

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, All,

    New photo is of oldest son with our only grand baby, whom I miss SO much. We get to see them in 10 days, so I am counting down those days! She is at the fun age of walking, running and TALKING nonsense non-stop! (made up, baby words that only she understands, mixed in with a few "real" words...pretty funny)

    Chiclet: I am so glad that you got to hold your grandson. Don't over-think or second guess yourself. Just take your time and get to know the little one! Once you "know" him, everything will fall into place I think! Also, I know it must be disappointing to lose less weight than you would like, but try to focus on how you feel and all the positives of those 6 pounds GONE! And I am sure the water retention is also a factor. Hang in there!

    Kathy(plantlady): Good to hear from you. Take care of yourself. You have a lot going on.

    Barbie: Hope you heal quickly. I know you don't slow down easily!

    Mimi: I have been roasting my veggies a bit lower temp...425...but will try them higher as you do. I like the sliced squash to get "browned" a bit and it takes longer with lower heat. I LOVE roasted, thick sliced carrots. I am loving them cold, left over. You have started a great, healthy trend, Mimi!!!:bigsmile: And I already loved vegetables!

    To all of you caring for parents, I am thinking of you.:flowerforyou: I am impressed and am taking notes mentally for when I get there. I know that I will be "the one", being the oldest child and also the only retired one who can manage to "be there". I hope that my folks can stay in their house, as they are such gardeners and doers, but you just never know, do you?

    Have a wonderful day, ladies! I am thinking of all of you, Kackie:heart:
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    Yay, everybody! We're all staying busy and still remembering to focus on what goes into our mouths!

    I've already jogged today. I'm trying to get that out of the way before 10:00 a.m. I don't know what I'll do in a couple of weeks when school starts back.:frown:

    We've been eating fresh tomatoes, blueberries and peaches here in south GA. Yum-m-m-m.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Wednesday Morning all!

    It's taken me forever to read everything and get caught up, unfortunately I didn't do a reply while I was reading as it was too many days and things change so quickly here.

    Congrats to those that have stuck to their plan and lost (even small losses) and for those of us that need to boost ourselves up...today is a new day and WE CAN DO IT!

    Chicklet- Welcome to Robert and being a Grandma is the BEST! As your grandson gets older you will find out that having them visit and giving them back is so much fun and when they hug and kiss you your heart melts!

    Jeannie - How great is that you planned for an adoption and then had a baby too, when my parents adoped me they too had friends that had adopted and then got pregnant, unfortunately that didn't happen with my parents, but I think people that adopt are the BEST.

    Denise - I do hope that the weather cooperates with your visit to Canada.

    Erica - you live in Torrance CA, I went to North High School in Torrance and my Mom taught at Edison Elementary. My grandparents lived in Torrance too so I have some pretty fond memories of that city.

    Barbie - hope your knee heals quickly.

    Jackie - your stories make me laugh and it's always a good way to start the morning.


    Sunday when I talked with Mom she told me she had been talking with her sister and her sister told her she has the "gene" that says she will be alive for another 1 1/2 years. Of course she couldn't really explain this "gene" to me or remember it's name....it was just a very strange conversation. Some of our calls are that way though, I'm fumbling around trying to figure out what in the world we are talking about:noway:

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a better weigh in on Saturday, it helps when I exercise every day and am able to watch all my eating and drinking plenty of water and green tea.

    Have a good day and remember we are not in this battle alone we have each other:bigsmile:

  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    hi ladies had great spa day and burned some calories to . worked with a friend last night who told me to take 2 kinds pain meds every 2 hours well done that today and felt more comfortable. kinda thought a doctor would have told me that but eh

    Chiclet well done for your 6pound off thats fantastic . dont be dissapointed thats great .

    barb hope you get better with your knee

    been t see my dear old friend hilda whom i look out for she goes to the hospital next thurs and guess what she going to see my doctor what did my nisson fundo so thats made me feel better as he is so nice . she is 90 and as no family bless .

    im on tea duty tonight :noway: i have the best husband who loves to cook i hate it but the jackets are in oven turkey defrosted so fingers crossed its nice have great evening ladies
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning from Sunny Lake Stevens Washington!!! its beautiful again. and that means I get to go roller skating this afternoon.:laugh:

    I am doing well this week and I know that I will be able to move my ticker this friday. as of today i am down 2 pounds so we will see what it turns out to be officially on Friday.

    Kackie - thanks for the words on the colonoscopy, I am still scared but I will schedule it soon. I was pissed at the doctor for chewing me out about the bood squish. I have gotten one every year since 1995 and my last one was in April of 2009 and he yelled a t me for being late on it this year. Really? 3 months late? what a poopy head he was. :tongue:

    Mimi - I have really high hopes that you will someday feel as passionate about exercise as you do about roasted vegetables. :flowerforyou:
    oh yeah, I roasted my asparagus last night in honor of you!!!

    Chiclet - good job on overcoming a fear and holding your grandson. I can totally relate to not being ready to be a grandma:noway: but I will have to deal with it in the next couple of years. Congrats on the 6 pounds. Honestly slow and steady wins the race:drinker: . good job.

    Barbie - I hope you knee isn't too bad. since Bodi is the epitomy of a bull in a china closet at 100 plus pounds now I know how easily I can be knocked down by him.

    Reb - I hope you enjoyed your ride to work this morning. I am sure the weather is beautiful there too.:drinker:

    Vicki - sorry to hear about your pool. did all that sudden gush of water cause any damage? :noway:

    Barb - Whenever we go anywhere it costs us a fortune to board the dogs. Fortunately I love the place we take them but for a week we will easily drop 200 bucks.:grumble:

    Denise - I hope the weather is getting better. :happy:

    And to all of the rest of you lovely ladies I wish you the most wonderful Wednesday!!!!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Checking in from the beach. So far I'm making good food decisions so far. I am SURROUNDED by cookies, candy, chips and calories galore but am doing great I think. I am weighing some things, some I don't need to - veggies and such. The biggest change from being at home is the no sugar margarita in the evening and the occasional glass of dry white wine. I hop ethat isn't doing much harm.

    I am going to go to Publix today for ingredients to make a german chocolate cake ( grandson's birthday) and they have a huge scale you can weigh yourself on there. I'm going to climb on and see what's up. Hopefully I have maintained so far. I would really really like to lose a bit while here, as that would put me under 200. I am a realist however and will be tickled to just get out of this at the same weight as going in.

    If I have gone up, I will keep a paper log of every bite and enter it here. I can get to the computer to do that. We are all sharing one.

    Talk to you all later! Off to the beach right now. I miss you all!:bigsmile:

    I'm drinking my water. :drinker:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just came in from weeding my succulent garden. We have had so much unseasonable rain I am WAY behind on all my gardening chores. I managed to get half of it weed free before I ran out of shade.

    For all you veggieheads: Today we are having grilled pork chops and roasted onions and squash fresh out of the garden. I like to brush a little EVOO on some foil and sprinkle it with salt, pepper and garlic them seal em up. Its an easy no mess way to cook everything out on the grill. I fix almost every kind of cooked vegetable we eat that way now and we love em..

    Today for lunch I made myself some guacamole and just ate it with a spoon. No chips! I've learned avacados, nuts and eggs make it easy for me to only eat one piece of meat a day. That or an apple dipped in peanut butter has become my meal of choice when hubby isn't home.

    My heart goes out to all of you who are caring for aging parents. Feel free to message me if you every need to just vent. I remember all too well the rewards and challenges that brings.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Chicletgirl, I’m SO with your doctor about the weight loss. 6 lbs is great. For the first time in my life (truly) I’m seeing I can do this and keep the weight off. I love the way I’m eating. It’s healthy and I feel great but it’s not fast.

    I’ve been on a jillion other diets – medically supervised fasts, HCG (when I was a teenager!), fasting on my own (that’ll take the weight off fast), and even lap band surgery. Every one of these is a surefire solution to lose weight fast. And, for me and many, if not most, people, every one of them is a surefire way to gain all the weight back plus more even faster. Unfortunately, that weight seems to go straight to the belly and that’s the least healthy place for it.

    Eating healthily is the right way to go. You’ll find it helps with your moods too. Getting the support you need is also essential. I’ve never found better support than on this site. Don’t let a single negative thought in. Not one! You CAN do it. You ARE doing it! You’re making awesome progress.

    Barb, Veggieheads, huh? I think of Dittoheads (the Rush Limbaugh followers). How about a name that expresses…hmmm. Healthiness? Choosing versus following? Tastiness? It’s in your court, girl.

    I think I need some of your fixitiveness. My printer says it’s jammed but I can’t see a thing wrong with it. I’ve turned it off then on and checked every crevice. You live too dang far away!

    Kathy (plantlady), I’m sorry to hear how much stress you’ve got going on. Wow. I hope you can squeeze some time for yourself in there somewhere. If ever we needed motivation to keep at it, you’ve just described a bunch. We can’t keep from getting older, more’s the pity, but we can get in better shape so we’re as healthy as possible when we do. You’re carrying a big burden. I’ve seen instances where the caregiver’s health suffers more than the person's she’s caring for. I hope you get some help. You’re a generous daughter.

    Amanda, Yay, another veggie lover. I like cauliflower too. (Roasted, of course!) The eggs and spinach sound yummy. I’ll give that a try. I’m lucky enough to be able to get fresh eggs from a neighbor. Extra yummy.

    Your post reminded me of a recipe a friend gave me a while back. I’d already typed it up to include in the family cookbook I’ve been working on. Here goes…

    One-Pan Healthy Breakfast

    1 egg (or more if you’re serving more people)
    A little butter or olive oil
    1 tablespoon water
    Filling ingredients from your fridge (such as leftover meat, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, bell peppers, artichoke hearts, onions, etc.), chopped
    Parmesan and/or blended cheese, grated

    1. Chop the filling ingredients.
    2. In a small measuring cup, put 1 egg and add 1 tablespoon of water. (3 eggs will do it for up to 6 people.) Whip them together with a fork. Set it aside.
    3. Put a little butter (or a spritz or two of olive oil) in the pan and heat to medium.
    4. Basically what you’re going to do next is add anything you’d like that you’ve got in the fridge. Add the things that need to cook longest first. (If you’re using onions, start with them.) Add the things that need to cook for only a short time, (such as basil, spinach, artichoke hearts, bell peppers, etc.) at the very end.
    5. Pour the egg mixture over the ingredients in the pan.
    6. Throw in a handful of Parmesan and/or blended, grated cheese.
    7. The results will be omelet-ish. Serve in wedges. Your guests will say, “Oh my gosh. This is so delicious.” And the great thing is that it’s super healthy. You need just a little butter or olive oil and a very small amount of Parmesan and/or blended cheese.

    Kackie, I’m excited for you seeing your granddaughter. She’s at a wonderful age. I can imagine how you yearn to see her in person. Let me know how you like the veggies at a higher temp. It’s especially good for things you don’t want to cook too long, like asparagus. I haven’t tried roasting carrots yet. Another new thing to try!

    My parents, at 84 and 88, are still active and relatively healthy. I count my blessings every day. I know how fragile life and health are, especially at that age. My heart goes out to everyone who is helping care for a parent. I know there’s some joy in it, but it’s a burden too.

    Wishful, good for you on the exercise and the eating. Fresh tomatoes, blueberries, and peaches. Heaven. We have a Pick-Ur-Own blueberry place nearby. I’ve never been. I don’t think of California as a blueberry-growing place but it’s worth a try. I love good fresh blueberries. Spare me from the squishy ones though.

    When GD, Olivia, was a year old (or so), her mom would give her whole blueberries to eat. She’d press each one with her thumb before popping it into her mouth, rejecting all the squishy ones! There’s a child after my own heart.

    Laura, being a Grandma is the best. All the fun without the “up all night while child throws up” stuff. I became “Aunt Mimi” (instead of Mary) when my sibs started having kids. That naturally transitioned into “Grandma Mimi.” A few years ago, when my now 18 and 19 year old grandsons were younger, people often assumed I was their mom. (It’s not unusual to meet older parents here.) That doesn’t happen anymore! :laugh: It took me awhile to get used to being “Grandma,” but I love it now. It feels like an honor to me.

    Robin, you made me laugh. Anything that motivates you to eat asparagus is good in my book. How did you like them roasted? Your doctor’s looking out for you and that’s a good thing. But he IS a poopy head. 3 months, for goodness sake. I’m excited for you to see progress on the scale. You’ve been looking for it for a while now. I'm sure you’re in awesome shape with all the exercise you’re doing. Enjoy the sunshine!

    Faye, I’m jealous. The beach sounds wonderful. Good for you (!!!!!) for maintaining your weight :drinker: . That’s an amazing accomplishment. No-sugar Margaritas sound like a good idea. I should have thought of that! Getting into the one’s (sometimes called One-derland) will feel so good. I’ve got my eyes fixed on that myself but it will take a couple of months. The Ones sound so normal! :happy: Keep up the good work.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day (or night if you’re on the other side of the pond). Reading your posts always touches me and often puts a smile on my face. It’s beautiful here but likely to get hot (over 100f as the day goes on. I’m for the gym tonight!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Good evening everyone .....

    A rainy and blustery day today.
    The scales said ditto again today. I even took out the batteries and switched them on again to see if they'd "Stuck"
    Nope ....still said 154lb
    but ...after my day from hell yesterday I succumbed to several "What the heck" and "Mayaswell" moments last night. DH could tell that when he returned from work and could smell the bacon sandwich. He couldn't tell I had an ice ceam or a packet of crisps....I didn't log them either...sorry!!
    Today was OK until I got a call from the social services manager. I'd hoped he had good news but no. He wanted to ask about the lap strap we use on mum's wheelchair and why we use it. We use the strap/ belt to prevent her tumbling from the chair. As she can't remember she can't stand or walk. She trys to but can't!! Apparently the use of the seatbelt could be construed as "abuse". This is a stumbling block to the respite and now he has to take further advice from other "professionals"
    I'll now need a good wig maker never mind the "Hare"spray!! for when all my hair has been torn out.
    Surely leaving mum open to accidents is more of an abuse!! ...who am I to comment on such a thing??

    Anyway ....food today has been logged. I must remember what we've had today as we might get a shock tomorrow. Wee wil be red ...good old beetroot! Lovely hot with a cheese sauce.
    Re. roasted veg.....I usually put them in the microwave in a plastic "steamer" for a few minutes , especially root veg. then roast in hot oven with olive oil, paprika, etc. . Peppers, courgettes, mushrooms added late on.

    Must go now ...I sense mum is trying to escape again!! Ooops! ...not that she's a prisoner or anything!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Jackie, Oh my heavens. It sounds as though the Social Services guy is pulling a delaying tactic on you. How frustrating. I can understand why you want to pull out your hare, umm, hair. You might try having fresh fruits and veggies or other low-cal food around and ready to eat. It doesn't sound as though the stress is going to go away anytime soon so the stress eating probably will not either. Sometimes half the battle is having something ready to eat that's handy. And throw that darned ice cream out! :laugh: :wink: :love:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Jackie, I can't understand the SS at all! Mum-in-law's wheelchair has a lap band fitted to it as standard. Ok, she doesn't use it as it won't go round her tummy, but still .... how on earth can they say that it can be abuse?? Madness!

    Keep your chin up x
  • Erica_q
    Erica_q Posts: 41
    Hi, all.

    Had a crazy day yesterday, so couldn't get on the site. I logged my food from yesterday today and started on today's. I was successful Monday night not eating sweets for dessert. The apple and cinnamon satisfied my sweet tooth very nicely. :happy:
    I made sugar-free jell-o yesterday, so that was my dessert, no chocolate. Reading about roasted veggies makes me want to try some. I'll have to look in my fridge and see what I can do.

    rjadams - the colonoscopy itself is a piece of cake. It's the prep that will kill you (just kidding, of course :laugh: ). I was put under for mine, but my sister was awake. She was actually able to see the inside of her colon, which she thought was neat. She never complained of any discomfort during the procedure, so it must be minimal. For the prep, you will be spending the better part of your day in the bathroom, so just take some things to do with you. I left my husband in charge of dinner for the kids that night and stayed back in my room, close to the bathroom. It's such an important test to have, so I would suggest biting the bullet and scheduling an appointment.

    Barbie - I hope your knee is doing better today.

    Vicki M - I'm sorry about your pool. :sad: It's much harder to exercise when it involves a 30 minute drive.

    Chiclet - Be happy about your weight loss :happy: To repeat what everyone else has said, it's the best way to lose it. Your making good lifestyle changes that will help keep it off. Also, congrats on holding the grandbaby! It's very important to your son that you enjoy the baby. My dad refused to hold my sister's baby, which made her feel like he didn't love the baby. He happened to be sick at the time and died 4 months later, but he never told my sister that he was afraid of dropping him. She didn't find out until our mom told her after his death. Needless to say, I think you've taken a really good step, for you, for your son, and for your grandbaby.

    Laura - OMG, North High School! My husband graduated from there in 1977, and all four of my kids have gone there. My youngest daughter has two more years there, actually. Talk about a small world! When did you graduate?

    Well, here it is getting close to lunch time and I have yet to exercise, so I better get to it before it gets much hotter. The sun decided yesterday that it was finally going to come out, so it's warming up quite a bit earlier now.

    Congrats to all who have shed pounds, good luck to all those weighing in soon, and have a great day, everyone!
  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    Thank you all for your support. I guess if I look at it you're right it's better than gaining 6 lbs.

    Plus I know I am eating better and I can't help but feel like I am making a radical change in my life, health wise. I went grocery shopping yesterday and spent most of the time in the vegetabe and fruit section. Half of my basket was filled by the time I left that section. I can remember Putting just a salad mix bag and a bunch of grapes and that would be my vegetables for the shopping trip. I was looking around at everyone elses basket and theirs looked like mine used to. Breads, (not wheat or whole grain, cooklies, chips etc and one vegetabel.

    When I was unloading my basket and the conveyor belt thingy was covered with vegetables. :laugh: The lady behind me made a comment about all the produce and then asked me what one of the items were. Before I could answer the checkout guy (a young asian kid) said, " That's Bok Choy". I told him, "You are the first person that has checked me out that hasn't had to ask me what it is. They normally say are these leeks as they try to scan them. " He said he knew what they were but didn't know how to cook it and that he was always looking for cheap things to eat because he was a student in college. So I told him how i prepare it. It felt funny giving someone advice on how to cook vegetables. Now ask me about how to cook a cake and I would have asked , what size, layers, flavor, buttercream or whipped cream frosting. :bigsmile: in the old days.

    Mimi :flowerforyou: thank you for the encouagement. I thought you would like the comment my doctor made about the surgery.The wieird thing is that I kind of believe her. I feel really good eating the way I am and I honestly see this as what I will be doing forever. I never could say that before when I was dieting. This doesn't feel like a diet. Even when I was on weight watchers and that was probably the closest I could have come to eating "healthy", it still, in my mind felt like a diet. With they way I am eating now I know I could go out to eat at a restaurant and know what to order, tell them how I want it prepared and that I wanted it in certain portions before they brought it to me. I have a hard time leaving food on my plate so I wouldn't want to deal with that.

    Barb :flowerforyou: I know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to your puppies. I am a total dog lover. I have owned Boston Terriers and Jack Russells. My current dog is a Jack. I had two, both cousins, but one passed away at the age of 4, (her name was Chiclet) and it was a complete shock to all of us. (Heart attack) But I still have Boo. My dogs have either traveled with me or I had them booarded out of necessity. Even then, I ordered and paid extra for extra play time, private yard, pool time, and ice cream snacks. I couldn't trust them with anyone other than my mother to take care of them like I would. You have to be a dog lover to understand this. It's not just a matte of feeding them and watering them. Heck people have a hard enough time taking care of peoples plants while they are gone without killing them. It's definitely one They can't talk and they don't understand why you are leaving them or when you are coming home. It's tough. But the benefits of having them outweigh this negative. I love all my puppies. :love: They give me such joy. Good luck, I know what you are goig through with boarding or finding someone to take care of them like you woluld.:smile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks to you I learned something this morning--looked up your nissen fundo on google and discovered what it was--surgery related to eliminating GERD (AKA acid reflux)--had never heard the medical term before.

    Now, if I can just figure out why you put your "jacket" in the oven....:noway: :laugh: :laugh: Assuming you might mean baked potatoes??

    It is good to hear from you, but sorry to hear about your pool. Hope all that water didn't drown anything important in your yard!!

    Sounds like you have your hands full to overflowing. You are a good daughter, but I know it is NOT easy. Even if you aren't posting, we still keep you in our hearts. Hang in there. Something that helps me when I feel like my parents take up a lot of my time is to remember that I will never have to express regret after they are gone, about "should have done more."

    You are doing well. Your doctor sounds like he needs a refresher course in "Bedside Manner 101." If this is typical behaviour, maybe its time to explore the option of a new doctor.......

    When you climb on that scale at Publix, just leave quickly before someone asks "how much per pound" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    After reading about your garden and your lunch menu, I am ready to pay you a visit. What time is dinner? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Since I avoid anything connected with Rush L., I didn't know his followers were Dittoheads. I have heard some other names for them that I won't repeat on our refined, mannerly thread.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: Let's see, VeggieHeads is out, so how about "Veggi-Oughts"--as in you "ought" to eat more veggies?? The possibilities you mentioned certainly describe veggies, but I think veggie needs to be part of the name. Maybe "Veggie-Catchers?"

    Speaking of veggies, I got an email today from one of the health websites I subscribe to, and there was an add for food related clothing. I am including the link, because many of the images are funny--regardless of whether you want a t-shirt with a carrot on it. Here is the link:


    Also, loved the recipe you posted. I think it might work as something you could make a larger batch of and cut up and keep in the fridge for a quick microwaved meal.

    No wonder you went for the bacon and the ice cream. Sounds like some of the social service people in your part of the world skipped the coursework that included common sense. We have some of them over here too. If this guy has a boss, and doesn't everyone who works for a government agency?--maybe you need to find out who that is and leapfrog over his head to get someone involved who might possibly be able to figure out that having mom "tethered" is preferable to another broken bone from a fall. I wish you luck in getting this resolved.

    Thanks for the doggie sitting offer, but as you will see below, I won't be needing to take you up on it after all. I got the shock of my life when I talked to my aunt in Seattle this morning. Turns out she was the one who mailed that party invitation to my mom, as she put it, so they could "see" it. My mother got the idea that it was being passed on to us through my aunt because the party hosts didn't have my parents' current address. Well, turns out that isn't the case at all. And here I sent an RSVP, via email, per the instructions on the invitation. YIKES!!!:noway: :noway: :huh: :huh:

    I fired off another email to explain what happened and let them know we were not planning to crash the party, as it appeared they invitation had not really come from those hosting the party. My mom happened to call, so I explained my conversation with my aunt. As soon as she told my dad what was going on, he immediately stated that he didn't care what the response was to my email, he was not going, and they will send a card to the birthday man and call it good.

    So I guess I stressed for nothing. Too bad, though as it would have been nice for them to see some of the folks over in that part of the state. The good news is, now I don't have to get ready to go on that trip after all. Now I have to write, yet another email, and let them know we are not coming, regardless.

    So far, I haven't gotten anything accomplished today, so it is time to get with it.

  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Just a quick request please. If you would our DD#1 is having a infected tooth removed tomorrow morning and maybe a wisdom tooth that has grown sideways. She has been is pain since Sunday morning and this is first appointment she could get. She is on antibiotics and predisone for swelling, but has not slept in days because of pain. Just hoping they can clean out all the infection tomorrow.
    p.s. I am so far behind on reading hope everyone is fine. Will catch us soon.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,376 Member
    pmjsmom/Kathy - this makes 12 muffins. I can easily drink a 24oz bottle of water with one, sometimes I need two bottles! I probably should have mentioned this earlier. I also freeze the muffins, then take them out and microwave them for 10 seconds. Since there isn't a lot of fat, I don't use muffin cups but rather spray the pan with nonstick spray. I guess if someone really wanted to use muffin cups, they could spray the cups.

    For some reason, can't sleep tonight, so here I sit at 3a.m....well, it COULD be worse

    I'm really trying to convince Vince that we should go see a friend of ours in Colorado in mid-August. He used to work as a consultant for Vince. Steve has a home in PA and one in CO, he's been here twice and he's invited us out to CO a few times. To me, this would be an opportune time. Bryan is here, I'm sure he wouldn't have any problem being in the house by himself. I trust that he won't have any parties. I know that when I get home, there will be a stack of dishes to be done and the stove will be a mess. But that I can live with. He can stay with the cats -- how much care really will they need? Feed them, clean the litter box. It's not like we have PJ where he would have to give injections at certain times. And if he feels like going away overnight, he can, just be sure the cats have plenty of food and water. Guess that's one big difference between Vince and myself. I love to travel, he's more of a home-body

    Oh, Vince is going to start volunteering to be a cat cuddler at the Humane Society. Well, being a no-kill place he (hopefully) won't want to bring each and every cat home with him. I may want to do it also. This might be something good for us to do together. Also, it might help me get over the loss of PJ that much faster. I just don't understand the big secret behind him going for the orientation.

    mimi - loved the ring! How appropriate!

    Well, guess I should try to get some sleep. Pilates and then toning tomorrow.

    Congrats, Chicklet, on your new addition! Just remember - babies (and toddlers) are made of steel with a rubber coating. I agree that it's better not to have a scale. It's just such a temptation to see how much you weigh, and there's really nothing you can do if you've gained weigh. But you usually know if you're gaining too much weight (your clothes will be tight, etc) 6 pounds is great!

    mookiemoo- feel better

    Jackie - the soy sauce aiding weight loss surprised me since soy sauce is typically high in sodium and sodium retains water. I can't believe the thing about "abuse". Some times people don't use common sense.

    rjadams/Robin - the absolute worst part of a colonoscopy has to be the prep. The procedure is no big deal at all, the prep is just a real pain in the you-know-what. But once you get it done, just think, you won't have to get it done again for at least 5 years (10 if there weren't any polyps)

    Last year I was taking personal training sessions, and then I broke that durn bone in my foot so had to put them on hold. Just went to the place, and the guy who I was doing them with isn't there any longer. Just my luck, I was healed enough to do the remaining 4 sessions in Jan, but decided that he was probably really booked up with all the New Years Resolutioners so I put it on hold. Well, they're going to give me the remaining sessions, I think I'll start this Thurs, then next Tues, next Thurs, and the following Tues. The next Thurs (2 weeks from now) I have an appt with my MD for my regular physical. I go at 8 in the morning for blood work (fasting), then I usually have some cereal in the car, then probably go to the Y to do a body sculpting class, then back to the MD for the physical. I know I'll need a boob squeeze, too, along with a bone density scan. Hopefully, the reclast that I had in Feb. is working. We shall see....... Update: the gal who is going to give me the training sessions will be away, so I'll start the 22nd, then 7/27, 8/3, 8/5

    Got about 2 hours of sleep last night, but going strong today. Looks like I wasn't the only one who couldn't sleep last night!

    Have a meeting to go to in the a.m tomorrow (Wed). I made some sweet potato muffins to take. Personally, I think they're really good. Not too sweet. Then again, I cut down on the sugar in them. I also made a sour cream cake to take. Any leftovers I'll take to the Y where I'll go later in the day to do a spinning downloadable workout. Update: I took the rest of the sour cream cake to the Y for them to eat. I know, I know, I'm mean....but at least it's not here for me to eat. I did keep the rest of the sweet potato muffins. The recipe calls for cinnamon and cloves, next time I think I'll double the cinnamon and forgo the cloves.

    Well, today (Tues) went a bit over on the calories -- only by 8. Well, I don't add in exercise so that gives me a few extra calories, so I'm really not concerned. It'll all even out.

    Many times when I have "leftovers" that I really don't want in the house, I donate them to a local soup kitchen. Same thing if I make something that only I will eat but I don't want the whole thing.

    I'll eat frozen veggies if I can't get fresh. But not in a can!!!

    plantlady/Kathy - great to hear from you. You certainly have a lot going on right now. Glad you shared some with us.

    barbiecat - ouch on the knee. Give it rest, the sooner you do the sooner you'll be able to get back to your regular routine. I'm sure it's killing you, you're so active.

    Tomorrow I'll do a weight training DVD, Jari Love's Extremely Ripped and then Fri I'll take a water class (first yoga), then Sat. yoga.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just a quick request please. If you would our DD#1 is having a infected tooth removed tomorrow morning and maybe a wisdom tooth that has grown sideways. She has been is pain since Sunday morning and this is first appointment she could get. She is on antibiotics and predisone for swelling, but has not slept in days because of pain. Just hoping they can clean out all the infection tomorrow.
    p.s. I am so far behind on reading hope everyone is fine. Will catch us soon.


    Despite you never really SAYING what your request was :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: , I will put on my Carnack hat (remember Johnny Carson's character?) and say that what you were intending to ask for were prayers.:flowerforyou: So consider your request honored by me anyway.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I'm heading to bed tonight with that sense of accomplishment that only comes from knowing I stayed under my calories and got some exercise. Sweet dreams ladies :yawn:
  • chicletgirl
    chicletgirl Posts: 113
    Is it the wisdon tooth that is horizontally impacted that is infected or the tooth it is leaning against? Before extracting an infected tooth you want to make sure she has been on antibiotics for a while and has taken them regularly to reduce infection and swelling. Does the tooth have to be removed or can a root canal be performed. Is the swelling still hard or has it softened. The reason I am asking this is because if she has a hot tooth and the antibiotics haven't worked long enough or she needs a different kind, when she goes in tomorrow and they go to give her anesthetic, she may not numb. Sometimes the infection is so bad that it doesn't allow for the anesthetic to work. They may try to give her a number of shots and it won't work. When they go to extract the tooth she will feel it.
    Usually on a hot tooth, they give antibiotics to kill the infection and soften the swelling. Then she would come back in a few days and they would open the tooth (start of a root canal) to allow it to drain and leave it open to continue to drain and allow the swelling to go down. Usually the patient feels relief right away after this has been done, as the pain is from the infection and presure building up. (Sometimes they even lance the inside of the gum near the cheek side for the same affect). Either way continuing the root canal or if you chose to extract the tooth at this point is much better. She will not feel anything as the anesthetic will now be able to numb her.You might want to ask them about this. I'm a little worried that they are going to extract this tooth while she is in so much pain. I've seen it many times where a patient won't numb and it's not something you want them to go through.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kathy (plantlady), I'm so glad to hear from you.....wow, do you have some challenges with your parents....you are such an amazing and caring daughter......even when we don't hear from you, I think of you every time I log on to MFP.....you were such an anchor for me at the beginning and I haven't forgotten how much you have added to my life.

    :flowerforyou: My knee is better today…….I am feeling very grateful today……last fall my neighbor got knocked down by her two black labs and she broke her ankle……last year a woman at the dog park got knocked by her own big Standard Poodles and had to walk with braces and crutches for a long time……and today a friend called to tell me that her mother had fallen and broken her pelvis…….so just limping around is nothing to complain about.

    :flowerforyou: I stayed home today reluctantly and skipped line dance and the walk in the afternoon. My friend came over and brought her lunch (she had a left over stuffed pepper and a tomato and I had my usual Isagenix shake) and we had a nice visit and made a date to walk next Wednesday. DH played 9 holes of gof in the morning and took the dogs to the dog park in the afternoon . My knee felt good enough to ride the exercise bike and do a few things in the yard. I finished planting the sunflowers and the pumpkins in the raised bed.

    :flowerforyou: Chicletgirl, your story of buying all the fruits and veggies reminded me that in the 1980’s Richard Simmons (the guy who does “Sweatin’ to the Oldies”) had a TV show with exercise and healthy eating features and one of the things he did was go to grocery stores and stop women and look in their grocery carts and comment on what they were buying
    he would have loved what you had in you had in your cart----he would have loved seeing what all of us are buying and preparing.

    :flowerforyou: Thank you to all of you for your good wishes…….i didn’t sleep too well last night thinking about how awful it would be if I couldn’t walk and dance for a long time but since I was awake I was able to ice my knee twice and finish reading my book…..at 3 AM I had a snack and then tried to figure out whether I should post it with yesterday’s food or today’s:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, I can’t believe that someone would think that having a seatbelt on your mum would be “abuse”……when my grandma was in the nursing home for the last three years of her life, she had something that tied her into the wheelchair or she would have slipped out and onto the floor.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: