Turbo Fire Challenge!!! Join Me



  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    Well today is day 4 of the Inferno Eating plan and and I have lost 4 pounds so far:happy: :happy: . I still have one more day so I will let you know on Saturday how I did. Otherwise, I am just burning alot of calories and loving turbo fire.

    Please keep us updated on your progress and keep pushing play:flowerforyou:
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    WHOO HOO!! got my package. Hoping to start the inferno plan on monday!!! ( if im not still in pain from my oral surgery) Is anyone doing the prep schedule or just going all out and doing the regular schedule?? I might start off with the prep and see how that goes and maybe switch it to the full schedule. :)
  • jerzeediva
    jerzeediva Posts: 72
    This week I decided to do the 5 day Inferno Plan. Yesterday was my last day and so I weighed myself this morning at I lost 4.5 pounds. I am really happy about that and that just gave me the extra motivation to keep pushing hard. I will be doing weight training with P90x three days a week and 6 days of week of Turbo Fire....

    Keep Pushing Play and let us know how you are doing on Turbo Fire.
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    WHOO HOO!! got my package. Hoping to start the inferno plan on monday!!! ( if im not still in pain from my oral surgery) Is anyone doing the prep schedule or just going all out and doing the regular schedule?? I might start off with the prep and see how that goes and maybe switch it to the full schedule. :)

    I'm starting the Inferno plan on Monday too! Maybe we can keep in touch and compare notes?

    Hi all!
    I thought I'd post on here and introduce myself. I'm Nykkie and I'm 21. I got in pretty good shape last year only to gain everything back a few months ago. I'm turning to TF to blast this fat off again, but this time for good!

    Have a great weekend everyone, I will post back again on Monday!
  • Lauralovesmfp
    Lauralovesmfp Posts: 270 Member
    This week I decided to do the 5 day Inferno Plan. Yesterday was my last day and so I weighed myself this morning at I lost 4.5 pounds. I am really happy about that and that just gave me the extra motivation to keep pushing hard. I will be doing weight training with P90x three days a week and 6 days of week of Turbo Fire....

    Keep Pushing Play and let us know how you are doing on Turbo Fire.

  • darkmercury99
    darkmercury99 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all! Today was HIIT 15 and Tone 30... I have to say I'm not loving these resistance band workouts; I think I may have to start working in some Chalene Extreme instead. I haven't lost any more weight, but I can feel I've been retaining water for the past few days, so I'm not terribly concerned (it's that monthly thing...)

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, and keep up with the good work, everyone!
  • I just ordered mine yesterday! I'll be joining you all soon!! A little about me....I just had my 2nd child 8 weeks ago so naturally I have baby weight to lose ;) This is my 2nd baby in 2 years so I didn't get all the weight off the first time before I got pregnant again. Ooops! I used to be in amazing shape (16% body fat) I know i'll never be there again but I hope to be close. I just want all my old clothes to fit again. This sounds like a great program and I can't wait to start!!
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    I also ordered mine Saturday and opted for the 2-day shipping so it hopefully gets here faster! I am so psyched to start this challenge. I have already been through a round of TurboJam. I lost 5 pounds and 7 inches total.

    I'm gearing up for my TurboKick instructor training at the end of August so I know TurboFire will get me ready. You guys are doing amazing and I can't wait to join you!
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I also ordered mine Saturday and opted for the 2-day shipping so it hopefully gets here faster! I am so psyched to start this challenge. I have already been through a round of TurboJam. I lost 5 pounds and 7 inches total.

    I'm gearing up for my TurboKick instructor training at the end of August so I know TurboFire will get me ready. You guys are doing amazing and I can't wait to join you!

    I can't wait, either! I'm hopefully getting those weights so I can do P90X again, but this would be a welcome change to the Cardio/Plyo stuff.
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    I got my Turbofire last Thursday, now I don't believe I am fit enough to do HIIT right now, so I am working off her Prep Schedule, while doing that, I made myself an hybrid schedule of TurboFire and TurboJam, interesting right, but I think it'll work I am on Day 2, since I didn't have it this weekend, but I did my first exercise on before the weekend and nearly died of course, I didn't know I could sweat so hard in 13 minutes lol. But today is Stretch 40 and then I'm going to TJ Fat Blaster for my cardio.
  • Mine still isn't here. I go back to work on Monday from maternity leave and I'm hoping to start it before then. Anyone tell me what the eating portion consists of?
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I completed Sculpt 30 this morning. First time I ever used resistance bands. I admit I was a little skeptical at first but it was a good workout. I am looking forward to HIIT 15 next. I am also completing the las two weeks of CE Lean Circuit.
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    TF is on the truck for delivery TODAY! Woo!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Ugh I completely blew the Inferno plan already! I didn't work out last night and ate badly (had pizza). Sooo I guess I'm not ready for that strict of a week yet! I will most likely do a HIIT workout tonight, but am back to eating the way that I usually do, which is decently healthy 80% of the time!

    On Monday I will start the regular program and will ease myself into much cleaner eating. I have to take baby steps, I guess! :wink:

    I hope everyone is doing well - have a wonderful Wednesday!
  • turboandrea
    turboandrea Posts: 108
    I've completed Fire 30, Stretch 10 and, this morning, HIIT 15. I loved Fire 30, even though I was lost for most of it. I need to go back and review the New to Class feature. The calorie burn is amazing and who doesn't love that?!

    HIIT 15 is a beast for me. My knees aren't as strong as they could be so I definitely can't jump that high, but I tried. I almost passed out into the third drill and maxed my heart rate (190) out a few times. Once I had my recovery/water mix, I was good to go though. Definitely intense! I need to look into my own tub of Recovery formula and new shoes.

    Also, I woke up at 6 a.m. to do the workout. Next time I will wake up at 5:30 a.m., have a cup of water and a mini Luna bar, then wait an hour and try it or just drink the recovery mix through the workout. I needed something in my stomach for the workout.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I completed Fire 55 EZ this morning. Even with the new to class feature I got lost a few times, but I improved from the first time. I was completely worn out by the end. I caught myself looking at the timer at the bottom of the screen several times wondering how much time was left. I will need to be stronger mentally. I do like the fire drills. Tomorrow is Core 20 and Stretch 40. Saturday is Fire 45 and Sunday Fire 45 EZ. I will be attending a camp on Mon-Wed so I will not do any TF these days.
  • Just ordered TF today...cannot wait til it arrives!!! :bigsmile:
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Starting Turbo Fire on Monday!!!!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    I started the TurboFire Prep Schedule this morning -> Fire 30 & Stretch 10 :noway: OMG It totally beat me up :laugh: I only lasted 20mins in the Fire 30, I was lost a bit throughout the 20mins and my heartrate was above 170 :ohwell:

    With the Stretch 10 -> :noway: I was in total shock! I never knew people could be sooo bendy and flexible :laugh: :laugh: At one stage I was transfixed by how they were able to move their bodies!!

    I was quite fit until mid May (when I got married) and today was my first day back working out. I know I will build up my fitness level quite quick so hopefully the next time I do the Fire 30 I'll be able to last the whole length!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    First time doing Stretch 40 Class. I need more flexibility urgently! Especially in my hips - that knocked me and I'm still shaking!
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