How to make my thighs less muscular?



  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    Yoga, and do exercises with a high quantity and lower weight... and don't drink a protein recovery drink after a leg workout so the torn up muscle can be excreted out instead of repaired
    From where does one excrete torn up muscle?

    There's a small access portal in your lower intestine where the body can add solid waste that's too problematic for the kidneys to filter out. This way you can extract and excrete solid mass straight from the body. Medical scientists refer to this as the back door back door. Gaa. Read a book.

    yeah, in no world does anyone excrete torn up muscle... your body my use the protein in the muscle to function if you're malnourished, but you don't excrete muscle in your poop. if you are, seek medical help immediately!!!!!

    "awwww, man! I just pooped out my bicep!" said no one ever
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    OMG. My eyes are bleeding from all the useless crap on this thread. I'm in a whirlwind of stupid.

    Cardio doesn't bulk up your legs. Excess calories bulk up your legs. Unless you are doing steroids, in which case, stop. Even really freaking heavy weight training is not going to put much muscle mass on a female without a crap ton of calories.

    I know, I know. You "build muscle really easily." No, you ****ing don't. You eat too much. Period.

    But, she may think they look bigger than they are. She probably (at age 18) does not need to eat less. People have different body shapes and people store fat and develop muscles in different ways. That's why we all look so different (even on this site when you look at all the women that lift weights). I have a 23 inch waist and 20 inch thighs. I don't need to eat less (I'd get too skinny). I just need to like my body the way it is: small waist, muscular thighs (I don't mean excessively muscular, just that I will never have super "skinny" legs while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and they will look bigger in comparison to my small waist). I'm fine with that. I like my body. The Op needs to focus more on what she likes about her body: how it looks, what it can do, how healthy it is. Sometimes young women get the wrong idea that their thighs are big, and they need to realize they aren't. Having strong muscles is a good thing, and it looks good (especially on thighs).
  • high number of reps with just your body weight should do the trick!! if not - embrace it!!! there's lots of people out there that would love to say they got super muscular, fat-less thighs :)

    also - the dude that said exercise less - i disagree! exercise, no matter what your goal is always great. just watch what you eat and don't add weights to your exercises, OR avoid leg focused exercises
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    My thoughts....
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    OP, since you said a couple of months ago that your legs were wobbly, I think you probably have to choose which you can be more comfortable with. Go with the muscle and think of all the greatness you can achieve strong. Someone else mentioned making sure you are working out your top half as much so you feel more proportioned, which I think is a good point.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    OP, since you said a couple of months ago that your legs were wobbly, I think you probably have to choose which you can be more comfortable with. Go with the muscle and think of all the greatness you can achieve strong. Someone else mentioned making sure you are working out your top half as much so you feel more proportioned, which I think is a good point.

    I agree!
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member
    Yoga, and do exercises with a high quantity and lower weight... and don't drink a protein recovery drink after a leg workout so the torn up muscle can be excreted out instead of repaired

    I love when people come and make stuff up! Muscle can be excreted out???!!!
    Edit: spelling error
  • pspetralia
    pspetralia Posts: 963 Member


    LOL! Great gif!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Stop eating and stop exercising.

    That should do it.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i would think the logical answer would be to start exercising your upper body. seems like you only focus on your lower half. also a bit concerned about your self image since you posted this back in february.

    I am 5'6 and a half. My starting weight was 132 pounds. I am now 116 pounds. I see a slight difference in the 16 pounds that I have lost but I am still not satisfied when I look in the mirror. 116 pounds sounds light to me but I still feel like I look heavy and I l also look different in every mirror so I am not sure which one is an accurate representation of my body. I am now thinking 110 pounds should be my next goal weight. Do you think that this is taking it too far? I think that the anorexic look is incredibly unattractive and I don't want to look like that but I feel like I am currently so far from it that 10 pounds wont make a difference, even at my averagely tall height. Do you think that this is okay even though it is "underweight" on the BMI scale?

    do you still weigh 116 or less or more? you really should seek professional help.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    These forums are the WORST... everyone else can be sarcastic but me I guess?


    Okay, you got me. That was good ROFL
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    Okay okay, going to try and help out OP and stay out of the side convos-

    OP, given that you are already quite slim people are inherently skeptical that your legs could be any sort of "big". I have to say I agree. If you feel you are obsessing about this or not seeing yourself clearly please consider speaking with a doctor or health professional.

    That being said, genetics can sometimes play an evil role. I myself have always had big, muscular legs for a woman and I've always hated it. Even when I decrease the fat on my legs they still look massive and I have a hard time getting my calves into standard boots- at a healthy BMI I still have to buy boots designed for obese women. To that end I have started to run a lot of long, slow, distance runs and when I strength train I do some squats and donkey kicks for my glutes but I do not do traditional calf and quad strengthening exercise. I continue a full upper body strength regimen. The combination of running, not focusing on lower body weight lifting, and eating at a deficit has helped my legs look a bit slimmer. I'm hoping that in another 19lbs they will be much slimmer. How much of this is fat loss and how much may be muscle loss I can't say. But I DO understand the desire for lean ballerina legs and how genetically a woman can have more muscular legs so I defend OP on that point.

    May take some heat for this but as far as I'm concerned if these legs are still carrying me 30 miles a week I really don't think my attempts to lean them out are harmful.
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