Because I really need to talk!



  • thehka
    thehka Posts: 74 Member
    Dump him. It'll give you so much more self respect. If he does it before it might just be the last straw for you :/ Don't let him beat you to the punch ;) Also, I didn't like a lot of guys back either when I was in the same viewpoint of myself as you are currently. But I gave them a chance anyway and a couple (not all u____u) turned out to be decent guys and I appreciated the experience in the end, even though it didn't work out with them. Take a chance :)
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    You are not fat, you are not ugly. Trust me! This guy isn't worth another second of your time. There are lots of really great, wonderful men out there, spend your time and energy on one of those x
  • FranksRumHam
    FranksRumHam Posts: 198 Member
    would bang. ;)

    really NOT let some dude with a low self esteem and crap attitude control how you feel about yourself.
    he's lucky to be with you and deep down you know you are a catch! bring those feelings to the surface and embrace it!
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    Exactly he is that bump in your rd. we are all here to support so YOU can do it ???????????? friend request if you would like.

    Edit : just sent you a friend req. ????
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    He's playing a game with you. He figures you're not what he wants but you'll do for now. So he keeps you, and he keeps you insecure so you won't give him too much trouble while he searches for someone else.

    When some other poor victim agrees to date this loser he'll ditch you. If it works out with the new one, good riddance, you won't hear from him again. But if she realizes he's a douche and dumps him, you can expect a hilariously pitiful and flattering phonecall from him as he tries desperately to get back with you so he won't be alone for one second. If you fall for that and take him back, the cycle will repeat itself.

    Dump him now and walk away head high. Block his number and tell him you never want to see him again. That will let you salvage your pride. Also you're quite pretty. And even if you weren't, as someone already said, there are plenty of physically less attractive people out there who are in happy, healthy relationships with decent partners.
  • neretete
    neretete Posts: 30
    I definitely think that going to therapy is a must! You need to explore why you feel it's okay to be in this type of relationship. I fully understand because I have also been in unhealthy relationships because I didn't feel like I was capable or deserving of anything better. You are a special person who deserves to be treated like you are special. Keep yourself surrounded by healthy relationships and dump the ones that make you feel bad. Commit yourself to therapy so you can learn the difference. It's probably not enough to go a couple times and think you are fixed. Really get to the root of it so you don't find yourself in the same place down the line.

    Keep telling yourself that you are special and beautiful!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    You deserve better.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Glad you came here to talk! Let me echo the rest -- this is a guy that isn't ready for a relationship *with you* and that does not mean it is *about you* or how you look. He's keeping you hanging on until he finds whatever it is he thinks he wants in a relationship, and if he doesn't, then he'll go ahead and settle for you (in his mind), and in doing so, more than likely, he'll make your life miserable.

    It is hard when this happens to believe that it isn't something we did: we're not thin enough, pretty enough, boobs too small, boobs too big, *kitten* too big, whatever. Bottom line: it's about the two of you as a couple -- it just isn't working for him.

    I spent a couple years on a long-distance pseudo-relationship post-divorce. We talked about how we were perfect for each other but neither wanted a relationship because we were coming off of some major bad relationship issues. However, at some point, I started feeling like we were essentially dating -- until, of course, he told me he was getting married. I started out telling the truth, and maybe he did too, and we both ended up lying -- I lied by omission in not telling him I was ready for a relationship and wanted it to be him (thus giving him the opportunity to decide), and he lied by saying he still wasn't ready for a relationship but really just wasn't wanting a relationship with me. I then spent a few months in self-flagellation, berating myself for being so stupid, too fat, not pretty enough, etc. and then I realized something: I AM AWESOME. Period. We just were in an imbalanced relationship, and I let it happen, and he took advantage of that, and if we had moved into a relationship, that imbalance would have continued.

    Whatever you do -- remember this: YOU ARE AWESOME. This relationship may not work out, and he may say some horrible, cutting things just to hurt you (may not - some people do that though as a knee-jerk reaction to wrest control over a situation and person) -- but whatever he says that hurts, let it wash over you. You are worthy of a great relationship that makes you happy. First and foremost, make that relationship a personal one, with yourself. The rest will follow.
  • Shauncho49
    Shauncho49 Posts: 132 Member
    That's a rough situation to be in. It seems reasonable for you to feel hurt. It may be wise for you to examine what it is about this relationship that keeps you in it. If you feel loved and supported (which it sounds like you don't), then stay in it and do the necessary work; if you feel beaten down and believe that you aren't worthy of love, then this relationship is not doing you any favors.

    I would advise you to turn to friends and family for social support, and define the relationship in firm terms. If he doesn't want you and only you, then he can leave. Insecurity can easily deceive a person into believing that no one will ever love them. The truth is that in order to be loved by others, a person must first learn to love themselves. It's a lesson I've had to learn the hard way. I don't know your exact situation, but you may ask your psychologist for some referrals to counselors in your area.

    There is not a person alive who isn't beautiful to someone!

    listen to this man...he sounds like me when he talks so he must know what he's talking about.
  • Shirlls123
    Shirlls123 Posts: 65 Member
    You deserve, and can do, so much better than this guy. You are not ugly or fat, he is only saying you are to break down your confidence so you won't have the confidence in yourself to believe you can get out there and do better. Don't let him ruin your confidence because of his dysfunction. Like the previous post said, take the power off him and don't rely on him for your happiness. You will do much better in life without him bringing you down.

    Even if you didn't like them back, you still had guys interested in you, so that proves you aren't ugly or fat. If I were you, I would get shot of that loser and focus 100% on what you want in life, and your confidence will naturally grow. You will meet someone worthy of you and who will see you for what you are, an attractive young woman! x
  • djmodernroq
    Hi ale,

    You're not ugly!!!. He doesn't deserve your time and day!! If you feel you need to change, I recommend you to make some changes for yourself.. and NOT for him!!. You can do it!!! Believe me, after he sees your change, hes gonna want to go back. He's going to realized he messed up and did not appreciate you at the beginning.
  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    I agree the guy is a TOTAL JERK!! DUMP HIM FIRST!!!! You arn't ugly! It is your low life boyfriend that has you feeling this way!! Feel free to add me as a friend!! :flowerforyou:
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    You have to break up with him. On behalf of all of the women in the has to be done.

    And don't be nice about it either!! :mad:
  • ale7714
    ale7714 Posts: 7
    Yes, I agree at his point going to therapy is a good idea. I do feel I need to gain my confidence again. It's hard and I feel hearth broken because I truly care about him, but I know I shouldn't be with someone who make feel this way.
    All your comments honestly make my day, thanks for all the support!.
  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    1. You are so not ugly.
    2. Would you have a friend that treated you the way he does?
    3. I have a lot of years behind me and I can tell you, he's just not that into you. (when someone really likes you, you will know without a doubt I promise).
    4. I feel sorry for the next girl that gets stuck with him.
    5. Consider yourself lucky you're smart enough to realize this :)

  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    My best friend was in a relationship like that.

    she is gorgeous....

    and he chased her....and as soon as she agreed to date him, he started telling her that she was too fat, she shouldn't eat so much and that she wasn't all that pretty (again she's gorgeous)

    then when she would stop eating, he would tell her she was eating too little blah blah blah...

    and the WHOLE time he would hit on other girls and make her feel unattractive.

    basically the guy was a dilhole.....

    he had what he wanted and he felt a burning need to destroy it having won it....

    he needed to wreck her and control her.....

    it took about three months (three heartbreaking months of me watching on the sidelines) but she finally woke up and dumped his sorry *kitten*....

    don't waste your time. he's not worth it,
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Therapy is probably a good idea. Here's another great idea: ditch the "boyfriend".
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215
    Believe me , if he didnt think you were atractive he wouldnt be together with you. This is a very comon game some people ( especially man ) likes to play. Make you think you are wroth less then you do , so he can always have you in his hand. Its called breaking someone psychologically , or brainwashing. Stars with the looks and then its with the personality. Soon he will be making fun of the things you say, insinuating you are naive or stupied or just clumsy. Its more then bullying , it can destroy completly your self image and self wroth. Dont let yourself be fooleed .....Ive heard that thousands of times and now a days i cary this inner voice inside, when there is no one putting me down i put myself down mentally. Leave him imediatly!
  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member
    I was in your shoes for most of my adult life. I loathed everything about myself and didn't think I was worth anyone's time. So, the only men I really attracted were the ones who treated me like *kitten*. And I genuinely believed that they were the best I'd ever be able to get.

    Therapy helped a lot. It's taken a while, but I quite like myself now :) And I married a man who is really really good to me.

    Best of luck to you - you deserve all the good things. :flowerforyou:
  • Guisma
    Guisma Posts: 215