Insanity spam



  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member

    I am currently in month 2 week 2 of Insanity. Please don't put down something you have never tried. I am a 48 year old woman and I'm getting into the best shape of my life.

    Atta girl. I did Day 51 this morning :drinker:
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I see the self righteous are out in full force today. I watched this workout on you tube. I know that with my bad knee I would not be able to do this with out making it worse. I often wonder how the snobs here really treat people face to face. Certainly you all really don't go out into the world looking down your long noses at others for not allowing you to decide what they do. PFFFFT... It never ends in cyberspace.

    I have bad knees and a bad back, and I finished the insanity program and didn't stop when most the people in the video did. That's b/c they're told to take breaks, half of them are actual gym instructors.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    They like to try and make you feel like crap if you don't want what they are selling too. That insanity workout is costly. They make it seem like it is the only work out in the world that could be beneficial. I have heard it is very hard on the knees. I watched a few of the work outs on you tube and realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong. I certainly don't think that ruining my body in the name of fitness is a good idea.

    I am currently in month 2 week 2 of Insanity. Please don't put down something you have never tried. I am a 48 year old woman and I'm getting into the best shape of my life. Is Insanity for everyone? Of course not. Is it hard. VERY! But it works for the majority of the people who try it. Including me. Yes it is pricey, but so was eating all the crap I was shoving down my throat daily. I tell people about Insanity every chance I get because IT WORKS. I have both bad knees and a hurt back from a car accident and I still can do it. Some things I modify but most I do not. Into my last 3 weeks and I have yet to ruin my body. In fact I plan to start it again once this 60 is over.

    And I am NOT a beach body coach

    The price really isn't that high when you consider how many workouts are included. It's not like you only get one DVD for that price.

    I'm doing Turbo Fire and it's probably the best bargain DVD I've ever bought. 16 (I think) DVDs, some of which have multiple workouts. I believe the full price is around $129 but I got mine on a one day sale for $58, which made my cost < $2 per workout, and the regular price about $5 per workout. That's a d*** good bargain for workouts of this quality. (I'm not a BB coach either)
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    They like to try and make you feel like crap if you don't want what they are selling too. That insanity workout is costly. They make it seem like it is the only work out in the world that could be beneficial. I have heard it is very hard on the knees. I watched a few of the work outs on you tube and realized that if even the people in the video were having trouble doing this work out then something must be wrong. I certainly don't think that ruining my body in the name of fitness is a good idea.

    I am currently in month 2 week 2 of Insanity. Please don't put down something you have never tried. I am a 48 year old woman and I'm getting into the best shape of my life. Is Insanity for everyone? Of course not. Is it hard. VERY! But it works for the majority of the people who try it. Including me. Yes it is pricey, but so was eating all the crap I was shoving down my throat daily. I tell people about Insanity every chance I get because IT WORKS. I have both bad knees and a hurt back from a car accident and I still can do it. Some things I modify but most I do not. Into my last 3 weeks and I have yet to ruin my body. In fact I plan to start it again once this 60 is over.

    And I am NOT a beach body coach

    The price really isn't that high when you consider how many workouts are included. It's not like you only get one DVD for that price.

    I'm doing Turbo Fire and it's probably the best bargain DVD I've ever bought. 16 (I think) DVDs, some of which have multiple workouts. I believe the full price is around $129 but I got mine on a one day sale for $58, which made my cost < $2 per workout, and the regular price about $5 per workout. That's a d*** good bargain for workouts of this quality. (I'm not a BB coach either)

    You really can't go wrong with Beach Body. And I think the coaches just really believe in their product. They are passionate about it. I too would love to shout it from the roof tops to all my friends.. But some find fault with everything.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when people get so bent out of shape when someone give an opposing critique of their exercise routine.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when people get so bent out of shape when someone give an opposing critique of their exercise routine.

    the problem lies in the fact that some have such a strong disdain for something they have never personally tried. I feel in order to have an honest opinion on something, one should at least have tried it. How else would a person know if something is good/effective? Or bad/ineffective? Just a thought.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Just download it off Pirate Bay. Skip all the nonsense! Woot!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when people get so bent out of shape when someone give an opposing critique of their exercise routine.

    the problem lies in the fact that some have such a strong disdain for something they have never personally tried. I feel in order to have an honest opinion on something, one should at least have tried it. How else would a person know if something is good/effective? Or bad/ineffective? Just a thought.

    And I don't think it's worth getting bent out of shape over..

    Everyday there is a multi paragraph letter that can be summed up as "how dare you not like/believe in/see something that can be changed at all in my workout"
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when people get so bent out of shape when someone give an opposing critique of their exercise routine.

    the problem lies in the fact that some have such a strong disdain for something they have never personally tried. I feel in order to have an honest opinion on something, one should at least have tried it. How else would a person know if something is good/effective? Or bad/ineffective? Just a thought.

    And I don't think it's worth getting bent out of shape over..

    Everyday there is a multi paragraph letter that can be summed up as "how dare you not like/believe in/see something that can be changed at all in my workout"

    Did that happen in this thread?
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when people get so bent out of shape when someone give an opposing critique of their exercise routine.

    the problem lies in the fact that some have such a strong disdain for something they have never personally tried. I feel in order to have an honest opinion on something, one should at least have tried it. How else would a person know if something is good/effective? Or bad/ineffective? Just a thought.
    People get so stuck in their "thing" that they think it is the only way in the world. No one is obligated to TRY anything. That is what is wrong with MFP actually. Too many people out here putting others down for not doing it the way they do. Not every work out is for everyone and that's a fact. Trying to force something that someone has no interest in is obnoxious. I don't care who like the insanity workout. It's your business if you like that. It's my business if I don't. To each his own.
  • IamSheaMc
    IamSheaMc Posts: 1,310 Member
    lol I'm doing Insanity with a bad knee and I have had no problem so I find this interesting. Anyone who disagrees with the OP gets told they missed the point haha
    How will Insanity ruin your body? How do you not like it when you haven't tried it?
    A workout with the people struggling shows that it's not fake and clipped together, they are actually feeling the burn. Makes me feel like they are feeling it like i'm feeling it.

    If you have an issue with spammers report them or complain about spammers don't start bashing a program you haven't tried.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when people get so bent out of shape when someone give an opposing critique of their exercise routine.

    the problem lies in the fact that some have such a strong disdain for something they have never personally tried. I feel in order to have an honest opinion on something, one should at least have tried it. How else would a person know if something is good/effective? Or bad/ineffective? Just a thought.
    People get so stuck in their "thing" that they think it is the only way in the world. No one is obligated to TRY anything. That is what is wrong with MFP actually. Too many people out here putting others down for not doing it the way they do. Not every work out is for everyone and that's a fact. Trying to force something that someone has no interest in is obnoxious. I don't care who like the insanity workout. It's your business if you like that. It's my business if I don't. To each his own.

    Don't feel like anyone is forcing anything. Kinda hard to do in cyberspace. Just happy with what we do.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    lol I'm doing Insanity with a bad knee and I have had no problem so I find this interesting. Anyone who disagrees with the OP gets told they missed the point haha
    How will Insanity ruin your body? How do you not like it when you haven't tried it?
    A workout with the people struggling shows that it's not fake and clipped together, they are actually feeling the burn. Makes me feel like they are feeling it like i'm feeling it.

    If you have an issue with spammers report them or complain about spammers don't start bashing a program you haven't tried.

    I don't care who DISAGREES. But to make personal attacks and insults is absurd. That is what the problem is. And actually, the original post is about the spam, not the work out. The details that followed were going into the harassment you get from the ones who post bait threads and them send PM's to peddle their wares. I have blocked and blocked and blocked these people. They are a dime a dozen just like any other spammer. It is one thing to make an honest and upright effort to sell your goods, it is another to send harassing messages and insult the person who attempted to politely decline the offer. The trouble is, you never know what your getting until you open the message. The subject line is not always an indicator of content. The ones who came in here trying to skewer me for not getting into what they like are the instigators of hostility. I only gave my opinion here, I did not attack anyone until they came at me first. Telling me I am making excuses because I do a different workout? Really. Let's all try to get out of the third grade mentality. This is supposed to be a helpful forum, not what it gets turned into by the arrogant and self righteous.
    FURTHER, I know my body. I have a knee that is not up for this kind of exercise. So bring all the "I have a bad knee and I do this work out". Who cares? Unless you live in MY body and know what I have going on with MY knee, you can't say we have the same problem. Not all knee problems are created equal. There can be more than one kind of problem and problems of varying severity. People came to attack and for no other reason.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    It's simple. If you're not interested, block them.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    lol I'm doing Insanity with a bad knee and I have had no problem so I find this interesting. Anyone who disagrees with the OP gets told they missed the point haha
    How will Insanity ruin your body? How do you not like it when you haven't tried it?
    A workout with the people struggling shows that it's not fake and clipped together, they are actually feeling the burn. Makes me feel like they are feeling it like i'm feeling it.

    If you have an issue with spammers report them or complain about spammers don't start bashing a program you haven't tried.

    I don't care who DISAGREES. But to make personal attacks and insults is absurd. That is what the problem is. And actually, the original post is about the spam, not the work out. The details that followed were going into the harassment you get from the ones who post bait threads and them send PM's to peddle their wares. I have blocked and blocked and blocked these people. They are a dime a dozen just like any other spammer. It is one thing to make an honest and upright effort to sell your goods, it is another to send harassing messages and insult the person who attempted to politely decline the offer. The trouble is, you never know what your getting until you open the message. The subject line is not always an indicator of content. The ones who came in here trying to skewer me for not getting into what they like are the instigators of hostility. I only gave my opinion here, I did not attack anyone until they came at me first. Telling me I am making excuses because I do a different workout? Really. Let's all try to get out of the third grade mentality. This is supposed to be a helpful forum, not what it gets turned into by the arrogant and self righteous.
    FURTHER, I know my body. I have a knee that is not up for this kind of exercise. So bring all the "I have a bad knee and I do this work out". Who cares? Unless you live in MY body and know what I have going on with MY knee, you can't say we have the same problem. Not all knee problems are created equal. There can be more than one kind of problem and problems of varying severity. People came to attack and for no other reason.

    You are actually quiet sensitive,. You said in your original post that you didn't want to ruin your body doing Insanity. That comment is what opened the flood gates. Those of us who do it and like it don't feel as if we are 'ruining' our bodies. Quite the opposite. We are becoming toned, buffed beasts. (at least that's how I feel). When you post on an open forum you really have to be prepared for the comments. Put your big girl panties on and knock it down a notch. :flowerforyou:
  • AztecKermit
    AztecKermit Posts: 27 Member
    I just block people spamming me trying to get me to buy anything, this isn't a market place.
    I don't even reply to them at all.
    Insanity is a great workout, my friend uses it, but on medical advice some of us aren't allowed to.
    Everyone's bodies and health issues are different, we all have to find workouts that challenge us and produce results without putting our health at any risk.
    I am happy to hear what works for other people, I am always interested in hearing about the different workouts that are available. However with fibromyalgia and heart problems I have to work within my doctors guidelines or I would end up in hospital, unable to exercise at all. There are many people here with underlying health conditions.
    It can be quite hurtful when someone tells me that walking briskly at a speed to keep me almost out of breath for over an hour daily, plus 30 minutes or more of Yoga daily. Isn't enough exercise and that I need to push myself harder and stop being lazy in order to see results.
    I have to push myself through pain to do what I already do and I am seeing results.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    :yawn: This is still going on?
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    yea ......where is the popcorn smiley when you need it .....
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when people get so bent out of shape when someone give an opposing critique of their exercise routine.

    the problem lies in the fact that some have such a strong disdain for something they have never personally tried. I feel in order to have an honest opinion on something, one should at least have tried it. How else would a person know if something is good/effective? Or bad/ineffective? Just a thought.
    People get so stuck in their "thing" that they think it is the only way in the world. No one is obligated to TRY anything. That is what is wrong with MFP actually. Too many people out here putting others down for not doing it the way they do. Not every work out is for everyone and that's a fact. Trying to force something that someone has no interest in is obnoxious. I don't care who like the insanity workout. It's your business if you like that. It's my business if I don't. To each his own.

    This I agree with. Though to be fair you did say there was something wrong with Insanity in an early post. But I totally get what you mean about members putting others down for wanting a different type of workout or even different results.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    The price really isn't that high when you consider how many workouts are included. It's not like you only get one DVD for that price.

    I'm doing Turbo Fire and it's probably the best bargain DVD I've ever bought. 16 (I think) DVDs, some of which have multiple workouts. I believe the full price is around $129 but I got mine on a one day sale for $58, which made my cost < $2 per workout, and the regular price about $5 per workout. That's a d*** good bargain for workouts of this quality. (I'm not a BB coach either)

    I agree about what you say about the price. A lot of these programs are pricy, yes. I have gotten most of mine when on sale or cheaper on EBay. But if its something you'll do then it is worth it and you will have it forever to do again and again. People pay more for gym memberships so do what works for you.
    I do understand how it can be annoying for BB coaches to jump on you and try to get you to buy things though.