Dear 16 year old me...



  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    Dear 16 year old me..!!

    You have no idea what is about to come.
    You've been tough so far, so continue on.
    Keep your faith and never let go. It'll guide you through.
    Pain is only temporary, however long you allow it to be.
    The dream of leaving your home town is not far away.
    But you're gonna come back to what you know best.
    Tell everyone you love them as much as you can, not everyone sticks around, and some people leave too soon.
    Alcohol is not solving your problems now, it won't in the future either.
    Oh, and you best start liking kids after all.. lifes got a new plan for you!!
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Dear 16 Year Old Me,

    You are in for an interesting life, lots of ups and downs and twists and turns--keep your sense of humor in will need it. When you reach the age of 58, you will have realized that what you consider as adversities are life lessons that you must learn in order to grow. Pay attention in French class...even though you question why a poor inner city kid needs to learn French, you'll find yourself in a cafe in Paris struggling to communicate with the waiter. Your sense of wanderlust will be richly're going to have a great time!
  • Skatha89
    Skatha89 Posts: 49 Member
    Dear 16 year old me...

    Dump him, seriously. He turns into an abusive asshat.
    Who you really wants to date, is in love with you. Seriously. Date him, he'll give you 2 great boys one day.
    Take school, and college, a lot more serious. "Just because it's free to you doesn't mean it is unimportant.
    Never stray from the clean eating your mother raised you on, the grass is NOT greener on the other side.
    Quit thinking you are fat at 130lbs just because your than boyfriend isn't even 90lbs, this is the abusiveness of his coming to light. Don't listen to him about your weight and run as fast as you can from him.
  • iLoveMyAR15
    iLoveMyAR15 Posts: 122 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:

    Don't take this skinny body for granted in the future. Keep working out and eating right after having your children and you will look great! And also dont pick up those cigarettes, it will be hard to quit when you're older.
  • Lets_Do_It
    Lets_Do_It Posts: 202
    Dear 16 year old me,

    I know that your dad leaving you and you thinking "Food is my best friend" is the best thing for you right now. It happens to the best of us; families splitting up. But, don't binge yourself to happiness. It won't ever make you happy, infact it has almost ruined your life. By the time you are almost 17, you will weigh 220 lbs... that is NOT healthy at all. If you continue your destructive path you may not get a future... When you turn 17, you will begin to realize that and lose 60 pounds in a year. After that, you meet the man of your dreams and get engaged at a young age of 18. You will be married on August 10th 2013 (don't believe the 2012 thing, it didn't happen) You will have so many friends to support you and you will even get tattoos and piercings (not ones like gauges ((no offense to people with gauges, its my job that wont let me)).) You will even be a size 8 in your wedding dress!!!! Please stop terrorizing your body; even though you are beautiful.
  • Dear 16 year old me:
    - smoking is not a good weight control program
    - neither is eating only lettuce
    - 16 year old boys who tell you you're not skinny enough (at a size 8) are probably looking.... for other boys to date :happy:
    - you'll have a lot more fun if you remember that you are not the center of the universe - so every random comment or glance is not a judgement of you... LIGHTEN UP!

    thanks. that was fun!

    Me to a tee!!!!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Say No to drugs.....
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    birth control nuf said
  • RacheUk82
    RacheUk82 Posts: 70 Member
    Dear 16 year old me.... and me tomorrow.

    Start being real and honest with yourself. You feel crappy and you will for many years. You need to get a hold on this before you get to thirty and realise you cant think of one happy memory.

    You run away from hard work, nothing worth having is easy. Grow some guts and make yourself proud, YOU ARE WORTH IT.

    You will be a good mum, even though you find it hard to bond, be there for her. You made her, her skin, her bones. Love her. She knows no different.

    Your husband is a good man, he loves you.

    Dominos pizza is your nemesis.

    I am 100% sure you will be happy one day. One day at a time.
  • squiggyflop
    squiggyflop Posts: 148 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,
    Dont freak out, you are just a late bloomer. You will not be flat chested forever. At 18 you will finally have the changes to your body normal girls got at 15.

    Pretty soon your depression will go away and food will taste good to you. Watch it because that size zero body you have now will balloon up to a size 16 from your new love of food.

    And its ok to be the weird kid.

    And get physical therapy while you still can.
  • charliwarli
    charliwarli Posts: 33 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    I know, it seems like everything is the end of the damn world, but I promise you the sun will rise tomorrow, and you will survive. Don't change a damn thing because if you do, you might not become who I am now. And let's face it, I'm pretty awesome. Okay, I'm incredibly awesome. There I said it. You'll get there, too. It'll just take some growing up and getting over yourself. HAVE FUN!

    25 year old el' chuckalibre