Lower Back Tattoos



  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    I hate the bad rep lower back tattoos have - I'm planing on getting one as a reward when I get to my goal weight. What I decided was ro kinda own the racey idea behind tramp stamps, mine will say, "i solemnly swear i'm up to no good" :love:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    This is pretty much what mine looks like. I haven't heard any girls or guys complain yet.

  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    can someone actually explain why a tramp stamp is trashy?

    It isnt trashy, its just another word used to shame women, their bodies and their choices - implying that someone is a tramp because they have a tattoo on their lower back is not only offensive, its utterly ridiculous.

    I agree everyone is entitled to their opinion, but some of the name calling on here is laughable. Unfortunately just the usual responses Ive come to expect from the vast users of MFP.
  • KathrynNicole86

    I understand it, and see right through it. lol at people with tattoos thinking they are these deep, misunderstood free spirits. Back in the day, a person with a tattoo had a story to tell. They were ex cons, in the military, bikers, etc. they had seen the gritty side of life and had the scars to prove it. Tattoos have become so sanitized it is sad. They lost all their meaning when everybody got one.

    How incredibly simple-minded. My tattoos mean A LOT to me. I survived a kidnapping/aggravated battery, and I have tattoos that symbolize my survival. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I see those tattoos, and am reminded that I have been through worse. They mean something TO ME, and if others were to look at them, they wouldn't know.

    Why do you care so much? Does it HURT you?

    It sounds like you have a lot of mis-directed anger in life.

    Good luck with that.

    But seriously, why are you making judgement on people who aren't doing anything to hurt you? It makes no sense to me....

    If it's not hurting you....leave it alone!
  • bring7
    bring7 Posts: 13
    I can't say I have a second thought about people who don't like mine or what they think of me. Especially randoms on MFP forums. If they think tattoos are trashy and don't like them - they have as much of a right to judge as I do to be tattooed.
  • KathrynNicole86
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    lol, its too bad people are so simple minded that they just automatically associate tattoos with "trash"....but really, who give a fvck what they think.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member

    I hear this rationalization all the time, and disagree with it. People get tattoos for other people, not themselves. It's like saying you wear makeup for yourself. Say I like Superman; I know I like Superman, but I get the tattoo so that others know it too. It is an outward expression. One does not express oneself to oneself, they express themselves to others. It's a really cheap and shallow form of expression in my opinion, too. I would never reduce myself to expressing myself through designs painted on my body. End rant.

    You'd never know I had it unless I'm showing it, along with any of my others...don't pretend to tell me why I have what I have.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I have a full back piece from my neck to my butt. I love it and I get compliments on it all the time. :) The lower back tattoo or "tramp stamp" has definitely got a bad wrap thanks to popular porn stars, but tattoos are not for other people. They're for you. :) If you have one you think would look best there and it means a lot to you, there is no one standing in your way. :)

    Do what YOU want to do. Don't worry about other people's opinions. :)

    I hear this rationalization all the time, and disagree with it. People get tattoos for other people, not themselves. It's like saying you wear makeup for yourself. Say I like Superman; I know I like Superman, but I get the tattoo so that others know it too. It is an outward expression. One does not express oneself to oneself, they express themselves to others. It's a really cheap and shallow form of expression in my opinion, too. I would never reduce myself to expressing myself through designs painted on my body. End rant.

    I am sorry for you that you care so deeply about what others choose to do to themselves and their motivation behind it. Must be difficult wearing such heavy judgeypants.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    I hear this rationalization all the time, and disagree with it. People get tattoos for other people, not themselves. It's like saying you wear makeup for yourself. Say I like Superman; I know I like Superman, but I get the tattoo so that others know it too. It is an outward expression. One does not express oneself to oneself, they express themselves to others. It's a really cheap and shallow form of expression in my opinion, too. I would never reduce myself to expressing myself through designs painted on my body. End rant.

    ugh, i feel sorry for your friends that they gotta deal with your over sensitive bullsh1t.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I think all tattoos are eyesores. They make attractive people look kind of trashy. Just my humble opinion.

    You know what else makes people look kind of trashy? Judgmental comments.

    So I'm gonna play devil's advocate here. This is just her opinion, one that many people share. She shouldn't be criticized for it.

    I second that, she came out and said her humble opinion just like everyone else on this post..so why does she get criticized..hmm Hypocritical there. :)
  • demonlullaby
    demonlullaby Posts: 499 Member

    I think people who generalize and pass judgement don't have room to talk!


    That being said, I have a lovely, tastefully done, sleeve of artwork. I am educated, well-read, and soft spoken.

    Shame on you for being so close-minded.

  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    Hate on, people

  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    Hate on, people


    guess the only thing I always think, is it going to still look hawt when your 60? I mean I have no issues with tattoos and want one myself, but this always holds me back.

    Nice tats ;)
  • peggymoney
    peggymoney Posts: 126 Member
    obviously love them!
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    Hate on, people

    guess the only thing I always think, is it going to still look hawt when your 60? I mean I have no issues with tattoos and want one myself, but this always holds me back.

    Nice tats ;)
    There are going to be the same things I face now when I'm 60(covering up for work, family parties) and it's just not anything that terribly inconveniences my life. The amount of people COVERED in tattoos right now are going to be right there with me, we're no longer the minority.

    And thank you (;
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member

    guess the only thing I always think, is it going to still look hawt when your 60? I mean I have no issues with tattoos and want one myself, but this always holds me back.

    Nice tats ;)

    If everything else still looks hawt...why not? If you look a hot mess regardless, then what's it matter. You know.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member

    guess the only thing I always think, is it going to still look hawt when your 60? I mean I have no issues with tattoos and want one myself, but this always holds me back.

    Nice tats ;)

    If everything else still looks hawt...why not? If you look a hot mess regardless, then what's it matter. You know.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member

    guess the only thing I always think, is it going to still look hawt when your 60? I mean I have no issues with tattoos and want one myself, but this always holds me back.

    Nice tats ;)

    If everything else still looks hawt...why not? If you look a hot mess regardless, then what's it matter. You know.

    don't you dare steal my spelling of HAWT!!!
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member

    guess the only thing I always think, is it going to still look hawt when your 60? I mean I have no issues with tattoos and want one myself, but this always holds me back.

    Nice tats ;)

    If everything else still looks hawt...why not? If you look a hot mess regardless, then what's it matter. You know.

    don't you dare steal my spelling of HAWT!!!
    Hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt hawt