What workouts do you do?



  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    insanity... mountain bike sometimes
  • I try to go for a walk everyday for at least an hour. And I have dance 3 days a week.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    four days a week weight lifting...compound lifts - deadlift, squat, bench press, overhead press, weighted pull ups/chin ups , etc...

    usually run one or two days a week...
  • I usuakly do the 30 day shred of jillian michaels,it is 25 minutes of intensive trainning it replaces hours of working at the gym,it is really effective,it is going to be hard first but then you are going to get used to it.You can use it for free on youtube,just type the 30 day ahred ,if you have other questions feel free to contaçt me
  • I usuakly do the 30 day shred of jillian michaels,it is 25 minutes of intensive trainning it replaces hours of working at the gym,it is really effective,it is going to be hard first but then you are going to get used to it.You can use it for free on youtube,just type the 30 day ahred ,if you have other questions feel free to contaçt me
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    I do weights 30 mins three times a week. I do these first thing in the morning, because that is the only way I work them into my schedule. And, on my lunch break each day, I go to the gym and get on the AMT machine at lunch. Typically I get in 30 - 35 minutes on that 5 days a week.
  • I took a long time off to recover from injuries done by exercising incorrectly and to excess. Now into my second decade of life, I take it easy. I like to be pain free most of all. So my goal is to do a spin class two to three times a week and do two strength classes. Four times a week works for me.
  • I did the insanity program.. I didnt like that it was all cardio so when I finished that I started Chalean Extreme... LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Its weights three days a week with core and cardio 2 days.. I sneak in an extra day of cardio so Im actually doing 6x a week workout.. I have noticed the biggest difference with this program because muscle burns fat! The extra workout I do is Turbo Jam fat blaster workout Love that one too!
  • Monday, Urban Workout. Tues, Reebok step, Wednesday, Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk. Thurs, Reebok Step. Friday,
    Leslie Sansone 2 mile walk. Saturday, Keli Roberts Shadow Boxer. Sunday, day of rest! If only my eating was so disciplined! :-\
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Right now I am in LOVE :love: with the ARC Trainer for my cardio 3x a week... I burn more calories than the elliptical, and it is easier on my ACL (I have problems with) in my knee. I do 50 minutes (10 warm-up, and 5 min cool down included) I end up burning 700+ calories, and try for a heart rate of 150 for the 35 min between. 2x a week I strength train b/c muscle burns calories better, and 1x a week I go for yoga to stretch, and maintain good posture (sit in an office all day). I do try to change-up my routines monthly to keep my muscles guessing, and working for me.
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    I am currently alternating between Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and Leslie Sansone 5 Mile Walk

    I dont have specific days or times or even preferences, I just try to move around as much as possible.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    4-5 days a week, crossfit type circuit class (dumb bells, kettle bells, tires, body weight, etc), last 45-60 minutes depending on the instructor, burning 350-450 calories per session per HRM. For being a bit ADD, it's great because I don't get bored since we don't do the same exercise for more than a minute. Also, not that our instructors are allowed to design their workouts, there's even more variety and no two workouts have been the same the past 6 weeks.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    This is my workout week schedule for this week:

    SUNDAY - Boxing + Abs
    MONDAY - Upper Body (heavy)
    TUESDAY - Legs (heavy)
    THURSDAY - Upper Body (hypertrophy)
    FRIDAY - Cardio + Abs
    SATURDAY - Legs (hypertrophy)

    Basically an upper/lower body split with one heavy day for each and one hypertrophy day for each. Always try to do 1-2 cardio sessions as my time allows, but lifting is my priority.
  • trist22
    trist22 Posts: 5
    Kickboxing, twice a week. Spinning twice a week ( both at 60 minutes), Tabata and extreme circuit ( the first is 30 mins, second 60), a weight lifting class that our gym specifically designed to music ( 60 minutes), running ( usually 30 mins.. not too big of a runner lol), elliptical and stair stepper and chasing small kids and a dog with a ball. ;)
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    My workouts sound so boring and normal in comparison lol.

    I do at least 30minutes but usually do 1hour of workout daily.
    I usually walk up and down stairs and/or run (if there's good weather!).
    I sometimes add in a little HIIT stairs or interval running to mix things up!
    I don't have access to a gym so the only heavy lifting I do is carrying tons of groceries and washing heavy pots and pans haha.
  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    Weights- twice a week
    Cardio- HIT (mainly treadmill) and Bike 2 X (usually after weights)
    Cardio- endurance (5km) 3 X
    Walking- 10,000 steps 2 X
  • JGainingHealth
    JGainingHealth Posts: 194 Member
    I get bored easily... I switch it up between doing the elliptical (intervals), running outside, Zumba, kickboxing videos, 30 day shred, calisthenics, strength training, walking... I usually try to get in at least 30-60mins/day, with a couple days being low intensity or just stretching and rest.
  • I do Insanity; 6 days a week. Toward the end of week 3 though, I twisted my ankle and had to rest. I was pissed cause i really like the program (even though I yell at him through the TV!). So I waited till the swelling went down and started back up again this week. I heard though that people tend to lose more weight in the second month. I am hoping cause I have not lost much in the first month at all.
  • This is my workout week schedule for this week:

    SUNDAY - Boxing + Abs
    MONDAY - Upper Body (heavy)
    TUESDAY - Legs (heavy)
    THURSDAY - Upper Body (hypertrophy)
    FRIDAY - Cardio + Abs
    SATURDAY - Legs (hypertrophy)

    Basically an upper/lower body split with one heavy day for each and one hypertrophy day for each. Always try to do 1-2 cardio sessions as my time allows, but lifting is my priority.
  • What is hypertrophy? Ive not heard of that before.