Avocado... What to do with it?



  • GiddyNZ
    GiddyNZ Posts: 136 Member
    On toast with salt and pepper, or hummus..

    great to add to all kinds of salads..

    Turn it into guacamole..

    I love corn fritters.. dice tomato, avocado and capsicum.. mix in bowl with basil pesto, little oil and S&P.. put on top of fritters.. nomnomnom..

    Avocado and chicken sandwich..

    So many yummy things to do with it :)
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Endless possibilities...I can't imagine life without a daily avocado.

    One of my favorite breakfasts is an avocado egg bowl: 1 whole avocado sliced in half, crack an egg into each hole and bake ;)


    My chocolate avocado cake! (sound's weird, but so good) There's avocado in the cake AND frosting


    And usually in my "detox" salad, which I have after a, a breakfast of French toast and bacon or b, after a night of ribs...sorry, poor quality
  • This is one of my favorite things, EVER: Avocado Cashew Pesto. http://thepassionatecook.typepad.com/thepassionatecook/2009/06/spaghetti_with_.html

    I tweak the recipe a bit to suit me, but either way, it's a great use of avocado. Personally I buy at least 5-10 avocado each week. Both my daughter and I love to just cut them up and eat them plain.
  • amyljl77
    amyljl77 Posts: 43 Member
    This might be weird but I mash it up and spread it over a piece of wheat toast and then top it with basil, tomato and a little mustard. Very yummy!
  • tinkerbell42381
    tinkerbell42381 Posts: 44 Member
    all great ideas - can't wait to try them!
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    Eat it with a spoon!! *drool*

    I love to mush mine up and add a little Greek yogurt, pinch of salt, and put it on some toast.

    There's also a new cookbook out (or almost out) called "Absolutely Avocado". I'm assuming its full of great ideas :)
  • Kaliforniagurl
    Kaliforniagurl Posts: 2 Member
    I take and mash a medium avocado and mix with a 5oz can tuna add salt and pepper and press 1 clove garlic into it .I know it sounds weird but it is great served on cucumbers or crackers :)
  • Szacoma
    Szacoma Posts: 1 Member
    A REALLY good recipe for breakfast that includes avocado is as follows:

    Layer in this order;
    Toasted Whole Wheat english muffin half
    Slices of fresh avocado
    Hashbrowns(optional, its still great without it)
    A poached or over easy egg(salt and pepper to taste)
    Fresh lettuce and spinach
    Drizzle of balsalmic vinegar on top

    It is so rediculously good! I hope you try it.
  • mrsjoyw
    mrsjoyw Posts: 80 Member
    Omygosh, Really? EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little lemon juice, garlic salt... Or mash it and add the lemon juice, garlic salt, finely chopped onion and tomato, jalapeno, cilantro and you have guacamole! I LOVE avocados! I would truly eat one a day if I could! And they are good for you too!! Enjoy!

    Look on line for recipes.. there is even a recipe for green ice cream using avocado!

    LOL!! I so agree!!! I would eat one every day too if I could! I COULD but I know it's not a good thing. Just give me a spoon, that's all I need to eat an avocado. Geez you guys are experts! All of these recipes are killing me!! Avocado milk shakes, tuna/egg salad...this is avocado heaven!! I have one at home now just waiting on me!
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Omygosh, Really? EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little lemon juice, garlic salt... Or mash it and add the lemon juice, garlic salt, finely chopped onion and tomato, jalapeno, cilantro and you have guacamole! I LOVE avocados! I would truly eat one a day if I could! And they are good for you too!! Enjoy!

    Look on line for recipes.. there is even a recipe for green ice cream using avocado!

    LOL!! I so agree!!! I would eat one every day too if I could! I COULD but I know it's not a good thing. Just give me a spoon, that's all I need to eat an avocado. Geez you guys are experts! All of these recipes are killing me!! Avocado milk shakes, tuna/egg salad...this is avocado heaven!! I have one at home now just waiting on me!

    How is it not a good thing to eat a whole avocado in a day?? I can't imagine life without my daily avocado (Slight exaggeration, haha). Granted, I keep my nut intake lower than I used to. If you're counting fat grams, monounsaturated fats are clearly good for you and I do like to get my fats from one main source a day.
  • mrsjoyw
    mrsjoyw Posts: 80 Member
    Omygosh, Really? EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A little lemon juice, garlic salt... Or mash it and add the lemon juice, garlic salt, finely chopped onion and tomato, jalapeno, cilantro and you have guacamole! I LOVE avocados! I would truly eat one a day if I could! And they are good for you too!! Enjoy!

    Look on line for recipes.. there is even a recipe for green ice cream using avocado!

    LOL!! I so agree!!! I would eat one every day too if I could! I COULD but I know it's not a good thing. Just give me a spoon, that's all I need to eat an avocado. Geez you guys are experts! All of these recipes are killing me!! Avocado milk shakes, tuna/egg salad...this is avocado heaven!! I have one at home now just waiting on me!

    How is it not a good thing to eat a whole avocado in a day?? I can't imagine life without my daily avocado (Slight exaggeration, haha). Granted, I keep my nut intake lower than I used to. If you're counting fat grams, monounsaturated fats are clearly good for you and I do like to get my fats from one main source a day.

    Hold on! LOL!! Wait a minute!! Are you saying that I CAN eat an avocado EVERY DAY!?!?!? Whewwwwwwww dont tell me THAT!!! I need to sit down, I feel faint! LOL!! I know they are the good fat but I still thought that it would be too much of a good thing if I ate one every day. I've been limiting myself to one a week although I do eat the entire thing in one sitting.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • bluebirds5
    bluebirds5 Posts: 92 Member
    peel, pit, and slice sprinkle generously with lime juice add a little sprinkle of salt. Super yummy!
  • KlaMorgan
    KlaMorgan Posts: 72 Member
    Spinich Smoothie with Avocado and Apple

    1 1/2 cups apple juice
    2 cups stemmed and chopped spinach or kale
    1 apple—unpeeled, cored, and chopped
    1/2 avocado, chopped

    puree while adding water for consistency of your liking...
    its SO GOOD.

    I also like to put avocado in my tuna with salsa.. YUM
  • Chicen el greico,
    Take 2 chicken boneless chicken breasts cook them up, make sure they're flat kind of, you'll be aiming to make a sort of sandiwch with them(Also if your caloric intake needs to be lower just use 1 breast and cut it in half)
    Tear that avocado open mash it up, put a little bit of salt and pepper on it.
    Take about 7 whole olives cut them in half, now lay out a chicken breast
    Smear that acovado all over it, the whole thing! top it with the cut olives, place the other chicken breast over it.
  • CarlyQ80
    CarlyQ80 Posts: 3 Member
    this is a yummy recipe and uses avocados!


    It's great during summer months.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I LOVE making avocados this way :

    Boil an egg or two and put them in the same bowl as the avocado, mush everything with a fork, add salt, olive oil, and some pepper and eat it with bread!
  • bayofham
    bayofham Posts: 2
    I just found a choco-vado. Which is avocado with carob powder and a bit of almond milk blended together. Real creamy, smooth like mousse. Sometimes I put in honey or garnish with strawberries.

    I love avocado- salads, solo, with shrimp, doesn't matter.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    bump to read for later :)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    I eat avocado pretty much every day...actually even have a profile pic that says keep calm and eat avocados. I eat them on my eggs or toast for breakfast, on sandwiches, mixed in with egg salad, regular salad, or chopped salad which I just chop cucumbers, bell peppers, and avocado. Avocado stacks with tomato and balsamic. Hummus, As a pasta "sauce", with edamame and kale, with fish tacos, on pizza, tossed with quinoa, seriously I feel like Bubba in Forest Gump....you can pretty much eat it with anything savory. I've heard people eating it as an ice cream but I prefer eating mine in savory ways versus sweet.