1400-1500 calories"... Obviously you did at one point or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. Not being snarky, just real.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Personally, I would trust the guy who lost 153 pounds. Clearly he knows what he's doing. But that's just me.

    Like everyone else said, it's unnecessary to work out for so long every single day. If you intend to burn so many calories through exercise, you should eat enough to fuel your body through your workouts. I do 30 minutes of intense exercise about 5 times a week, and I eat back most or all of my exercise calories (which comes out to 1800-1900 calories of food most days). I've had plenty of progress doing this.

    Food is fuel. Make time to fuel your body properly.

    And listen to the people who have the experience and the success to back up the advice they're giving you.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Alright, so I go to the gym everyday and work out for 2 hours everyday. 1 hour strength, 1 hour cardio. On the days where I can't do the strength (because its bad to do it everyday) I just do 2 hours of cardio. Anyway, so I barely have time to eat lunch anymore because it takes me about 45 minutes to get to the gym and 45 minutes to get back home. I'm really trying to lose weight and get toned up. I am at the biggest I have ever been though because I weighed myself and I weigh 200 pounds! I have been doing this gym routine for like 2 weeks and half now. I was too scared to weigh myself when I first started so, I don't know if I was even bigger than 200 pounds! I have lost 3 inches off my waist though. I usually under eat by 1000 calories, is this bad? Could I be making myself gain weight? What about anorexics? How come they don't eat, and they don't gain weight? I don't get the whole, if you eat under 1200 calories a day, you are putting your body in starvation mode and that could affect weight loss because again how do anorexics do it then....
    I'm suppose to be eating 1400 calories a day but I know that most people should eat 2000 a day? Is this just a myth? When I exercise, MFP tells me that I should be eating like 2000 something calories! Usually, I end up eating around 1000-1300 a day.
    Any advice would be great thanks!
    Edit: That website tells me I should be eating like 2637 calories per day! Thats more than what MFP recommends, I think I'm going to stick with this website, thanks...

    First off, you don't need to do 2 hours of exercise to lose weight.... Look at the QUALITY of your workout, not QUANTITY.

    As you have a fair bit of weight to lose, you an afford a fairly large deficit, so NET 1400 should be fine. Ie eat your exercise calories.

    You shouldn't compare trying to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way (which is what you should be doing) to the behaviour of anorexic people.....

    This....completely unnecessary to train the way you are training and you obviously don't know how to fuel it. If you train like an athlete you need to know how to eat like one. 30-45 minutes of aerobic cardio 3x weekly with 30-45 minutes of recovery cardio (basically walking), combined with your 3x weekly of strength training is more than sufficient for good fitness, heart health, and strength.

    Exercise for fitness; use your diet for weight control. If you're going nuts at the gym, you have to fuel it...not doing so pretty much gives you a fraction of the benefit that your workout could give you if it was properly fueled.

    Agreed. OP, I started at 270 lbs. I have lost 106 lbs by eating 1800-2200 gross calories every day and never spend more than 6 hours a week working out. I am in the best shape of my life. It works if you work it correctly.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    To those who "just can't get to 1400-1500 calories"... Obviously you did at one point or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. Not being snarky, just real.

    QFT...these posts always perplex me. When I started out, I was like...damn...how am I going to only eat 1800 calories? Achieving my calorie goals has never been an issue...it's over achieving that has always been my issue :laugh:
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    To those who "just can't get to 1400-1500 calories"... Obviously you did at one point or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. Not being snarky, just real.

    She specifically said that she couldn't do it with healthy food.

    I know that I got fat eating at McDonald's. It has taken me quite awhile to figure out how to eat the right amounts of the right foods.

    However, I never said that I could; I just said that I didn't know how.
  • BeccaBollons
    BeccaBollons Posts: 652 Member
    To those who "just can't get to 1400-1500 calories"... Obviously you did at one point or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. Not being snarky, just real.

    I agree, but just want to point out that not everyone is on here to lose weight, just trying to be a healthier them.
  • I'm not pushing through these work outs. Its not that hard. I have nothing else to do during the day so I go to the gym. 1 hour on the machines and 1 hour swimming, I don't see the problem

    Then why ask for help? What are you asking for advice on? If you think 2 hours in the gym is helping you achieve your goals crack on!
  • To those who "just can't get to 1400-1500 calories"... Obviously you did at one point or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. Not being snarky, just real.

    I'm feeling this post. Always makes me shake my head a little when I read posts from people with a lot of weight to lose saying how they can't reach their calorie goals, all I think is 'You are eating wrong or just plain telling big fat porkie's to try and look all self disciplined and shiny and awesome.....' I just think your lying personally, you didn't (and I didn't) get to be lardies from not eating enough calories.....Just saying....
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Regarding anorexics, they "get away" with it because they don't get help until they have been under eating for so long that it causes noticeable damage to their health, some of which is not reversable by achieving a healthy weight (luckily, most of it is).

    It is much better to avoid the damage before it becomes noticeable.

    This. Looking at me you couldn't tell I had an eating disorder for years. Looking at my x-rays over a year after recovering, though, you can see the permanent damage it's caused to my bones. Let me tell you, having the bone density of someone who can get a senior discount isn't that fun.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    To those who "just can't get to 1400-1500 calories"... Obviously you did at one point or you wouldn't be trying to lose weight. Not being snarky, just real.

    She specifically said that she couldn't do it with healthy food.

    I know that I got fat eating at McDonald's. It has taken me quite awhile to figure out how to eat the right amounts of the right foods.

    However, I never said that I could; I just said that I didn't know how.

    I wasn't referring to you.