Best/Worst Thing People Said on your Weight Loss Journey?



  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    Best: Here lately I've been getting a lot of compliments. :) Co worker- "You’re going to have to put rocks in your shoes so you don’t blow away."
    My mom- "This is really low in calories, not that you need to lose any weight." (125lb)

    Worst: Ex- He use to poke fun at my flabby areas. He told me I had flabby old lady arms. He told me I disgusted him and once I went shopping for a new outfit he looked at everything I tried on and told me it would look better on a skinny girl.
    My mom- "You’re not pregnant are you? You’ve put on some weight?" “That has a lot of calories in it. You need to cut back your starting to get chubby." (140lb)
  • nickiebu
    nickiebu Posts: 4 Member
    BEST: Everybody, "Wow, you look really great"
    WORST: "When are you due?" (I wasn't pregnant)

    I have had people say the worst one and it hurts because I will probably never be pregnant because of problems. I have even replied back something like "Nope, just fat." I hope it makes them feel bad about their comment.
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    BEST: Everybody, "Wow, you look really great"
    WORST: "When are you due?" (I wasn't pregnant)

    I have had people say the worst one and it hurts because I will probably never be pregnant because of problems. I have even replied back something like "Nope, just fat." I hope it makes them feel bad about their comment.

    You should never ask if a woman is pregnant unless she’s in labor. xD
  • backpacker44
    backpacker44 Posts: 160 Member
    Best: Here lately I've been getting a lot of compliments. :) Co worker- "You’re going to have to put rocks in your shoes so you don’t blow away."
    My mom- "This is really low in calories, not that you need to lose any weight." (125lb)

    Worst: Ex- He use to poke fun at my flabby areas. He told me I had flabby old lady arms. He told me I disgusted him and once I went shopping for a new outfit he looked at everything I tried on and told me it would look better on a skinny girl.
    My mom- "You’re not pregnant are you? You’ve put on some weight?" “That has a lot of calories in it. You need to cut back your starting to get chubby." (140lb)

    You should have punched him in the neck
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Best: Wow, you're looking fantastic, You're absolutely radiant!

    Worst: "Well I hope you like having a saggy skin and wrinkles, cuz you're going to be really saggy when you lose all that weight.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    I told a friend I had lost 60 pounds so far. She said "but you're still really fat though."

    Some friend! Way for her to be supportive!

    Yeah, I have pretty routinely avoided spending time with her since.

    Oh I wish there was a way you could let her know why but, then again, she isn't worth the trouble.
  • ziggiezambi
    ziggiezambi Posts: 253
    Best: Here lately I've been getting a lot of compliments. :) Co worker- "You’re going to have to put rocks in your shoes so you don’t blow away."
    My mom- "This is really low in calories, not that you need to lose any weight." (125lb)

    Worst: Ex- He use to poke fun at my flabby areas. He told me I had flabby old lady arms. He told me I disgusted him and once I went shopping for a new outfit he looked at everything I tried on and told me it would look better on a skinny girl.
    My mom- "You’re not pregnant are you? You’ve put on some weight?" “That has a lot of calories in it. You need to cut back your starting to get chubby." (140lb)

    You should have punched him in the neck

    I wish I had. xD He was always finding ways to tear me down. I am so glad to be rid of him. But I know some of it has stuck with me I've always felt a little self conscious about shopping for clothes and I haven’t been clothes shopping since this incident. That was a good year and a half ago.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    The worst but funny ones are: 'Do you even lift?'

    And this one was said by my mother about a year ago... I gained 2 kg in weight and she said I look as though I've lost weight ... :embarassed: *Epic FACEPALM*
  • mann17
    mann17 Posts: 15
    Best: You look good girl! so proud of you! lost so much weight!
    Worst: you lost do much weight are you even can stop we get it, you can loss weight...its okay to eat now, you lost the weight
    SMH really!!! I eat more then I us to, but instead of a half tub of ice cream its a big bowl of fruit salad.
  • rebbylicious
    rebbylicious Posts: 621 Member
    I was told that I look pretty now as if weight means that you are ugly. I was beautiful before and after and am still sexy like I was before. Now, I'm just a slimmer version of the same person.

    A- MEN!!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Best: You look amazing! How are you doing it?
    Worst (from my mother!): You know, when you get too thin, it makes your face look older.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Best: You have really lost a LOT of weight
    Worst: I mean, you have really lost a LOT of weight

    I didn't think I had a "LOT" of weight to lose in the first place, so I saw that as a backhanded compliment.
  • Nerdphiliac
    Nerdphiliac Posts: 136 Member
    Best: A stranger came up to me yesterday and told me I should be a model!
    I guess all that exercise and clean eating really worked! :D

    Worst: Being told I looked pregnant and ugly by my friends (before weight loss). :(
    OR "Do you even squat?".
  • flint1545
    Best: You have such a long, slim figure. OR You're so graceful.

    Worst: Your nose looks really big now (after I had lost weight in my face) OR You're so uptight and no fun anymore (because I refused to gorge on huge bowls of pasta or get smashed on shots every weekend with my friends). :(
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member

    Worst: Your nose looks really big now (after I had lost weight in my face) OR You're so uptight and no fun anymore (because I refused to gorge on huge bowls of pasta or get smashed on shots every weekend with my friends). :(

    The same thing happened to me! I was out with my obese friend, who was on the "USANA" diet at the same time I was MFPing, and she was at the bar ordering sugar-free Red Bull with Vodka, while I was only letting myself have two shots of tequila (because I had run out of calories). She FREAKED OUT and told me I was being wayyyy too ridiculous and anal about my calorie counting, and to lighten up because it was the weekend.

    Needless to say, she failed the diet one week in, and I'm still going.
  • lvbor
    lvbor Posts: 50 Member
    Best: The cardiologist I'd seen a couple of times for screening because of my appalling family history of CVD said "You can fire me now". My cholesterol had dropped by 20% in 6 months, to within the normal range, my blood pressure was spot on, and I'd lost 5 kilos, mostly around the waist, all due to some straighforward, sustainable dietary changes and no medication. She said I was doing everything right and didn't need any medical attention beyond normal regular checkups with a GP.

    Worst: Right at the beginning I told a different doctor that I was making a conscious effort to do more exercise and he said "you shouldn't exercise; it will make you hungry". His advice was to starve off 10kg then get a lapband. Never went back to that idiot.
  • oowyrakcaj
    Best 1: (From many people - friends, family, customers) Wow, you look amazing/great/fantastic!
    Best 2: (From one of my best friends) B*tch, you've got better legs than me!

    Worst: (Happened a couple of days ago by a customer, as they came into the shop) Oh, I didn't recognise you! Have you gained weight? (COW!)
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I told a friend I had lost 60 pounds so far. She said "but you're still really fat though."

    This really upsets me. 60 pounds is fan-freaking-tastic no matter how many pounds you have left to go.. Your friend must have inferiority issues.
  • markjz
    markjz Posts: 5
    Best: Nothing yet, nobody's really noticed.

    Worst #1: It's about time you did something about this.

    Worst #2: Oh, for all that work I don't see much difference.

    Thank you, opinionated, unhelpful family members.

    are they all fat and jealous or something?
  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I just hate when people who have other goals or preferences naysay my goals or try to talk me out of them.

    I'm glad that there are men and women who love to date curvy girls. I'd have been a lonely dately one without them. It's always nice for me to be thought of as beautiful and I appreciate the admiration. BUT when I say that I want to lose weight I get some who start hemming and hawwing about why I shouldn't lose weight and how I'm fine how I am. When I say that I want muscle definition I'm told not to look manly and that men don't like "beefy" women. When I say that I don't want to be smaller than what for me is about a size 10/12 or around 150 pounds or 30% body fat I get comments about how I that's not enough, I should want to lose more. But I think the worse was a friend who told me that I'd probably never reach 150 again.

    However, I've been lucky. Most of the people in my life have been very very supportive and helpful to me. They congratulate me for doing my workouts, choosing veggies as snacks, and they listen to me whine when days are hard.