5'10.5 with 20 lbs to lose, any tall ladies out there?



  • carmieg3
    carmieg3 Posts: 36
    I am 5'9" and have 19 lbs left to go :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I am also 5'11, and just joined MFP on April 7th. I am currently in the Biggest Loser Challenge - lost 3 lbs so far. Hoping to lose at least 45-50 yet to reach my ultimate goal weight of 165. Love to be friends.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    Added! Congrats on the weight loss... it's great to connect with other tall ladies, losing weight is definitely different for us :)

    I'm 6' and have lost about 60 lbs and am at goal. I'm just curious, how is losing weight different for us? Seems pretty much the same as everyone else...
  • BeckyJo19
    BeckyJo19 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi ladies! Feel free to add me too! I'm 5'10" with about 30-40 more to lose. I could use some motivation...my scale has been stuck for a month. I just can't get it going again!
  • CarolynCairns
    CarolynCairns Posts: 4 Member
    You guys have all done great. Would be great to get some friends on MFP for motivation. So far I'm working solo :(
    I'm 5' 10" and I've lost about 4lbs so far but ideally have another 14-20lbs to go. Would appreciate any Friend Requests (but haven't yet worked out how to make a FR myself!)

  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 5'10.5" too. I'm looking to lose about another 10 - 20 lbs (depending on if I can put some muscle on). Trying to get down around 165.
    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • kapot
    kapot Posts: 53
    5ft9, looking to loose 30ish pounds, anyone welcome to add me!
  • Svolt
    Svolt Posts: 284 Member

    I agree that it is different for us. All our numbers are different. My goal weight is my shorter friends obese weight, I had to reconcile within myself that I will never be 120lbs (I could be, but I wouldn't look or be healthy, plus it would be a full time job to stay there).

    So true! I set myself up with a realistic goal weight of 170 - 180 LBS. Standing 5' 10" and 222lbs, I have 20+ LBS I still want to lose. I joined MFP in May of 2012 and lost over 50 LBS last spring/summer with the app. I have fallen off lately and I could use some support of woman my weight/height.
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Comparing myself to my shorty friends had me as an underweight athlete in HS. As an adult I worked 60-80 hours a week and gained tons of weight. Made terrible decisions and never made time for health or fitness. Fast forward to today; I'm 31, married full time SAHM to an almost 2.5 year old terrific little boy and making health a priority for my family. I'm 5'10 my SW was 300, CW is 189.5 and my goal weight is b/t 150-170 which will be based on my BF% and my clothing size. After years of being out of shape and overweight I'm not going to let the scale completely dictate my health or happiness. I already have a healthy BF% which has been like a miracle for me, it's my proudest achievement. So, depending how my body changes in the next few months with increased strength training I have anywhere from 20-40 pounds left to lose. I want to love my body regardless of the number on the scale. Thanks for posting this! It is different being tall! I'm also a runner working on improving speed and distance slowly but surely!

    Would love any new friends: tall ladies, mommies, runners, weight lifters, etc. ????????????
  • BikiniEnvy
    I'm 5'11, so glad to meet another tall lady. My goal is to lose 15 lbs. About 6 years ago, I lost aprox 55 lbs and have kept the bulk of it off. However, there is an annoying 10-12 lbs that has come and gone a few times since then. Unfortunately, I have not tracked my weight or caloric intake on a consistant basis (I just use my clothes as a guide). When I feel like I'm gaining weight, I'll work out harder. Exercise has been my main method of weight loss, but after a few "over use injuries" such as tendonitis, I'm unable to excercise as hard as I was. :( Hopefully, MFP will assist with my caloric intake to get me back to my goal weight.
  • KellyJoDay
    5'9" and 2 # down from the 20 I want to loose.(Mom of Three) we can carry our weight all over and hide it better being taller.

    Remember it is how the clothes fit not the #...when working out we will be changing fat into muscle so we may not see the change i:drinker: :drinker: n the scale but we will in our clothes. STAY healthy ladies my fav saying is Be~YOU~tiful.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    5'7", but the more I lose, the taller I feel, lol :happy:
  • badgalmari
    badgalmari Posts: 22 Member
    Im 5'9 and have about 24 more lbs to loose. I'll send you a request and anyone else feel free to add me.
  • luziferl
    luziferl Posts: 82
    i'm 5'10 too and i agree, comparing ourselves to our shorter friends does not make sense at all... we will always weigh more and that's good!

    Dear all - please feel free to add me, i need some motivation and i am very good at motivating others. moreover, it's always good to be able to compare ourselves, as we are all tall! :)

    btw: got 20 lbs to loose :)
  • TravelinChiGal
    TravelinChiGal Posts: 216 Member
    I'm 5'10" with ideally 28 more pounds to go (down over 87lbs currently)! Losing weight when you are tall is so much different, and I am always so hard on myself when someone loses 5 pounds and looks completely different, meanwhile I can gain and lose 5 pounds in a day!

    Love this site, it works, and you meet great people who keep you inspired!
  • fitmouse333
    fitmouse333 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5 9" lost 23 lbs. since December 27th Goal is to lose another 25-30 ish
  • fitmouse333
    fitmouse333 Posts: 2 Member
    Good point, or another "less tall"
    person can lose 6 pounds and go down an entire pant size!!
  • OhLibra
    OhLibra Posts: 221 Member
    I'm 5'9" and I want to lose another 50-60 lbs. Always looking for new friends so please feel free to add me!!
  • grdaze
    grdaze Posts: 195 Member
    I'm 5'8" and I have 20 to get to my goal weight (and 30 to my ultimate goal weight). I log in everyday. Feel free to add!
  • glitterhealthy
    I'm 5'10" and want to lose 10-15lbs (5-6kg) .... also type 1 diabetic, so a bit tricky but i wanna get there!!!

    got a (tiny) red designer dress as inspiration!