oh no! i ate 2700 calories in one day?



  • humblestudent
    humblestudent Posts: 47 Member
    yeh i did an aqua aerobics class yesterday :) i felt amazing! walked abit too. just occured to me, i think from intuition maybe my body was greedy for the uncooked greens. i usually dont eat much raw vegies. usually i stirfry it or boil. but yeh i can get very used to eating so much vegies in a tall glass of smoothie!! ^^
  • MinnieLou92
    MinnieLou92 Posts: 36 Member
    I actually used to eat a raw diet and never put on weight, even though I was eating 2500 calories or more a day. I exercised and burned off about 300-400 calories five times a week...you just really have to take it as it goes! I would have a look at raw food channels on youtube, skinny and healthy girls eat like 10 bananas in one go!

    As much as advice from everyone here is obviously worth listening to, your body and what the scales say are more valid. If you feel like you are eating too much and you see yourself putting on weight then stop, otherwise just play it by ear.
  • humblestudent
    humblestudent Posts: 47 Member
    yeh good point. i think i will go watch some now lol i like fullyraw kristina's videos, and also megan elizabeth.. i will never be a full veg or raw foodist unfortunately for me... but i def get what your sayin! i put an extra handful of kale/tuscan cabbage/silverbeet into my smoothie this morn n i was buzzing for hours lol and yeh i think i will see how i go this next few weeks as its still early days. but i mean... drinking green vegetables can't be anywhere near as bad as drinking soft drinks/liquid calories! lol
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Yfou can't get fat from eating too much fruit. Never seen it.
    What a strange thing to say. Of course you could get fat from eating fruit you can get fat from eating anything if you are reading more calories than your body needs and not burning them off.
  • LillyBoots
    LillyBoots Posts: 114 Member
    yeh i did an aqua aerobics class yesterday :) i felt amazing! walked abit too. just occured to me, i think from intuition maybe my body was greedy for the uncooked greens. i usually dont eat much raw vegies. usually i stirfry it or boil. but yeh i can get very used to eating so much vegies in a tall glass of smoothie!! ^^

    Do you have a juicer, if not you can pick them up for about $50. Juicing is a great alternative to smoothies with half the calorie count. Adding wheatgrass and spiralina makes them all the better!

    Also, where in Melbourne are you? I belong to an organic food co-op and the produce is cheap!
  • JayelleBeeSlim
    I put on weight if I eat too many sugary fruits like pineapple or grapes.
  • humblestudent
    humblestudent Posts: 47 Member
    yeh i did an aqua aerobics class yesterday :) i felt amazing! walked abit too. just occured to me, i think from intuition maybe my body was greedy for the uncooked greens. i usually dont eat much raw vegies. usually i stirfry it or boil. but yeh i can get very used to eating so much vegies in a tall glass of smoothie!! ^^

    Do you have a juicer, if not you can pick them up for about $50. Juicing is a great alternative to smoothies with half the calorie count. Adding wheatgrass and spiralina makes them all the better!

    Also, where in Melbourne are you? I belong to an organic food co-op and the produce is cheap!

    hey! i'm just in the city. i prefer smoothies because i'm getting the pulp as well as the juice. :) i think people here seem to think that i put sugar or cream or something in there but i didn't.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Fruits contain calories. If you eat 3,000 calories of fruit, you still ate 3,000 calories.

    ^ this.
    Fruit is not magical.

    ^ and this.


    Eat more than you burn, and you'll gain weight. It doesn't matter what the source of calories is.

  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    Eat to much anything and not exercise to balance it out then expect to gain!

    MODERATION =DISCIPLINE= Healthier body mind and soul! My motto!
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    oh wow i have never heard of TDEE before? mine is about 2600?

    and i exercise about 3 times a week (about 40mins) on average. cant exercise too much i have lupus SLE (autoimmune disease, can put me in the hospital if over exercise triggers a flare up etc).

    i dont know if i agree so much with the argument that if u eat too much fruits and veg u will get fat... i have never seen a fat raw food vegan who's doing it right... they eat like 5 bananas a day and huge portions of salad n veg etc lol!! but i am not raw nor vegan.

    If you are burning 2600 calories a day and take in 2700 calories a day, you're going to gain weight. Sure, there is a lot of nutritional value to fruits and vegetables, but that doesn't negate the calories.
    Fruits burn MORE calories than they actually contain. For this reason people that are on a mostly fruitarian diet can eats loads of fruit (over 3000 cals) and still be lean.

    If I ate 2500 cals of standard American diet food, I would feel a lot fuller than if I ate 2500 cals from fruit only. I would need to eat more cals from fruit because my body is burning it off at a higher rate.

    lol. The reason people who eat only fruits end up not gaining weight is because fruits are typically low in calories in relation to their serving size. You end up being full far before you would reach a point of eating above your BMR,

    The thermogenic effect of fruit does not cause a negative calorie effect. Your lack of understanding of energy balance are very clear.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    ^^ Tell me more about these nuts that are loaded with trans fats.

    I think they said bad fats, not trans fats. I wouldn't say they're bad fats but a lot of nuts are high in omega 6 fat, which triggers the inflammation response. Omega 6 itself isn't bad but must be balanced with sufficient omega 3s so if anyone eats a lot of nuts they should also have some fish in their diet or other good sources of omega 3.
  • humblestudent
    humblestudent Posts: 47 Member
    i wasnt expecting it but i lost half a kg this week! ^^ although i am going to have less smoothie tho as its cleaned me out alittle bit too well if you know what i mean... lol elimination has been 3-4 times last couple of days. o.O so will cut from 1L of green smoothie down 1 cup so that i'm only getting 750mls a day. wld be interesting to see how i go in another couple of weeks!

    hope ur all well :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Fruit is thermogenic. You can eat as much of it as you want, it will get burnt off. You can't get fat from eating too much fruit. Never seen it.

    absolutely false.
    please don't post in nutrition section if you don't know anything about nutrition
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Fruit is thermogenic. You can eat as much of it as you want, it will get burnt off. You can't get fat from eating too much fruit. Never seen it.


    ther·mo·gen·e·sis (thûrm-jn-ss, -m-)
    Generation or production of heat, especially by physiological processes.
    thermo·ge·netic (-j-ntk), thermo·genic (-jnk) adj.

    No WONDER it keeps making my ice cream melt!!!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I'm glad you're seeing the scale move!
  • skinnydreams19
    skinnydreams19 Posts: 282 Member
    I ate ~2700 every day last week (and ~3400 yesterday) but I know that for me, it's just too much - I'm not losing on it. If you ARE losing on it, however, that means that it's right. It doesn't matter what others say, proof is in the pudding!
  • knot2thin
    knot2thin Posts: 30 Member
    looking at your food diary, that breakfast is huge could you not have half of that for lunch and half for breakfast. It is very healthy but high calories.
  • Liz18492638
    So instead of working out I can just eat a bunch of fruit? It burns more calories than it contains so eating fruit= burning calories! Awesome! :wink: