I want to cry and scream and..



  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    The bf isnt a druggie. Just stupid. He only does this when james comes around.hince the reason ibhate the douche so much.

    You're making excuses for him. He IS an addict of sorts, even if it's just social when this so-called friend is over. Do not let yourself be sucked into blaming his friend; he is responsible for himself and is acting like an idiot. HE is the idiot for going along with it, regardless of said friend.

    I'd say put your foot down. Tell this 'James' boy to get out of your apartment and then set ultimatums with your boyfriend. His behaviors aren't just destructive for him, but for your relationship.
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    Why is your workout contingent on his? You can always workout by yourself, shoot hoops alone, etc

    I have no hoop here at the house and no car. (Live 20 miles out of town). I dont need to excercise today.. But I wanted too and he promised he would do it with me (big step considering he doesnt really support my diet or weightloss goals or anything)
    It is really hard for me to self-modivate. I feel like an idiot excercising alone. I would go for a walk but it is pouring down rain.

    wait he doesn't support you? So he is trying to make you feel bad about yourself (i.e manipulate you). Asssssssss to the hooolllleeeeee making you feel unconfident so you don't leave him.

    Seen that 100000s of times. Get out.
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    1 - just because your an adult, you are aloud to cry.
    2 - it sounds like you are a prisoner...why can you not leave your room?

    Because I dont want to deal with his friends wise cracks focused at me. Can be anything from my attitiude.. My weight (especially my weight) what im wearing. It dont matter. He picks anything. Worst part is.. My bf doesnt even care. He laughs along with james. No care. Not even when im crying from the hurtful things he says.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    This is no way to live. You need to find a way out of this situation. Even if you need to seek help from a domestic violence shelter (is the reason you can't leave your room because he will become violent with you).

    Edit to add: You are being very confusing.
  • Bbwnomore2
    Bbwnomore2 Posts: 225 Member
    ok i hope you "pop" BC pills on a regular basis. If his "friend" can talk him into taking pills what else can he be talked into? If he picks any friends over you now, it will NEVER change. Sorry this was harsh but its not a good enviroment for youy to be in. Best of luck to you.
  • mink63
    mink63 Posts: 35
    This is so sad :( why are you with someone who pops pills and doesn't support your goals? It doesn't make sense yo me. I hope you gain enough self confidence to leave him. You should want better for yourself.

  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    Cant get out. Have absolutely no where to go. No friends.. No family.. Nothing. No job.. No money.. No car.. Im screwed right now.
  • JessicaN1979
    JessicaN1979 Posts: 142 Member
    Wait.....u are locked in your own room because of the boyfriends friend? That is ridiculous and maybe if you went out and joined them the friend would get irritated and leave.

    Secondly, doing pills may start as a "random" thing, but it will likely turn in to an addiction at some point and it gets ugly quickly.

    And the others on this post I have to agree with, do not blame everyone but your boyfriend when he is the one to blame.
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    ok i hope you "pop" BC pills on a regular basis. If his "friend" can talk him into taking pills what else can he be talked into? If he picks any friends over you now, it will NEVER change. Sorry this was harsh but its not a good enviroment for youy to be in. Best of luck to you.

    I habe the mirena IUD un. Could be the reason Im so damn emotional.
  • Rgtjax85
    Rgtjax85 Posts: 99 Member
    You are emotional because both of these people are putting your health and life in danger. Here you are on a calorie counting/ workout website. Not far off there are people that are putting OTC or illegal drugs in their body. Do not be unequally yoked. Kick him to the curve. How would you feel if you got pulled over and some loose pills were in the car? You can say it is your boyfriends all you want all the way to jail. That would be horrible. Praying you make the right decision.
  • Springfield_Rocks
    ok i hope you "pop" BC pills on a regular basis. If his "friend" can talk him into taking pills what else can he be talked into? If he picks any friends over you now, it will NEVER change. Sorry this was harsh but its not a good enviroment for youy to be in. Best of luck to you.

    I habe the mirena IUD un. Could be the reason Im so damn emotional.

    you are emotional because you should be feeling emotional. you are being treated like crap. get to a women's shelter, they will help you find employment and a place to live.

    fear sucks. it's paralyzing. it seems safe to stay where you are because it is something you know. but that's all a lie. you deserve better. but you need to stick up for yourself... no one else will until you do.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Cant get out. Have absolutely no where to go. No friends.. No family.. Nothing. No job.. No money.. No car.. Im screwed right now.

    I'm sorry to hear that. You will need to get a job and move out. Explore your options.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    ok i hope you "pop" BC pills on a regular basis. If his "friend" can talk him into taking pills what else can he be talked into? If he picks any friends over you now, it will NEVER change. Sorry this was harsh but its not a good enviroment for youy to be in. Best of luck to you.

    I habe the mirena IUD un. Could be the reason Im so damn emotional.

    I mean this in the nicest possible way, but I think the fact that your boyfriend is abusing drugs, bringing over a friend who mocks you, laughing along with the friend, and ditching plans with you has more to do with you feeling emotional than the mirena.
  • 91lowharley
    91lowharley Posts: 22 Member
    I definitely don't want to be rude BUT you're the one that is enabling him. It's not the friend that is at fault. It's actually yours because you're letting it happen. You're boyfriend doesn't really care how your feel or think because he's on drugs. It's that simple. Listen and pay close attention to what everyone is posting here and yes, put your "big girl panties" and stand up for YOU. Listen to YOURSELF because you already know what to do - just do it and don't stick up for him "he's actually awesome" HMMMMMMMMM?????? Good luck
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    1 - just because your an adult, you are aloud to cry.
    2 - it sounds like you are a prisoner...why can you not leave your room?

    Because I dont want to deal with his friends wise cracks focused at me. Can be anything from my attitiude.. My weight (especially my weight) what im wearing. It dont matter. He picks anything. Worst part is.. My bf doesnt even care. He laughs along with james. No care. Not even when im crying from the hurtful things he says.

    I'm sorry to say, but your boyfriend DOESN'T sound awesome just by everything you have said in this thread. Your exercise and eating patterns should not be dependent on who is in your home. You can't really blame your boyfriend's friend for you not eating because in the end, it's your choice to stay locked in your room. I know you don't want to deal with the wise cracks, but feeling starved just to make a point to your boyfriend is not doing you any good at all. Maybe it is time to think about whether this relationship is worth it. I can't imagine being with someone who laughs with other people insulting me in my own home. He sounds just as disrespectful as his friend.
  • allikat93
    allikat93 Posts: 236
    You are emotional because both of these people are putting your health and life in danger. Here you are on a calorie counting/ workout website. Not far off there are people that are putting OTC or illegal drugs in their body. Do not be unequally yoked. Kick him to the curve. How would you feel if you got pulled over and some loose pills were in the car? You can say it is your boyfriends all you want all the way to jail. That would be horrible. Praying you make the right decision.

    Thats alittle extreme. HE doesnt do pills by himself. He only does them when his friend is over and he brings them. He took 1 pill. (not excusing it.. I hate it). He hasnt done this in about a year. It ISNT a common thing. Im not making excuses.. I hate this but i wish you guys would quit saying stuff like this. And considering I dont drive.. Its kinda hard to get pulled over...
  • crlyxx
    crlyxx Posts: 186 Member
    Straight-up tell him you don't like it. If he doesn't care, then obviously he doesn't deem you worth it. In that case, find another. That's all I can say.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    If he's an *kitten* around this friend and he won't give up this friend, then he's just an *kitten*.
  • juliedor
    juliedor Posts: 72 Member
    Get your gear on, walk out with your head high,get in the car and go to someone else for the night!
    We will only be treated the way we accept being treated.
    You my darling are worth more than this.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    He is awesome when he isnt around this so caled 'friend'. But this 'friend' is an awful influence (i.e... The pills)

    if you are blaming the 'friend', you are making a HUGE mistake.

    don't blame the 'friend'.



    Double this...

    adding my ditto