Such a fat loser



  • melbot24
    melbot24 Posts: 347 Member
    I'm a fat loser too.

    I can never keep track of where it's going.

    You should try going from fat loser to fat loser.

    It's a lot better here.
  • Calling yourself names is just as bad as calling someone else names.

    Dont worry about it. Just work out a little harder today.

    calling yourself names is worse than calling someone else names because YOU believe you,
    you had a day you needed a taste fo something you had it. now enjoy it & realize this was 1 meal.
    you made all the other positive changes. great for you!
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Hon, one thing I've learned (and boy was it hard to finally get it through my skull) is that what we think of ourselves is what others will think of us too. Instead of being your own worst critic, try being your own best cheerleader. If you are going get the weight off and keep it off, you have to learn to love yourself for who you are right now. Once you do that, losing the weight gets easier. I'm just at the beginning of my journe, but it took me 15 + years to figure out how to love myself for what I am right now, no matter what weight that is. Once you've done that, it becomes so much easier to work towards your goal, because you don't beat yourself up anymore. I know this sounds funny, but try starting each day by looking at yourself in the eyes each morning and repeat, " I accept myself the way I am, right now." And when the "fat loser" talk surfaces, say it again. This is what I did. And after awhile, you really start to change. Love yourself :)

    this is beautiful, thank you :flowerforyou:
  • coderchris
    coderchris Posts: 79 Member
    Don't beat yourself up so much....all things in moderation....
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    I don't see how hash browns are a big deal. Just keep your eye on that weekly calorie goal, and you'll be fine.
    nothin wrong with hashbrowns, or bacon or hamburgers or cream....... it's all in moderation and denial of food is a form of punishment.... you do not need to be punished

    Listen to these ladies! Now, for a question.... Did you follow it up with a Big Mac, large fries AND a shake? No? Okay, then. Hashbrowns are okay. Do you ENJOY cream in your coffee? If so, then why stop drinking it the way you like it? Eat in an way NOW that you will be able to continue for life.

    And finally.....stop calling yourself names. Would you like it if someone else called you a fat loser? Probably not. So don't speak that to yourself.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    OP: That is exactly the kind of thinking that will keep you from succeeding. If you freak out over every little mistake, you will fail. The only way to get anywhere is to forgive your failure and keep going. You can't expect perfection from the beginning. Or ever. You just keep trying until you get it.
  • buffty
    buffty Posts: 83
    I set myself impossibly high standards and am doomed to fail. The slightest mistake and I beat myself up. Sounds like the OP is the same. Better to enjoy the hashbrowns and spend an extra ten minutes on the treadmill. It's not the end of the world.
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    I ate so much yesterday... went over by a full 50% of my goal. But you know what? WHATEVER.

    Chill out on yourself. Being mean to yourself won't help you with your goals.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    If it makes you feel any better, I had a stick of butter as my mid-morning snack.

    But seriously, just regroup and keep going. I actually wrote a little about this yesterday. Here's what I wrote:

    Cowboy up, and good luck to you. :)
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Stop calling yourself names that is pure poison and isnt going to help at all. So you ate something you shouldnt have it happens we are humans it happens to everyone. What you can do now is workout and make better choices for the rest of the day! I really love hash browns by the way and you can eat them just know how to make them healthier and a good portion size.

    Dont sweat the small stuff just get sweating
  • MrsTorresisBACK
    MrsTorresisBACK Posts: 98 Member
    One bad meal didn't make us fat. One good meal won't make us thin and fit.
    One bad meal won't ruin your progress, it's how you recover and get back on track with your next meal that determines your progress.

    Well said!!!
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Just had to have the hash browns this morning, WTH is wrong with me. I cut out the cream in coffee and went to skim milk and then I have that other crap, no wonder I am gaining again. I am such a loser.

    I don't really understand the point of your post.

    Do you want lots of strangers to tell you that it's okay? Because they will, and it will do nothing to change what you do in the future.

    What happens if someone says something really mean, and it makes you feel worse?

    Sincerely and from the bottom of my heart...acknowledge the issue and do something about it. Grab some fruit in the morning on the way out the door, make something the night before so you can avoid eating on the road on the way to work.

    But feeling sorry for yourself without making any changes is only going to lead to you doing it again and feeling the exact same way. It all starts with you.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I have a hash brown every morning. o_O

    I've said it before and I'll say it again:

    If you view putting "healthy" things into your body or doing exercise as a punishment,
    If you feel overwhelmingly guilty when you put "unhealthy" things into your body -


    Fix your attitude, then you can fix your body.

    Getting healthy does not mean beating your body into submission.

    Getting healthy is NOT all or nothing.

    Getting healthy is all about education and balance.

    You have GOT to forgive yourself if you ever want to move forward.

    This is the MOST GIGANTIC HURDLE that you will EVER overcome in your weight loss journey.

    But once you overcome the hurdle of NOT HATING YOURSELF...

    Success is just a matter of time.
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    Do yourself a favor... if you have to have it... eat half as much... and then exercise to burn it off. You'll find that sometimes you can have it.... Both ways!
  • HoosierBecky
    HoosierBecky Posts: 60 Member
    Just had to have the hash browns this morning, WTH is wrong with me. I cut out the cream in coffee and went to skim milk and then I have that other crap, no wonder I am gaining again. I am such a loser.

    Let's turn this around. Suppose someone on these boards posted that they had hash browns. Would you have said this to them:

    "You just had to have the hash brown this mornning, WTH is wrong with you. You cut out the cream in coffee and went to skim milk and then you have that other crap, no wonder you are gaining again. You are such a loser."

    You wouldn't say that to another person so why would you say it to yourself? You are not a bad person. You just made, in your opinion, a bad choice. (I think hashbrowns are okay).

    Put it behind you, journal it and decide to make a better choice next time. :flowerforyou:
  • Shawnzgirl78
    Shawnzgirl78 Posts: 148 Member
    That was really good. Now I will have salad for lunch and "take a walk" "run on the elliptical or treadmill" tonight.
    Don't beat yourself up.
  • apearson07
    apearson07 Posts: 4 Member
    You are not a fat loser :smile: You indulged, nothing wrong with that just keep track and not let it ruin your progress :happy:
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Don't talk to yourself like that.
  • I agree, that I do not want to hear you talk about yourself like that, although I don't know you. :) But I have said the same thing to myself lately, so I can relate. I agree with all the posts supporting you. And although I don't like to hear you speaking badly about yourself, it is good to be honest. If that is how you feel in the moment, sometimes you need to say it. Then you can analyze the moment if need be, move on and have a kick *kitten* rest of your day. Stay on track the rest of the day and tonight you can log in and smile at your post, because you didn't keep a bad moment from ruining your day! I am saying this to myself at the same time. You are not the only one struggling. But YOU are the only one who can make it better. Much love coming your way.