How to tell if you're "too skinny"?



  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Depends on the person telling you.

    I'm considered chubby here in Korea :drinker:

    edit: don't let people bully you into thinking you are too skinny, many people do this to make themselves feel better about their size/weight

    If you are referring to me, let me make myself CLEAR that I am NOT bullying her. NOR am I "jealous" of anyone because they are "too skinny".She asked for our opinion.

    Why do people always go to the "You're just JEALOUS!" line? No, NOT jealous. Concerned.

    Didn't even see you comment when I wrote this. I was talking about people who she knows in real life.

    Now, after reading your comment, I do think that you cannot really *kitten* how much healthy body fat she has just from the picture that she has up on her profile, but since she asked, your opinion is your opinion.
  • SlenderElegance
    I disagree with everyone else who says you look too skinny in your picture. Also I've looked at your diary and you seem to eat reasonably healthy, although I agree with the comments about increasing your protein intake.
  • jnzema
    jnzema Posts: 24
    As a lot of people on here have mentioned, a doctor is needed to decide this for health reasons. If you are truly concerned about your aesthetic and trying to decide if you have to gain weight because of that, take some self timed photos of yourself from various angles standing how you normally do.

    Several years ago, I was having trouble eating more than half a plate at a time, I exercised regularly though and felt healthy with plenty of energy so didn't think much of it. Than I was doing a self portrait of my back and saw exactly what all those bones poking out looked like. It was an eye opener. Different perspectives can really paint a clear picture, now I know exactly what weight I need to be to look as healthy as I feel.
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    When a joint looks wider than a whole limb.... you're too damn skinny.
  • pollyineedtobeskinny
    Just by the way you look I think. By the looks of your photo, you are too skinny, some more meat would suit you really well :smile:
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    OP, you are a little on the skinny side in my opinion, and I had a peek at your food diary expecting to see some silly calorie intake, but I was actually quite relieved to see you don't under eat at all - in fact you eat around the same amount as me.

    Some people are naturally very slender and can still eat a lot. One of my best friends looks similar to you and eats far more than I do.

    Don't take the comments on here too literally, we know nothing about you and can only make a judgment on one picture that only shows a quarter of your body. if you are concerned, visit your doctor, but your eating habits seem to be fine.
  • bwnorton
    bwnorton Posts: 100 Member
    At my work, very few people are at the normal BMI. So, anybody who's in the range of 19-24 BMI is seen as skinny. Our perceptions are way off! If you feel good, have the strength you want and can do the activities you need to do, then you're fine.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Are you healthy? Thats what matters. And do you want more muscle mass so you fill out a little? I guess it depends how you feel and how you want to look but for you not for what others say.
    Partly disagree. Self-image after is created in a social environment.

    :flowerforyou: Excellent point. Too often people here ignore the impact of social conditioning. In addition, evolutonarily humans have survived by being sensitive to group attitudes and behavior.
  • Lind5ay90
    Lind5ay90 Posts: 376 Member
    Like others have said, it really depends on your build. At my thinnest, I was about 140 pounds at 5'4" and, for some reason, people thought I had "taken the weight loss thing a little far." My body holds onto weight really well...I can weigh 180 pounds and look like I weigh 140.
    But, do you feel strong? Do you have stamina? Are you building nice, lean muscle? It may not hurt to add a bit of good protein into your diet.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    I would look at body fat percentage as a measure of whether one was too skinny. From your photo you're thin, but I wouldn't say you're too skinny.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    If you're asking for opinions based on your profile picture, I would say you are too skinny for ME, but how do YOU feel?
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    I definitely don't think going by what people say is good since people would tell me I was too skinny while still overweight. But bmi can be a good indicator. If you are underweight by bmi, I think it would be a good idea to get your body fat % checked to see if it is in a healthy range. Interested to see what others say....

    Be aware of this. Whether it's deliberate or mistaken, people can act quite strangely about your weight loss. Some say that it's jealousy or sabotage, sometimes it's just a shock to them to see you so much smaller than you were before, even if you're still healthy.

    Some of my friends and family are telling me not to get "too skinny", when I'm still an overweight BMI and have rolls of flab that I can literally grab and shake! It's sweet of them but not very helpful for me.

    I think you should eat healthily, have a good mix of protein, veg and carbs, with the occasional sweet treat, and work on building some muscle if you want to look more rounded, as it will give you more mass but with definition, which will look great! Good luck!

    ^^ this.
    My loved ones are constantly telling me I don't need to diet and that I'm perfect as I am, but it isn't helpful.
    At the end of the day, if you feel happy/confident in your body then that's what's important!
    But if you so feel like you're underweight, bump up your daily cals a little :)
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Forget fat/skinny/muscular for a moment...

    My personal motto is 'Happy and healthy' - its not based on how you look or how on other people perceive you, its about how you feel and whether you are limited by your current fitness levels.

    For example - body builders typically are not great long distance runners. Athletes of any kind generally need to eat differently from people doing 'normal' levels of activity - both in quantity and nutritional mix.

    So - here is a better way how to judge if you are not 'Happy and healthy' :
    1) What are your energy levels like? Do you get tired doing every day tasks like gardening or walking to the shops?
    2) How well do you sleep at night? Can you get to sleep easily? how often do you wake up? how hard is it to get out of bed in the morning?
    3) Do you take part in any form of exercise? Do you enjoy it in itself or do you go purely to loose weight / control net calories? Do you have friends who you workout with?
    4) Do you feel guilty after you eat?
    5) When you choose what to eat do you look at total calories, nutritional composition (fat, protein, carbs) or neither?
    6) What things do you do that make you feel relaxed?
    7) What do you most look forward to each day?
    8) Do you have any mid term goals? How are they related to health and fitness? Are they realistic and achievable?
    9) Are you currently loosing or gaining weight or staying the same? How does that fit with your target weight goals?
    10) How closely do you associate what you look like with how you feel about yourself?

    In my view placing too much emphasis on your weight or fat % isn't going to get you to a place where you can maintain a healthy life style and healthy weight respectively.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I just read thread from beginning to end. This is exactly why you should not base your self worth or self image on others opinions.When I posted on this yesterday I left out my opinion of how I think you look because I didnt want to deal with the less intelligent that would misconstrue my opinion and observation for bullying. Everyone sees you in a different light some think you are fine some think you arent.

    Yes I think you are too thin and just like I am often disgusted by ppl that are too fat I am also disgusted by ppl who are too thin. Does it make me jealous? No It is gross and makes me want to cringe and go yuck just like when I saw the pictures of the body builder and the starving guy. Totally my opinion and the reason I say this is because MY opinion shouldnt matter. If you are eating correctly and healthy WTF does it matter what I think or anyone else for that matter? I think you should eat more and get a little more muscle mass so your bones dont protrude but opinion.

    I think the real issue here is not whether you are too skinny but is your self esteem too low? I know it is hard to ignore others who say things that to them are totally okay and truthful in their minds. Maybe you should focus on knowing who you are and why you love yourself so you wont have to come into an open forum and base your image on what others think. They arent you, they will never be you, and you are only as beautiful as you believe you are and feel. If you dont feel it fix it whether it be mentally or physically.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    I just read your diary and your diet is fantastic, you eat a lot more than most people here. You're definitely meeting your minimum micros and macros.

    This is how your body is. Don't let anyone shame you for that. You're doing great.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Do you feel unhealthy? Is your doctor the one telling you to gain weight? If not, I wouldn't worry. Most people make that judgement based solely on aesthetics anyways. Your body will let you know if we are not well nourished.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I don't think it's really fair to conclude she is "too Skinny" from her profile pic. Some people have a naturally thin build. If you look at her Diary she eats well and nutritiously.

    I was recently told to "Eat a cookie" because I looked too skinny, yet when I was extremely unhealthy at 252 lbs no body told me to "put down the cookies"!
  • sarahkalt88
    sarahkalt88 Posts: 51 Member
    I think if you're healthy, happy and your body isn't suffering any medical issues due to your size, you're okay! Some people are capable of being very thin without suffering from any sort of disorder. If you're worried about being too thin, go see your doctor and see what they have to say. I wouldn't worry about what some stranger at the gym says, they most likely have no medical training and are just making an uneducated observation based on their own body image issues.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Thigh gap, visible vertebrae bumps down your spine, protruding collarbones, visible sternum or shoulder blades, stick-like arms; all signs of too thin.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    There have been three pictures (not counting the OP's profile pic) which have come under scrutiny, where people put up a human being for discussion on whether or not their physique is disgusting or desirable.

    I wonder how that would go down in a thread about being too fat? Would it be okay to post pictures of people with a high body fat percentage only to talk about how disgusting you think they are?

    The bottom line is that body shaming is body shaming, no matter what size the subject is.