Thank goodness for fat shaming!



  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    My dad used to call me sumo when I was a teenager, I wasn't overweight at the time but all that name calling really upset me and made me think why shouldn't I just put on weight if that is how people see me? I then went the other way and starved myself for years. Then came the kidney tumour. I think so called "fat shaming" can be just as harmful as it can be helpful in some situations. I think if someone has put on weight and doesn't seem to notice a friendly word should be the first port of call.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I got married and moved from Chicago to Arizona. After a year, I came back to visit my parents, and the FIRST thing my dad said was "You got chubby." That hurt. But, I didn't do anything about it because I was married and "well, I'm done keeping myself looking good because I'm off the market now and don't care."

    Well, it took years later for me to realize that I weighed too much. When I was nearly 200 lbs, I decided to do something about it. I lost 50 lbs and felt great.

    Then the weight came on again, then off, then a little bit more. Now, I understand the correlation between eating, exercise and weight loss.

    I would NEVER tell anyone, even my loved ones, they were fat. HOWEVER, if they ask me about their health OR wanting to lose weight, I will gladly tell them what I do to be successful. AND, I will gladly give them the kick in the pants they need to motivate them.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    So basically, what you're saying is "Thank goodness for abuse!" "Thank goodness someone made me feel bad about myself!"

    All I have to say to this thread is, just because you're losing weight, or have lost weight, doesn't make you any better than others who haven't or who don't want to. Don't kid yourselves into thinking that you're somehow superior to larger people, and don't even kid yourselves that you care about other peoples health, or their fitness.

    Who other people are, what they are, is nothing to do with you. So stop with the self aggrandising, it's so unbecoming.
  • NadiaSAKloof
    NadiaSAKloof Posts: 19 Member
    Bit harsh, but each to their own. I would not take a comment like that well, but we are all different. Personally, I find looking at photo's the biggest wake-up call. As for mirrors in clothing store change rooms, well that is just plain depressing! :wink:
  • greenteakedi
    Other peoples health and appearance is nobodys business. I wish people would stop body shaming. It doesn't matter if you're trying to be helpful by calling someone a whale or fat. Body shaming is body shaming. Reading and hearing things like this made me hate my own body when I was growing up. Only if someone had the guts to tell me pretty does not necessarily means thin and fit. Sure we can all agree that being obese is not healthy but telling someone what to do with their own bodies is nobodys decision to make but their own.
    Seriously seeing things like this makes me sick to my stomach.
  • deedee303z
    Yeah, my dad used to give me lengthy lectures on my weight every time I saw him. I tried explaining that I had already discussed it with my doctor, etc (I had and I was doing something about it--I had just had a huge change in lifestyle and hadn't figured out how to adapt yet)--and got the "but I'm just telling you because I love you" line. Well, he continued on (nagging, threatening, bribing, etc) until I threatened to leave immediately the next time he brought it up. If anything, he delayed my doing anything about losing weight--both because I was so upset I couldn't think about it and because every time I visited he did his best to sabotage any diet I was on.

    You know my husband handled it better: "honey, I love you but I am worried about you because you don't seem to be happy about how you look. Is there anything I can do to help? I want you to be happy." No wonder I adore him!
  • Zehornet
    Zehornet Posts: 14 Member
    Ever since I was a teenager I have been at the receiving end of weight comments from my close family , mother and father. I'm glad it worked for you, but for me it made me:

    Ignore her comments for 5 years because she was being stupid (I was at healthy weight).
    Then, once I had decided to ignore her because of this, I started putting on more and more weight. Into being fat.
    The abuse didn't stop, in fact, I blame my low self-esteem on it.

    All these comments came out of a wish to be helpful, straight from the horse's mouth. They haven't done me any good at all. For 7 years they have been tormenting me about it. Guess what?

    You cannot, I repeat, cannot - make someone lose weight from fat shaming or "helpful comments".

    They will do it when they finally decide to. As I have, and so far I've lost 6 kg.

    Poopy comments are not helpful. All it does is make people feel like lard tubs, and if they are anything like me, then they already felt pretty bad to begin with.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    If that works for the OP the more power to her.

    Personally, I reserve "brutal honest" for my 2nd or 3rd attempt at getting my point across and the person is being thick.

    That being said, there's a wide span of options between outright denial and sounding like a comedian trying to take down a heckler.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Other peoples health and appearance is nobodys business.

    I disagree with this....worrying about somebody's health isnt a bad thing. I watched my Mum gain and lose weigh several times, her suffering with a myriad of health issues surrounding her weight. There is no way I sat back and watched her get more unhealthy. I didn't want to be without her.

    The way to change someone however is not usually shaming. Make them want to be the fittest, strongest and healthiest they can. Be proud and encourage them to look after themselves. Im happy to say my mum has lost over 8 stone now and is just a couple a way from her goal weight. Shes stronger and fitter than she has been in years.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    I wish someone told me, I realised when I saw a pic of me in the water on hols with the kids, I didn't even recognise myself, I asked my hubby "who's that" and he laughed and said "it's you" so time for a change it was although I didn't actually make a move for another 4 months but I sternly talked to myself for those 4 months ... good on your mum, honestly is the best policy (for me anyway)
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    You cannot, I repeat, cannot - make someone lose weight from fat shaming or "helpful comments".
    The first post suggests differently.

    To my mind a lot of the problem with the 'shaming' thing is because people ARE ashamed.
    If people were happy with what they are - then there shouldn't be so much issue.

    When I got down to a low weight and people were calling me skinny, I was pleased (I still had a bit of tummy left unfortunately) as it showed the 'work' I had done losing weight was working.

    If more people were honest and accepted honest opinions more of the time rather than being 'hurt' by them, perhaps there would be less issues in the first place?

    I got annoyed when people would say to me "but you aren't fat" when I was - I have a large frame/chest so I do carry bulk quite well, but it gave me less incentive to lose.
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    Can you really put on 50 pounds and not know about it? I really am asking this seriously, not intending to hurt anybody.

    Yes, it happens to people when their minds get crowded with other thoughts.

    They just stop paying attention to their looks.

    You'd have to experience it to know the feeling of gaining without noticing - but when it happens you realise how it happened - you just got way too busy with other things.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Gee, once again the Internet teaches us that people are all different!

    OP I'm glad it worked for you, obviously you had decent self esteem and the kind of relationship with your mother where this was ok. For many people that's not the case. I can't even imagine how hurt and angry I would be if my mother said that to me. But thankfully she never would.
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    Every day I walk around and can't help but want to go up to people (lots of them) and grab them by the shoulders and shake them and say "Hey! Just what do you think you've been doing?!" I was once one of them and so that urge is strong. How to do that constructively is the question. And now I often pause to think about what other things I'm still delusional.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    There is worrying about someone's health, someone you know, and there is "OMG FAT PEOPLE, HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO THEMSELVES? DONT THEY KNOW HOW UNHEALTHY THEY ARE?! They should want to be fit and healthy, why don't they want to be fit and healthy?" Like its actually anyones business...
    Then if you call them out on it, they say "Oh but I'm only saying it because I care about their health!" Like, I'm sorry but I know I don't care about what any one stranger does to their body, as long as it doesn't affect me or anyone I know, so why should you care?

    The shaming comes from making people feel like everyone thinks they should be doing something, and they're not because they don't want to or don't feel like they should because other people are telling them to.

    Then theres tactful... "Loved one, you don't seem happy about your body anymore, what can we do to make this right, and we can do it together?" or "I'm just being helpful comments" like "Loved one, you're getting a bit pudgy, perhaps it couldn't hurt to lose a few pounds, then you wouldn't be miserably anymore"
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    You cannot, I repeat, cannot - make someone lose weight from fat shaming or "helpful comments".
    The first post suggests differently.

    To my mind a lot of the problem with the 'shaming' thing is because people ARE ashamed.
    If people were happy with what they are - then there shouldn't be so much issue.

    When I got down to a low weight and people were calling me skinny, I was pleased (I still had a bit of tummy left unfortunately) as it showed the 'work' I had done losing weight was working.

    If more people were honest and accepted honest opinions more of the time rather than being 'hurt' by them, perhaps there would be less issues in the first place?

    I got annoyed when people would say to me "but you aren't fat" when I was - I have a large frame/chest so I do carry bulk quite well, but it gave me less incentive to lose.
    ^^^^ I got this allot, even when I lost a fair amount of weight I had friends telling my I looked better when I had the extra weight ... don't get me wrong i was extremely confident I was constantly told by several people what a fantastic figure I had, but looking back now I can see they all lied to me, sorry but I'd much prefer to be told I'm fat than I look good when Im fat :)
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I think it kind of depends who says it and how.

    If it was my Mom saying it to me, I would know it was because she's worried about my health (she suffers from a lot of health problems due to being overweight herself and is worried my sisters and I will end up the same). But if anyone else told me I was fat, I would be greatly upset.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    Similar thing happened to me. I'd always been a little larger...always the chubby friend. I fell in and out with dieting and exercise. It was laziness that prevented me from getting back into it. Then my grandma came to visit last weekend and the FIRST thing out of her mouth was a comment on how much weight I'd gained. Very hurtful and embarrassing, but it was the push I needed to move forward.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Every day I walk around and can't help but want to go up to people (lots of them) and grab them by the shoulders and shake them and say "Hey! Just what do you think you've been doing?!" I was once one of them and so that urge is strong. How to do that constructively is the question. And now I often pause to think about what other things I'm still delusional.

    Ok, and what about their appearance suggests they're not already doing something about it?
    The worst thing I ever felt was people coming up behind me on the way to pick up my son, and telling me I was fat and that I should lose weight.... and that really hurt because I had been exercising and losing weight for more than a year... yes I was still overweight but I was 30 lbs lighter than when I started...
    So just because someone is overweight doesn't mean that A they're not aware of it, and B theyre not already doing something about it...
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Learn self-love through your most loved people making cruel remarks?
