90lb in 14 weeks with pics (hopefully!)



  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Congratulations on a great job..........although some seem to think it was like starving yourself, I think you did it for a good reason.......to save your life

    if you were " binge drinking", and now you dont, only drink on a certain day, you have saved your health..........a man your age was probably facing high blood pressure, kidney failure due to high triglycerides, diabetes, etc.....When you turn 50, things change with your body......I am sure your doctor would have wanted you to lose weight to save your life by losing weight.....I am curious if you had blood work and test done at your drs office in regards to your yearly check ups?

    I admire that you did it your way........Ihope you can keep it off though............I know you put yourself thru a rigorous regime, but maintaining is going to be the key

    I lost over 60 lbs in 3 months, and have lost this last 40 in about one year...........so if I didnt , I was probaly going to have a heat attack, as I had high bloodpressure, sleep apnea and exercise induced asthma.........no I HAVE NO ILLNESSES, OR TAKE ANY MEDS.............

    Sometimes you have to choose a different path from the norm.............My hats off to you.........
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Sometimes you have to choose a different path from the norm.............

    Except that his different path could also damage his heart in a very different way. Just know that I personally am not trying to be a jerk to the OP by pointing out the downfalls of this method.
  • tealskater
    tealskater Posts: 38 Member
    Amazing transformation!!
  • larenners
    larenners Posts: 10
    I think you did an excellent job and I don't think you should feel like you starved yourself just because a few posters think you did.
    People need to remember it's not their life and what somebody else does to get fit doesnt mean it's a cure all for everyone. Disagree with how he lost his weight, then make sure you don't do it the same way for yourself.

    great work OP.
  • burmamom
    burmamom Posts: 2
    Wow! What an inspiration!!!! Good job!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    MB, I agree.....that is why I had asked him if he was aware of his physical condition, ie, physical check up and dr intervention? I had 3 major issues, sleep apnea, high blook pressure and exercise induced asthma, all of which are gone........I also had to take blood pressure meds, of which I am med free

    If the OP consulted his physican and its worked for him, again, I congratulate him............also, I have heard in the past that men can lose weight faster than women.........I dont know if this is true, but I was focused and lost it my own way as well, and ended up saving my health............best wishes OP...
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I think you did an excellent job and I don't think you should feel like you starved yourself just because a few posters think you did.
    People need to remember it's not their life and what somebody else does to get fit doesnt mean it's a cure all for everyone. Disagree with how he lost his weight, then make sure you don't do it the same way for yourself.

    great work OP.

    Please realize that people like me are not suggesting he do it the same way we did. He is telling us that he basically nets a few hundred calories a day. This is just as unhealthy as obesity. Why don't people understand this? His methods are going to cause him to gain weight when he starts to eat at maintenance.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    MB, I agree.....that is why I had asked him if he was aware of his physical condition, ie, physical check up and dr intervention? I had 3 major issues, sleep apnea, high blook pressure and exercise induced asthma, all of which are gone........I also had to take blood pressure meds, of which I am med free

    If the OP consulted his physican and its worked for him, again, I congratulate him............also, I have heard in the past that men can lose weight faster than women.........I dont know if this is true, but I was focused and lost it my own way as well, and ended up saving my health............best wishes OP...

    That's great to hear that your health issues have gone away!

    The problem is that there are lots of people who are going to see this post, be inspired and go trying the same things WITHOUT consulting their doctor. In all honesty, I am not as concerned about the method if it is only for the short term, but he'll have a heck of a time maintaining his weight when he is eating the calories a 6'-1" tall man needs who burns that many calories in a day.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    again, MB...........He was morbidly obese...........look at his age..........RED FLAGS going on there

    he may have decided to stay focused and do what he had to do ,to lose it......Time may have been against him.

    he may have been going in such a downward spiral, this was his only option.......all of bust

    also, he stated he was a binge drinker.........Look at the effecnts of binge drinking for an obese man over the age of 50..........thats a ticking time bomb'
    I respect this man, if hes healthy now, and he can maintain, what did he do wrong

    Go look at that SHOW , Biggest Loser.............they lose so much on the show and they dont die........again, I know its a show, but they lose it........hes not the first person to lose this much so quickly

    again, congratulations to the OP
  • larenners
    larenners Posts: 10
    While that may be true, I am just suggesting that people shouldn't detract from the fact that he worked hard regardless of if it was the "right way" or the "wrong way". Everyone is different right :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I think you did an excellent job and I don't think you should feel like you starved yourself just because a few posters think you did.
    People need to remember it's not their life and what somebody else does to get fit doesnt mean it's a cure all for everyone. Disagree with how he lost his weight, then make sure you don't do it the same way for yourself.

    great work OP.

    Please realize that people like me are not suggesting he do it the same way we did. He is telling us that he basically nets a few hundred calories a day. This is just as unhealthy as obesity. Why don't people understand this? His methods are going to cause him to gain weight when he starts to eat at maintenance.

    Forget it Jake,....

  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Wonderful inspiration! Great job!! I bet you feel amazing!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    While that may be true, I am just suggesting that people shouldn't detract from the fact that he worked hard regardless of if it was the "right way" or the "wrong way". Everyone is different right :)

    Agreed. I absolutely believe he has worked hard...he must have unparalleled willpower b/c I would have killed someone on that small of a number of calories. The first year I was on here I spent about a month at 1200 calories, running 4 days a week and eating back all of my calories. I felt insane I was so hungry. My bigger concern here is the length of time someone would eat like this because it can absolutely drive someone to an eating disorder and that he will gain weight back when he goes to maintenance for his age/height/activity level.
  • larenners
    larenners Posts: 10
    I've just started here and I'm not looking to get into any heated debates just yet haha, i want to make friends!
    You seem to know what you're talking about and maybe you should try and get intouch with the OP to spread some of your knowledge (since you've been through it and are in good health now/still.) Just wanted to make it clear that I didn't like the negativity about his hard work. Thats all :)
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Wow good job and you have a beautiful wife that I'm sure is very very proud of you
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I've just started here and I'm not looking to get into any heated debates just yet haha, i want to make friends!
    You seem to know what you're talking about and maybe you should try and get intouch with the OP to spread some of your knowledge (since you've been through it and are in good health now/still.) Just wanted to make it clear that I didn't like the negativity about his hard work. Thats all :)

    Haha, no worries, not trying to get into a heated debate with you personally, just trying to make sure that people don't read this and think that this method is safe for everyone! That's why I am posting in here, hopefully he will come back and read the responses. In my experience, after being on MFP for over two years, he's probably going to blow off what I write anyway. Send me a friend request if you'd like :)
  • charlene909
    Don't mind the haters or wannabe doctors that keep telling you negative stuff. If they knew it all they wouldn't be overweight themselves.......whatever you did, worked for you.......that is all that matters!!! Who is down 90lbs??? YOU ARE.....
    Weight loss is something that should be congratulated, no matter what route they took. As long as they are happy and feel good, it shouldn't matter...... Be proud of yourself...jealous people and "know it alls" really su**.....
    PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Don't mind the haters or wannabe doctors that keep telling you negative stuff. If they knew it all they wouldn't be overweight themselves.......whatever you did, worked for you.......that is all that matters!!! Who is down 90lbs??? YOU ARE.....
    Weight loss is something that should be congratulated, no matter what route they took. As long as they are happy and feel good, it shouldn't matter...... Be proud of yourself...jealous people and "know it alls" really su**.....
    PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Don't mind the haters or wannabe doctors that keep telling you negative stuff. If they knew it all they wouldn't be overweight themselves.......

    Really? Here's the link to my success story: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/918358-they-cut-my-head-open-your-excuse-is-invalid

    I wouldn't be saying what I was saying if I hadn't had success losing and maintaining. I am up a few pounds since surgery because I am still not pooping well from the meds.
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