Some people can be super negative when replying to posts...



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Are anyone's breasts shrinking as they lose weight?

    You gain weight during TOM?

    I know there isn't a magic pill and that you can't spot reduce there a magic pill and how can I spot reduce.

    Oh are disagreeing with me so that means you all are meanies!!!!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Are anyone's breasts shrinking as they lose weight?

    You gain weight during TOM?

    I know there isn't a magic pill and that you can't spot reduce there a magic pill and how can I spot reduce.

    Oh are disagreeing with me so that means you all are meanies!!!!

    I am burning 800 calories during my working outs and eating no more than 1,000 calories a day -- why haven't I lost any weight?
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Take for example the person who just called people lazy because they write in the forum for help instead of looking for help in old forum topics. So now we need to research before writing in our own forum?

    So we should all take the time to answer you because you don't feel like taking the time to look it up for yourself. :huh:

    And let's just ignore the fact that research leads to new information and go by the old information that comes up in searches.

    Yeah but there are a lot of things that are universal like "should I eat below 1,200" or "why I am not losing weight, I net 800 calories a day"? If OP was really curious to know if she was the only person who finds the forums to be super negative, a search of the forums will tell her that she is definitely not alone. There is not new info to add here. I am not saying OP is like the worst or anything -- she's new. But you are only new for so long. I am not being negative here AT ALL. Just saying that there actually ARE forum rules and they can be helpful if you want to avoid jerks.

    And somebody really hit the nail on the head -- a lot of the negativity are friends joking.

    You definitely have a point here. I think a lot of people want individualized attention, and that is why they don't search. But there's really nothing new to add to the weekly "MFP people are so mean!" thread, although not all of them contain instructions on how to ignore bothersome users. I quickly noticed there were 3 or 4 screen names who NEVER had anything helpful to say and am so grateful I don't have to see their snotty remarks any more.
  • It's just a fact of life on internet forums. I've lurked here for a while and wouldn't say this one is any worse than most. It's much better than some. Anonymity plus an audience brings out the worst in a certain sort of person. The lack of the usual consequences for treating people poorly in real life (such as getting punched in the face or fired) also doesn't help.

    Only way to deal with it is to ignore it and carry on. Definitely do not let it discourage you from asking for help, engaging with people, seeking encouragement, and making friends. It's also generally good to read a little before you post and observe good forum etiquette.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I am burning 800 calories during my working outs and eating no more than 1,000 calories a day -- why haven't I lost any weight?

    Ya,well,that one is really annoying.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I am burning 800 calories during my working outs and eating no more than 1,000 calories a day -- why haven't I lost any weight?

    Ya,well,that one is really annoying.

    I've lost count of how many times per day we get that one.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    On the other hand the majority of people are super supportive when replying to posts. They give an incredible amount of useful information, advice and encouragement to everyone. Some people are super inspirational in what they have achieved , some people are just super funny and make us all laugh, some people are just plain super and they are all on my friends list.

    The internet is like real life in as much as you will meet all kinds of people. So you have to be able to deal with all kinds of people.

    I myself have a very sarcastic sense of humour some people find me funny some think I am being "mean" we are all different. I don't get butt hurt very easily other people do.

    But if you can't see past the negative and take away all the positive things then there is no point being here.
  • missa526
    missa526 Posts: 103 Member
    I guess I'm lucky.. MFPs (that reply to my posts) are always nice. I try to always be supportive no matter what anyone posts. There's enough negativity out there, why bring it in here? feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    Its definately not as bad as it used to be....
    I find most people when you friend them now are super supportive, but yes on the forums you get the smartasses... they cant help themselves.
    They bully and make you feel bad because they obviously have nothing better to do.
    Dont stress!!!!
    You arent doing anything wrong by asking questions, and you get that nastiness everywhere on the web coz its safe to hide bhind the computer
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Are anyone's breasts shrinking as they lose weight?

    Yes, thanks to the raspberry ketones.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP, don't worry about not using the search function. You didn't do anything wrong.

    "Please note that this is NOT a guideline against inadvertently posting a question another member has asked before. We explicitly allow members to post questions that have been asked previously by other members. If you see a member post a topic that you think has been asked before by another member, please respond politely or simply move on. However, the same member cannot ask the same question or post the same topic more than once."

    If no one posted repeat questions, the forums would cease to exist. You aren't asking for help on your biology paper, you are engaging in a discussion. No reason not to ask what other people think about it. No one is obligated to respond, so complaints about being expected or obligated to help are moot.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    On the other hand the majority of people are super supportive when replying to posts. They give an incredible amount of useful information, advice and encouragement to everyone. Some people are super inspirational in what they have achieved , some people are just super funny and make us all laugh, some people are just plain super and they are all on my friends list.

    OMG, cannot resist.......

  • The fact that negativity comes up as a weekly topic should go to show that some people are horse's patooties.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    The fact that negativity comes up as a weekly topic should go to show that some people are horse's patooties.

    OR it could be that people don't realize that when you post in a public forum online you open yourself up to thousands of different personalities, backgrounds, attitudes, education levels, personal experiences. OR it could mean that people often interpret written text based on these differences as well as the mood they are in. OR it could mean that many people post about eating 1200 calories a day and exercising 400-500 calories and wondering why they don't lose weight and when people come in and tell them to eat more they get righteously indignant and the only reason they posted was to get "support" and not to be told what they are doing is wrong.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I just joined, and I'm liking it so far. But it seems quite a few people are really negative or even mean when replying to other peoples posts. I mean, if someone is asking a question it does no good to reply with a sarcastic comment that insults their intelligence... Just because something is easy for one person doesn't mean it is for another. Right? People ask questions to find answers, not to be ridiculed or insulted. Anyone noticed this???

    I believe a lot of people wouldn't be subjecting themselves to such negative posts if they only took the time to research and read posts similar to the one they're posting.

    Having to answer the same question again and again tries the patience of many. Especially when the same stupid topics keep coming up after they've been beaten to death in the forums.
  • The fact that negativity comes up as a weekly topic should go to show that some people are horse's patooties.

    OR it could be that people don't realize that when you post in a public forum online you open yourself up to thousands of different personalities, backgrounds, attitudes, education levels, personal experiences. OR it could mean that people often interpret written text based on these differences as well as the mood they are in. OR it could mean that many people post about eating 1200 calories a day and exercising 400-500 calories and wondering why they don't lose weight and when people come in and tell them to eat more they get righteously indignant and the only reason they posted was to get "support" and not to be told what they are doing is wrong.

    I'm fine with differing opinions and views. I also understand written words can be taken out of context, because you can't "hear" their tone. However, I have seen some posts that are just nasty and that goes to responses to the OP and to how OP's react. I honestly was just surprised.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Will stretching give me long and lean muscles, like a dancer?

    When you hear the same questions over and over, answers can get a little shorter and more blunt. Also keep in mind that many people post responses not just to benefit the OP, but also for the people who are lurking and reading the threads. There are a lot of misconceptions about weight loss and fitness floating around, many of them counterproductive or even dangerous.
  • I am new here also and if I get rude replies then I will only use the calorie counter and diet and exercise journal. Losing weight is hard enough with out rude people. I am 55 and do not need some one being a smart mouth thinking they are being "cute". Good luck on your journey here.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Sorry, but when women post pics of themselves wearing almost nothing and asking anonymous people to rate them, or "tell me honestly, do I look fat?", and then get MAD when others say "You could drop a few pounds", they deserve a good deal of snark for that.

    1) we shouldn't be posting half naked pictures of ourselves and asking others to rate them, because that's trashy

    2) we shouldn't get mad when we ASK for opinions or advice, then either get mad OR defensive when others give the "wrong" answer

    That would stop a lot of unnecessary negativity if only everybody followed the above rules.
  • cindybpitts
    cindybpitts Posts: 213 Member
    I just joined, and I'm liking it so far. But it seems quite a few people are really negative or even mean when replying to other peoples posts. I mean, if someone is asking a question it does no good to reply with a sarcastic comment that insults their intelligence... Just because something is easy for one person doesn't mean it is for another. Right? People ask questions to find answers, not to be ridiculed or insulted. Anyone noticed this???
    You are so right!! I hate to see smart *kitten* answers from people!! Everyone is on here for the same reasons, to learn, get support & help...not to be bashed! Thanks for posting this..I have even seen people post a long comment going on & on about how many people ask the same question (bashing them) but never use that energy to answer the dang question..