


  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Day one for me. Pray for me!
  • scarlett7788
    scarlett7788 Posts: 11 Member
    I've only seen the DVDs for like £100- is it really that expensive? Or am I missing a trick here? Watched the video on the website yesterday and yep looks insane!
  • bratius
    bratius Posts: 60
    Was just going to make a post about this cause I'd love to find people who do it or are going to because I just ordered the dvds
  • selfantigen
    selfantigen Posts: 18 Member
    I ordered it and was on day twelve when I broke a toe (not releated to the video). You are going to LOVE it. And it works.
  • paula341
    paula341 Posts: 44
    I finished week 1 yesterday! My body is having a well deserved rest day today :)
  • sharonhayward775
    sharonhayward775 Posts: 18 Member
    ive just finished week 1 and am aching in places i didnt know i had lol but am loving it cant keep up yet but i have noticed a diffrence allready in my fitness ( i was a real coach potato).

    ps am missing it today i must be mad lol:laugh:
  • maisid
    maisid Posts: 69 Member

    ps am missing it today i must be mad lol:laugh:

    I know how you feel, I get restless when I can't do my Insanity workout.
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    Just got this today and watched my brother do the first part. looks hard but i'm excited to try it!
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Starting in a few weeks! :)
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member
    Plyo Cardio Circuit done. Yikes that was crazy!
  • BoltzNBrew
    BoltzNBrew Posts: 24 Member
    Day 15 Fit Test Results

    Switch Kicks 110 +25
    Power Jacks 50 +12
    Power Knees 78 +13
    Power Jumps 35 +5
    Globe Jumps 10 +3
    Suicide Jumps 14 +4
    Push Up Jacks 18 +3
    Plank Oblique 41 +16
    Weight -4
  • sarajesssica
    sarajesssica Posts: 12 Member
    I was on week 3 last week, but this week had to take a break because of some work & school craziness & my knee started swelling pretty bad. Hoping to start back up or start all the way over later this week or Monday of next!
    Was seeing great results though! Love the program & love that it was a challenge! :)
  • MommaHoff
    MommaHoff Posts: 54 Member
    I want to do Insanity but my husband doesn't want me to spend the money on it and he's afraid I'll hurt myself. I've got some hip issues and back issues and I always over do everything.
  • talenarenee
    talenarenee Posts: 50 Member
    Day 15 Fit Test Results

    Switch Kicks 110 +25
    Power Jacks 50 +12
    Power Knees 78 +13
    Power Jumps 35 +5
    Globe Jumps 10 +3
    Suicide Jumps 14 +4
    Push Up Jacks 18 +3
    Plank Oblique 41 +16
    Weight -4

    Great job!!!
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Started round 2 yesterday!
  • roseailish123
    roseailish123 Posts: 17 Member
    Can someone please explain what Insanity is.. i have seen it a lot on here but I don't quite understand what is involved. Is is a specific workout like.. Zumba or something?..

    Sorry if it has already be explained! xx
  • RyanJK85
    RyanJK85 Posts: 580 Member
    Day 1 in the books for me! it was a killer!! I did skip the fit test as I wanted to worry about results on my body more so then the getting to do more reps...I think I will be able to tell a difference in reps as I go. Looking forward to it!....well kinda
  • talenarenee
    talenarenee Posts: 50 Member
    Finished day 9! sweaty, sweaty mess!
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Can someone please explain what Insanity is.. i have seen it a lot on here but I don't quite understand what is involved. Is is a specific workout like.. Zumba or something?..

    Sorry if it has already be explained! xx
    Goggle it
  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    Day 2 for me. I actually feel pretty good all things considered. ( aka I suck at exercise! lol ) I take it one day at a time. This is my second attempt to start and I hope I stick with it this time. :)