You know what bugs me?



  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    I always pick the machine next to the other person, so they don't feel lonely.
    if I see a lone jogger during my night time runs, I'll run up behind her too.

    Nothing quite like someone running up behind you at night to motivate you to move faster.

    Ha ha, yes! This screams creeper! I am a lone runner as well. Unless I made a date to run with a person, I seriously enjoy the me-time on the road or on the machine.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    You know what bugs me?!? I go to the gym when it's not that busy so that when I'm on a treadmill or and arc trainer I don't have to worry about someone being on either side of me and I can just go about my business of working out. Well today out of no here a guy come and gets on the machine RIGHT next to me. There were at least 7 other machines of the same type next to me. And to make things worse he started going really fast and really hard making it noticeable that he was showing off. Ahhh that bugged me so bad. Ok I'm done venting now. :)

    Thats like those people at the movies that have to sit next to you when the hole theater is empty lol
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    when I used to go to the gym, I always had a favorite treadmill. I knew how it worked and liked being on it. I dunno, I get this stupid stage fright that I'm going to not know how to work the darn thing. I probably would have picked it if there was one other person and they were on the one next to it.

    As for trying to impress you or outdo you? How on earth do you know that? Did he say that? Seems kind of presumptuous to assume it was you he was working out for.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Well today out of no here a guy come and gets on the machine RIGHT next to me. There were at least 7 other machines of the same type next to me.

    Welcome to the urinals at a men's bathroom. There is always "that guy" who has to snuggle up next to you and start talking too.
  • Renilicious
    I always pick the machine next to the other person, so they don't feel lonely.
    if I see a lone jogger during my night time runs, I'll run up behind her too.

    Nothing quite like someone running up behind you at night to motivate you to move faster.

    This cracked me up!

    I will generally aim for a machine that's a away from other folks if there aren't too many people around, otherwise I get on what's available. Usually I'm too busy kicking my own butt to notice that someone is using a machine close to me.
  • jsickman12
    jsickman12 Posts: 139 Member
    Apparently working hard and pushing yourself is showing off these days........I am actually a little disgusted.
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    The girl next to me today kept putting her towel over the numbers on her treadmill and I felt like it was to hide them from me, which I thought was weird. Since you know, she's the one who moved next to me.
  • 08kat
    08kat Posts: 51
    I hear you. Even worse are those that feel the need to marinate in cologne before hitting the gym :sick:
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Interesting to see what bugs people.
  • BuckeyeBabe10
    BuckeyeBabe10 Posts: 204 Member
    There were certain machines that weren't as "broken" in as the others (same brand/type) at my old gym. They ran smoother, I got a better resistance out of them...some of the others were beaten up a bit. So, as a result, I always aimed to grab certain machines in the row lineup of them.

    It's definitely awkward when the machine I want is right next to the one person working out in a row of 8 machines...but I want to feel good in my workout and like I'm kicking butt, so I sacrifice the awkwardness of being right next to someone despite all the open machines to get that machine that I dominate on.

    I always kick my butt on a machine - if I'm going to use a machine at all, then I'm going to push myself to my limits...and I don't really notice other people and if they're paying attention or not paying attention to me. So, while I get why you feel awkward, maybe the best thing for you to do is to zone in and focus on your workout and let the other person focus on his/her own workout. For some people, it is a competition and they're just being douches, but for others, they're just trying to get their workout in just like you.

    Maybe this is one of those instances or maybe it's not, but people aren't always trying to be overfly friendly, flirty, or creepy.

    But I definitely feel you on wanting your space - there's something about feeling like you're alone and you can just bust your workout like a crazy person without being judged. :o)
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    The girl next to me today kept putting her towel over the numbers on her treadmill and I felt like it was to hide them from me, which I thought was weird. Since you know, she's the one who moved next to me.

    I put my towel over the numbers to keep from seeing how much time I have left. Makes the time go by faster for me.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    The girl next to me today kept putting her towel over the numbers on her treadmill and I felt like it was to hide them from me, which I thought was weird. Since you know, she's the one who moved next to me.

    I put my towel over the numbers to keep from seeing how much time I have left. Makes the time go by faster for me.

    I do the same. And also to keep Eve from seeing.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    maybe that was his usual spot, and maybe he wasn't showing off so much as he was just burning some butter. Afterall, that is why people go to the gym. Maybe next time you could put your water bottle on the machine that is next to you to discourage this from happening. It is no guarantee, but you never know until you try.
  • dad4192
    dad4192 Posts: 21 Member
    Well today out of no here a guy come and gets on the machine RIGHT next to me. There were at least 7 other machines of the same type next to me.

    Welcome to the urinals at a men's bathroom. There is always "that guy" who has to snuggle up next to you and start talking too.

    Now that I hate.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    The girl next to me today kept putting her towel over the numbers on her treadmill and I felt like it was to hide them from me, which I thought was weird. Since you know, she's the one who moved next to me.

    I put my towel over the numbers to keep from seeing how much time I have left. Makes the time go by faster for me.

    I do the same. And also to keep Eve from seeing.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Well today out of no here a guy come and gets on the machine RIGHT next to me. There were at least 7 other machines of the same type next to me.

    Welcome to the urinals at a men's bathroom. There is always "that guy" who has to snuggle up next to you and start talking too.

    :laugh: Urinal snuggling. It may be the next big thing.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I don't frequent gyms , but what does bug me is when I'm jogging and some dude tries to holler at me. First of all, I've got headphones on, so what makes you think I can hear you? Second, I'm also gracelessly sputtering and struggling against the fiery tides of Hell lava, so talking is often not possible, let alone something I'd want to do.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    :laugh: Urinal snuggling. It may be the next big thing.

    I think I will start sitting to pee, thank you.
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    Well today out of no here a guy come and gets on the machine RIGHT next to me. There were at least 7 other machines of the same type next to me.

    Welcome to the urinals at a men's bathroom. There is always "that guy" who has to snuggle up next to you and start talking too.

    :laugh: Urinal snuggling. It may be the next big thing.

    Lol, I know, right? When he said "snuggling" I was like, aw, that's cute and creepy at the same time.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I was like, aw, that's cute and creepy at the same time.

    That's what 40+ is like for guys anyway...cute and creepy.