

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    No time to post this morning:sad: ! I have read all the posts and I`m thinking of you all:flowerforyou: . Just popping in to say hello and have a wonderful Thursday:bigsmile: !!!
    Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in beautiful springtime NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    morning ladies,
    well I slept in and didn't get to the gym....I wore a newer pair of sneaker's yesterday and that was a bad move... my heel is horrible today, I wrapped it in an ACE bandage and put my older sneakers on:grumble:
    I so wish this would go away, I would love to take long walks in the nice weather,but after about 500 ft my heel starts screaming..,I do the stretches, i do the exercises,I am just impatient I guess...
    I am up a couple of lbs, i was doing so well, even though I stayed under my calorie count think the sodium and or sugar has been bad..so will slow down on that..
    the tree guy left some smaller logs, think I might move some of those so I can mow the lawn....
    Hope everyone has a wonderful day xoxoxo
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning Ladies

    Blue skies in London again today. It's set to get much colder for the weekend. Grrr.

    I've been at work for two and a half hours already and this is the first opportunity I've had to come online - busy, busy, busy.

    Will crack on with work and wish you all a good day.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Hello everyone, just back from Paris! Feeling soooooo tired. You really can walk your feet off there, but because it is so fabulous you just want to keep on going! All my friends were very impressed with my weight loss and even more with my much improved walking. I was outpacing them! One friend said I had inspired her to get going on her diet, but as often happens, they don't want to do it the MFP way, eat less, move more, but some fancy way. She is going to try the 5/2 diet, which is fine, but how long can you keep it up for? We all know this is for life, so it has to be sustainable.
    I ate a tiny bit more in Paris than I normally do, but no disasters. I ate oysters and fish and salads and left the bread on the table. No desserts, but I had a scraping of my friends' ice cream, because it really is the best in the world. I did have some wine, but counted all the calories. It was all delicious anyway, so at point did I feel deprived. I carried my healthy snack around with me and had apples in my hotel room, so avoided the 'munchies' . It was great to revive our 16 year old selves. 47 years have passed since then.
    Today I go to have a blood pressure test. I'm hoping I can lower my medication dosage.
    We had glorious weather in Paris, sitting outside at 11pm, and it is sunny here today, in the South of England. DH is at the cricket and I am relaxing before going to the doctor.
    It was great to get back last night and read all your posts. For the lady who thinks she is rubbish at cooking. - we are ALL rubbish at things when we first start them. You get better with practice. If you can get used to making meals from scratch it will transform your life and save you money and be much more delicious and healthy. What a gift to yourself! Then you can put extra cheeses on your husband's and make a low fat version for yourself. I think one meal a week is a great start. I send you my best wishes and will be thinking of you.
    If this weather continues I will have to water the garden tonight!
    Love to all. CityjaneLondon
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    jmkmomm - google healthy foods delivered to your door. There are a number of services that do that and the price may be comparable to eating out all the time.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good Morning Ladies, and Happy and Blessed Thursday to you all!
    Enjoy today and take time for the Special You.
    Leaving you with the following....just because....
    Carol in WNY
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    Brooke you ask what my barrier to cooking is. I don't think it has anything to do with my MS. Both my husband and I have a problem with leftovers. .........

    Try this, and no it isn't easy but it works for us....
    Go to the library, on-line or whatever. Find a bunch of "make ahead" recipies and spend one day cooking. Place the meals in individual serving containers and freeze.

    It is all about small steps that help take you where you want to go!

    Happy Progress!!!
  • stingley1998
    stingley1998 Posts: 1 Member
    Pamela, I know how you feel! I started 2 weeks ago, actually GAINED 2 lbs after the first week, lost one after the second. So after 2 weeks of sticking to the calorie restrictions and exercising, I have a net gain of 1 lb. Like you, I only have 10 lbs to lose. That low amount, coupled with our age, is going to make it harder. I can see a difference in my body, just not on the scales. Knowing it's going to be a slower process, I'm going to challenge myself to stay OFF the scales for the next 2 weeks. That's tough to do, as I'm sure you know! Hopefully we'll both see a difference in a couple more weeks :)
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Happy to wake up another day and while cooler, it isn't raining. I'll count the little blessings! I was supposed to substitute today for 4th grade but my little dog started having seizures yesterday and is having the every 3 hours... this usually lasts 24 hours and we really can't figure out what brings them on. It all started when I had her teeth cleaned 2 years ago. Wish I could go back and not have them cleaned... and live with the bad breath! Oh well. She's a sweet little thing and I love her dearly. :heart:

    Brooke:flowerforyou: My latest favorite thing to cook is the easiest in the world Salmon!!! We eat it at least every other week... and Salmon is sooo good for you. Put the Salmon in a pan, drizzle a little olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper, then put it in a COLD oven. Turn on oven to 400 degrees and cook 25 minutes. It is amazing! Has anyone else tried it?
    Also, Pinterest has a ton of great, easy recipes that are tested by others. I thought cooking for 2 would be a lot more difficult than it has turned out to be once we became empty nesters. I have a harder time now when we have more home - I cook way too much then!! haha!:laugh:

    Off to walk dog, workout and do some quilting.
    Have a happy days and thanks for the continued encouragement.

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Sundance - my daughter's free ride was a $56,000 financial scholarship. As Vanderbilt was our first college we visited she wasn't certain she wanted an early decision (Vanderbilt's early decision was binding). The universities she requested early decision all offered huge merit scholarships. Since Vanderbilt only has a 14.2 acceptance rate we weren't even sure she'd get in. By the time she was accepted all their merit scholarships had been awarded. But I am certain that since she is graduating top 1% of her class with a 34 ACT score that they based their financial scholarship offer on her merit.

    Last night was a family celebration. Although I kept my food to a minimum, unfortunately the three strawberry margaritas put me well over the top.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Carol – LMAO loved this post, but dare I disagree, in my humble opinion EVERYONE can (and should) dance :laugh:

    Renny – Thanks so much for keeping the challenges going for all of us! :flowerforyou:

    Tea – what great advice about learning to get centered and meditate, especially before an emotional event such as surgery. I think we could (and should) all benefit from this. Thank you for the timely reminder. :smile:

    BettyAnn55 – You just joined by posting here!! Come back and share and/or read often. You’ll find words of wisdom, laughs (the occasional tear) and unending support on your health journey! :drinker:

    Katla – I don’t doubt the term may have originated elsewhere, my uncle was a die-hard Texan (and quite the “character”) and believed anything and everything originated in Texas! And thank you, I will indeed pet my unicorn with you in mind :wink: So glad the new Dr. is a good match for you and DH, sounds like he is well-versed and knows what info he needs to provide the best care

    Linda (SundanceB) – Great work on the swimming and walking. Hope the time spent with the Dr. is a big help to DD! :smile:

    CityJaneLondon – Sounds like such a fabulous time you had in Paris with your girlfriends. Hoping the glorious weather in England continues for you and that you get good news from the Doctor! :happy:

    Gail – great idea about the food delivery services! :drinker:

    Carol (again) – Loved your post, great words to live each day by! :smile:

    Stingley1998 – I think that is a terrific idea re: staying off the scale for a couple weeks. Gives your minds and bodies time to adjust to and catch up with the new healthy choices you’re making! :happy:

    Tammy – I too just love salmon, it is fast, easy and of course delicious. I find it to be very versatile too in that you can put any number of “sauces” on it to change it up, or just leave it plain. Yum!!!! :love:

    Cheryl - You deserved to celebrate, your daughter's success is something to be very proud of! :drinker:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last chapter.”
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone! I managed to get another section of the garden walkway done last night after a super stressful day at work – I really need garden therapy these days. We have quarterly reporting coming up for the first time in on my project so everyone’s in a dither about what’s going on. Yesterday I took ownership of two reports that had been languishing – now I lay awake running code in my head. Past two days I’ve been up by 3am; this morning I got up and did yoga rather than lay around in bed, but now I’m feeling it. I can see a nap on the horizon at some point.

    I took a quick break to go to the dentist to get a crown molded – we’ve been playing appointment tag since February and yesterday was no different. Usually he’s really good about keeping on top of things and trying not to waste people’s time, but he ran into an emergency so after I had been there for about five minutes his receptionist, to whom I had just been grousing about having to keep rescheduling, said we were going to have to reschedule again. Gah. Fortunately he puts the temporaries on with crazy glue so they don’t come off.

    I came home and stress-ate. I just couldn’t stop myself. I had eaten very lightly all day and was starving to begin with. Just not a good day. However I made up for it (sort of) with a yummy, healthy dinner. Everyone loved it. Today when I’m feeling stressed I’m going to go shovel rock. I think that’s a good plan, don’t you?

    Sonja, shopping with an 11yo is tiring! I hope you had fun.

    Robin, YES to music! I lovelovelove listening to music and keep my ipod with me most places, including gardening. It makes the time go by so quickly. Your work situation sounds like it will be at least tolerable for the near term. I still hope you find something else to do.

    Katla, hoping your DH has a positive experience with his new doctor. You’re right – cooperation would be great!

    JaneM, I’m so sorry your friend turned out to be so distrustful. It sounds like she has something else going on.

    Brooke, maybe you could try making some “clean” sides to go with DH’s meat and potatoes, then eat lightly of his foods and more of yours?

    Jmkmomm – so glad to hear DH’s stress test went well! I don’t know what to tell you about cooking – it’s in my blood so I have a hard time imagining not cooking, but it makes such a difference if you can control your nutrition yourself.

    Viv, here’s a little encouragement that getting out in the fresh air for some exercise will actually invigorate you! Go enjoy that sunshine while it’s here!

    Kathy, you sound like you’re doing great – and good luck with the job!

    Meg, you lucky duck – enjoy the sunshine. I don’t know what to tell you about the fitbit – it sounds fussy :frown:. On my almonds (roasted with no salt or oil) I can have about 14 or ¼ cup/serving – and it’s definitely enough for a snack (plus it fills my “munchie” cravings). You sound like you need to declare a five-minute buffer zone – close the door to the den and don’t let anyone enter until you’ve unwound.

    Aw, heartwarming Mary :smile::flowerforyou:. Yep, I’ve been suffering a case of the stiffs the past two days although thankfully today is better than yesterday. Yoga helped get the lower back in shape again.

    Juanita, lol at your “male” sick puppy – following type. Hope he feels better soon.

    Brooke, you crack me up when you’re not making me cry. I’m sitting down so no tears running down my legs :laugh:. Good advice to gmkmomm!

    Barbie, that’s a great way to eat if you’re going to go out for a meal. Did you have fun at the dump? I remember taking DS with us when we went to get rid of some construction material (deconstruction?) – he had a blast throwing rocks at the glass.

    Carol, LOL!!! You have to save the image as a tiny jpg before you post it, I think. I’m still working on the process myself.

    Michele, DSD had some graham crackers last night and noticed the recipe on the back for the refrigerator cake made with pudding and cool whip. Now I won’t touch cool whip with a 10 foot pole, but I figure I can probably find a way to make it “somewhat” healthy for her. It looks yummy. For the brussel sprouts, any vinegar will do, but I like balsamic because the higher sugar content makes it “glaze” better. Once my mom got me some fig balsamic vinegar from California – that was sooo good! I’m hoping the preen will be buried under six inches of mulch, and now with no dogs we shouldn’t have any tracking in the house (they were the only ones who actually walked IN the flower beds instead of around).

    LindaB, how cool that you can webex with the doctor! I hope you can find time to enjoy your day off.

    Amanda, still looking for spring here too.

    CityJane, good for you for leaving the bread! There were some restaurants there that had disappointing bread (mostly the touristy places) but when we found good bread there was no stopping us :laugh:. Best wishes with your blood pressure check.

    Stingley, you’re right – and at the start your body is making adjustments so it might hold onto its calories for all it’s worth. Stay away from the scale and it will eventually become your friend again.

    Oh, Tammy, I hope your dog is OK!

    Cheryl, I think I missed it – your DD got into Vandy? That was DH’s first choice – until he unexpectedly got into UVA. He still roots for them in sports. Best wishes – she sounds brilliant!

    OK, back to work. Hmm, I seem to say that all the time. Oh, well, it’s my reality right now. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and finds a sunny spot to relax.


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    . Both my husband and I have a problem with leftovers. If something is cooked it's eaten then. We jsut don't have the will power. My husband is much worse than I am. He has no will power what so ever. Plus my ability is poor. I like to use cream of mushroom soup in making gravy with pork chops or chopped steak. I can use my George Foreman to cook things on the grill but I really don't know a lot about seasoning things. We love our mashed potatoes, and love them with extra butter. I wouldn't know how to use a wok if I had one. Salads to me need to be made with ice berg lettuce, nothing with those green leaves that look like weeds. I don't like the texture in my mouth. I need a real dressing and not something made with vinegar or oil. Maybe I just don't know how to make these things taste good. I really am very limited as to my cooking experience. .

    I have a leftover problem too. But I have gotten much better at cooking just what we need to eat. healthly cooking isn't hard. Steaming or roasting veggies is simple. Make them tasty with spices and such. Experiment. the great thing about vegies is if you don't like what you sprinkled on them you can wash them off and start over:wink:

    A wok is easy. Heat a tablespoon of oil, dump food into it when it is good and hot, stir quickly add some seasoning or sauce and eat.

    When you say you lonly like real dressings and cream and butter and such it is because that is what you know and are accustomed to. Sometimes new tastes, flavors, and textures take a while to aquire. You could give it a try. Add one new clean food to your day for a week. Once you have learned to love fresh healthy food the other fatty salty stuff just doesn't taste as good as you remembered it and you feel so yucky when you eat it after your body has gotten used to running on clean food. It makes it easier in the end to stay away from it. Then you can deal with the demons like wanting to consume too much fruit or nuts or avacados or any othe healthy foods that just taste soooo good.

    I didn't cook growing up or in my first or second marriage. (my husbands liked to cook and I was lazy) I didn't even cook in my third marriage until I got laid off in 2006. I was stuck at home and I started watching cooking shows on TV. There are som many now adays that is easy to learn new recipes and techniques. You just have to give it a try and beleive me there have been disasters. Now I absolutely love to cook and play with fresh herbs that I grow. I am also still addicted to cooking shows. :blushing:

    Good luck.

    Hello other lovely ladies,
    I am hanging in there. Listening to the Celtic Women station and Beattles station on Pandora and looking forward to this weekend.

    Next Wednesday I start working with the new manager. So Yay!!!!

    Have a good one.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter

    still sunny in the PNW
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    It is another gorgeous morning in paradise and I have two enticing plans for the day. First, I’m going to yoga. I look forward to it and wonder if my friend will really come. Second, I’m going to wash the boat. When that chore is done, the grumpies will be banished and DH will be forgiven for his errant timing. :bigsmile:

    On a less enticing note, I need to see if the local clock repair person will make house calls. I messed up while winding my grandmother clock and bumped the pendulum upwards. It has stopped working. :cry: My mom’s sister gave her the clock in honor of the birth of her first grand child, my son. She left it to him, but he doesn’t want it at present so I’m keeping it for him. I’ve been keeping it for him for more than a decade, and I don’t think his new wife is particularly desirous of having it. It is made of myrtlewood, and very pretty. :love: I don't mind having it.:wink:

    Have a great day!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Thursday!

    Today is my DD's birthday (28) and we are going to Red Lobster for lunch. I hope I have enough willpower to only eat one Cheddar Biscuit! They are soooo good. She met her first goal of losing 25 pounds by her birthday! My NSV for today-I was able to get off the floor after stretching much easier and quicker than I have in years! Normally it's not a pretty sight when I'm trying to get back up.:laugh: I have to admit my self esteem has gone up since losing these 46 lbs. and I'm feeling more energetic and positive about the job hunting process than I have in the past. I did apply for my dream job this morning, which is working at a no kill animal rescue, so I have fingers and toes crossed that I hear back!

    Grandmallie- Keep me posted please about what you think of the PB2! I've heard a lot about it but haven't brought myself to
    abandon my precious Skippy yet, even though I have drastically cut down on it. Also, I hope you are able to get
    relief for your heel soon! :flowerforyou:

    Mary-Great post! Way to go-jumping right into things here!:flowerforyou:

    Juanita- Glad your puppy is feeling better! Too funny about the being a male comment. :laugh:

    Alisa1958- Thanks for the encouragement and I do agree consistency is key even tho it ain't easy!

    Jmkmomm- I never was much of a cook when I was younger and raising my 2 kids. I did a lot of one dish casseroles at that time.
    Believe me, I'm no gourmet chef by any means now but try to learn new recipes here and there and have found
    good websites like fatsecret.com from MFP members. Now when my DD tells her dad (my ex) about something
    new I cooked, he complains, "She didn't cook like that when we were married.":laugh: :laugh: Of course, I don't let
    DH know its healthy or he would not eat it.:noway:

    Brooke- Love the quotes you share with us!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- We have cut down tremendously on eating out but I hope someday that I will be able to eat as healthy as you when we do
    go out. I'm better about my choices and usually try to check out nutritional content ahead of time but nowhere as
    disciplined as you!:flowerforyou:

    Cook56ny-That picture of the pole dancer and caption gave me a chuckle :wink:

    Michele- Canasta, wow, that brings up memories! Haven't played that in years, not even sure if I completely remember it. Used
    to play it with partners, years ago!:smile:

    Linda-I hope the web conference with the doctor turned out be useful for you and your DD! My DD has anxiety problems and gets
    panic attacks, although way less frequently now, so I know, as a parent, how helpless you feel to see them struggling!
    Your daughter has a great mom who's trying to get her help to flourish!:flowerforyou:

    Have to go get ready to go out. Sorry I don't have time to respond to more of you but I have caught up on all your posts and hugs to all!:flowerforyou:


    P.S. As I was writing this, I got a call from one of the fitness instructors at the gym. I signed up for a free fitness assessment when I just rejoined and I have it scheduled now for next week. I am kind of excited about this especially now that I have lost some weight. Maybe this will be what I need to get me more motivated to continue on this path and reach my next goal!!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Tuesday night a terrible accident took the life of DH cousin Brenda, eleven days after we lost her sister Patty to cancer.
    Rest in Peace Brenda and Patty you are together in heaven as you were in life with Little Bit and Levi to keep you company.

    In loving memory of Brenda who loved the outdoors, digging and planting in the garden.

    Come, meet me in the garden, Lord; The day is fresh and bright ...-
    I'd like to walk and talk with Thee, And glory in Thy might...
    Come, meet me in the garden, Lord, And take me by the hand;
    The flowers are blooming all around, And the trees are tall and grand...
    Come meet me in the garden, Lord; Bestow on me Thy love -
    Endow me with new hope and peace, And blessings from above...
    Come meet me in the garden, Lord; How happy I will be -
    Uplift my heart and soul with joy, And set my spirit free!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    that was lovely Laurel,
    I am finally sitting down, I didnt make it to the gym today,but Holy Cow I got a work-out,I think the DH is rubbing off on me,the tree guy that came last weekend didn't finish the job yet,because he underestimated the job, plus his truck broke down,there was about 75 chopped logs and sticks sitting in the yard, and I needed to mow the lawn, sooooo he had left his big wheelbarrow here, so ol Allie got out there and picked up and stacked the logs near the road, and raked and picked up the sticks, then mowed the lawn...
    I must say I am rather proud of myself because last year I would never have had the stamina for that..I wrapped my heel with the ace bandage this morning, but took it off just now.. YOOOOW it really really hurts, I will be talking to DH tonight and ordering that darn boot, I need this to heal , and I dont want to wait for forever and a day...
    I am sitting out here on the deck with the 2 boys and I just had a snack.. it is a tad cold ,but sunny .. I will take it...
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I got through my "hungry day" and feel myself again. Looking forward to the weekend. We are going to see my DH's cousin's band on Friday night and doing a 5K walk for Multiple Myeloma on Saturday morning. Thank God they are predicting beautiful weather. I will get to see my sister and her whole family and spend some quality time with them after the walk. Couldn't post yesterday as work was crazy busy, but got caught up today. I love reading all of the posts. I always get useful information which I probably couldn't figure out on my own, so thanks for sharing all of your knowledge!

    :wink: Jodios – Your body needs fuel to work out hard, so if you’re feeling hungry, it might be best to eat back those exercise calories.

    :happy: Sue – Nice pic! Looks like you had a fabulous time on the cruise.

    :wink: Outwardlycalm – If you set a goal that is too ambitious, you could be setting yourself up for failure. If you follow the calorie plan given by MFP and add a little exercise, the weight will come off.

    :glasses: Kate – Spring will be here soon enough. Your trip to Ireland sounds wonderful. I’m sure it was beautiful there.

    :devil: DeeDee – Drink lots of water to get rid of the sodium.

    :happy: M – I decided that as long as it’s not every day, it’s OK to eat more on hungry days. Maybe my body is trying to tell me something! Thanks so much for the info on the BMI & BMR. I never would have found that myself!

    :tongue: Mary & Alison – Thanks for the info on the Infuse Flavor It. I found it on the BB&B website and plan to pick one up at a store near me.

    :happy: Robin – So glad you found something to make you feel happy again & that things are looking up at work.

    :wink: Katla – You’re lucky to have doctors who are willing to cooperate with each other.

    :noway: Janemartin – Paper towels? REALLY??? Hope your move goes smoothly.

    :ohwell: Brooke – Scales can be tricky, so good luck with your new plan.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy – Good luck with the 2nd interview.

    :smile: Meg – I always clip my pedometer to my waistband on the right side of my pants. It seems to work well there. Good luck finding a spot that works for you.

    :devil: Barbie – I admire your commitment to healthy eating. I have lost weight mostly through portion control, but I still love to eat out and although I tend to choose healthier choices most of the time, I don’t know if I could give all the “goodies” up forever. I enjoy those meals (although I usually take home half) and get right back on track the next day.

    :laugh: Carol – OMG! ROFL!!! Loved your “stripper” quote.

    :smile: Joyce – It is hard to try new things. I was afraid to try spaghetti squash the first time, but found out it was so easy to make and didn’t require anything special to make it! You just cut it in half, scoop out all the seeds and place face down on a foiled flat pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes to an hour (depends on size, so keep checking). When it’s soft, you can shred the insides with a fork and it comes out like spaghetti! It’s great as a side dish or you can dress it up with sauce.

    :flowerforyou: CityJaneLondo – Your trip to Paris with your friends sounds lovely.

    :smile: Tammy – There are many things you can do with salmon and they are all delicious and so easy to make!

    :brokenheart: LaurilFisher – So sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Anyone who is new has joined just by posting. To find us, just go to MY TOPICS under COMMUNITY.
    We are all in this together, and together we are strong, so keep coming back!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • twotonnetarice
    twotonnetarice Posts: 18 Member
    FInally got to skim the pages from the past 10 or so days. I simply don't have the time to reply individually this time, but hope that I can get back on track again to do that. I always appreciate advice, empathy and the general kindness of this group.

    As for me, I just think that I am eternally frustrated with my body. I traveled last week and will be traveling a lot again in the upcoming months. I joined MFP with the intention of losing weight before my cruise, which looms large and is so close that it is unlikely that I will lose the 8 pounds that I had hoped to lose in April. I know that is true because I now need to lose 12 pounds, since I gained 4. Such is life.

    I still continue to do the 30DS and there are actually days that I think that my clothes are loser. I have taken measurements and have lost .5 inches total, which is pathetic. I find it hard to know where I measured the previous time. Somebody told me it was stupid to try to lose weight before a cruise because I would just gain weight on the cruise. Well, I must say that for me that general is not the case as I am careful about what I eat and I try to hit the gym everyday.

    I have upped my exercise and have tried to bicycle 10 miles per day(the weather hasn't been cooperating), thinking that perhaps that would help with weightloss. I know my losing pattern, so it's not surprising that weight doesn't go away. I think that my body likes being fat.

    To those of you considering acupuncture, I have found it wonderful. I did it to prevent gallbladder surgery and am glad that I was able to cancel the surgery. I feel better all over with more energy and just a feeling of well-being. It could be a combination of watching what I eat and exercising, but I really do notice an improvement.

    In spite of the lack of weightloss and relatively small decrease inch-wise, I am still logging food and exercising. I know that I went way over my calorie limit last week, but not 4 pounds worth.

    It was good to hear that some of you have reached milestones and sad to hear that some of you are having personal difficulties. I hope that everybody gets to a place that feels comfortable to them.
