What is your TRUE reasons for wanting to get in shape?



  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I feel like I have wasted my whole adult life living this sort of limited half-life, stymied by what I couldn't do physically as a result of my obesity and what I had convinced myself I could never do. I am getting in shape because I want my life to be getting better every day, not staying stuck in one place. I have so many things to do and see and experience. Now, as I am on the verge of turning 40, I am faster, stronger, healthier than I have ever been and in the best shape of my life – and it's only getting better!
  • kbitikofer
    kbitikofer Posts: 43 Member
    For several reasons:
    -My health
    -Bikini season
    -My Husband
    -Wanting to start a Family
    -To look hott (not huge) when I'm riding my motorcycle

    (So lets be honest, vanity is a big part of it.)
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    Originally, I lost the weight because I wanted to look good, most of my friends were married or getting married and I didn't want to be single the rest of my life and I hated the way I looked, so how could anyone ever find my attractive.

    Now that I have lost over 100 pounds, the reasons to keep going and lose more and/or keep it off have changed to feeling healthy and accomplishing different goals. This year's goal is to beat my triathlon time from last year and do more physical events. One under the belt with a 40 floor stair climb that I finished faster than I thought I would :)
  • lalonmeg000
    lalonmeg000 Posts: 276 Member
    Vanity lol I am tired of going out for a drink with friends and never being asked to dance. It's more of a confidence thing, I don't feel pretty when I get dressed up, I want to be the first everyone wants to talk to, not the last.
  • Cmmf1234
    Cmmf1234 Posts: 14 Member
    I want to live my life to the fullest NOW!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Strength and vanity. I want to be strong and smoking hot.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    I want to know what it feels like to be hot.
  • sarahfashion861
    sarahfashion861 Posts: 44 Member
    I got tired of my clothes not fitting right. I want to feel sexier again and wear high heels :)! Ive lost 25.8lbs in 3 months! Im a new women!
  • 1tiamat
    1tiamat Posts: 138 Member
    I mainly just want to like what I see in the mirror. I tell myself that I want to avoid the health problems in my family, but when you boil it down to the core reason, I want 2 things.

    1. To like what I see

    2. To have people envious of what they see

    Of course health, flexibility, and confidence don't hurt either. ;)
  • a1wonder
    a1wonder Posts: 95 Member
    To look like a pro when I scuba :) and also to avoid surgery ( back problems)
  • sherrihuntsmith
    sherrihuntsmith Posts: 32 Member
    I'm really sick of buying plus sized clothes. I'm also sick of the pics I take that show a little head and a big body.
  • RedneckMomma77
    RedneckMomma77 Posts: 85 Member
    Honestly, it's because I got tired of looking in the mirror, and seeing someone that I didn't know or like staring back at me.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    to raise my self esteem
    want to get smaller clothes
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Well...honestly I want to look gooooooood for my hubby. If his head turns, I wanna know w/o a doubt that its not b/c I've let myself go. My family deserves a good role model, and I'm truly trying to be that for them. I'm also at the end of my college career and wish to have great brains annnnnnnnd a great body. Yep...I want it all. :flowerforyou:
  • darylewb
    darylewb Posts: 45
    There are a lot of little reasons that I want to be in shape. I've always been one of the types of people who has got to expend constant and not inconsiderable effort to keep from gaining weight. It wasn't a problem, being in shape was a part of my last job; it was expected, encouraged and facilitated.

    When I retired and changed careers, I slacked off on the physical fitness. Within a year, I went from 80 kilos up to more than 100 kilos (180lbs - 220lbs+). It was easy to do - more worry about the concerns of a desk job and less about fitness and diet packs it on. When I suddenly decided that enough was enough, I realized that life in the 40+ year old category makes getting back into shape much, much more difficult than staying in shape or getting in shape was <30. My blood pressure was up, my blood cholesterol was high. I'd never been in such bad shape.

    I have an old back injury that acts up even more when I am heavy, so there is one reason.

    I want to hang around longer to enjoy the adult years of my kids. - perhaps at some point, grandkids.

    I always felt better when I was in shape than when not.

    I guess this is really the motivating reason; I am very competitive - when I was 40, I could outrun, outdistance and out work most of the 20 ish year olds who worked with me and I liked that. ... I'll have that again.
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Truth? I want to live a healthy, long life and of course look and feel great again! Heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol run rampant in my family, so I'm determined to defend myself against them. Plus, I have two kids who need their mom around for a long time to come :)
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    Summer is getting closer, I'm determined to look good for the summer and hopefully maintain that!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    So I look hot of course. And to be able to go until the bed breaks. Need more cardio.
  • bandgeek05
    There are several reasons and they all tend to shift around being number 1. My mom died suddenly at 57 (she had a heart murmur, type 2 diabetes, hbp, and was overweight). Heart issues run high on both sides of the family. I want to feel good about myself, I've always been overweight and just want to know what it feels like to be healthy for once; and yes like others have said feel good naked, not like a blob of fat.
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    To feel sexy