Need to lose 50 Pounds and I am going Low-Carb



  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wait, is low carb under 100g a day? Will that help at all? Curious.

    I average slightly less than 100 grams of carb a day (more on my heavier exercise days, less on my rest days) and I am doing just fine. Losing about a pound a week. I would call what I do "lower carb" and I do not eat gluten or sugar. Get pretty much all of my carbs from vegetables and a bit of rice or steel cut oats and some from fruit. Works for me (and believe me, I have tried every diet there is). But, some people prefer keto as they need the appetite suppression it gives. My plan gives what I would call "appetite control" but not suppression.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I average slightly less than 100 grams of carb a day (more on my heavier exercise days, less on my rest days) and I am doing just fine. Losing about a pound a week. I would call what I do "lower carb" and I do not eat gluten or sugar. Get pretty much all of my carbs from vegetables and a bit of rice or steel cut oats and some from fruit. Works for me (and believe me, I have tried every diet there is). But, some people prefer keto as they need the appetite suppression it gives. My plan gives what I would call "appetite control" but not suppression.
    See, and this is the nice thing about "low-carb" ... people CAN be low-carb without being ketogenic, and still reap the benefits.

    Some of us need the ketogenic ratio not just for appetite suppression - as mulberry mentioned - but also for glycemic control. Not everybody does.

    You CAN go low-carb without being ketogenic. Heck, if you simply cut out refined carbs (flours and sugars) you'll more than likely be under 150g a day (unless you eat a ton of starchy veggies and high calorie fruits), which many consider 'low-carb'.

    The idea that low-carb is "dangerous" or causes "ketoacidosis" or is "too low to fuel your brain", etc., is all nonsense. People can be as low-carb as they want or need to be with no issues.
  • kdarcy66
    kdarcy66 Posts: 2

    I am trying to keep my carbs at a reasonble level-blood sugar a little high. I have found a lot of Trader Joe frozen or refrigerated meals that are low carb and can heat up in crock pot. I bought a mini crock pot for work-it"s been working great.

    Now if I could only control myself in the evening! Work in progress.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    so is 150g low carb? or do i need to cut even more? I did carb nite solution and hated the 30g a day lol but I think i can go a little lower
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    so is 150g low carb?
    ... that depends on your opinion of 'low carb' ... It's lower than normal intake for most people, but it's certainly not going to get you into ketosis or become keto-adapted...
    or do i need to cut even more?
    That depends on your metabolic condition... do you have a metabolic reason to go lower carb, ie: a diagnosis of diabetes, insulin-resistance from pre-diabetes, metabolic-syndrome, PCOS, Hashimoto's thyroiditis or are you what's considered 'morbidly obese'?

    If you don't fall under any of those criteria, you don't necessarily need to go lower carb.

    If you have trouble with hunger cravings while eating higher carb, but sufficient calories, that may indicate an undiagnosed issue with carbohydrate metabolism and it might be wise to cut back to see if it reduces cravings...
    I did carb nite solution and hated the 30g a day lol but I think i can go a little lower
    Again, unless you have a real medical reason to do so, not everybody needs low-carb. Certainly most of us benefit from reducing our intake of refined-carbohydrate and replacing some of it with more nutritious sources such as non-starchy fresh veggies and some fruit, but without a metabolic or other medical reason to do so, it's not really necessary to be low-carb for weight-loss.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    so is 150g low carb?
    ... that depends on your opinion of 'low carb' ... It's lower than normal intake for most people, but it's certainly not going to get you into ketosis or become keto-adapted...
    or do i need to cut even more?
    That depends on your metabolic condition... do you have a metabolic reason to go lower carb, ie: a diagnosis of diabetes, insulin-resistance from pre-diabetes, metabolic-syndrome, PCOS, Hashimoto's thyroiditis or are you what's considered 'morbidly obese'?

    If you don't fall under any of those criteria, you don't necessarily need to go lower carb.

    If you have trouble with hunger cravings while eating higher carb, but sufficient calories, that may indicate an undiagnosed issue with carbohydrate metabolism and it might be wise to cut back to see if it reduces cravings...
    I did carb nite solution and hated the 30g a day lol but I think i can go a little lower
    Again, unless you have a real medical reason to do so, not everybody needs low-carb. Certainly most of us benefit from reducing our intake of refined-carbohydrate and replacing some of it with more nutritious sources such as non-starchy fresh veggies and some fruit, but without a metabolic or other medical reason to do so, it's not really necessary to be low-carb for weight-loss.

    Thank you for that input....there is a medical reason why my body doesn't do carbs like everyone else's. But it's more hormonal. Low carb is the only thing that seems to work for me, I just didn't want to be fooling myself in thinking that 150g was low carb when it isn't. I will stick to this plan of action then, and see where I'm at in 6 months.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member

    .... some times... some people.... gah.

    Lowcarb can work. Eating all carbs in sight after wont work. Feel free to add me. If you think about olden day people, majority of thier diet was veggies and meat. Potatoes/whole grains/Corn/ Carrots are good carbs. But your body really doesnt need the pasta, candy, sugar, and obvious crap carbs.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    good luck but that has never worked for me...mainly because if u dont do low carb basically forever you will gain back the weight FAST...

    That is not true... That is nothing to do with low carb... That is the same reason why every diet fails... People lose commitment and focus and fall back into bad habits and that's why they put on weight. Low carb is a very effective way to lose fat and there is no reason why it can't be sustainable in the long run providing you remain committed, which is what is required for any healthy diet and lifestyle.

    HIGH 5'S TO THIS GUY ^^ :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Amen!! :happy:

    That is not true... That is nothing to do with low carb... That is the same reason why every diet fails... People lose commitment and focus and fall back into bad habits and that's why they put on weight. Low carb is a very effective way to lose fat and there is no reason why it can't be sustainable in the long run providing you remain committed, which is what is required for any healthy diet and lifestyle.

    Right ~ I'm determined to never go back to the super high carb diet I'd eaten for decades. I don't intend to do NO carb, but LOW, yes, I hope to make this my forever lifestyle. It works for *me*, but I wouldn't insist it does for *all*.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Another book: The Smarter Science of Slim, or if you want the info for free, try the website: or listen to the podcasts on iTunes or LowER carb, but only advocates giving up starches, not carbs.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    good luck but that has never worked for me...mainly because if u dont do low carb basically forever you will gain back the weight FAST...

    That is not true... That is nothing to do with low carb... That is the same reason why every diet fails... People lose commitment and focus and fall back into bad habits and that's why they put on weight. Low carb is a very effective way to lose fat and there is no reason why it can't be sustainable in the long run providing you remain committed, which is what is required for any healthy diet and lifestyle.

    I can effectively say that I am a walking proof that weight comes back if you don't look at fitness and eating right as a lifestyle rather than just a journey to a goal. Bad habits do return, so whatever it is you use to lose the weight, make sure you have a maintenance plan that includes a lifestyle that you can maintain. As far as the low carb part... totally can be sustained, and that doesn't mean you can't ever have a slice of bread or tasty pastry now and then, just making smarter decisions on the whole. And I can't stress enough how important it is to keep at exercise rather than stopping at your goal. I also need to lose 50 - 80lb depending how I feel at each goal (Again and this time I have a whole different outlook) add me if you wish. best of luck.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member

    .... some times... some people.... gah.

    Lowcarb can work. Eating all carbs in sight after wont work. Feel free to add me. If you think about olden day people, majority of thier diet was veggies and meat. Potatoes/whole grains/Corn/ Carrots are good carbs. But your body really doesnt need the pasta, candy, sugar, and obvious crap carbs.

    ^^^This^^^ Our ancestors did not eat much sugar (it was pretty expensive until modern times). In 1900, the average person ate 1 pound of sugar per year, now the per capita consumption has been estimated at 150 pounds a year! Our total calories have increased since 1900 but the amount of fat has remained about the same and the amount of meat has actually gone down a bit. Guess what is responsible for the increase in calories---sugar and simple carbohydrates. Since the vast increase in "convenience foods" in the last several decades (almost all of which contain obvious or "hidden" sugars), our national waistline has expanded as never before.:frown:
  • CaptainHNNNGGG
    CaptainHNNNGGG Posts: 205 Member
    I'm cutting with 495 carbs a day. You jelly?
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    Low carb Really works for a sugar addict like me.

    For me that means mostly great vegetables, berries, healthy proteins and some good fats like avocados, raw nuts and olive oil. Little by little I try and create cleaner, less processed meals and really like watching my sodium (so bacon is very minimal for me)

    I have lots of quick, easy prepare ahead meal ideas. Use Lots of products that are already pre measured and pre packed like string cheese, hard boiled eggs, tuna pouches, turkey burger patties (awesome from Trader Joes), snack bags of nuts. There are some great 3 net carb tortillas by La Tortilla (50 cals), 5 net carb breads(45 cals) too.

    Other items I just weight and bag up for the week so it's quick to grab. (Get a scale@$10 at Walmart .)
    I like to bake a tray of tilapia,and a crock pot of chicken each weekend to bag up in 4 ounce portions for the week.

    I make my own salad dressing for the week and put them in containers.
    "Honey" mustard (1T. Apple cider vinegar , 1 t. Mustard, 1 pkg. Stevia-30 calories, no carbs)
    Sweet and sour(1T. Apple cider vinaigrette, 2/3 T. Olive oil, 1 pkg. Stevia-60 calories, no carbs)
    I can take my dressing in my purse to any restaurant to top a grilled chicken salad, so I'm always "safe" eating out too.

    I could go on and on. Just want to encourage you on your journey. Try to not let other people discourage your efforts, I'm sure they mean well, but clearly different things work for different people.

  • dmjansen
    dmjansen Posts: 1 Member
    What do you find most effective to eat on carb nite.. Tomorrow will be my second one
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    What do you find most effective to eat on carb nite.. Tomorrow will be my second one

    I often will eat mashed potatoes the night before a workout. Recharges the glycogen about as well as anything I expect.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    good luck but that has never worked for me...mainly because if u dont do low carb basically forever you will gain back the weight FAST...

    That is not true... That is nothing to do with low carb... That is the same reason why every diet fails... People lose commitment and focus and fall back into bad habits and that's why they put on weight. Low carb is a very effective way to lose fat and there is no reason why it can't be sustainable in the long run providing you remain committed, which is what is required for any healthy diet and lifestyle.

    I agree with the above statement. Low carb really means eating in a way our bodies are designed for. Our ancestors were never exposed to the insane amount of refined sugar that is present in modern day diets. Will you put on weight if you go back to eating too much sugar? Absolutely, a balanced long term sustainable approach is to never over do refined sugar. Natural sugar found in berries and citrus is so beneficial, but the white refined sugar should be used sparingly.

    I don't miss it at all, and this is my new lifestyle not a diet.
  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Another book: The Smarter Science of Slim, or if you want the info for free, try the website: or listen to the podcasts on iTunes or LowER carb, but only advocates giving up starches, not carbs.

    Great podcast, it has helped me so much
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    enjoy staying fat....low carb is bad news..let me know how gaining weight feels!:)

    I have been eating lower carb for three years and have not gained an ounce in all that time (and have lost a lot of weight, as you can see). When I followed a strictly low-calorie format, I was constantly frustrated, hungry and exhausted.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    good luck but that has never worked for me...mainly because if u dont do low carb basically forever you will gain back the weight FAST...

    That is not true... That is nothing to do with low carb... That is the same reason why every diet fails... People lose commitment and focus and fall back into bad habits and that's why they put on weight. Low carb is a very effective way to lose fat and there is no reason why it can't be sustainable in the long run providing you remain committed, which is what is required for any healthy diet and lifestyle.

    I agree with the above statement. Low carb really means eating in a way our bodies are designed for. Our ancestors were never exposed to the insane amount of refined sugar that is present in modern day diets. Will you put on weight if you go back to eating too much sugar? Absolutely, a balanced long term sustainable approach is to never over do refined sugar. Natural sugar found in berries and citrus is so beneficial, but the white refined sugar should be used sparingly.

    I don't miss it at all, and this is my new lifestyle not a diet.

    I so agree. I have not eaten any sugary foods for three years and I never miss it. I am so much healthier for optimizing my diet.