From addicted



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I find things I enjoy.

    This time around (I know, but at least I keep getting back into it), I started out playing games on mi Wii Fit. Then I bought some serious exercise games. I use my own, stronger resistance tubes on EA Active for an intense strength workout and have two different Zumba games.

    I also take dance classes once a week and occasionally go out dancing. Since I am part of the set up crew, I take my hula hoop and hoop dance between set up and classes.

    I just got a bike. I had forgotten how awesome it is to speed along! I am trying to convince my mother to give me her collapsible hoop, then I will have one I can take to the park and practice hooping!

    I also set concrete goals. I am currently working toward doing a full push-up, walking 5k in 45 minutes, and I am part of a Zumba challenge to do 25 hours of Zumba this month. Hopefully all that Zumba helps me walk faster, but I am not sure it works that way.
  • echangas
    echangas Posts: 2 Member
    I hated running and couldn't really do it, so I found a pin on Pinterest that linked to a blog that showed how to train yourself to run for 30 consecutive minutes if you were a "non-runner". I went from only being able to run in 2 minute increments in December to now, being able to run for 50-60 minutes without stopping!
    Using a trainer is also a great way to learn. Or go to your YMCA and try Les Mills Body Pump class. The teachers are great and it helps you with your strength tremendously!

    Good luck!
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I've been addicted for more than 30 years. It's a part of life...

    But did you start off not knowing what to do?

    I was lucky enough to learn from a professional bodybuilder so I had a good road map.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I know this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but thought I'd chime in.

    I used to love working out (well the feeling after a good workout), but got lazy, gained weight and as a result I'm here. Anyway, last year when I first started working out again, I honestly had to force myself. I wanted to workout and at the same time I didn't have the drive to do it.

    Well it's been a little over a year since I started working out again, and I have rediscovered my love for it. I guess in a way I'm kind of addicted to it. I find it hard to take rest days, because I enjoy the way I feel after a good workout. I used to be thankful for the rest days, but now I find it difficult to take one and usually get in some light cardio like a walk down by the river.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I guess what I am wondering it possible for me to go from nothing, to being able to do most anything? I am slowly learning about different workouts and sometimes they seem like things that were not meant for me, but for "fit" people.

    Yes, yes and more yes! Baby steps. Keep trying different things and just do your best. Pretty soon you'll be stronger, faster. When the next new person walks in, it will make you realize how far you've come!

    I went from barely getting through a kickboxing class to teaching it. And that was after I had lost weight - wasn't nearly in as good shape as I thought when I started out. But I loved it and kept at it. Hopefully you'll find something that clicks for you!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    me me me!

    I started off never exercising in my life. I always failed thos fitness tests in school.
    After school I decided I wanted to lose weight. I found a pair of old rollerblades in the closet and just... started skating.
    I did it almost every day. It was so hard, but I just loved it! I still do..

    I had NO IDEA about fitness (or nutrition), only that a doctor had told me I was too fat and needed to exercise.

    8 years ago I got a job in an office with a gym so I started using a treadmill and stuff.
    I couldn't run for even 30 seconds straight!
    But like with the skates I was determined to lose weight I eventually learned how to run and I love that too.

    Exercise makes us feel good, so of course we like it!

    The fact that you are loving it means you're probably doing it right and you'll reach your goals.
  • mlcrruth
    mlcrruth Posts: 10
    yeah you didnt quite get the answer you were looking for lol. I'm in your boat. i dont have any motivation to excersice at all :/ I think the way to want to excersise is to make it fun! You should try and be active doing things you enjoy, like join a soccor team, or take dancing lessons. buy a push bike or roller blades! personally i think if the gym doesnt interest you now, it wont ever interest you. but joing a team sport would be good because if you dont feel like going, you make yourself go because you dont want to let your team down :)
    Exactly. Unfortunately finding places to play basketball around here that are free or dont cost 60 a month to play is nill. I wish gym memberships had half passes or something just so one could have access to the court.
  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    I guess what I am wondering it possible for me to go from nothing, to being able to do most anything? I am slowly learning about different workouts and sometimes they seem like things that were not meant for me, but for "fit" people.

    Yes, yes and more yes! Baby steps. Keep trying different things and just do your best. Pretty soon you'll be stronger, faster. When the next new person walks in, it will make you realize how far you've come!

    I went from barely getting through a kickboxing class to teaching it. And that was after I had lost weight - wasn't nearly in as good shape as I thought when I started out. But I loved it and kept at it. Hopefully you'll find something that clicks for you!

    Thank you, this is what I was looking for!
    And thanks to everyone else for responding.
    I actually do love the gym. I keep going and I have fun, but I am uncoordinated and I feel like people may look at me like, she just doesn't get it.
    What I wanted to know this how everyone starts and is it possible to go from knowing nothing about fitness, nutrition and excercise, to being a pro...
    I know everyone starts somewhere, but some people pick it up right away, lose weight right away and were of normal weight right away. I want to know of stories where someone overweight and unmotivated for many years can become really addicted to fitness. It helps me stay motivated to hear about it.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i like the word OBSESSED.
  • jlw1cc
    jlw1cc Posts: 6
    Agree with earlier posts. You can go from not exercising to being a real exercise fan.

    I found it easier to start in the gym, as I could work at my own pace and slowly build up to harder exercise/more weights etc. Once you get in the habit of going regularly it becomes routine and what you really want to aim for is for exercising to be a part of your normal routine - nothing special just something you enjoy that doesn't feel like a chore. like everything there are times when it's the last thing you feel like doing but generally I found I felt worse for not going if I skipped a session...

    I now find a mix of gym and classes help keep me motivated as it switches things up a bit. I particularly like circuit classes - they are hard work (boot camp would be similar I think) BUT everyone is so busy being exhausted no-one pays attention to how many push-ups or whatever the next person is doing!

    Good luck :)
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    Over time you'll find out what works for you and what doesn't. If you don't enjoy it you won't do it. I love the gym but can't go for the sake of it. So I took up a new sport and use the gym as part of my training.

    I have the rhythm of a concrete lamp post so any dance type things are out for me (think of a giraffe on acid on the dance floor and you have some idea!), but I love the rowing machine which I know others hate.

    The fact you keep going means a lot, stick with it and you'll see real progress, best of luck.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    I started off one day going out for a jog and dreading every step.. then eventually after a few weeks I started feeling good about acomplishing something and knowing the benifits I get outta it.. so I added a little more time into it and now I dont think 10 degree weather could stop me from jogging because I love it so much. Eventually it turned into a nice little habit. I just think about the long term benifits I get from it and that I deserve to be healthy and happy. Its all mindset.