
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning ladies:
    Hope you all had a great celebration yesterday. I did well with my food choices. I even made chocolate cupcakes for everyone but had them frost their own. That way I didn't have to lick my fingers :-) They had fun with it too. I sent all the left overs home with our son.

    The weather is supposed to be warm this week so today is yardwork day before the heat hits. Then I'll just have to sit and enjoy it! :laugh:

    Since this is for the "mature women" do any of you suffer with tendinitis? (sp?) I think that's what's going on with my right arm and I have been putting ice on it for the last couple of days. Typing is kind of painful so I am about done with this post ;-( Let me know if you know any trick to heal this up. I'll probably call the doctor tomorrow to make an appointment unless I get really good advice here ;-)

    Have a great day,
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Esther, I'm a tendonitis suferer. I get it in my right elbow and both my heels. Unfortunately I can't have anti-inflamatory drugs (I'm asthmatic), but Ido have a brace that I wear on my elbow and in the past I have also had cortisone injections. I know that some people swear by the injections, I just swear at them! I have said that I won't have them again as they were extremely painful. My physiotherapist also told me to rest my wrist when I have a flare up, as it is most likely the movement of the wrist that causes the problem further up (elbow).

    Good luck with it. You could also try the usual ice treatments. It's possible that you will get some relief from it.

    Feel better x
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Esther, I'm a tendonitis suferer. I get it in my right elbow and both my heels. Unfortunately I can't have anti-inflamatory drugs (I'm asthmatic), but Ido have a brace that I wear on my elbow and in the past I have also had cortisone injections. I know that some people swear by the injections, I just swear at them! I have said that I won't have them again as they were extremely painful. My physiotherapist also told me to rest my wrist when I have a flare up, as it is most likely the movement of the wrist that causes the problem further up (elbow).

    Good luck with it. You could also try the usual ice treatments. It's possible that you will get some relief from it.

    Feel better x
    Thanks. I was assuming that the ice would help since it's an inflamation. I just am frustrated that it's the right arm - which makes sense because it's the one I use more!!!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Esther, I'm a tendonitis suferer. I get it in my right elbow and both my heels. Unfortunately I can't have anti-inflamatory drugs (I'm asthmatic), but Ido have a brace that I wear on my elbow and in the past I have also had cortisone injections. I know that some people swear by the injections, I just swear at them! I have said that I won't have them again as they were extremely painful. My physiotherapist also told me to rest my wrist when I have a flare up, as it is most likely the movement of the wrist that causes the problem further up (elbow).

    Good luck with it. You could also try the usual ice treatments. It's possible that you will get some relief from it.

    Feel better x

    My tendonitis is in my foot, and I had to get a cortisone shot before it started improving. I also wear an ankle brace when it starts to flare, and yes, ice is supposed to help. I didn't think that it did much for me.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ...Barb – love your story about the pizzas. It reminded me that when we were in Banff last year we went to a restaurant called Melissa’s for breakfast and a man came up with the coffee pot and asked if we wanted coffee. We asked if it was possible to have decaf and he said we would have to ask the waitress as he was just a customer helping out because they were busy. You Canadians sure are a helpful lot. :heart: I will certainly let you know all know if I am going to make it to Vancouver next year and we can meet up. We spent a night there last year and I loved it. I hope Mai Li's back gets better soon so you don't have to resort to 'your' sleeping pills....


    The closest I come to being a Canuck is that my mom is originally from there!! I actually live in the States, about 375 miles south of the Canadian border. I do agree that Canadians are a helpful lot, however.!!

    I survived the 4th. Came home last night and crawled into bed before the fireworks started on tv. They were already going off around here, and even with the "anti -noise" measures I have in place, Pepper was a little snuggle bunny:heart: He decided the best place for him to be was laying crossways with his head and torso on top of my chest. Since he makes a better door than a window, this made any hope of seeing the tv screen a very dim one!:laugh: :laugh: I relocated him several times, right next to me, but he kept reverting to his place of choice like a little canine magnet!!:ohwell: Bradley and Mai Li were oblivious to the noise outside.

    I finally decided if I wasn't going to see the tv screen anyway, I might as well roll over and be comfortable. I didn't really sleep, but did get through until midnight when the "firebugs" are required to stop. The tv went off, and we all went to sleep, until Mai Li woke up at 3a, in search of a snack. Once that was given, then guess who was wide awake? Yup, me of course.:grumble: I found a Masterpiece Mystery on PBS and watched Miss Marple solve another murder and other assorted goings on. Then I went back to sleep and didn't get up until 9a!! Today is a holiday, so I decided to act like it.:drinker: :drinker:

    When I took the doggies out, I ran into my neighbor, who was out with his two, and we decided to go back to the same place we went on Saturday and have breakfast again. Today I found they do an excellent veggie omelette. Now I am getting the "nods" and have decided a nap is in order before I take my walk later this afternoon. Weather is low 70's, no rain, some overcast, with a few chances for the sun to peak through.

    I didn't do to badly on calories yesterday. My dessert was favorably received. Maybe I should write down what I did for next time....:laugh: and when I weighed today, I had not gained from the day before. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hello to Esther, again.

    Have a good Monday.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Have a wonderful day!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Well, I lost my internet connection and so I lost my post! Luckily it wasn't very long and I think I remember most of it.

    Barbie(cat)--you'd be amazed at all the different kinds of adult trikes there are! Mine is electric-asisted but you can also get pedal-only and light-weight ones. I believe they even have folding ones for taking along with you when you travel.
    I got my first after a bad bike accident that lead to emergency surgery on my leg. A couple of years ago I gotr the electric one for longer trips and for when my leg bothers me--usually not until after work. The motor also comes in handy at certain intersections.

    I got a number of Leslie Sansone workouts from my dd's boyfriend yesterday. He got them from a friends wife--ones I don't have, too! I'm excited. I LOVE her workouts and am glad to have some new ones. I now have approximately 40 miles of different walking routines.

    Today, though, I am going to walk outside. It is a beautiful day and it's supposed to get very warm later this week.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Finally got to read the posts. I really enjoy them so much.
    Michele, before I forget: I never noticed about the FT7, because I stop it when I finish exercising and then go back when I am posting. I did think we are supposed to keep losing after exercising for a certain period of time. That is why I started exercising 3 times a day. I get on elepitcal when I first get up, I now go 20=30 mins. Then in afternoon or eveing is my "real" exercise biking or walking and finally before bed I try to get in another 30 mins on eleptical. I thought this would jump start my metabolism, but no such luck.
    Barbie= I also dislike water. When I began losing weight in April I decided that I would have one cup of coffe in AM and rest of day only drink water. My biggest problem is that I do not get thirsty. When I am home I force myself, like you to drink 8 oz., but for me I do it every time I go to BR that way I have my 11 glasses in before evening. But, if I waited to get thirsty I would never drink.
    Well, I need to get a shower and start on favors for Melissa's shower on Sat. I am using a caterer )sp) so hope it goes well. She is a vegetarian herself, and her pictures sound great.
    I have finished a new recipe and thought I would share it with all who love veggies:
    Portabella mushrooms ( I use 1 per person)
    1 red, yellow, orange pepper
    1 container of buttom mushrrom ( whole)
    1 large white onion
    2 tomatoes
    1 sliced zucchinni
    Put portabellas on bottom of pan *I use large glass dish
    layer all other vegies
    Pour small bottle of fat free italian zesty dressing
    cook 325 degrees for 1 to 1& 1/2 hours at 325 degrees
    serve over brown rice
    1/2 rice and about 2 cups veggies is only 155 cal.
    If you must have meat you can put chicken in place of portabella mushroom, but have no idea about cal in meat

    For those of you who did not see my post I rode 32 miles on my bike today. I am sooo stinking proud of me.
    Great week ladies=you are all in my prayers as you go about this journey called life.
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    Finally got to read the posts. I really enjoy them so much.
    Michele, before I forget: I never noticed about the FT7, because I stop it when I finish exercising and then go back when I am posting. I did think we are supposed to keep losing after exercising for a certain period of time. That is why I started exercising 3 times a day. I get on elepitcal when I first get up, I now go 20=30 mins. Then in afternoon or eveing is my "real" exercise biking or walking and finally before bed I try to get in another 30 mins on eleptical. I thought this would jump start my metabolism, but no such luck.
    Barbie= I also dislike water. When I began losing weight in April I decided that I would have one cup of coffe in AM and rest of day only drink water. My biggest problem is that I do not get thirsty. When I am home I force myself, like you to drink 8 oz., but for me I do it every time I go to BR that way I have my 11 glasses in before evening. But, if I waited to get thirsty I would never drink.
    Well, I need to get a shower and start on favors for Melissa's shower on Sat. I am using a caterer )sp) so hope it goes well. She is a vegetarian herself, and her pictures sound great.
    I have finished a new recipe and thought I would share it with all who love veggies:
    Portabella mushrooms ( I use 1 per person)
    1 red, yellow, orange pepper
    1 container of buttom mushrrom ( whole)
    1 large white onion
    2 tomatoes
    1 sliced zucchinni
    Put portabellas on bottom of pan *I use large glass dish
    layer all other vegies
    Pour small bottle of fat free italian zesty dressing
    cook 325 degrees for 1 to 1& 1/2 hours at 325 degrees
    serve over brown rice
    1/2 rice and about 2 cups veggies is only 155 cal.
    If you must have meat you can put chicken in place of portabella mushroom, but have no idea about cal in meat

    For those of you who did not see my post I rode 32 miles on my bike today. I am sooo stinking proud of me.
    Great week ladies=you are all in my prayers as you go about this journey called life.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi there,

    You remember me--the person who planned to take a nap after her last post? Yeah right.:ohwell: Yesterday, when my friend and I were having dinner with my parents, I foolishly brought them another VCR to replace the one that died several months ago, so they could continue to view all the stuff they have recorded over time. So even though we made it as simple as possible, and gave my dad an excruciatingly explicit tutorial, I got a call shortly after my last post, and it sounded like things were fouled up very well.:grumble:

    Luckily it is only 3 miles from home to there, so I am "there" now. I just spent some time word processing a document that tells me more than I ever cared to know about how to push two buttons on two remotes in order to switch from the HD TV to the VCR and vice versa. I had my mom read it. As long as she understands it, she can tell him what to do the next time he wants to do it!!:bigsmile:

    It makes me so sad to think this is the same man whose nickname among his friends during his years an active boater was "Mr. Wizard." He could fix anything, and was a troubleshooter beyond anyone I have ever seen. I admit to being my father's daughter in that regard, but I don't have quite the skills he used to have. I try to remain patient. It is all I can do.

    Have a good evening all. I am going to try and figure out what is for dinner, either here or back at home.

  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I am posting to pick up the July thread. I read most every day and track my food most every day. Just not much time to post. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

    Lianne in beautiful sunny Fieldbrook.
    :glasses: :glasses: :glasses: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :flowerforyou: This morning while riding the exercise bike I watched my recording of the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Championship....the two women in the contest weighed 105 pounds...how on earth could someone that tiny consume all that food?

    :flowerforyou: Lianne, good to hear from you again...you are getting so close to your goal :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Linda, your recipe and your bicycle riding both sound fabulous
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all:heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    It's a little overcast and cool today. No sign of the sun yet.

    Linda, your recipe sounds delicious! I've copied it into my recipes file on my laptop and will give it a try out this weekend.

    Last night I got a call from Son-in-law who said that he had something he wanted me to listen to. We were in the car at the time, so the call was over the bluetooth. Anyway, he played me a recording of the twins heartbeats. They sound so strong! I immediately had a little cry (I'm such a sap sometimes). I can't wait until the next scan when we hope to find out the sex of the babies.

    I'm feeling as though I'm playing truant today. When I was speaking to my dad on the phone first thing this morning, he sounded really upbeat and he's got plans for the day so I told him that I'm going to let him get on with it and I'll see him tomorrow. I'm also not going to visit mum-in-law in the nursing home. DH won't be back until latish and I've finished all my Latin translation for him, so I've got the day to myself. A little shopping later on I think! Other than that, I'm going to spend the day pottering around the house - trying to get a few things cleared out. We have my step-grandson coming to stay on Sunday night as his dad has to be up at the other end of the country for an early business meeting on Monday morning. It will be the first time that Bobby has stayed over and I'm looking forward to it. I want to think of something fun for the two of us to do on Monday.

    Treadmill time now. Have a health filled day everyone. x
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    hello every one checking intoday . still not gone to gym yet im buliding up to fri thats when im going to go . had a good sleep last night . and had light breakfast going to walk a little now . the dear old lady i look after i got the doctor for her yesterday , the doctor says she got stomach cancer . i feel so sad. she is all alone she does have 1 relative but he is 76 so he is no spring chicken either . well off to do a little walking love reading the posts xxxx
  • I am at almost at the end of my 50's. Will be 59 there next month. I have had trouble all my life with weight. I had gastric bypass surgery in 1995 and had a dr who didn't do things right. Couldn't keep anything down for 5 years which, I believe, messed up my metabolism badly. I lost a lot of muscle mass and so have a very sluggish metabolism. I was diagnosed with this and with the encouragement (NOT) of I might lose 10 lbs a year. Well, I am out to prove them wrong, but will need the encouragement in the down times. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    I am at almost at the end of my 50's. Will be 59 there next month. I have had trouble all my life with weight. I had gastric bypass surgery in 1995 and had a dr who didn't do things right. Couldn't keep anything down for 5 years which, I believe, messed up my metabolism badly. I lost a lot of muscle mass and so have a very sluggish metabolism. I was diagnosed with this and with the encouragement (NOT) of I might lose 10 lbs a year. Well, I am out to prove them wrong, but will need the encouragement in the down times. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: if you are looking for encouragement, support, inspiration, and friends who will listen to you endlessly, you have come to the right place....this group of women changed my life.....jump right in and start reading and then post and tell us more about yourself, ask your questions and stay open minded......we're glad to have you with us,
    :heart: :heart: and drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I am at almost at the end of my 50's. Will be 59 there next month. I have had trouble all my life with weight. I had gastric bypass surgery in 1995 and had a dr who didn't do things right. Couldn't keep anything down for 5 years which, I believe, messed up my metabolism badly. I lost a lot of muscle mass and so have a very sluggish metabolism. I was diagnosed with this and with the encouragement (NOT) of I might lose 10 lbs a year. Well, I am out to prove them wrong, but will need the encouragement in the down times. Thanks for listening. :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: if you are looking for encouragement, support, inspiration, and friends who will listen to you endlessly, you have come to the right place....this group of women changed my life.....jump right in and start reading and then post and tell us more about yourself, ask your questions and stay open minded......we're glad to have you with us,
    :heart: :heart: and drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker:

    Barbie is right. You have come to the right place to get encouragement. Good luck.

    I made it through the festivities on Sunday so successfully. Then yesterday I just had that kind of day where anything and everything made it into my mouth. I exceeded my calories for the first time in a long time. I'm so disgusted with myself but am ready to get back on track. I have been to Curves and now have more yard work to do. I can do this!!!! No one else can do it for me.!

    Have a great day everyone.

  • BarbieCat1
    BarbieCat1 Posts: 82
    Linda, great work on the bike riding! Was that outside or inside? In either case... terrific mileage!

    I just adore biking. It strengthens the muscles supporting my bad knees, allows me to exercise out in the fresh air yet covering miles more than walking can. This time of year it's so hot and humid here in Florida, I have to get out for a ride early or late and dodge rain clouds. Today we made it out early and the weather cooperated. We were out the door at 7:30 and rode about an hour and a half total, not counting a stop for a light breakfast... DH loves to eat breakfasts out, but this way, he earns his calories. I just had a scrambled egg and piece of toast. I have to eat before we go out to prevent fading, so had 80c worth of non fat yogurt and a handful of blueberries. We drink a lot of water.

    I always wear a helmet, of course. I don't care how goofy they look. They save lives.

    I notice my lycra bike shorts are fitting a wee bit looser! I measured myself yesterday for the first time in two weeks.. my waist is 1 & 1/2 " less! yippee. Even tho Mr. Scale is only showing a little over a pound a week coming off, the truth is in the tape measure.

    Barbie, I read that the contest eaters often purge afterwards. Talk about an unhealthy activity!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newbies! This is the greatest place to get all the encouragement you need and to voice your frustration as well:wink:

    I just finished catching up on everyone, WOW so many of you did a great job over the 4th, me not so good:cry: but not to be discouraged I know I will be able to reclaim the small amount by next weekend when I weigh in again. Putting on clothes this am found that what I'd chosen was really loose and my boss noticed the "new" clothes so much fun having 4-5 year old clothes back and looking new. Congrats to those that did well:drinker:

    NO GRANDSON #2, we thought it would be Saturday, DIL#2 was in hard labor for about 6 hrs and then nothing! She missed our BBQ, although Son #2 and Grandson #1 came had fun with them, now he's left to return to Fort Jackson for the rest of the month, and we all hope this baby will arrive soon!

    Sunday started out a beautiful day, we got in the Hot Tub early but by dinner time when we were headed to Mile High Stadium for the Lacross game and fireworks it was pouring. they stopped the game with 7 min left for a half hour rain/lightening delay since we were totally wet we said enough and went home, no fireworks. But Peanut was glad we were home and he promptly went and hid in our bed under the covers for the rest of the night.

    Yesterday we had another restful day, installed my XM radio in my car but this morning it's not receiving correctly :grumble: I get real clear reception when the car is under a bridge and that is so wrong!:angry: I'm hoping that hubby can fix it tonight.

    We are expecting the weather to have thundershowers again this afternoon and tomorrow the temp is supposed to drop 20-25 degrees (today it's getting up to 92), maybe this change in weather will bring on full blown labor for DIL#2...we can hope:wink:

    Mom called this am to see if great grandson #2 had arrived, and I was sorry to disappoint her, she has a full day planned getting her hair done, colored and clipped. They have a person that comes to the Foster home, I'm glad that they do it will lift her spirits. Friday (July 9) would have been Dad's 86th birthday and I'm thinking she will be a bit blue this week so am hoping getting her hair done will give her a bit of a boost.

    Everyone have a good day. :flowerforyou:

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Good evening All ...a big hellooooo to any "Newbies" too.

    The scales were again the same today at 154lb. Once again i'm optimistic and have been good again today to avoid being on the up and not on the way down!

    Same old ,same old type of day for me .I did get to pop out and found a delightful white linen mix blouse in a sale. . Blue stitching to each front with three quarter sleeves ....ideal for doubling as a jacket with trousers. A snip at £3!! Alas the UK size 14 was a bit too tight if to be worn over a top but 16 is good. This time last year I was happy with an 18.

    Another call to thedentist today to see if we could sort out this ultra sensitive front tooth. It's still so painful to drink water or eat ice cream. I know I should be drinking water and should not be eating ice cream ....oh well!! Appt. tomorrow again ....here's hoping!

    The shoulder and arm feel a bit better today ...after the deep muscle massage it seems to have helped..I'd been prescribed Cocodamol and Ibuprofen for this which was a "Rotator Cuff Tear" ie the tendon attaching to the top of the shoulder. The PT said yesterday that the Ibuprofen should be taken for a while ....Q. How long is a while? for it to be effective. 3 months surely is long enough. I have new exercises to do .. oops ....must do them or I'll not improve will I?

    Zumba was good last night ...arm movements are definitely getting better. It was a good work out and I was soooo glad to come home and pop in to that lovely warm hot tub. aaaaahh!

    Hopeful news on the respite care front. I was contacted today by the local social services team. The dates are being put forward and she sees no problems at the moment. I should be able to stop panicking by the end of the week.

    So ....Bye for now
    hope your week's going well
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