200+ Pound Twenties (New Group)



  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    I won't be able to weigh in tomorrow so I weighed in today instead. I lost 2.4 lbs this week and I couldn't be happier! I am visiting my mom again for a couple of days so hopefully I won't gain any back. Good luck to everyone else!

    Oh and I put on some capris that I didn't fit in last summer and they are even a little loose! I still look horrible in a swimsuit though LOL!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I decided to wait til Mon (tomorrow) for my official weigh in. I did eat out less this weekend than last, and I watched my sodium more this weekend, but will it be enough to move the numbers backwards? I also start week4 of the C25k tomorrow. On one of my walk yesterday, just for the heck of it, I decided to jog down one of my neighborhood streets, I figured 3min at the most (since that was week3's biggest amount) and I made it to the end of the street and back and a little around the corner for a total distance of .41 of a mile and a total time of 5min 40sec!! Woot Woot!! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. Enjoy your evening everyone :D
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    June 1: 232.8
    June 7: 231.8 (was 230.8, went up a pound this past weekend)
    June 14: ----277.4
    mini goal of 228 for a date with my brothers :)
    June 21: 225.6 (was up to 228.2 on the 18th, but it was due to lots of sodium)

    7.2lbs this month! I honestly thought I was doing bad this month too! All the car rides, bbq's, etc..and the sodium, ugh! Especially this past week(see above)

    I also start Week4 of the C25k, I'm gonna pick up dancing again this week as I only walked last week. Hope everything has a safe and healthy week!
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    Last weigh in= 231
    Current Weight=226
    5lbs Lost! Thats climbing back on the wagon, as I fell off horribly... So its kind of like starting over. But nice way to start again!!
    BTW Steffi your new profile pic is very pretty!!! You look like a different person than the other one!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    :smile: Hello Hello all!! Great job to you all for keeping at this this!
    Was 225.6 Now 223.6 (as of last Friday)
    So, yesterday, I decided to take a pic of me and when I uploaded it to my profile, it loaded right next to my drivers licsense pic:grumble: and I FINALLY SAW A CHANGE!! :noway: :love: I posted a thread about it cause I was so happy to see my efforts are slowly showing!! :blushing:

    Well, this week is week5 of C25k, and I for some reason thought Sun was Mon so I did day one on Sunday:indifferent: , which wasn't too bad!! I told myself yesterday to try day 2 and worst case senario, I could just stop and do day 1 again. Got through it no prob!! :glasses: Woot Woot!! Then this morning I had planned on doing just a regular walk like I would in my evenings, I started thinking about this coming weekend and how I'll be pretty busy Thursday through Sunday and tomorrow is my swimming day with a friend so today was really the only day I had time in the cool morning to do my c25k. So, I headed out, I set my music :glasses: and my droid app C25klite to W5D3, which includes a 5min warmup a 20 min JOG:sick: and 5mincool down. Oy! What was I getting myself into?!?! Again, figuring I wouldn't make it past 8min, I would just do day1. Well....I DID IT!!:drinker: I did the H3LL out of it!!:laugh: LOL!! I ran for 1.27miles straight, no walking!!!:noway: Wowza!

    2 of my dear friends on here, Kelly and Melissa have joined me on a weekly mini challenge to help the 3 of us boost each other on days we feel :indifferent: . So this weeks challenge is to jump rope for 2min Mon, and then add 30sec each day for the whole week. We are also doing 15 situps a day and trying a new food we've never had. For me, the food is a plum, gonna eat one at lunch today. When I jump roped yesterday...I almost gave the neighbors a peep show cause my pants were falling down, showing my under-roos to all! :blushing: :laugh: But I made it for the 2min and did my 15 situps! Hope you all are having a great day and a healthy week! Can't believe July is almost here! XoxoxoX Bru :flowerforyou:
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    I lost 1 pound this week so I am down to 224.4, but it may have been less. Normally I weigh myself in the morning before I eat, but I forgot and ate my meal so it is probably less.

    @Newfie: Wow 5lbs lost! Great job! I am happy to see you making progress again.

    @Brunette: It is nice to see the changes in appearance. My fiance says I look different but it is hard for me to tell.
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    Last weeks weight=226 This weeks weight=220
    6lbs lost!!! Hello awesome! 30lbs lost in total so far. I'm so glad I'm doing good again. I know this is starting again losses still, but its still very exciting!
    Good luck to everyone!!
  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    Hi Everyone! Been super busy at work, and life in general. So I've been gone for a while. Hopefully (cross my fingers) things will get back to normal and I can get back to my routine!

    Steffi- I love the new profile pic! when I first logged on to this thread, I thought that I had gotten the wrong one. I did not even recognise you!!

    Newfie- Congratulations for jumping back on the wagon! I know that you'll keep it up!

    Hi and good luck to everyone new! I am on my way to bed, so I have not read up on everyone yet.
    Brunette wife- Way to go! I am (or was) working on the cto5k program, but fizzled out on week three. I will keep your experience in mind as I hit the pavement again.

    Weighed in Sunday night, as I transitioned from a graveyard shift to a morning shift, I knew I would not do it this morning. Despite everything these last few weeks I'm down to 209.5.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • lprewett86
    lprewett86 Posts: 43 Member
    Is it too late to join? I would love to. I just started this site in late June or 2010. I'm 24 years old and currently 245(ish) started at 252 and wanted to lose about 92 lbs when I started just a lil under 2 weeks ago! How do you join? Will I get notifications when people post or what? I would love to chit-chat, get recipes, tips for weight loss/lifestyle changes, etc! Thanks for making the thread :)
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    I stayed the same at 220. I blame that I haven't been watching my sodium, and not drinking enough water.
    Also, I'm starting a new job now (Getting out of McDonald's yay) And I had to buy real clothes, and they were 1-2 sizes smaller, depending on the style feels good!!! :)
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    it's been a while since i posted here!! to be honest, it's just been laziness, i've been a bit fed up lol, tho i think it was more motivating posting here weekly!

    the last time i posted i was 170.2lbs, i'm now 163.6lbs.

    hope everyone has been doing good!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi all :) I've been busy busting my butt and I'm currently finished with Week7Day1 and it went great!! I'm currently doing a challenge with a few friends, each week one of us posts 2 exercise challenges and a food challenge, it's been going pretty good so far. It helps give us that extra exercise push if we are coming up short for a day or want to be an over-acheiver. I've almost hit 100miles walking/jogging since June 8th, I decided to add another 100 to be completed by Sept 8th. I've officially lost 25lbs!! I tried on my wedding dress from 08 and WOW!! I uploaded a pic on my profile if you wanna take a peek. I'm still truckin' along. I hope you all are doing well. Have a safe and healthy week! Bru
  • Is it too late to join this group? I would love some extra support and info anyone has. I'm 28 just weighed this morning and weigh 245, I was at 260 in May right after my surgery. Please let me know!

  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    If any of the new people are wondering, we just check-in on Mondays with our current weigh-in, nothing too complicated about it (joining at least). I don't think there are any reminders or notifications...maybe that's something to ask the webmasters about? Just go to the Community tab and then click on My Topics (underneath the blue line at the top of the page, but below the ads) and you'll see when and who posted last on all the threads you've commented on.

    Steffi- Congrats on your Masters degree! I have been thinking about going back and getting one (not sure in what), but college is so expensive and I don't want to just take random classes. If you don't mind me asking what did you study?

    Newfie- Good luck with your new job! It feels like I just started my new job a week ago, but its really been three. I had been working at the same place for five year and forgot how stressful learning a new job was. So good luck with the job and keep up the good work!

    Bru- what a pretty wedding dress! Great job on the weight loss!!

    Spikess- I know exactly how you feel. I've been super stressed out and just really haven't wanted to think about anything, let alone posting on a weight loss forum. But you are absolutely right. I always feel a lot more motivated when I visit!

    I stepped on the scale Tuesday for the weigh-in and it was back up to 212. Probably all water weight fluctuations...it's been hot and then cooled off on Mon and Tuesday and I haven't been drinking enough water. Went out for a quick walk today after about 3 weeks of no exercise, and ended up jogging most of the way back home. It felt so good to get outside and move!!!
  • tennisref
    tennisref Posts: 27
    I really don't have an update, but it's Monday, and I'm supposed to post today. For the sake of getting back into habit, I'm posting anyway!
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    I also have nothing new to post. Weight is at a standstill at 220 right now. This week I was bad, just quit working at McDonald's and took my last week to enjoy my discount. Bad idea, but should be easier not to eat crap now anyways! Time to buckle down properly now... and theres a gym in the building where my new job is, so its just all convenient. Good luck to everyone, and welcome new people!
  • steffi1686
    steffi1686 Posts: 119 Member
    I keep forgetting to post on Monday but I lost 1.8 lbs this week and am down to 222.6 which is exciting! I am hoping to get down to 214 by my birthday on August 13th..I will be 24. I need to get some new jeans soon..the ones I couldn't fit into last summer are now really loose on me. So I believe I am a size 18 now. I started at a size 22.

    @ Tennis: Thanks I took that picture a few months ago when I started losing weight...I was about 10lbs or so down at the time. I only put it up recently though. I should really take another one but my camera broke.
    Also thanks for the congratulations. I got my Masters in Human Resources. I have yet to find a job yet though which sucks.
  • MysterriGal
    MysterriGal Posts: 52 Member
    So I won't be posting here for a while. Can't be losing weight right now. Turns out I'm eating for 2! So excited. I will definitely be back in 9 months to lose the baby weight, plus more.
    Good luck to you all, hope everyone has a good summer and reaches their goals!
  • I would like to join too!
    I am 22, 204 lbs I have Been looking for a group to join.
    I usually weigh in on saturdays so I could post on Monday
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    Hi, I'm Kristen! I'm 23, and 202 lbs...started 1 week ago at 205.2!

    I would love to join this challenge!
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