Dear 16 year old me...



  • TLWallperson
    16 year old me

    Stop being so lazy! Don't drop out of school just because you are lazy. You will regret it when you get older.

    Lose that weight and keep it off, don't EVER allow yourself to be obese again.

    Don't worry so much about what other people say especially those who call themselves your friends, but really aren't.

    Tell mom to get her act together after dad leaves. Be strong and support both her and your sister more because they really need you.

    Tell dad what you really think about him and his decision to abandon the family for his new wife. Don't just accept it, be angry and let him know how you feel.

    In two years from now you will meet your husband and finally get the chance to travel, but when the problems start to come stay strong and keep focused on the right path instead of making some really poor choices because again, you will regret those choices.

    In a few years when things get really bad, please get help and don't try to kill yourself because one of the women you share a room with at the mental hospital is scary and I'm pretty sure she is possessed. So you will really want to avoid this.

    Learn to speak your mind. Stop being so passive aggressive. Stop day dreaming about what you want and go out and work for will be so much happier by being pro-active.

    Appreciate everyday. Don't try to speed up time because time will speed up on it's own and you will never be able to slow it back down.

    And for goodness sake, just be happy and don't believe that people don't like you because your fat.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    You are not fat. You are 5'6" tall and weigh 128 pounds. You do not need to do every crazy diet that comes along. Go and look in the mirror and realize that you are a beautiful girl. You don't need to change a thing.

    Don't even change that guy that comes along this spring at Jr. Sr. weekend at the beach. When you see him, please - Fall in love with him. When he goes off to college 2 years before you, keep writing him letters. When you break up for a summer and then get back together - DO IT!! Because in about 5 years when you get married to him, you will have the most beautiful, awesome daughter! Even though he will break your heart a million times, will steal your trust in men for many years, and hurt that beautiful daughter at the most crucial time in her development - Even though he will walk away from you both without looking back.- You will be the winner. You will have the awesome relationship with your daughter & her husband. They will give you 2 amazing grandchildren. So - just do it.

    Go out there and enjoy your life. Appreciate all of your family around you. Stay true to yourself. Be happy.

    Love, The 55 year old You.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    DON'T date that idiot, Jesse!

    Get a job. Start driving, get a car.

    Care about schoolwork, not what you WEAR to school.

    Oh, and Alyx? That guy you've been in love with since you were eleven? You marry him. ;) Don't ever bother trying to win over his douche dad, though. He will never warm up to you. Start practicing not caring NOW.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:

    stop hanging out with that group you call "friends" there is only 3 of them that really care for you and vice versa.

    Stop being so ****ing shy when it comes to guys...there is one that feels the same way you do....and had you been more forward and not so shy...he would have been dating you all the way through high school...not your friend, and its only because she has big boobs, she did sports just to be closer to him.

    do you best in your classes....try harder to get into the AP classes...and yes, don't try to get into you need for your majors in college in college algebra...

    sports...girl you kicked *kitten*, but you could have done better. you went to all those summer track meets, you listened and got many tips to make you was ok with you being #1 in your conference, but to you, you want to be #1 in the you pushed too hard and choked when it came moving to the state level.

    spend a lot more time with your only have him for 3 more years...make him as proud as you can. even when you try your best and fail, he is still so proud of you. tell him you love him as much as you can.

    when you chose a college...don't go based on where everyone else is going...make the decision to go where NO ONE else is are finally able to be yourself, and no one cares about your flaws...

    KISS the boy that took you to the dr. when you were sick...he really liked you...and i know you liked him....and don't call his car "cute" kinda hurt his ego.

    but most of all, be you, and don't let anyone take that from you.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Stop worrying about everything that comes along and obsessing over your weight. Start eating properly right now, quit smoking right now, quit the fast food, and start exercising. Love life and have the most fun you can in high school because you're soon going to grow up, get a job and have lots of responsibility.

    Dump your stupid boyfriend before he dumps you, and you know that cute guy that you're hanging out with that all your friends like, well you're going to marry him and the two of you are going to make the most beautiful boy and girl. Be kind to your mom and dad because they love you and have only your best interests at heart. And you know that pesky little sister you've always been jealous of... well she's going to turn out to be your best friend, and you're going to have your children only a few days/weeks apart (BOTH TIMES)!!

    Enjoy every day, every moment, every friend, every opportunity, because the time will begin to fly and before you know it you'll be 42 years old!!! And you are AWESOME!!!

    Love ME. ;-)
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Don't change: don't gain any more weight, don't lose your creativity, don't lose your friends, don't give up what makes you unique just to fit in, and don't stop writing.

    Do change: you made a lot of stupid mistakes (and you will make many more), and enjoy high school and free time instead of complaining you have none.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Don't let Brittany C. put her memory card in your dads computer and leave it there. It has pictures of you doing some illegal things. You will get in big trouble.

    Also the kid that calls you ugly and says that everyone likes your friends better than you? He's definitely not worth dating...especially not for a year :noway:

    No, you are not moving to California and going to Berkeley. It's just unrealistic.

    Please stop drowning your sorrows in food. My body now would appreciate it.

    That boy you have a huge crush on, by the way? He grows a flesh colored neck beard senior year. This information will save you a lot of heartbreak over your hatred of both flesh colored facial hair and neck beards.

    Love, your future self.
  • DianeG213
    DianeG213 Posts: 253
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Please wear your retainer. It's important.
    He is the one. (But you know that already, don't you?)

    45 year old me.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    I would tell you to change some things, but than I don't know where that will lead. Wish I could tell you to NOT break-up with Luke so you can date Jimmy. This relationship will change the person you are and not in a good way. Still do it. Not the whole 1.5 years. When you first start to think that what he's saying is true, hits you, or when the destructive eating starts, go to your mom. She WILL love you through it and her opinion of YOU won't change. When you are 20, you will meet Dennis. Don't let his introvertness fool you for too long, he will be worth it, I promise. And please, please, don't let it take so long to see yourself the way he does.

    On a lighter note, stop drinking St. Ides...they are gross. Yes, even that blue one you love. And Milwaukie's Best IS NOT good beer. IT IS NOT. Wear more fitted clothes, cause you will have kids. 4 of them. Don't laugh, it does happen. Your body changes, so maybe show it off a little beforehand. Don't stop lifting. You will regret this. And the blue hair with lavendar highlights that Amanda talks you into does not turn out well IF you wash it the morning after. Wait a few days or just don't do it.

    While you're engaged to Dennis, take the job in the operating room. Don't wait 2 years. You will love it and working with your mom is awesome. She is amazing. Don't laugh. You don't get to have her in your life til she's old and gray, so enjoy her now. Stop fighting with her. She does become your best friend. I know, sounds crazy, but she does.
  • jewels319
    jewels319 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey me......
    That cute guy....treat him right...he's gunna be your husband. Your dad hates him.......but he's gunna be your rock.

    Hey 22 yr old me
    Told you he'd still be there....hell be a good dad in a couple of months....dads can be wrong sometimes.

    Hey me today...
    Lets see 21 years later.....two boys....and still falling in love!!!!!! Oh and he has dads respect....go figure!

    No regrets!!!!!!!
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Dear 16 year old me...

    You ARE going to marry him regardless of the fact that your mom said, "He's such a sweet boy". And even though you would have loved to prove your mom are glad she was right.
    (28 years and counting!)
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Dear 16 yr old me,

    Have fun doing all those drugs and drinking for a decade somewhere between 20'ish and 30'ish because when you finally realize all the damage you have done to your body from being so selfish and careless you will have to join FP.
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    We're still single.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:

    Don't hook up with the guy you meet at Chicago Fest -- you will regret the life changing event that happens when you're 19, and it will haunt you for a long, long time afterwards.

    That life changing event that happened at 19? Well, when you get ready to turn 49, go ahead and forgive yourself for making that mistake and doing what you did-- it really was the best choice to make, and you should be proud instead of living in a cloud of shame. And, forgive your parents for how they handled the situation -- especially your mom, because she really had no idea that her words would cut you that deeply.

    Hey, you *might* want to think about becoming a teacher. You're a natural, and you'll find that out when you turn 39 and you decide to go back to college.

    Another thing -- stop being so damn critical of yourself -- you're in the awkward stage right now, but you're going to end up looking like one of the most beautiful women in the world -- a Princess, even! So, the braces, the acne, the greasy hair -- it's only temporary. And, pay attention to THIS:

    That guy you met in high school -- you know that nerdy guy whose house you had to stay at one night because of the severe storms in the area? It turns out he had a MAJOR crush on you, and STILL does. And, he's a really, really sweet guy -- why you didn't notice in the first place is beyond me.

    You turned out okay, kid. So, relax and enjoy life a little more.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    You are not fat. Keep dancing. Start running. Stop hating yourself. And...he isnt worth it.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,
    That guy who turns out to be your first love? He is a jerk who is only out for sex. Please do not fall for his ruse. He is going to dump you for some nasty skank who spreads like mayonnaise. You know, if you actually save money, you will have it later in life when you get kicked out of the house and are homeless.
    Yours truly,
    37 year old me
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I love this thread! These are beautiful letters and are so poetic.
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Dear 16yr old me, quit being such a nerd and go make friends. Oh and the girl you have a major crush on that you will never talk to actually feels the same way, dumbass.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Dear 16 year old me, if you save a little longer you can get the Harley instead of the Honda.
  • fly_butterfly
    fly_butterfly Posts: 35 Member
    .....Can I just say this is pretty much the best damn thread ever. :flowerforyou:

    Dear 16 year old me...

    Continue making the choices you are making. Because if you make a left turn, instead of a right - you'd probably be in a different place and then you won't be the fantastic person you are today! Why would you want to change anything!? You turned out just fine.

    Just keep on keepin on beautiful girl....and enjoy the moments. Life will treat you well.

    Older, wiser, peaceful me. :flowerforyou: