5'9" ladies......what is your goal weight



  • JulieBGoood
    JulieBGoood Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 5'8 and looking at 160 as my goal weight, all I really want is a normal BMI :)
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    My goal is currently set for 160-165 (I don't want to stress over a few pounds of weight fluctuation), but seeing as I haven't been at that weight since elementary school, I'm not really sure what it'll look like on me now.

    Maybe, if I lift heavy enough, 175 or even 180 will feel right for me. Maybe I'll get down to 155 or lower. Who knows? But if you are feeling good continuing to lose weight and are eating enough, I'd say don't sweat it. You've done a great job already but that doesn't mean you can't do even better from here!
  • MicroHez
    MicroHez Posts: 125 Member
    I am initially trying for 180-185. I started at 285 (size 24), currently down to 246 (snug size 18). In high school, I was always between 145-155, BUT for whatever reason that put me at a size 16. Given that "math," I will see what a 100 lb loss looks like. If I still feel the need, I will take it down as low as 150, but the last thing I want is to look emaciated. I don't mind being a curvy girl; I just want to be a healthier curvy girl.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I'm 5'8 and looking at 160 as my goal weight, all I really want is a normal BMI :)

    ^This, except body fat % instead of BMI. (They're similar but not quite the same)

    All I'm really concerned with in the end is being healthy and happy with myself!
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    I'm 5'9" and I'm shooting for 145lbs as my ultimate goal weight. I weigh about 174 right now.
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    I'm 5'9 (well 5'8 and 3/4s!) and I weigh 135 ish. I have a slender build though... My goal and most thin ever weight is 128, but If I cant be muscular and energetic at this weight I will maintain whatever weight makes me feel best.

    I was once 140 and I felt very tired. I lost 5 pounds, eat healthy food and I exercise and now I feel awesome again.

    (But I want to see If I still feel as good at 128 as I did in high school!)
  • My comfy weight (and the weight my body loves and doesn't ever want to leave!) is 180. It's been tricky at me to stay below 175... ultimately I'd love to get comfy at 155-165!!!

    I have a medium/large frame and am pretty muscular.
  • I am 5'8 and have set my inital goal at 200 lbs. I know that I will probably want to be below that number - but figured a 60 lb. weight loss was a good place to start.
  • skelley331
    skelley331 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm only 5'7 so a little shorter than you all, but I was at 194 and now i'm at 160, have been down to 152 and looked way to skinny, I have a medium frame, at 160 now i'm wearing size 8's or 10's depending on the brand of clothing, but my body seems to like the 158-160 range.
  • I'm 5'9" and currently 157 and I just bought a new pair of stretchy dress pants from Ricki's that are a size 6 (first ever being in a size like that). My current goal is 130 and then gain muscle at that point, only because I plan on doing my first ever fitness competition with a friend next April. These are just numbers right now ladies. From what I've read, all of you have overcome obstacles already! Way to go on your weight loss and drive to become a healthier you!
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    Im 5'9ish (.2under :noway: ) Im 160. I want to get to around 135-140 and then add 5-10 lbs of muscle...I have no patience:sad:
  • Nine and a half stone
  • Ashellini
    Ashellini Posts: 95 Member
    I have a naturally slim build so my goal weight is between 140-150...whatever looks/feels good :)
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    5-8.5 here. Aiming for 155 and will re-evaluate whenever I get there.
  • weephees
    weephees Posts: 27
    I'm 5'9 and down to 143lbs now I wouldn't want to go any lower than 140lbs though I don't think. I am happy at this weight so want to continue to maintain it :smile:.
  • rschreiber
    rschreiber Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'10" or just under and my goal weight is 160-165. I don't think I could happily maintain anything less than that and be well-balanced person and have a healthy relationship with food. I've never been really in shape before, so that is also a huge goal for me. Anxious to see what I'll look like at 165 after working out for several months!
  • melissanorth35
    melissanorth35 Posts: 33 Member
    My comfy weight (and the weight my body loves and doesn't ever want to leave!) is 180. It's been tricky at me to stay below 175... ultimately I'd love to get comfy at 155-165!!!

    I have a medium/large frame and am pretty muscular.

    I found that my body has continuiously "re-set" my "set point". I was as 180 and for a long time my body seemed happy at 165. Then it was 155 and now I feel like it is not going to be so hard to push down 5 more lbs to my goal of 140.

    This ONLY started happening to me when I started intense exercise and varied exercise.

    I dropped off MFP for a solid 4 weeks due to surgery and was terrified of the scale. During those 4 weeks I did no exercise and ate garbage. I went up from 144 to 148 and I just got serious this last week again and my weight is dropping like a rock. I would have blown up if I had not been exercising like crazy leading up to surgery...it is like it takes my metabolism months to start to fire up, but then it takes quite a long time for it to slow down again.

    At this point in time, I would really have to put in some serious damage to creep back up into the 155 range....a year ago, it would have only taken the tought of fast food to make me gain weight.
  • keelerangela
    keelerangela Posts: 88 Member
    Im 5'11 and my goal weight is 180!
  • Hschoon1
    Hschoon1 Posts: 20
    I'm 5'8" and 159, with my target being 145. That being said, my body shape does NOT carry weight very well - I don't gain "all over," I gain in very select and specific areas.

    Goal weights should be wherever your body looks and feels the best; I personally perform better athletically and look "correct" when I'm a little lighter. If you feel good and look good, maybe that's your goal weight.
  • cblue07310
    cblue07310 Posts: 85 Member
    Currently, my goal weight is 180. The smallest I've been (without looking anorexic) was 150. I'm curvy and I lost alot of my curves when I was lower than 180. At 180, I was toned except my stomach no matter how much I worked on abdominals. If I can get to a toned 170 (all over) that would be ideal. 8)