Is this Facebook thing weird?



  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yeah. If that is the only contact you have with her, you aren't missing much by unfriending her.

    unless she's psycho and goes mental after the deletion....she's not doing anything THAT bad...just likes. While a lil weird, who cares. If it goes moAr then that...then I'd just delete her off your friends list.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

    It's been a really long time since she added me and I honestly just can't be bothered to 'clean' my friend list.

    It doesn't take a whole lot of time to unfriend a person. I clean my FL every couple of months and get rid of the people I don't have any contact with.

    But if you like the drama and weirdness with this girl then keep her.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    I don't understand why you would be a FB friend with someone that you only know through another friend, spoke two a couple times in real life and aren't actually friends with.

    It's been a really long time since she added me and I honestly just can't be bothered to 'clean' my friend list.

    It doesn't take a whole lot of time to unfriend a person. I clean my FL every couple of months and get rid of the people I don't have any contact with.

    But if you like the drama and weirdness with this girl then keep her.

    No, not one person. But I have had FB for 8 years and have never gone through my friend list and now it's just too big a task with too low a priority compared to other stuff, namely grad school. I really don't find it to be overly dramatic especially compared to the other stressors currently in my life.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member

    1) facebook is the devil

    2) delete her from your FB account.
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    I would just delete her. What's the point of keeping her on your friends list?
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    It could be that she is sincere and is doing it to make a point of "no hard feelings" and that she is happy he found someone great. However, if it makes you uncomfortable it is your Facebook and your right to remove whoever makes you feel uncomfortable. I would.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It could be that she is sincere and is doing it to make a point of "no hard feelings" and that she is happy he found someone great. However, if it makes you uncomfortable it is your Facebook and your right to remove whoever makes you feel uncomfortable. I would.

    I would be more inclined to think that if she and I had actually been friends, she knew that I knew about their situation, and/or they hadn't had a thing *three years ago*. Maybe she's happy for him and showing that through liking my updates...still weird. In any case I just went ahead and removed her cause yea, it was too awkward.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Um, she's liking pictures of two people she knows? I actually struck up a friendship with my ex's fiance (now wife) on facebook by liking the pictures she posted of them (I could see them because mutual friends were also tagged in them). I am genuinely happy for both of them. I even shot their wedding and they are going on vacation with me and my husband. I don't see how this is weird at all unless she's messaging you creepy things or trying to get back in his life by contacting him and trying to hide it from you. Seems like she just wants you to know she's happy for you both.

    It sucks your boyfriend got his feelings hurt -- but nobody was married or even in a serious relationship. It's your list, so do whatever -- but honestly it sounds like you are overreacting to me.
  • Mom4Liz
    Mom4Liz Posts: 55

    Um, she's liking pictures of two people she knows? I actually struck up a friendship with my ex's fiance (now wife) on facebook by liking the pictures she posted of them (I could see them because mutual friends were also tagged in them). I am genuinely happy for both of them. I even shot their wedding and they are going on vacation with me and my husband. I don't see how this is weird at all unless she's messaging you creepy things or trying to get back in his life by contacting him and trying to hide it from you. Seems like she just wants you to know she's happy for you both.

    It sucks your boyfriend got his feelings hurt -- but nobody was married or even in a serious relationship. It's your list, so do whatever -- but honestly it sounds like you are overreacting to me.

    This is what I'm thinking. Maybe you're reading too much into the likes OP. maybe she just thought the pictures were nice and she's happy for you guys so she liked the pics. Why do you care anyways. I know very little deliberation goes into alot of the things I like on facebook. If someone ever tried to analyse me based on my likes they would probably think I'm pretty weird.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Um, she's liking pictures of two people she knows? I actually struck up a friendship with my ex's fiance (now wife) on facebook by liking the pictures she posted of them (I could see them because mutual friends were also tagged in them). I am genuinely happy for both of them. I even shot their wedding and they are going on vacation with me and my husband. I don't see how this is weird at all unless she's messaging you creepy things or trying to get back in his life by contacting him and trying to hide it from you. Seems like she just wants you to know she's happy for you both.

    It sucks your boyfriend got his feelings hurt -- but nobody was married or even in a serious relationship. It's your list, so do whatever -- but honestly it sounds like you are overreacting to me.

    Well striking up a friendship is one thing...she certainly hasn't tried to do that. And I wouldn't say she really *knows* me, nor does she have any reason to contact me. It would actually be less odd if she commented on other things aside from what I post about my BF.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member

    1) facebook is the devil
    I doubt the devil would like being associated with it :p
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    Let me be the first to say (other then the OP in her original post and a few posts later) she already unfriended and blocked her. Does no one read these things and just respond?
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Something similar happened to me. My boyfriend ended up staying friends with his serious ex. They dated for two years then didn't talk for a year or two then started being friends again. I was fine with the idea until I met her. The entire lunch she gushed about their time together, made comments like "Out of all my exes I really want the chance to date Drew (my bf) again!" It was extremely annoying and she has a fiance. i ignored it and we only saw her once every few months. She then added me on Facebook and the only time she showed up was to talk about my bf. I would post that we got a new cat and she would comment "OMG I bet Drew loooves the new cat! He is such a big cat lover, when we were together we volunteered at this animal shelter... blah blah blah". She would like our pictures and comment "Drew looks so handsome/sexy/adorable/etc".She would send me links of cool items and tell me how much my boyfriend would like it. It was ridiculous. I deleted her after a month of nonstop flirting at my boyfriend through me. He was so annoyed by her and when he confronted her she freaked out and started crying and said that she would wait for him to be done with me so she could have him all to herself. Her fiance was pissed and broke up with her. My boyfriend hasn't spoken with her for over a year and apparently she rushed into a marriage with a guy she knew for a few weeks and is now pregnant.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member

    Um, she's liking pictures of two people she knows? I actually struck up a friendship with my ex's fiance (now wife) on facebook by liking the pictures she posted of them (I could see them because mutual friends were also tagged in them). I am genuinely happy for both of them. I even shot their wedding and they are going on vacation with me and my husband. I don't see how this is weird at all unless she's messaging you creepy things or trying to get back in his life by contacting him and trying to hide it from you. Seems like she just wants you to know she's happy for you both.

    It sucks your boyfriend got his feelings hurt -- but nobody was married or even in a serious relationship. It's your list, so do whatever -- but honestly it sounds like you are overreacting to me.

    Well striking up a friendship is one thing...she certainly hasn't tried to do that. And I wouldn't say she really *knows* me, nor does she have any reason to contact me. It would actually be less odd if she commented on other things aside from what I post about my BF.

    Playing devil's advocate for a second, maybe she doesn't feel comfortable enough with you to comment on other stuff you post but she knew him pretty well for a while so she may feel more comfortable that way.

    I don't actually have people I'm not really friends with on my friends list (other than my ex mother in law) so it doesn't really make sense to me but I don't think it's as weird as you think it is.

    I wouldn't lose sleep over de-friending her but as a courtesy, you might send a message first.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Um, she's liking pictures of two people she knows? I actually struck up a friendship with my ex's fiance (now wife) on facebook by liking the pictures she posted of them (I could see them because mutual friends were also tagged in them). I am genuinely happy for both of them. I even shot their wedding and they are going on vacation with me and my husband. I don't see how this is weird at all unless she's messaging you creepy things or trying to get back in his life by contacting him and trying to hide it from you. Seems like she just wants you to know she's happy for you both.

    It sucks your boyfriend got his feelings hurt -- but nobody was married or even in a serious relationship. It's your list, so do whatever -- but honestly it sounds like you are overreacting to me.

    Well striking up a friendship is one thing...she certainly hasn't tried to do that. And I wouldn't say she really *knows* me, nor does she have any reason to contact me. It would actually be less odd if she commented on other things aside from what I post about my BF.

    Um... how do you think one strike up a friendship? I would like pictures of my ex and his new girlfriend. After doing that, I commented on one and just said "You two look so happy, congrats!" when they got engaged. This was 2-3 years of just liking pictures. She sent me a PM saying thanks and now she's one of my best friends.

    You just said she doesn't really know you -- she DOES know your boyfriend. It doesn't seem weird that she would only like things with him, as he's the common link. Doesn't seem weird to me. It does seem weird to you, so whatever.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Why don't you just unfriend her and be done with it?

    Let me be the first to say (other then the OP in her original post and a few posts later) she already unfriended and blocked her. Does no one read these things and just respond?

    Haha, thank you! :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Um, she's liking pictures of two people she knows? I actually struck up a friendship with my ex's fiance (now wife) on facebook by liking the pictures she posted of them (I could see them because mutual friends were also tagged in them). I am genuinely happy for both of them. I even shot their wedding and they are going on vacation with me and my husband. I don't see how this is weird at all unless she's messaging you creepy things or trying to get back in his life by contacting him and trying to hide it from you. Seems like she just wants you to know she's happy for you both.

    It sucks your boyfriend got his feelings hurt -- but nobody was married or even in a serious relationship. It's your list, so do whatever -- but honestly it sounds like you are overreacting to me.

    Well striking up a friendship is one thing...she certainly hasn't tried to do that. And I wouldn't say she really *knows* me, nor does she have any reason to contact me. It would actually be less odd if she commented on other things aside from what I post about my BF.

    Um... how do you think one strike up a friendship? I would like pictures of my ex and his new girlfriend. After doing that, I commented on one and just said "You two look so happy, congrats!" when they got engaged. This was 2-3 years of just liking pictures. She sent me a PM saying thanks and now she's one of my best friends.

    You just said she doesn't really know you -- she DOES know your boyfriend. It doesn't seem weird that she would only like things with him, as he's the common link. Doesn't seem weird to me. It does seem weird to you, so whatever.

    Seriously, I see what you're getting at...but if she truly wanted to strike up a friendship why would she spend close to a year just 'liking' my pics/statuses *only* about him and never ever say anything or like anything or, ya know, strike up a friendship?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Um, she's liking pictures of two people she knows? I actually struck up a friendship with my ex's fiance (now wife) on facebook by liking the pictures she posted of them (I could see them because mutual friends were also tagged in them). I am genuinely happy for both of them. I even shot their wedding and they are going on vacation with me and my husband. I don't see how this is weird at all unless she's messaging you creepy things or trying to get back in his life by contacting him and trying to hide it from you. Seems like she just wants you to know she's happy for you both.

    It sucks your boyfriend got his feelings hurt -- but nobody was married or even in a serious relationship. It's your list, so do whatever -- but honestly it sounds like you are overreacting to me.

    Well striking up a friendship is one thing...she certainly hasn't tried to do that. And I wouldn't say she really *knows* me, nor does she have any reason to contact me. It would actually be less odd if she commented on other things aside from what I post about my BF.

    Playing devil's advocate for a second, maybe she doesn't feel comfortable enough with you to comment on other stuff you post but she knew him pretty well for a while so she may feel more comfortable that way.

    I don't actually have people I'm not really friends with on my friends list (other than my ex mother in law) so it doesn't really make sense to me but I don't think it's as weird as you think it is.

    I wouldn't lose sleep over de-friending her but as a courtesy, you might send a message first.

    Maybe, but she doesn't know that I know about their thing and they are not friends on FB or IRL. I'm pretty sure it was not a good 'split'.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Something similar happened to me. My boyfriend ended up staying friends with his serious ex. They dated for two years then didn't talk for a year or two then started being friends again. I was fine with the idea until I met her. The entire lunch she gushed about their time together, made comments like "Out of all my exes I really want the chance to date Drew (my bf) again!" It was extremely annoying and she has a fiance. i ignored it and we only saw her once every few months. She then added me on Facebook and the only time she showed up was to talk about my bf. I would post that we got a new cat and she would comment "OMG I bet Drew loooves the new cat! He is such a big cat lover, when we were together we volunteered at this animal shelter... blah blah blah". She would like our pictures and comment "Drew looks so handsome/sexy/adorable/etc".She would send me links of cool items and tell me how much my boyfriend would like it. It was ridiculous. I deleted her after a month of nonstop flirting at my boyfriend through me. He was so annoyed by her and when he confronted her she freaked out and started crying and said that she would wait for him to be done with me so she could have him all to herself. Her fiance was pissed and broke up with her. My boyfriend hasn't spoken with her for over a year and apparently she rushed into a marriage with a guy she knew for a few weeks and is now pregnant.

    Wow...good story, but IMO wayyyyyy worse than what I had going on lol. I'm glad it never reached that point. His mom is the only one who gushes about him to me haha :)