What's the best weight loss / fitness advice you ever got?



  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    it's not how far you have to go, it's how far you've come.

    ^^^ seriously, has helped me so many times that i think i'll never reach my goal.
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Stop making excuses
  • ctpeace
    ctpeace Posts: 327 Member
    There've been some good ones, most are true beyond weight loss:

    If you're not willing to become uncomfortable, it is unrealistic to expect change.\

    "The wise man may fall 7 times, but gets up 7 times"

    Training is a long-haul activity. It's good to work hard, but make sure you will be able to work hard tomorrow too.
  • IIISpartacusIII
    IIISpartacusIII Posts: 252 Member
    "You can't out work a bad diet" meaning that you shouldn't binge and then tell yourself that you'll just "work it off at the gym". You won't. You'll just stay fat or get fatter. Gyms across the world are filled with people spending hours on treadmills in hopes of burning off that cheesecake and in the final balance they look pretty much the same as when they started less all the hours in their lives that are lost and that they'll never get back.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    "Don't make it harder/more complicated than it has to be." Weight loss may not be easy, but it is simple.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    You *can* eat ice cream
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    sex is a great workout, just have lots of it and it can be extra cardio. :laugh:

    The more weight you lose the more sex you might get.
  • csmith822
    csmith822 Posts: 46 Member
    Log your food. I'm a glutton when I don't write it down!
  • Skrymmorie
    Skrymmorie Posts: 30 Member
    My personal mantra for working out is just, "everyday". If I'm feeling lazy or short on time-I don't exercise for as long. But I still do it every day. It's how I hold myself accountable, and it's an awesome habit!

    Also that it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.

    Love this approach. Always would be in the mindset that if I didn't have time for a full workout, then I would take a rest day, and get it in tomorrow. Problem is I would end up with like 3-4 "rest" days in a row. This is great advice.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    To take my TDEE -20%. For once, I'm not hungry and am able to stick with a program.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    DO strength training. Be aware of what you eat. That's about it...
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    "Eat when you are hungry. When you are full, stop."

    In other words, its all about portion control

    I'm in with portion control but if I ate until I was full, well a few dozen raviolas would disappear, countless meatballs, loaves of garlic bread... I mean I STILL have trouble telling my stomach it's been fed enough for a grown adult.
  • Boazona
    Boazona Posts: 3 Member
    Eat 2-3 small meals, monitor your sodium, and be active.
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  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    sleep faster
  • xMallie
    xMallie Posts: 208 Member
    It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change - Something I tell everyone who says 'you can't do that, you're on a diet' when I have chocolate or something little. What don't people understand about 'You don't cut out treats, you just learn when you need them and when you don't'!
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    Eat to live, don't live to eat!

    it's funny- you LOOK Italian... have you known the pleasures of a loaf of bread, roasted peppers, fontinella, olive oil.... ? it's so not easy sometimes..
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Weight loss advice:
    Weigh and measure - guesstimating is a fail. Eat what you want - just don't eat a crap ton of it.

    Fitness advice:
    Lift heavy and do HIIT to improve your long-distance running performance.
  • CatMcCheesey
    "Don't believe in myths, no matter how often they're repeated."
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    ditch th e soda
    drink more soda
    only weigh in once a week
    walking is good exercise
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    "log everything you eat"