Not sure what to do or think.......

OK - let me ask you this:

Part One: My wife will NOT change/drop her last name to reflect her married last name nor will she add my last name onto hers. She never switched over her Social Security Card years ago (got married in 2001 - yes 2001 not a type error) as this reflects her maiden name. When I ask her to do so....... many and many excuses follow suite.

Part Two: My wife will not wear a wedding ring. She claims it cuts off circulation, her fingers well, etc, etc. This she did back in 2009. When I ask her to do so....... many and many excuses follow suite.

Part Three: Social Network sites FaceBook, MySpace (back in the day) and other sites she switches between her maiden name, maiden and married name (hypenated) and sometimes just my last name only. Just recently though my last name, removed from everything.

Our marriage - VERY rocky VERY unstable over many years - not because of this or just because of this but other issues.

So my question is this - do these three items have a significant value towards a marriage? What to do if she refuses to do so? Grounds for divorce?


  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i've been married 5 years, and out of sheer laziness i havent switched my last name over to my married name with social security. i go by my married name but i just havent switched it yet. so i can see her point there, although 12 years of marriage does seem like a long enough time to get your butt in gear.

    and no, i dont think just these three things are enough for divorce. there has to be other things in the marriage that make it untenable. are you unhappy? can you fix the problems? do you want to fix the problems? do you still love her enough to make it work? do you have kids? are you fighting a lot? are you fighting in front of the kids?

    it takes two people to make a marriage work. you cant be the only one trying. have you had this conversation with her? have you tried marital counseling? if she doesnt want to go to marital counseling, have you tried individual counseling?

    if kids are involved, i would try everything i could to make the marriage work. but at some point you may realize its not going to work. thats really sad. be sure that its not going to work before you file for divorce.

    i'm so sorry you're going through this. i hope you can work it out. but i understand if it doesnt.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Part One: If she's been consistent about not changing her name, it's WAY too late for you to complain or expect her to do so. If your surname is so important to you, why can't you accept that hers is of equal importance? If it's about having the same name, why not change yours?

    Part Two: Is she in a job where it creates a problem - like medicine or food prep, that both require more careful handwashing than the rest of us? Or something mechanical where it could catch on something (potentially costing her a finger) or become damaged? Has she always secretly hated it, or did she lose it, and doesn't want to tell you because you're such a pain about it? Did she gain weight or something that makes the ring too tight, and it needs to be re-sized?

    Part Three: On this one, I'd say she's done with you. Counseling is your best route.

    If it's so rocky and unstable, why are you married? Key question: Do you each make the other a better person?

    And for background...DH and I are coming up on 17 years. I used both surnames (combined) until we had kids, and then I got tired of spelling it all of the time. But DH knows that if he had a more difficult surname than I started with, I wouldn't have changed it. We had a friend who was a mechanic, and never wore his wedding ring for fear of it catching on something and costing him the finger. When either of us are doing yard work or DIY projects, we don't wear our rings -- have known too many people who damaged the ring, lost a stone, or lost the ring.
  • jaymesjourney
    I didn't change my name until 8 months afterwards but that was due to moving and just caught up with life. My sister got married back in 2005 and still hasn't changed her due to life/laziness. since day 1 i've NEVER taken off my ring even when my fingers were swollen in the summer time. My husband takes off his in the mornings during his PT because it would fall off. Those in itself aren't grounds for divorce.

    Maybe try marriage counseling? That helped my husband and I sooo much! But if you knw in your heart of hearts that its over you need to get out. No need to keep you both unhappy. But first talk to her about it...Good luck!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    1) It's her name dude. Her NAME. I kept mine too.

    2) some people really don't like wearing jewelry. Shame you didn't know that before you spent the $$ on it

    3) that's just behaving like a junior high student - talk with her about WHY she does it, as it makes you feel bad

    1 & 2 are insignificant. #3 sounds like she's moody. Talk with her.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    She clearly has something to hide.

    Skip the suggestions and divorce her @ss.
  • christinet8504
    Is the name THAT big of a deal for you? SO big you would consider divorce. Maybe try taking a look at yourself and see why such an insignificant thing in comparison is the tipping point for you when the rest of the relationship (as you state it) is rocky. As a woman, I dont get the name thing or why its seems so important to some people. Almost as if you have to label her as yours. Shes a person, not a thing to be owned....
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    None of those things would seem like a big deal to me except for the fact that you say you have a relationship filled with rocks. That's nonsense.

    You already know she is getting her rocks off elsewhere.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    When I got married I took his last name, and that was not easy bc his (now ours) is 18 letters long!

    I had everything changed over the days after our wedding. I mean EVERYTHING.
    Also, let me note. My husband is military so everything had to match, if I took his name I needed it all to say his name.

    Wedding ring- I wear mine EVERY day. I have 3 rings to make up my set and I wear them all day. My husband rarely wears his. He doesn't at work because of the type of things he does in the Marines (i understand.) But he will wear it when we go out and about.

    My facebook states my first name, married name, and maiden name so other people can find me, like before I got married.

    Every relationship has its ups/downs and signs that the other is unhappy. Yet if she has always done these things (no ring/no last name change) I'm not sure I would worry 100%. Now if she had your name and changed it to hers, or wore a ring and then stopped....then you might wanna worry.

    Good Luck
  • sapf
    sapf Posts: 146 Member
    1) I likewise did not change my name. Nor will I. I think that it is ridiculous that a woman is expected to change her name, and I'd never have married my husband if he were the type to insist on me changing it.

    2) I hate wearing jewelry. For special events I might put on my rings, but I'd say I'm ring free 90% of the time. That doesn't make me any less committed to my husband.

    3) Maybe you are too controlling. People are free to behave as an individual even if they are married. She is not your property, she is not your pet, don't try to control her.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    One: she is actually not required to change her last name to yours. Have you considered changing yours to hers, if it is that important? Is she making excuses or simply explaining something you don't want to understand?

    Two: Not sure what to say about that one. Unless she has a job that makes it hard to wear a ring, or if she has gained weight and the ring doesn't fit anymore, I don't know why she would suddenly find a wedding ring uncomfortable after 8 years of marriage, assuming she wore it before 2009.

    Three: hard to take seriously anything involving Facebook or MySpace, but isn't this the same as One?

    It's impossible to say from a post on a message board if you should get divorced. Are you both unhappy? Have you made an honest effort (both of you) to make things work and not just insist on your own way?
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    You know, I could get past the relationship being crappy in general, but not wearing her ring or changing her name?! Divorce her, you deserve better.
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    i think you should talk to her about it, ask her the reasons why she won't change her name, if she has lost someone in her family sometimes people like to keep the name as a heritage, also not everyone changes their name sometimes the man changes his instead. As for the ring if her fingers swell when she wears it then she might feel self conscieous, maybe shes worried that shes gained weight and that wearing the ring will signify this. talking is the best thing to do though.
    Hope it all works out for you.
  • WanderingLass
    WanderingLass Posts: 86 Member
    I changed my last name when I got married to a last name I hated. I changed it back almost before the divorce was final. My last name is part of ME and should I remarry, it will not get changed again.

    I don't care to wear jewelry. I wore the rings because he wanted me to. But they came off anytime I was working outside, in the kitchen, washing my hands, in bed, in the shower. Really? They were only on a few hours out of the day because I was really scared to catch them on something. And I'm just an office lady.

    As far as the social networking sites - does she have that many different accounts? If so, she sounds like my now ex when he was hiding stuff from me. If she is just changing the name up on one account, it sounds like she's trying to find the best way to keep you happy, herself happy, and still have people be able to find her under both names.

    This is something that really needs to be discussed with her, with or without a marriage counselor present. Good luck.
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    I'm assuming you're both American? I'm Finnish, so this needs to be taken with the understanding that there are cultural differences (=what I say is normal might not be normal for you, but sometimes learning about other cultures can help you put things in perspective)

    My mother kept her maiden name when she married my dad in the 80s, and all their kids (=my sister and I) have my mother's last name. That means, my dad is the only one in the family with a different name than the rest of us, and he's perfectly fine with it. His brother's wife kept her last name as well. Even though it's still not as common as changing it, it's completely normal and there are even men who take their wife's name (my boyfriend once said he might consider in the future if we get married). I agree with Allons, it's her NAME. Your name is a big part of your identity, just please consider this in your head for a while: how would you feel if somebody you love/who loves you pressured you into changing your name? Have you considered the fact that she may simple not like your name? I know this might be hurtful, but think about someone trying to make you change your name into something that you thought was absolutely ridiculous-sounding? Liking a name is also a matter of opinion, and somebody's name is a very big part of expressing themselves. (On a more humorous note, have you ever seen the episode of Friends where Phoebe changes her name to Princess Consuela Bananahammock?)

    Does your wife do lots of housework? Getting water/dirt/whatever under a ring can cause a serious rash, especially for people with sensitive skin. Some people's fingers swell up easily, she might be allergic/sensitive to a metal in that ring, the ring might bother her in her job.

    I don't think the third one sounds good from any perspective, especially if this removing your name -thing doesn't reflect ups and downs in your marriage. I have to agree with Allons again with this one - sounds like a teenage kid.

    The first two are completely her own choices, but the third one does sound upsetting to me.
  • zoober
    zoober Posts: 226 Member
    Let's review: You've got a rocky and unstable marriage, and there are these things that bother you so much that you are asking us, a bunch of strangers on a website who are trying to stay fit, if you have grounds for divorce.

    You've got a couple of options.

    One is to stand pat and put up with it. Things will get worse if you do this.

    Two is to open up some kind of communication with the missus. This can go either way, but you are both going to have to put in the effort for this to work. It will involve some compromise. Counseling might be in this picture.

    Three is you change your mind about how important the name, the ring, the facebook page, and all the other rocky parts are to you. Maybe this works for a while, maybe no, but you can do this all on your own.

    Four is just ask for the divorce.

    Sorry, that's all I got. Good luck to you and the missus.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    #1: Does she have some attachment to her name or some reason for not wanting to change it? Before I met my husband, my dad said something about how since he doesn't have any sons, that our family name will end with him. That made me think a little about taking my husband's name. I decided to take it since it's one of the things on which I have a fairly traditional view, but perhaps if your wife has some reason then she decided to keep hers.

    #2: My mom never used to wear her ring because she was a cook at a restaurant, and then she'd come home and cook dinner. She didn't want it to get ruined, lost, or caught on something. Could it be that your wife doesn't like her ring and just doesn't want to tell you? It seems like that's something she could have addressed some time ago if that was the case, however. Have you tried asking if she'd want to "upgrade" since you've been married for so long?

    #3: Social media is strange. People have all sorts of reasons for doing the weird things they do. Have you talked to her directly about it?

    I agree with the others who have suggested looking into marital and/or individual counseling. None of us know the whole situation, so maybe it's something a therapist could help you with.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    So, this is just my two cents worth, so take it with a grain of salt...

    If it were simply the three items you initially mentioned - last name, wedding ring, social network, I'd say grow a thicker skin, and just deal with it...I mean, it's been what? 12 years?

    But it isn't just those things. You said the marriage has been rocky for a while. So, IMHO, things to consider:

    -Do you have children together?

    - Have you tried counseling? (either together or separate or both) Are either or both of you willing to consider or try counseling?

    -How miserable are you? How miserable is she? And I mean LITERALLY miserable.

    Life is entirely too damn short to live miserable. I speak from experience. The hubs and I hit a rough patch last year, and I think actually sitting down and getting raw in counseling is probably what saved our marriage. We both believe if we hadn't gone there, we would be divorced.

    Like I said, take it with a grain of salt.

    Marriage ain't easy, and while you don't stay all romantic-y hearts and flowers gooey, you SHOULD be married to your best friend, and when you aren't? Either fix it or move on.
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    The refusal to change names and legally acknowledge your union sounds like a symptom of the underlying problems. Have you explained to her how this makes you feel?
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I hate to tell you, but I do think you have a real cause for concern here.
    Part one: well, I don't really think that's a sign of anything wrong. Lots of women choose not to change their name and they are happily married.
    Part two: A woman doesn't just one day take off her wedding ring she's worn for years, and decide she done wearing it. If she wanted to she could get one that doesn't cut off her circulation. It seems like a red flag to me, especially if you've had a rocky relationship for years.
    Part three: I don't understand the different names on different sights at all. I mean, pick a name and stick with it. Sounds more than a little suspicious,like she is trying to cover up something.
    I don't know if any of these things taken alone would necessarily mean something is wrong, but all added up I think it would be a good idea the seek some counseling.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,713 Member
    why should we change our names? are we not allowed our own names once we belong to some dude? maybe her family name is something she likes. maybe you get used to your own name after a lifetime of it. changing umpteen accounts is a total pain in the *kitten*. lots of people just don't bother these days. have YOU ever offered to take HER name?

    rings are a pain in the *kitten*. people have lost fingers due to rings getting caught. if you're prone to swelling or skin irritation they're a nightmare. i never wear them.

    changing the name on facebook is likely a reaction to your oppressive sense of entitlement.