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  • Went on vacation last week and have had computer issues, so haven't been here for awhile and boy, did I think of you all when I couldn't get to you. I get so pumped keeping up with everyone's progress. Where we went on vacation had a walking trail and I racked up 8 miles! I was extremely proud of myself. I walked 2 miles already and have a walking buddy date before going home from work. My goal for July was/is to get into the habit of journaling. Writing down what I eat and exercise is becoming more important to me so I can SEE where I need work or reward.
    To the new ones -- you will really appreciate this group the more you hang here. They are wonderful.

    Have a great day all!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I am glad you found us. I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one who would send you directions. (I am not the only one around here who is good at telling people where to go :blushing: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ) Anyway, you found us, and that is the most important part. I did want to clarify something in your post. At the start you said you weighed 280 and lost 9 lbs. as of your last doctor visit in May, but then at the end, you said your last weight was 171, so now I am wondering, did you really start out at 180, or is the 280 starting weight right and the second number should be 271? Doesn't matter-- 9 lbs. is 9 lbs. and you are well on your way to better health.

    You have already figured out an important component for success--the "why" of losing. When you do it for "you" rather than for others, the outcome is usually more successful and long term. And, I am so glad you didn't jump on the surgery bandwagon. There are too many people I keep running into that didn't address the emotional component of their weight, and they have been disappointed with the results of the surgery, or worse yet, the two I used to worked with who would joke about the ways they found to circumvent their lap band so they could eat more!!!!:noway: :noway: :noway: I fear the screening process for surgical intervention is not as rigorous as it could be, and that contributes to stories like the one I just mentioned.

    There are some people who have had very successful outcomes from surgery--MacMadame (one of our thread members) comes to mind. A lot of her success, IMO, has been her commitment to eating and lifestyle change, and she has embraced exercise as an important component of her life. The surgical procedure was a tool that helped her make those changes.


    Sorry you are not feeling well. When I heard certain fat cats in WA DC trotted off on their vacation and left a bunch of people hanging out to dry by their failure to pass the unemployment extension, it made me mad!!:mad: :mad: :explode: :explode: I don't make it a practice to interject politics into my posts here, but anyone who follows the news knows who is responsible for the situation, so enuff said!!

    We are also getting the heat you mentioned down here. It is already 84 (F) on my patio, and it isn't even 11 am yet!!:noway: :glasses:
    Today I got smart and didn't take the doggies out for a walk, as Pepper and Mai Li won't get far in the sunshine. We will wait until after 8p tonight--then all I will have to deal with are mosquitoes--the little devils were out last night, but as long as I kept moving, I didn't have too much of a problem with them. All the wet weather we had and then the sudden heat has resulted in a population explosion. We have a control program in place, but I think it takes a while for them to catch up when there is a sudden onslaught of them.

    The Kyron Horman case has been in the national spotlight, with a story on Larry King, and references on the syndicated programs like Inside Edition. The twists and turns have been unreal--stepmother being accused of asking a landscaper, several months ago, to kill Kyron's dad, her husband. The weekend before the 4th, the stepfather moved out of the home they shared, taking their 18 month old daughter with him, filed for divorce and obtained a restraining order against the stepmother. She is the last one to have seen the missing boy, and although the insinuations are flying, she is still not being called a "person of interest" and hasn't been arrested for anything. The family is still holding out hope that the boy is alive--somewhere. Let us hope they are right.

    Welcome back, Peggy. Hope all have a good day. I am keeping Kyron and his family in my prayers.

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi All .....
    Quick post tonight. Carer will be here soon to help put you know who to bed! :smile:

    :ohwell: Scales were the same ...again. Oh well! ...again!!

    Another trip to the dentist this afternoon left me looking like I smoke 60 untipped cigarettes a day or chew that chewing tobacco!:huh: ....not that I've ever done either you understand!! He coated the four front teeth ,front and back with something that made them dark yellow. I was able to wash it all off after two hours! I did an ice cream test and no horrible reaction!! oops! ...must log that down!! I'm to go back next week for another layer and then we hope that's done the trick.

    I've religiously done my arm/shoulder exercises too ...don't think they're worth logging down though.

    :bigsmile: Good news on the carer front ...the social services rang and OK'd the respite dates through to next March. Next step is getting the care to agree the assessment. Getting closer to the cruise.Yippee!!

    So ...Bye for now
    Back tomorrow
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good afternoon everyone:

    :happy: What a beautiful day this is turning out to be. It may get hot but I'm determined to enjoy the sun that I have been missing for quite some time!

    Chiclet: Sounds like you have done some heavy duty soul searching and are at a good stage.:flowerforyou: Doing it for yourself and for you health - no one can take that away from you. Glad to have you join our thread.

    Terri: One pound at a time in the right direction is great. :flowerforyou: Hang in there and stay focused.

    Doobiedo: I’m glad your hubby will exercise with you. That makes it so much easier and more enjoyable.:flowerforyou:

    Tiarapants: Good job - another size down. :bigsmile: WOW - how rewarding that is!

    Wishful: I have heard several times that the scales are not always our friend. Once a week at the most is what I’ve heard and I know it’s true that my weight can fluctuate 2-3 lbs in a day. So....my scale doesn’t see me except for the once a week weigh in. :tongue:

    Peggy: your vacation spot sounds wonderful. I love to do the walking outdoors and get distracted by the beauty:smile:

    Barb: The story that is on the news every night just breaks my heart. Poor little Kyron. I’m praying that whoever has him is someone who is treating him well (for whatever reason) and will be home again with his parents soon. We can pray for and expect a miracle! My grandson heard about this while he was here for vacation and prayed for him every night.

    Well, that's all the time I have but it was good to be able to actually sit down and read everyone's posts.

    Hope you all have a great day and stay focused. Drink the water, post the food and exercise, and remember who you are doing this for. We are all on this journey together. Thanks for being there.:bigsmile:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Honesty and accountability are so important to a new lifestyle.:flowerforyou: Facing that scale every week keeps you honest. :wink: When you gain a lb, like I did this week…:ohwell: ..accountability is important. :blushing: I suppose I could blame it on the heat and drinking so much water…ahh…water retention?:huh: OR I could blame it on the fact that I was so busy that I really couldn’t take the time to be careful?:noway: But that will just put off the inevitable weight gain :frown: because…in truth…I have been very sloppy with my calories and have gone over them just about every day accept the day that I moved my daughter into her new house.:frown:
    For me…embracing the truth of the matter…has forced me to “step back and regroup” and get very accountable with my calories…….immediately before I do more harm.:bigsmile:
    MFP gives me the format and tools to do that.:smile: A year ago, I would have been concerned about gaining some weight :noway: and would NOT get on the scale for a long time.:embarassed: The longer you “wait” the more “weight” you’ll have to deal with.:laugh:
    So, I thank God for this website.:love: I need to get more careful about the extra calories….and keep this weight off!:drinker:

    Welcome to all the newbies:smile: and a great big hello to all my fellow journeyers!:smooched:
    Have a great and honest day!!! I know I will!:happy:
    I’m lurking in the background and reading posts…but am finding it hard to find the time to address each one of you personally!!!
    Remember…we are all in this boat together….and I would say…at this point…with all the wonderful people joining this thread…..it’s becoming one huge ocean liner!!!!:laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick pop in during lunch.

    BirdieM- o that scale:grumble: Last year when I started my gain of #30 it was when I stopped:noway: getting on the scale. I know that for many it is a thing of only getting on once a week, but I know it won't work for me:sad: I have to see it everyday to make it to my head for the day to get me to that one official day of the week where I either gain or lose for the week.

    Esther - I see that you are in Salem Oregon, we pass thru there when we fly into Portland and drive to Lebanon to see Hubbys family or my Mom in Grants Pass. The last time I was driving on my own I stopped in at the Newport Bay Restaurant for clam chowder:drinker: it's the best! We don't have any here that make it as good as they do and boy do we miss it:sad:

    I best get back to work. It's gotten really dark here, probably means we are headed for more thundershowers for the late afternoon and evening.

    Til tomorrow:drinker: drink plenty of water and log in your food so we can celebrate all of our successes together.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    :glasses: Hard to find time to post when hubby is off work. Been munching on cherries as I catch up on all your posts.
  • Wishful
    Wishful Posts: 618 Member
    I love your "photo". Is that from a famous painting?

    Thanks for the scale advice. I do step on it too often, but I need to evaluate my progress differently so that I won't get discouraged. Have ya'll read the posts on motivational sayings on this board? Nice.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Newport Bay actually has multiple locations in Oregon and some in Washington. There used to be one in my town, but it closed. I was going to refer you to their website, but when I searched it, I found they don't have a list of their locations!!!:noway: :noway: How's that for stupidity? I sent them a comment about how they shouldn't expect potential customers to become detectives in order to figure out where they have restaurants. Can't wait to hear their reply.:bigsmile:

    They do make good clam chowder, but I don't think I want to know how much fat is in it. If you ever get to the Oregon coast, a restaurant called "Mo's" is known for its chowder, also.

    It is now 92 (F) on my patio, and we are shooting for 95 today. Doggies are snoozing....:yawn:

  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Hi girls sounds so hot in the US I couldnt take the heat lol ,did a bit of gardening today burned a few cals off ,going to bed now ,reading New Moon again I finish one then start all over again ,think I love them more than the kids :laugh:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Just finished reading all the posts. I was supposed to babysit my 4 DC, but DD1 was called off work. I thought I would go out and get a 20 mile ride in only to find my helmet was left in DH van and he is 2 hours away. I was planning on today being a light exercise day with the kids here, but would love to get a nice ride in.
    Next September DH and myself are planning on going on the rails to trails ride from PGH to DC and then ride the train back. We need to get some long rides in and start carrying packs. It would be sooo nice if I had this 34 lbs off by then.
    It is great to see how many new people join all the time.
    I am truly thankful for MFP and all of you. I was thinking this morning that if it were not for the support here I would have given up. It seems that I cannot get in the 150, it has been over 20 years, but will stick it out this time. I realize in my head that I am not to be so obsessed with the weight, but my heart get so disappointed with the lack of results on scale. But, just be reading how all of you struggle in different areas I find my resolve growing. I am just plain curious now to see how long it does take. I know I am getting healthier and stronger. When I am on my bike I feel young again. I also am grateful we have such a beautiful place to ride and that I am able to ride.
    A lady I know from church found out her 24 year old daughter has cancer in the brain. This winter it was found in her lymph nodes. I am a part of a small prayer group and we are hoping to go to hospital and visit and pray with Lauren and her mom. There is much sadness in this world and I am determined to stop looking at it so much and being absorbed with the bad. There is much good as well to be seen. You, my dear friends, are one of the good things I have found.
    Have a blessed day and drink lots of water.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member

    Esther - I see that you are in Salem Oregon, we pass thru there when we fly into Portland and drive to Lebanon to see Hubbys family or my Mom in Grants Pass. The last time I was driving on my own I stopped in at the Newport Bay Restaurant for clam chowder:drinker: it's the best! We don't have any here that make it as good as they do and boy do we miss it:sad:

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member

    Esther - I see that you are in Salem Oregon, we pass thru there when we fly into Portland and drive to Lebanon to see Hubbys family or my Mom in Grants Pass. The last time I was driving on my own I stopped in at the Newport Bay Restaurant for clam chowder:drinker: it's the best! We don't have any here that make it as good as they do and boy do we miss it:sad:

    oops - meant to post a reply:blushing:
    The Newport Bay Restaurant is less than a mile away from our house. I haven't been there too often as I seem to be pulled toward the deep fried food :explode: But, it is good and Barb is right that Mo's in Lincoln City (Taft) or Newport is the famous Clam Chowder restaurant around here.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I just had to pop in and let you ladies all no that I just got back from roller skating on the Centenial trail. The sun was out and the skates were calling me. I haven't used them in about 3 years . I was skating fairly regularly the last time I was out of work (before boeing) and then I dropped a can of olives on my big toe, lost the nail, and could were shoes for almost a year much less roller skates:sad: . Then life, then weather and you know how it goes.:blushing:

    I had so much fun and I burned a few calories skating for an hour. :bigsmile: (kept my HR around 135-140 the whole time.) The trail is really nice and its fun to see so many walkers, joggers, dogs and bikes. I didn't see one other skater though.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:Barb & Esther - Mo's Yep I do remember it well although it's been forever since I've been there. I think the last time was when the kids were little and they are now 33, 29,26 so it's been awhile. I'm sure I don't want to know what the fat or calories are in the chowder, when we do get it it's such a special treat that I make allowances for it:wink:

    Our last trip to the coast in March (see my picture with my Hubby) we stopped at the Tillamock factory .... for ice cream:blushing: you can get the cheese out here in Colorado but not the ice cream YUM YUM!

    I have to get out of the office early so I've completed my log for today and will be back tomorrow.

    Have a great evening everyone and let's all stay positive that we CAN DO THIS:drinker:


    Linda - so sorry to hear about the young woman with brain cancer, it's so hard to understand all the trials that come our way.
  • Jeansattic
    Jeansattic Posts: 11
    Hi again ( I guess!) :smile: I don't know what happened to that "letter" of mine (I tend to write....& write....& write.....!!)
    I was busy typing - then all of a sudden...bleep !!... - and no more page, - clicked back arrow, which brought me nowhere,
    so I then thought, well, that just went off in cyber-space,!! so NOW I have lost track of what I SAID....but see you must have read
    it, & because I dont want to repeat it all........I'm trying to find it somewhere...
    Anyway, if I may join this great group, hopefully I will get back on my diet during this short vacation we are on, instead of
    falling into Temptation.....carbs.....& more sweets....:glasses:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My DD#2 bridal shower is Saturday. I had a caterer set up for fruit and veggie appetizers, and tarts for dessert. Melissa's BD is Saturday and she always has chocolate pie instead of cake. I also wanted an ice coffee bar set up since she loves Starbucks frappachinos etc. Well, I got a call and cat. is not doing the coffee bar because we have had so many no's and now there will only be around 20-25 people there. She does not feel it is worth the money to do the coffe bar. Ok, I sort of understand that, but now I have no drinks planned. The main reason I went with this lady is 1 she is a vegetarian and 2 she does the coffee bar. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I do not drink frapp because too much money and too many calories. I called Starbucks and they do not sell in quantities.
    I am so lost on any ideas. I do not even know of any punch recipes. I could use soft drinks, but that just seems tacky. and I would not have any idea which ones to buy. My girls on occasion drink ice tea, other than that it is water. I just think people might not appreciate the only drinks being ice water.
    If you know how to make these drinks please help me
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Well, it seems summer has finally arrived here in Western Washington! It's hot but nothing to complain about--winter lasted too long to allow for any complaints!

    Tiarapants--I looked at your DH's aunt's website--what beautiful work. I especially like the one called "Common Frog on a Leaf".

    As for your singing--i do believe the verse is "Make a joyful NOISE!" That's what counts.

    I've been meeting with Leslie (Sansone) every day for a long time--I sometimes think she's my best friend!:laugh:

    Wishful--I know what you mean about the way men eat--I have to fixed at least double portions for the 2 who live here with me!

    I have to say--I am enjoying this warm weather. After working in the cold and damp for so long it is a welcome relief!

    Welcome to our new members.:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: You're going to love us--just wait and see!

    I need to get another 2 miles in so I can call Skinny Wednesday a success so I'll see you all later.:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: tcac, If you're looking for healthy, make several kind of iced herbal tea......there are so many great kinds.......consider having a piece of fruit to add to each drink to make it more festive......I'm sure others will have have ideas, as well.:bigsmile:
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: tcac, If you're looking for healthy, make several kind of iced herbal tea......there are so many great kinds.......consider having a piece of fruit to add to each drink to make it more festive......I'm sure others will have have ideas, as well.:bigsmile:

    thanks Barbie,