What's harder for you? Healthy eating or Exercise?



  • Bekkah376
    Bekkah376 Posts: 23
    I have a harder time with exercise :tongue:
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Both for me!!! :blushing:
  • kdblenman
    kdblenman Posts: 1 Member
    Eating!!! Weird how this combination works for everyone. My fiance eats like a bird. No problem for her to take a few bites of a candy bar and leave the rest for next time. My candy bar doesn't even make it home. lol Like many people she is focused on exercise but mentally can't fit it in regularly. For me, exercise is simple. I hit the gym regularly and have picked up cycling. Its a stress relief thing for me (15 years), not weight loss, but as old age (Thats right, I said it!) start to fight back I am loosing. I have used another app like Myfitnesspal before and I had very good results. Everyone in the house is using an App now so sticking with it seems easy. We'll see!!
  • lovemitch125
    lovemitch125 Posts: 257 Member
    Exercise 100%. Imperfectly happy eating 1350 cals but forcing myself to work out takes all of my will power. I think its a time ting for me, it doesn't take any extra time to eat healthy but workouts have to be scheduled to fit into my day.

    Exactly the same for me! I do not mind eating healthier at all. I like exercising but sometimes I need a lot of motivation to go do it.
  • LandonRand
    LandonRand Posts: 166
    Exercise. Its so hard to fit into your schedule sometimes, and plus cant always do as not well.

    Say what?
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 259 Member
    Eating. I really enjoy working out and have no problem sticking to it, but eating is just easy to slip up on. I love to eat healthy, lots of fruits and vegetables. I've always been that way but I also get lazy and don't want to cook when you're tired from taking care of kids so it can be the easier way out sometimes!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Probably exercise. I was eating fairly healthily before I started dieting (although obviously a little too much!). It depends what you mean by healthy eating, though. I didn't eat "clean".

    Exercise was harder because of various health problems, pain, etc.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Eatin' helfy--she says with a mouth full of pizza. IIFYM right? RIGHT?!
  • benny150592
    benny150592 Posts: 32 Member
    Healthy Eating. Definitely.
  • Eating less is an issue- Love to work out- exercise etc...and the appetite gets amped up with all the activity and its very hard to eat a little..I eat healthy- just too much :)
  • shea1824
    shea1824 Posts: 5
    Definitely eating..... I absolutely love working out. It's my stress reliever and I can hardly go a day without it. But, I struggle BIG TIME with eating. It's the one thing I have never been able to get under control. I'm not overweight, but my weight is slowly creeping up and I feel like I'm losing control :/
  • mirandaw82
    mirandaw82 Posts: 2 Member
    Eating! I feel great after exercise. At my work, we always have goodies in the breakroom. Can't let all that good food go to
  • eating, I quite enjoy exercise and im an active person anyway really, I enjoy getting a good sweat on and feeling like ive achieved something, im a very competitive person though so beating what I did the day before or what I did last week etc makes me feel good and spurs me on to do more
  • messy_Missy16
    messy_Missy16 Posts: 349 Member
    i could do up to 3 hours of cardio a day but i suck balls at eating healthy
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    exercise times 1000

    I just don't have time,

    I hate being cold, or wet, or dirty, or hot... I hate exercising outside unless it's the perfect temperature and weather.

    The gym is expensive, or full of teenagers, or busy, or smelly, or full of old people, or too empty, or there's a creepy weirdo creeping you. It's also stupid to drive to a gym to run on a treadmill when there is outside right outside, and it's free!

    I can download videos in my house, I have a wii, xbox, several computers, every room has a device that can stream videos, but I still have to change my clothes, grab a yoga matt, then I get hyper aware of the laundry that needs to be done, the dinner prep that I could be doing, the fresh baked goods I should be preparing for lunches, the school work I really should be accomplishing, etc.
  • LovelyDayDay
    LovelyDayDay Posts: 17 Member
    eating for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i started a 100day workout challenge for myself. I am on day 7. my friend teaches a zumba class (1hr, $2) and i pay her in advance every week so that i am forced to go and workout! lol
    and i have month printouts where i write in my workout i did and how many calories i burned with my HRM aka Heart Rate Monitor. that helps with the motivation because i have it on my wall in my room.
    eating is my problem im working on it though. but i continue to count my calories and take my measuring cups just about anywhere.
  • Eating.
    I can't seem to get enough calories in a day, but when I do it's always "bad" things that I eat.
  • kmr72
    kmr72 Posts: 24 Member
    Hands down eating right.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Not so much healthy eating just overeating~ EXERCISE comes easy.