things your mfp friends might be surprised to know about you



  • SailorJas
    SailorJas Posts: 25
    I love to draw in my spare time
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I married at 18 and am still married to the same man.
    I have been called "the intercourse police" because of my profession.
    We live off grid (second generation)... not because we are environmentalists but because the electric company wanted too much money to put poles to our property. Yeah, we are THAT backwoods!!!
  • looplulu
    looplulu Posts: 21
    I am pretty sure I have Trypophobia (not diagnosed)----which is a fear of clusters of holes, and things like the Dried Lotus Flower gives me chills. I know when you google Trypophobia, some of the images you see on google are photoshopped----but it still creeps me out.

    I think my Trypophobia stemmed from a National Geographic episode that I saw when I was a young child. It was a documentary of a toad (Surinam toad) where the eggs sink into the mothers skin (on her back) and form outer pockets and they emerge (pop out) from those pockets off the mothers back. Youtube that toad---if you feel inclined. It would be interesting if I wasn't so creeped out by it. That National Geographic episode gave me nightmares, and I still get goosebumps when I think about it. It's just super creepy gross...

    Oh my goodness!! You're not the only one. I know exactly what lotus pictures you're talking about. Those used to give me nightmares and probably will again. The toad thing also creeped me out. I have no desire to see that again. Yuck.
  • His_Buttercup2015
    His_Buttercup2015 Posts: 114 Member
    I was on Cheaters.
    Bahaha not really :)

    I have heterochromia.
    I dislocated/broke a tendon in my left ring finger and have to tuck it in when I make a fist.
    Even in high school when I was hot I never wore a bikini.
    I used to be able to squat 300#

    Got another big word I forgot (shame on me)
    My youngest daughter was born with craniosynostosis. I HAD to have a c-section which was upsetting since I'd never needed to go that route before.

    Besides for childbirth I've never had stitches. Or broken a bone.
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    I am a registered nurse
  • autumnwater
    autumnwater Posts: 449 Member
    I am very lucky to have a small bone structure. Although traditional BMI calculators say I'm borderline underweight, my calipers say I'm on the verge of overweight at ~24%.

    I'm not an American citizen. I lived in China for 10 years, and I'm in the US on a work visa.

    I like to be playful on mfp, but I'm actually a rather serious person. I'm very career oriented.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm a 19 year old virgin.

    Me tooooo haaha
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    i'm the world's worst driver. the state of north carolina should have never given me a license.
  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    im a soldier, im superrrrrr clean and i have a son
  • Brianna72994
    I look and sound like a 12 year old. People never believe me when I say I am almost 19.

    I have a lisp, but only when I say the word "toast". Instead it comes out like "toatht"

    I've never eaten bacon before.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    I doubt they care but I want to move to another state because its absolutely boring here in MS!
  • kitcatsheart
    kitcatsheart Posts: 32 Member
    My secret is that even though one of the major things I'm losing weight for is my wedding we got married in october but only really really close friends know it and you guys lol <3
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I don't like pie unless it's one of those fake pastry pies I think hostess makes.

    My family thinks I'm weird.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I've been known to have anxiety attacks in large crowds of people, including at family gatherings (I was in tears at Christmas this year).

    I am terrified of heights, to the point of not even wanting to step up on a step stool or chair because I swear I'm going to fall and die, haha. But, I LOVE roller coasters!

    I have Bachelor's degrees in both trombone and piano :smile:

    I very, very rarely dream.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    My great-grandfather immigrated to the US from Italy (Castellammare) in the late 1800s and our family name is engraved on the wall at Statue of Liberty monument (Ellis Island).

    If that was boring...

    I've recently developed a liking for raw cookie dough. Seriously. When I buy the premade stuff at the store, I rarely end up baking them. I know there's a warning on the bag not to eat it raw, and everytime I read it and think "hmmm... you really shouldn't be doing this..."
  • BleedsCoffee
    BleedsCoffee Posts: 247 Member
    I'm a Dominatrix. And I'm utterly terrified of (live) chickens.
  • rosichick
    rosichick Posts: 80 Member
    I have the worst self esteem in the world, I always think of myself as ugly and nothing BUT ugly. Can not keep myself from thinking otherwise =(
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I have an abnormal fear of cotton balls, I lived in 42 different foster homes as a child, 3 of which were preachers. I once lived in a Nudist Colony. I have a horrible Juvenile record, but my adult record is squeaky clean and I have a criminal Justice degree. I think I (thankfully) lack the 'addictive' gene, I really haven't ever been hooked on anything even though I smoked for 3 years straight.. I could just stop, no big deal..weird. There's tons more I am sure.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    I've travelled to 111 countries. This time last year I was in North Korea (as a tourist).

    I grew up on a tea and coffee plantation in Papua New Guinea.

    I have a near phobia of fish bones as a result of being told to be careful that I dont choke on the bones when I was a kid and will only very rarely eat fish (sashimi is an exception)
  • MotivatedBeka3
    I used to suffer from really bad depression during my childhood up till i was in sophomore year in high school. I was the quiet invisible girl who had her self-esteem dragging on the floor. My weight loss has really helped me get out of the black hole i was once in.

    I still find myself struggling with self-esteem problems at times, but I've learned that if we don't love ourselves then who ever will?

    I've learned to appreciate and love life, and because of this I smile ALOT more :)