STOP with the 1200 calorie posts ~ rant



  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    Every time I click on the message board it's full of things like ''I'M GAINING ON 1200 CALORIES????'' ''NOT LOSING ON 1200???'' etc. Stop and actually READ what people are replying to these posts before making one. You aren't a special snowflake. I understand some people lose better on 1200 calories, but if you find yourself reading 2 or more posts that are relevant to you and your problem with eating 1200 calories, maybe actually TAKE IN what people are replying.

    Alas, have a good weekend everyone! haha :-)

    I empathize with those folks. They put their data in the website, the website tells them to eat 1200, and they exercise herculean-bordering-on-anorexic self-control and yet see no results. It's tragic. :-(

    why cant people just let others get on with it ive been eating 1200 and im fine infact ive lost a good lot of weight im not hungry ect people who are eating 1200 and are gaining obv that doesnt work for them and they think more calories is more gain which is why they make the posts .
  • Meh...I have no idea why I am even here reading this thread. Hamster wheel effect. Round and round it goes. The 1200 people bash the eat more people, the eat more people respond. On and on it goes. Waste of time. Bored of the silly debating now. It serves no purpose, everyone thinks they are right ultimately. Who cares really at the end of the day? Just do what you do...blar blar blar..
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    Meh...I have no idea why I am even here reading this thread. Hamster wheel effect. Round and round it goes. The 1200 people bash the eat more people, the eat more people respond. On and on it goes. Waste of time. Bored of the silly debating now. It serves no purpose, everyone thinks they are right ultimately. Who cares really at the end of the day? Just do what you do...blar blar blar..

    Absolutely agree. These threads are so boring and pointless no matter what side you're coming from. Not sure why I even got sucked into this again.

    I suggest we all do something more productive like micro manage our OWN lives instead of everyone else's. :smokin:
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    In my humble opinion;

    I am 54 years old and have lived on a diet my entire life. This last year I stumbled on to EatMoretoweighless on facebook (it's also on here) For the first time in my life I don't get on a scale. I eat 1800 to 2200 calories per day (depending on how much exercise I am getting) and I work out. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done because it goes against everything that I have lived. But folks, I feel better, I have more energy, I sleep better and I'm not always freaked out about the scale. It is going to be a long road for me, but I am going to walk this road to health. I feel sorry for these people, we as a society have been trained to starve to death and be a slave to the scale since kindergarten when that nurse first weighed us in front of the entire class.

    Wise up folks, the less you eat, the harder it will be to keep it off. Eat healthy and move, teach your body to burn what you eat.

    One more thought, It was easier for me to quit smoking then it was to give up jumping on and off the scale and praying to be even a half of a pound lighter.
  • Meh...I have no idea why I am even here reading this thread. Hamster wheel effect. Round and round it goes. The 1200 people bash the eat more people, the eat more people respond. On and on it goes. Waste of time. Bored of the silly debating now. It serves no purpose, everyone thinks they are right ultimately. Who cares really at the end of the day? Just do what you do...blar blar blar..

    Absolutely agree. These threads are so boring and pointless no matter what side you're coming from. Not sure why I even got sucked into this again.

    I suggest we all do something more productive like micro manage our OWN lives instead of everyone else's. :smokin:

    Indeed. Well put. :flowerforyou:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Agreed people should actually take the time to read reply's and make the effort to look for previous post that are relevant...but who gives a *kitten* if someone post a subject again, I would hazard a guess that there is no gun being held to your head making you read the posts. Just ignore them, problem solved.
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    Meh...I have no idea why I am even here reading this thread. Hamster wheel effect. Round and round it goes. The 1200 people bash the eat more people, the eat more people respond. On and on it goes. Waste of time. Bored of the silly debating now. It serves no purpose, everyone thinks they are right ultimately. Who cares really at the end of the day? Just do what you do...blar blar blar..

    i dont bash anyone i eat 1200 i have friends who eat alot more whatever works for them i eat vegan and i eat alot i only eat brown rice brown bread ect but not very often and i find it hard to get the 1200 cals as it is i dont know how people eat 1200 a day of junk when i started i ate badly and when your eating bad food i found it hard to stick to 1200 i think quality is better than quantity and if im hungry i do go over 1200 but usually at weekends when im tv munching lol
  • I will eat 1200 calories for breakfast today. This thread has inspired me :glasses:
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    I will eat 1200 calories for breakfast today. This thread has inspired me :glasses:

    i bet that will be an awesome breakfast =D my husband eats about 4000 cals a day .....
  • I agree that people should look through the recent pages of the board before posting a thread they think has been posted before, but there's really no need to be SO judgmental. If the fact that people need help and advice when they're starting their diet or healthy lifestyle annoys you, ignore those posts, don't go through all of the effort just to make people who have posted topics like this feel like crap.

    The first time I came to this site, I left and stopped using it because I didn't find the people helpful or willing to give me the support I was craving, I'd hate to think that others get disheartened and leave just because they're worried they'll 'annoy' people by posting something unoriginal. Give some people a break, it's hard to start a new healthy lifestyle without any experience (I know!) and the MFP boards should be a place that being judged isn't an issue...this isn't a popularity contest, it's here for help.

    And finally, EVERYONE is different, so we're all bloody special snowflakes!
  • I'd also like to point out that someone who eats healthy, clean foods will struggle to meet a higher calorie amount anyway. There are hardly any calories in fruits and vegetables, but a very high amount of essential nutrients.

    Since when is the calorie content of the food more important than the nutrient density?

    Isn't a 1,200 calorie diet of clean, nutritious foods more efficient than eating 1,800+ and including rubbish like pop tarts and ice cream?

    A lot of you have the definition of "starving" all wrong.

    I'd just like to point out that I am in recovery from anorexia where I was eating -500 calories a day for a year and 3 months, I think I know what the definition of starving is, thanks.
  • But MFP has given me 1200 based on my current weight and losing 1 lb a week.

    Also, Weight Watchers, which is pretty healthy and supports a conservative rate of weight loss, is also about 1200 for my weight and height.

    Wouldn't a net 1200 calories be adequate and healthy, especially if I also eat exercise calories?
    yes it long as you are making healthy choices with your food 1200 can work very well for lots of people and not everyone wants to become a gym bunny now or for the rest if their lives. Each to their own say I :-)

    But if you maybe did decide to try using the gym you wouldn't have to try and live on 1200 cals? Just a thought. I was a little chubbster this time last year. Hated the gym, tried to lose on 1200, couldn't live on it at all. I changed from an unfit lazy lump to how I am now. I know I am younger than you before you say it...but I have a lady on my FL, similar age to you. She eats around 1500 a day and weight lifts. She is a fantastic example that age doesn't have to be a factor. Any factor in your life can be changed, its just a mental game.

    lots of ways of becoming fit or maintaining fitness without the use of a gym and probably far more sustainable over a life than using a gym, such as walking, jogging, cycling, gardening, housework, playing tennis, hockey, netball, basketball, skipping...heck anything that gets you moving, plus you are outside getting fresh air, stoking up on sunlight and much needed vitamin d :-) Anyway, as I said, each to their own and mine is DEFINETLY not gym orientated, but is health orientated :-)

    I love how patronising this post is, trying to tell me what other ways there are to exercise without the use of the gym. Just because you dislike going inside a gym doesn't mean I dislike exercising outside of the gym. I am fully aware of the benefits of exercise without using machines thank you (housework not included though, I did it as a fatty, I still do it now, it's nothing new!) Just because I chose to use a gym to achieve my goals it certainly doesn't mean I am not health orientated, anything but I'd say...but hey you said....each to their own :laugh:
  • ellaloveslove
    ellaloveslove Posts: 166 Member
    But of course, the 1200 calorie myth will always remain. The diet industry thrives on failure.

    Well said. Also, congrats on your weight loss :)
  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    use this site, which is the one my doctor used with me in his office. my height is 5'6" my weight is 5'6" my age is 36. Subtract 1000 calories for 2 pounds of weight loss per week. You get 951.25


    and im genuinely interested as well, because i get shiz for this.. and shiz for 120 calories.. so what am i suppose to do? how am i suppose to lose weight with support, if i have no where to start? or .... anything?

    Are you sure that the 1951 is your TDEE instead of your BMR? BMR is the amount of calories you burn if sleeping the total day. TDEE is the total amount of calories you would need to stay at the same weight.

    I am shorter and younger than you- not sure what weight you are because of the typo but at 5'2 and 140 my TDEE is almost 1900 for days I am sedentary, my BMR is around 1450. I eat 1600 cals, and eat back most of my exercise cals and have lost 10 lbs in the last 6 weeks...

    It would be very hard to get all the nutrients your body needs to function healthily with so little cals, maybe you should try for a slower weight loss, or eat at a 20% deficient and add some exercises.

    I would bring it up to your doctor who recomendend this site weather or not the calories you are eating is calculated right and healthy.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I ate 1200 cals a day plus exercise cals to lose weight and I didn`t find it so hard?

    I lost weight?

    Am not sure what the problem is with it?

    I have maintained for around 3 months increasing to around 1500 cals a day plus exercise.

    I eat a healthy balanced diet and do not feel hungry.

    Am not wasting away and function just great :smile:
  • I ate 1200 cals a day plus exercise cals to lose weight and I didn`t find it so hard?

    I lost weight?

    Am not sure what the problem is with it?

    I have maintained for around 3 months increasing to around 1500 cals a day plus exercise.

    I eat a healthy balanced diet and do not feel hungry.

    Am not wasting away and function just great :smile:

    I'm not sure what your problem is with the problem? Your point being?
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I ate 1200 cals a day plus exercise cals to lose weight and I didn`t find it so hard?

    I lost weight?

    Am not sure what the problem is with it?

    I have maintained for around 3 months increasing to around 1500 cals a day plus exercise.

    I eat a healthy balanced diet and do not feel hungry.

    Am not wasting away and function just great :smile:

    I'm not sure what your problem is with the problem? Your point being?

    Hmm you are not sure with what my problem is with the problem? Which problem are you referring to?
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    This is a fitness and weight loss site, and the solution, if you are tired of those threads, is to not click on those threads.
  • swillybay
    swillybay Posts: 61 Member
    This post made me laugh. I think the solution is, if you don't like a topic, well, DON'T click on it. Easy. Simple. I personally can't stand the posts about "would you date the person above you" or "sexy or not" or whatever. They're ridiculous to me and obviously for people who are bored out of their skull. Still, if they enjoy them, have at it. I just don't click on them and problem solved. Simple. Who made me queen of everything anyway so who am I to tell them to stop it?
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    i find this sort of thing quite judgemental. The sie doesn't explain itself well when you first log in and many people don't GET this at first, myself included. A message board should be a place where you can seek information and just because some of you hang out here constantly and have seen queries before doesn't make them less relevant.

    OP the journey is about what works there is no one size fits all with calories. try compassion sometime you may find you like it.