*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @tnsumner, looking good!

    @vanessa, glad you've taken the step to quit smoking! Excellent choice. Sounds like you've got some good exercise lined up. Keep at it with the Zumba, I do that too and I love it, even if I can't do it very well...
    Also, I wouldn't call myself a chef, but I do cook a lot. Not necessarily by choice, but because it's healthier for me and my wallet. I've got a whole slew of recipes, a lot of which are very good for you, and some that aren't. I love freezer cooking too! I make double batches of what I'm cooking for dinner sometimes, and then on the busy days it comes in so handy just to thaw something out.
    I need to join this garlic lovers group. If I make a recipe that calls for a single clove of garlic, about 6 of them make it in... lol.

    @Ron, that is great news about the pants. Not that you have to do the hitch 'em up shimmy, but that you're shrinking! I'm doing the same thing, did my laundry last night, and got rid of two different pairs of pants, and two shirts! Pretty soon I'm gonna be down to the bare minimum and I'll be forced to go shopping.

    @Needtobefitt - I know how you feel, I've never been skinny either. Lowest adult clothing size I've worn is an 18. If overeating seems to be a problem for you, make sure you log your food, and drink lots, and I really mean lots, of water. As in about 10-12 cups a day. Our bodies really need that much, and it also helps you feel full.

    @Bigandtallsection, welcome, and looking forward to hearing from you.

    @britzy3199 - welcome! Sounds like you have some motivation to get moving with that 5K coming up. I don't know how early you normally get up, but try getting up half an hour to an hour earlier and squeezing in a workout before your munchkins get up. Or if you have a lunch break during work or between classes, go for a walk.

    @Jagkat, welcome! I know that I can't get by with less than about 1500 calories a day, I just get ravenous by about 7 p.m. and want to eat everything in sight. And since I eat back exercise calories, there are days that when I work out, I eat up to 2200. I have my daily allowance without exercise set to 1722. That number is not random, I found a spreadsheet that helps calculate how much I should be eating. I have a copy of it on my computer, but I can't remember which MFP user it came from. If you're interested in it, let me know, I will try to figure out a way to get it to you.

    @Sjo68 - you're in Seattle! I live in WA state as well, SW coastal area, about 2 hours from Seattle. Glad that your hubby liked his bike! I recently bought one for myself, and my older son, and we go riding together occasionally. I should get my husband into it too, and then he can be the one with a toddler attached to the bike!

    @Rbeckner, welcome. Like others have said, as a nurse, you're a saint! I so appreciate people like you, because I know it's something I could never do. And we will be here to support you as you liberate that weight!

    @Jehan, Sorry to hear things haven't been going so well for you, but glad you're on the mend. Medical issues are tough when they get in the way of your weight loss progress. It's happened to me, but it was a sprained ankle that caused me to be in a walking boot for 6 weeks a couple years ago... ugh. I had been making progress, but allowed myself to be totally derailed by that.

    @Helen, welcome! You're so lucky to have gotten to travel to those places! Someday I hope to make it to Europe... Only ever been out of the U.S. once, and that was to Mexico on a mission trip. This group is really great, I love being a part of it. Everyone is so supportive, so you'll be in good company here.

    @Stephaniezoundi - I'm sorry your week didn't go well! Just remember though, look forward, not back. Just because the choices made last week weren't the best, you don't need to beat yourself up about it.

    @Debbie, welcome back to routine! I don't like it when mine gets thrown off either. That will be my weekend next week. Heading to Portland, OR to go to the zoo with my family and my sisters family.

    @Nadine, welcome. I started with approximately the same amount as you to lose, and I'm down by 30 lbs now. What is the 5:2 diet?

    Wow, hadn't replied in a while, so had some catching up to do! Like I said on Saturday, I ran a 5K. Then I decided yesterday that I would run again, and did 2.75 miles, just under a 5K. My legs are kind of making me regret that decision today though. I have this tendency to compete with myself, see how far I can push it. Guess I'll be taking it easy today. I did walk my son to school this morning, and it took 40 minutes round trip! 10 minutes longer than usual, but I think that was because my 3 year old was not wanting to walk, and I refused to carry him since my legs were tired. It's a 1.45 mile round trip, and he has walked it many times, so I knew he could handle it today.
    I'm looking forward to this evening though! My husband and I are going to go out to dinner and a movie. Not sure about where we'll be eating dinner yet, but I'm hoping I'll be able to stay in my calories. And, I'm going to sneak my own snacks to the movie. Yeah, I'm a rebel like that.
    Hope you all have a good week!
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    evdjohnson- yes there are tons of places to hike within an hour or less of Seattle. It is great because you can do some nice easy flat hiking or climb a darn mountain if you want to.

    stepahniezoundi- sometimes we fall off the wagon but as long as weget right back on you things will be okay.

    debbiewillers- sorry to hear you had a rough weekend

    megblackburn- again congrats on your 5k and running. I am working through the c25k running program and am on week 5 (I know you said you are not using it).

    Had a great weekend and totally enjoyed my cupcake for hubby's birthday last night. And when I weighed in this morning I lost over 3 pounds this week. Yay, I am almost at 30 pounds. I have been inspired by megblackburn's post and am looking into 5k races/runs in the Seattle area. I found one a color run in September (right near my birthday) and/or a 5k Ole! on May 4th.
  • stephaniezoundi - I totally understand your being upset. Whenever I am feeling needy or upset I go straight to pizza or Chinese food. Glad to read that you are feeling positive though, as that is always a great frame of mind! Go get 'em girl!

    debbiewillers - Ah, I love doing nothing! Being busy is good but sometimes it's even a treat to go by myself grocery shopping. My favorite alone thing to do is take a really hot detox bath and then drink some wine with a book or a movie.

    Nadine - That is totally great you have small goals in mind. It's overwhelming to think about the total amount I want to loose - about 70 lbs or so - and it's much easier if I stick to smaller increments like 5 or 10 lbs.

    megblackburn - Glad to find another freezer cooking fan! I do a lot of double batching as well. And yes, please join our garlic lovers group! I laughed out loud when I read your comment about adding 6 cloves when recipe calls for 1. It's like why? Why only one? What good is that going to do? I love that garlic is good for our heart's as well. Whenever I make stir fry, the addition of at least 5 cloves is an absolute must. I have a 3 year old son too! Good job on all that exercising you are getting in. I can't wait until I am able to start running again.

    ron2e - At least you have been able to do some visiting in the great places you've had to work at. I think I'd die of jealousy if you ever got to work in Bali. It's looks SO gorgeous there. I can imagine myself in a cabana, laying on a hammock (if it didn't break - haha) and reading books all day. Sounds like it's almost time for new pants! I am going to guess you don't like clothes shopping since most men don't but still, glad to hear your clothes are getting too big! It sounds like we have another member in our garlic lovers group so let's keep spreading that garlic goodness, haha!

    sjo68 - I actually did some flat hiking today and it was great. That is awesome to read there are great places to hike. I can't wait until we visit again to soak up some more Seattle!

    I just purchased my first pair of hiking boots online last night. Very. Excited. So this morning we went hiking, the hubs watched my son so I could walk faster with Zeus (our German Shepherd) and I eventually did start doing a light jog. It felt great to jog, even if I couldn't do it for very long but I did push myself and I did combine jogging with fast walking. It felt great but afterwards, I developed an insane headache. Not sure what that was from but guessing it was bc my morning caffeine was not had.

    It's getting really frustrating for me to find exercise clothes. After jogging in light sweatpants this morning, I understand now why most people like more fitted cuts. Let me explain my conundrum and maybe someone will have advice for me. My legs are pretty normal and muscular until the very top of my thighs and then my mid-section is much bigger and therefor, not proportional. The exercise bottoms I have almost always make my midsection uncomfortable because they are a little tight. But If I buy bottoms that fit my mid-section then my legs look like they are swimming in a sea of un-needed fabric. This is my plight. My only thought is maybe bike shorts? The ones I've seen around are pretty short though. Help!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @sjo68 - congrats on the 3lb loss - that's a great result. And slightly belatedly, glad the presentation went well. It's such a good feeling to know that you've done it and that maybe the next one won't be so scary!

    @meg - sounds like you've done your running stint for a day or so - I have a lot of admiration for people who run such distances. I've always worried about the impact on my joints - but I would love to do a 5k for a good cause. Hope you enjoy the meal and cinema tonight - what did you end up seeing? And definitely sneak in the snacks!

    @Nadine - welcome!

    @debbie - don't worry about the weekend - it's a new week to get back into the routine and back on track. I always find the weekends the hardest - too much temptation from dessert and the like!

    @stephaniezoundi - so sorry to hear about your bad week. I'm sure it will get easier and as Meg says, keep looking forwards

    @helen - welcome to the thread!

    @jehan - take it easy, good to hear the neck pain is easing - don't go rushing off too fast and risk bringing it all back. slow and easy is the best option for all of this - frustrating as it can be!

    @ron - good luck with the travel this week and with the shorts. And I'll happily join the garlic club - although I may be choosy about who I kiss:laugh:

    @evdjohnson - loving the sound of the pasta that your husband makes - must try that at some point. Although as you say, so bad!! And from your earlier post - the curry - you are making me hungry. With you on the coconut milk - full fat for me and I'll make it up somewhere else - I love the taste too much! I don't think I would call myself a chef - but defintely a cook. We cook virtually all of our meals from scratch with fresh ingredients and my husband tells me that we have enough receipes to feed us for life:bigsmile: I love finding new things for us to eat - particularly when I have more time at the weekend. I confess - they don't always tie in with weight loss goals though!

    @rbeckner - welcome! Wow - keep saying this - so many new people. Although to be honest I'm relatively new - just doesn't feel like it which is one of the great things about this thread and group of people.

    @britzy - I have to agree with Ron - it's easy to eat your stresses but it doesn't help in the long run. It is very hard to find time to exercise - I meant to tonight and just haven't got to it - but I am a firm believer that it can make you feel better in yourself. I managed to work out a lot this weekend gone and can honestly say that I had more energy than I had in weeks. Re: squeezing in exercise - how about squats when drying your hair, things like that. It sounds really small but I was amazed at what I could do in a relatively short space of time. Mind you, I have fairly long hair! If you have stairs at work or school walk up them rather than losing the lift. Those are my immediate thoughts - not much but it's been a long day! You don't have to get in loads of exercise to make a difference - start with little things and build it up slowly as and when you have time.

    I think I've caught everything but welcome to anyone I've missed. I only came off the thread for about 12 hours and it's moved on pages! I had a really nice weekend - worked in the garden with my parents on saturday then sat out there with them with cups of tea and slices of cake - very civilised. And we have our rather belated housewarming coming up on Saturday so I need to prepare for that. Hope everyone had a good day!
  • Wow this is so me... I feel the same way.:smile:
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    Hi. I'm Sherry. I think I actually posted to this group last year.... before life took over and I dropped off MFP for a while. But I'm back and working hard at it again. Nice to meet you all and I'll be checking in.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    @evdjohnson... My first 5k was the scariest by far. I didn't do very well, but I stuck with it. I'm bottom heavy so I understand about wanting to lose some weight first. My friend is top heavy and has to wear 2 sport bras everytime she exercises. I feel bad for her. :( Keep us updated on the 5k whenever you sign up!!!!

    @ron2e... Date night is simply when my boyfriend takes me out. We went to a symphony first. Then he took me to dinner. I'm never crazy when we eat out. I got yellowfin tuna with couscous and a side salad with dressing on the side. I also treated myself to a glass of wine. I know they cook the fish in oil/butter. It's better than getting the steak with potatoes or fried chicken. It was very nice. We only eat out like twice a month.

    Well today was a bad day, not for food, but for news. I got rejected from my top pick for grad school. I didn't eat my feelings though. My boyfriend insisted on talking about how I deserved to get in. I told him I didn't want to talk about it. Hopefully, I'll get in my 2nd pick. If not, I may eat my feelings that day and not get out of bed. :( Fingers crossed everyone!!!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    @tnsumner - sorry to hear your grad school news. Fingers and toes crossed for your second pick - what are you going to study?
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    @janetay01... I'm trying to get into a program for biology or biochemistry. I was rejected from the biology program already.
  • rbeckner711
    rbeckner711 Posts: 163 Member
    @ evdjohnson - I'm hardly a saint, but I love my job. And I'm quite thrilled to be looking at smaller sizes.:happy:

    You are a saint, don't argue :love: Thank goodness for people like yourself, I know it's a vocation, but that doesn't detract from the saintliness. Congratulations on being a smaller nurse :wink:
    :blushing: thanks, Ron.
    And thanks to all of you for such a nice welcome.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    All, arrrived in Cyprus and having travelled semi overnight managed to get another 5 hours sleep this morning. Not a lot of time as I have to go off to the conference opening. I just thought I'd let you know it's not all fun, there's a lot of hardship - this is the view from my hotel room balcony for instance :drinker: -

  • debbiewillersveik
    debbiewillersveik Posts: 105 Member
    Another day another 50 cents!!! Had a successful Monday and I'll take another on Tuesday :) I'm so inspired by the posts here and the friendships. Running 5ks and relaxing in a hot tub with wine, and traveling the world with beautiful views to share! I am off to exercise and begin again. Love and Light to you all!!!
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member
    Right… OK I’ve been AWOL, and I’ve not cared in all honesty. I’m sorry for not commenting and providing any support though!

    Last week on Tuesday I managed to psyche myself up to go for a run, I went out with the intentions of doing W1D1 of C25K, when I got out there I actually managed a lot more, and instead of 1min run 1.5min walk x 8, I managed to do 1.5min run 1min walk x 10. It’s my legs and feet that are holding me back, not the breathing, which is good, and shows me the cycling and walking for commuting have kept my fitness up, but I wish I could still go out for a 6mile run like I could this time last year!
    I couldn’t run for the rest of the week, I needed to meet up with old friends on Thurs, and I didn’t want to push my injured foot (not actually sure it’s injured but it’s been playing up for maybe 2+ months now) too hard and didn’t want to run consecutive days. Then at the weekend I had to go to my bf’s house to help him pack all his stuff up so we can move it next weekend.
    Monday, I did my commute as normal, came home, had a cup of tea then went for a run. Despite my dog trying to ruin my plans by running off, once I found her I continued with the plan and skipped to a modified W3D1 of c25k (instead of run1.5 walk1.5 run3 walk3 x 2, I did run3 walk1 x 6), so I ran 2miles with a couple of walking breaks in about 24mins. I was so proud of myself. Even more proud when I came home and since my mum was with a client I popped 30DS in the dvd player and I did L1D1 of that. Amazingly most of it wasn’t actually that taxing for me, just a couple of the moves, so I might up my weights on that. I was really surprised that I hadn’t lost a lot more fitness and strength since late autumn when I stopped regularly going to pump.
    And then an angelic dinner of brown rice, stir fry and baked fish. My mum’s currently on a health kick…it’ll probably only last 2 or 3 more days, so I’m going to make the most of it.
    I’m going to try and run and do 30DS again tonight as I’m feeling pretty good right now, but if I’m tired I’m not going to force it. I’m doing a 10k in July and I want to be back in good shape for that.

    I’m going to try and get back into the thread, but things at work (where I tend to update it in my lunch hour) are manic, and I’ve not been really getting a lunch hour, but working whilst eating. Blummin’ deadlines are too tight! Which is why it’s slipped. But I’ll try and steal a few moments to at least check in more regularly.

    Hope you’re all doing well x
  • mjharman
    mjharman Posts: 251 Member
    ron2e - Its a tough life, but someone's gotta do it!

    penny_eclipse - AWESOME!

    I went for a 7 mile walk around Salem Lake on Sunday. Unfortunately, I hobbled around yesterday with blisters...old sneakers need replaced. Today I found a pair of sandals that don't hurt...what a relief! But I packed my gym clothes so that I can workout after work...typically its 65 minutes on the elliptical on Tuesday, but I'm worried about my feet. They need to heal before Saturday's 5k.

    I saw my dietician yesterday...and was given a GREAT JOB! Now I have to go to the office once a month to weigh in, and I don't have to see her unless my numbers aren't good. Its an excellent way for me to stay accountable.

    I have to report that I have successfully stayed away from the mini chocolates at work for 3 workdays now. What I found was that, if I indulged in just one (which isn't many calories), I craved all sorts of junk food and it just made my life miserable. A valuable lesson for me! :ohwell:

    Keep it going everyone! Remember, this is a weight loss journey you are on...never give up! :heart:
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I'm new to this thread, mom to two boys (4-1/2 and 6), teach Communications and Technical Writing part time, work as a professional editor part time, and somehow still manage to find time to write, run the house, and take the dogs for walks!

    I've been out of the fitness loop for almost two months due to a torn Achilles and lack of afternoon daycare (my youngest broke his arm in early March, had surgery twice to fix it, and we've got what I hope is our final visit with the orthopedic surgeon this morning ... after which I'm hoping he'll be cleared to play outside, and thus go back to daycare for the afternoons so I can get to the gym). Whew!

    Anyway, I'm hoping to get back into my routine, and am looking for a bit more support to do so, as it seems a lot of the people I started this journey with are long since gone. So, good morning from sunny, snowy Saskatchewan! :smile:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @sjo68, congrats on the 3 lb loss! That's awesome!

    @evdjohnson, I understand your frustration with pants. I am built in a similar way, thinner legs and thicker middle. I definitely prefer to wear yoga capri pants when I am exercising. Plenty of stretch :wink: They usually look ok on me, since the leg doesn't taper in tight around the calf.

    @Jane, glad you had a good weekend!

    @Sherry, welcome back!

    @tnsumner, sorry to hear your disappointing news. Like Jane said, crossing fingers & toes for second choice!

    @Ron, way to make us all jealous!

    @Debbie, have a great day!

    @Penny, good job on getting going on running again. Hopefully your work will calm down soon so you have time be on here.

    @mjharman, 7 miles, nice! Hope the blisters heal before saturday though... Let us know how the 5K goes. And good job staying away from the chocolate, and understanding why you need to do so.

    @januadiaboli, welcome! Hopefully you and your kiddo are all healed up and ready to exercise again :happy: I also am a mom of 2 boys, one who is nearly 4, and one who is 9. I think you will enjoy participating in this group.

    Well I had a fun date with my husband last night. We ate dinner at Applebee's, and I was able to plan out my order ahead of time and keep it within my calories. Then we did a little bit of shopping (got some shirts that fit me! yay!) and then went to see The Great and Powerful OZ. Good movie! We decided on no popcorn, but did sneak in our own sweets. Only problem with the evening, out boys were up way too late, and they're grouchy this morning. Oh well....
  • sjo68
    sjo68 Posts: 28 Member
    tnsumner- I am sure you will get into your second choice.

    ron2e- gee I see what a hardship you are having there.

    penny_eclipse- great job with the running last week.

    mjharman- sorry to hear about your blisters. Definitely let them heal before your 5k.

    megblackburn- sounds like you had a great evening.

    Welcome to all the new faces! I had a great evening planned last night and then it all went south because of a late running meeting at work I did manage to get in 35 minutes on the bike at the gym and ate healthy but not enough calories for dinner which left me waking up hungry and cranky this morning.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    Great job with the exercise everyone!!! I'm super proud of all of you!!!!!

    Has anyone done any of the Jillian Michaels DVDs? I'm thinking about trying one, but haven't talked to anyone about them. Thoughts?
  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    Hi ladies and gentleman. How's everyone doing?

    @megblackburn - congratulations on your 5k run and the walk with your son is a time well spent although it took you much longer. When kids our younger they want to be with us all the time and when they get older they will probably run the opposite direction. I'm already dreading that moment and my babies are both under 2 years of age. Thanks for the advice, I'm taking it reaaaally slow and its getting frustrating.

    sj068 - great job, 3 lbs loss. I am totally green with envy. Happy to read that you had a great weekend. Good luck on the future 5k runs. I'm itching to try my C25k app which I downloaded ages ago. Hope I have the energy and the will to even finish day 1. I want to be able to run someday without my blasted shins complaining the day after. I'm not sure if the problem is my weak shin or maybe I'm just not running properly at all. I feel that I run heavily, you know I could hear every step which means I'm not a very light runner which could be irritating when I'm on a treadmill in the gym.

    @evdjohnson - new shoes. that's a great motivator there. good to hear that you already used it and was jogging/walking with it. I'm sure its the coffee which made your head hurt. I also have massive head aches when I couldn't take my morning coffee. HOw about those pants made of stretch fabric? Like those used in yoga etc. Since it's elastic, the waist band need not be on top of your stomach. It's what I use and it doesn't have the extra fabric near the legs like in ordinary sweat pants.

    @tnsumner- sorry to hear about the 1st choice pick. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Good luck.

    @ron2e - great view. the pool and the beach looks so inviting. Have you already taken a dip yet?

    @penny_eclipse - good luck on the 10k. I'm sure you'll do great with your discipline and dedication.

    @mjharman - good luck on you run, hope those blisters will be manageable by that time. Great work on the food area since you got a "Great Job" from your dietitian.

    As I said earlier, i wanted to start using my C25k app. I went to the mall and bought the arm bands for my phone. I was pretty excited to try it this morning but then my baby woke up and being so cute and adorable, I couldn't leave him to my husband who was still snoring. I decided to do yoga instead. Good thing, my baby found my yoga poses entertaining and he was laughing, cooing, shrieking the entire 44 minutes. All in all, it was a slight good burn, 260 cals to be exact. I just bought my polar ft7 HRM so I was pretty psyched about it.

    Hopefully, I'll be eating better this week. Since I already did my grocery shopping and didn't buy junk unlike the last time.

    Hope everyone has a great day. We can all do this.
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    It sounds like everyone has had a great day and is doing wonderful on exercise and food choices!! Keep it up and we'll all make our goals!

    This was my 2nd day back with the program and it went well. I stayed just under my calorie goal and am feeling great. I just need to keep the momentum up!

    Hope everyone has a great night and a super day tomorrow!